MELJUN CORTES Manual Ms Word Comp01

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

A. Microsoft WordA component of the Microsoft office system that handles and primarily conceded with word-

 processing, and the creation of documents.


1. Title Bar displays the program name and the name of the document being written or edited.Carrying the usual Minimize, Maximize/estore and Close application buttons.

!. Menu Bar contains the main "ord for "indows Menu.

#. Standard Tool Bar displays buttons that can be selected to perform common editing tas$s.

%. Formattin Tool Bar used to select character & and paragraph & formatting commands.

'. Ruler controls margins, indent and tab stops.

(. Wor! Area where the main document appears.

). Insertion "oint # Cursor the location where the type text appears, and where certain editingaction occurs.

*. $ie% Bar sets up +arious +iew modes to correspond with the type of editing being


. Status Bar displays information about a document.

1. Bro%se Controls used to instantly browse from one location to another. re+ious, next andselect browse0.

T&e Standard Tool Bar

College of Computer Studies  MS Word


itle 2ar Menu 2ar oolbars Minimize Maximize


Cursor / 3nsertion point

4croll 2ar 


5iew bar 

4tatus 2ar 2rowse Control



3 li$e C7M1 so much

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

4tarts a 8ew 2lan$ 6ocument Chec$s 4pelling

 7pens a 6ocument Cuts the selection to the Clipboard

 4a+es the current document Copies the selection to the Clipboard

 7ptions for e-mail astes the contents of the Clipboard

 4earch Acti+ates 9ormat ainter  

 rints the current document :ndoes the pre+ious action

 ;nters rint pre+iew mode edoes an action that you undid

 3nserts <yperlin$ 7pens the able and 2orders toolbar  

 3nserts a new table 3nserts Microsoft ;xcel "or$sheet

 4ets text in multiple columns acti+ates the 6rawing toolbar  

 7pens the 6ocument Map 4hows or hides paragraph mar$s and other hidden char  

 Changes the magnification of the Acti+ates the Microsoft "ord <elp  document

T&e Formattin Tool Bar

 a drop-down list of styles =ustifies text across the page

  a+ailable >ine 4pacing

 a drop-down list of Creates a numbered list fonts

 a drop-down list of font sizes Creates a bulleted list

oggles 2old on/off 6ecreases indent

oggles 3talic on/off 3ncreases indent

 oggles :nderline on/off Acti+ates the 7utside 2order toolbar  

 Aligns text left Acti+ates the 9ont Color toolbar  

 Centers text acti+ates the <ighlight toolbar  

 Aligns text right

(A)NC*IN+ MS Word

A. T&ru t&e Start Button

1. Clic$ on the 4tart button at the tas$ bar !. Choose rogram

#. Clic$ on the M4 "ord rogram icon and wait

B. T&ru t&e Des!to" and Tas!,ar

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

1. 3f you ha+e an M4 "ord icon shortcut either on your des$top or the tas$bar, ?ust clic$ on it to

easily access M4 "ord

@38 ;B4

1. :pon opening, M4 "ord presents you with a blan$ page, with the presets Normal 4tyle0,

Times Ne% Roman 9ont0 and - font size0.

!. exts typed from the $eyboard reflect in real-time on the "ord document.

;6338 ;B

1. 4elect the text/texts to be edited by highlighting the desired parts. *I+*(I+*TIN+ isdone by pointing the cursor at the start of the text/texts to be edited and dragging it to the

final position to be edited.

!. "hile text/texts are highlighted, you can alter its font, font size, color  as well as ma$ing itbold, Italicized  or e+en underlined .

#. After editing the selection, mo+e the cursor to any part of the document to remo+e the


C7@38 ;83;41. <ighlight text/texts to be copied.

!. Clic$ on the COP/ button, or press CTR( then C simultaneously on the $eyboard.

#. Mo+e the cursor to the desired position pasting.

%. Clic$ the "aste ,utton, or press CTR( then $ simultaneously on the $eyboard.

M7538 an ;8@/;83;4

1. <ighlight text/texts to be cut.!. Clic$ on the C)T button, or press CTR( then 0 simultaneously on the $eyboard.

#. Mo+e the cursor to the desired position of pasting.%. Clic$ the PASTE button, or press CTR( then $ simultaneously on the $eyboard.

4;38 MA384

1. Clic$ on FI(E on the Menu 2ar.!. 4croll and select age 4et :p in the drop-down menu.

#. Clic$ on Marin

%. 4et the top, bottom, left  and right  margins.

'. Clic$ Apply to(. Clic$ 7.

;6338 AAA< 97MA1. <ighlight the "arara"& to be edited.

!. Clic$ the Parara"& Format desired on the FORMATTIN+ toolbar.

#. 4elect betweenD

>eft Align/Align >eft ight Align/Align ight

Center Align/ Align Center =ustified4;38 A >38; 4AC;

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

1. 4elect FORMAT in the Menu 2ar.

!. hen choose Paragraph

#. Clic$ Indent, then 4pacing

%. 3n the 4pacing box, select the preferred line spacing.

'. Clic$ 7$.

4;38 A2 4741. Clic$ on Format in the Menu bar.!. 4elect Parara"& in the drop-down menu.

#. Clic$ on Ta,s.

%. :nder the default tab stops box, type the desired space length.

'. Clic$ 4et(. Clic$ 7 

C<A838 2:>>;4 A86 8:M2;381. osition the cursor

!. Clic$ on Format in the Menu 2ar 

#. Choose Bullets and Numbering .%. 4elect Bulleted.for 2ullets/Num,ered for 8umbers0

'. <ighlight by clic$ing the desired bullet or number format.

(. Clic$ 7$.

384;38 3C:;4 

1. osition the cursor.!. 4elect Insert in the Menu 2ar.

#. Clic$ on Picture, then Cli" Art if you want to use the preset pictures in M4 "ord. Clic$

from File if you want to use a picture from your files or folders.

%. 4elect desired picture by clic$ing them

'. Clic$ Insert.

384;38 "76A 

1. osition the cursor (. ype desired text!. Clic$ on Insert in the Menu 2ar. ). Clic$ 7$  

#. Choose Picture

%. 4elect Word Art

'. Clic$ 7$ "A38 ;B A7:86 <; 384;;6 C>3 A 7 3C:;

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

1. Clic$ on the inserted picture.

!. 4elect Format in the Menu bar.#. 4elect Picture

%. Clic$ on the (a1out tab.

'. 4elect the desired wrapping style by clic$ing on it.(. Clic$ 7$.

384;38 A; 8:M2;41. Clic$ on Insert in the Menu bar.

!. 4elect Pae Num,er, then the preferred position and alignment.

#. Chec$ the box for ES&o% num,er on t&e first "aeF

%. Clic$ Format, select the preferred number format.'. Clic$ O! .

C<A838 ;B CA4;41. <ighlight text to be changed

!. Clic$ on Format in the Menu bar.

#. 4elect C&ane Case, then the preferred case style.%. Clic$ O!  to apply changes.

9784 A86 4;C3A> ;99;C4 97 C<AAC;41. <ighlighting the text

!. 4elect Format in the Menu 2ar 

#. Clic$ Font Ta,

%. 4elect 9ont/4tyle/:nderline/Color as you needed'. 4elect Effects

(. Clic$ 7$ 

276;4 A89 4<A6381. <ighlighting the text

!. 4elect Format in the Menu 2ar #. 4elect Borders and S&adin 

%. Clic$ Borders ta,

'. 4elect the preferred setting , style, color and width

(. Clic$ A""l1 to select the desired part of the document to be bordered.). Clic$ 7$ 

6;43838 C7>:M8-97M;6 ;B1. 4elect Format in the Menu bar 

!. 4elect Columns#. 4pecify the num,er of columns

%. 4et the %idt& of spaces in between the columns

'. Clic$ 7$.

A:7MA3C C7>:M8-97M;6 ;B

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

1. <ighlighting text to be printed in columns

!. Clic$ the Columns

#. 6o the rest by following the commands abo+e.

C;A38 A; 2;A 1. 5iew the document in Normal $ie% Mode.

!. Clic$ Insert in the Menu 2ar.#. 4elect Brea! 

%. Clic$ Pae Brea! 

'. Clic$ 7$ 

C;A38 C7>:M841. 5iew the document in Normal $ie% Mode.

!. 4elect Format in the menu bar.

#. 4elect Columns

%. 4pecify the number of columns

'. Clic$ (ine between box

(. Clic$ 7$

C;A38 A2>;4 

1. 4elect Ta,le in the Menu bar !. 4elect Insert Ta,le

#. 4pecify the number of columns and rows

%. Clic$ 7$ 

<36; 7 634>A@ <; 77>2A4

1. 4elect $ie% in the Menu 2ar !. 4elect Tool,ar

#. Clic$ the toolbar box you want to display or hide.

A; 73;8A3781. 4elect File in the Menu 2ar 

!. 4elect "ae Set )"

#. 4elect Pa"er Si2e

%. 4elect Orientation 3Portrait or (andsca"e4

'. 3n the aper 4ize 2ox, select legal for long bond paper or letter for short bond paper.

(. Clic$ A""l1 to box to define the desired pages the paper orientation is applied). Clic$ 7$ 

C;A38 MA3>M;;1. Create t&e Main Document File and Sa5e *. 4elect Create Data source

!. 4elect Tools in the Menu 2ar. . 4elect Field to Add

#. 4elect Mail Mere 1. Clic$ 7$ 

%. 4elect Create 11. ype a new filename for the data'. 4elect Form (etters   source file.

(. 4elect Acti5e 6ocument 1!. Sa5e

). 4elect +et Data. 1#. ;dit 6ata 4ource

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

3838 A 67C:M;8 

1. 4etup the printer !. 4elect 9ile in the Menu bar #. 4elect rint

Supplementary notes….<; M;8: 2A 

1. 9ile !. ;dit 4<7C: ;@4a. 8ew a. :ndo Ctrl 8 8ew

 b. 7pen b. edo Ctrl 7 7pen

c. Close c. Cut Ctrl 4 4a+ed. 4a+e d. Copy Ctrl rint

e. 4a+e as e. aste Ctrl G :ndo

f. 4a+e as "ebpage f. Clear Ctrl @ edog. 4earch g. 4elect All Ctrl B Cut

h. rint pre+iew h. 9ind Ctrl C Copy

i. rint i. eplace Ctrl 5 aste

 ?. 4end to ?. o to Ctrl A 4elect All

Ctrl 9 9ind#. 5iew %. 3nsert Ctrl < eplace

a. 8ormal a. 2rea$ Ctrl o to b. "eb >ayout b. age 8umber 9) 4pelling and

c. rint >ayout c. 6ate and ime rammar  

d. 7utline d. Auto ext 91 <elpe. as$ ane e. 9ield

f. oolbars f. 4ymbol

g. uler g. Comment

h. 6ocument Map h. eferencei. <eader/9ooter i. icture

 ?. 9ootnotes ?. 6iagram$. 9ull 4creen $. ext boxl. Goom l. 7b?ect

  m. <yperlin$ 

' 9ormat (. ools

a. 9ont a. 4pelling and rammar  

 b. aragraph b. >anguagec. 2ullets and 8umbering c. "ord Count

d. Columns d. Auto 4ummarize

e. abs e. 4peech

f. ext 6irection f. Macrog. 2ac$ground g. Auto Correct 7ptions

h. heme h. Customize

i. 9rames i. 7ptions ?. Auto 9ormat ?. rac$ Changes

$. 4tyles and 9ormatting $. >etters and Mailings

l. Auto 4hape l. ools on the "eb

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

). "indow *. able

a. 8ew "indow a. 6raw able d. 4elect g. 4plit able b. Arrange All b. 3nsert e. Merge Cell h. 4ort

c. 4plit c. 6elete f. 4plit Cell i. 4how ridlines

9ore Color 2lac$ 6ar$ ed 5iolet lum ray *H

2rown 7range >ight 2lue "hite ray %H7li+e reen 6ar$ @ellow AIua an ray 'H6ar$ reen reen 4ea reen >ight @ellow ray !'H

6ar$ eal eal >ime >a+ender  

6ar$ 2lue 2lue >ight 7range >ight reen

3ndigo 2lue-ray ed oseurIuoise @ellow in$ ale 2lue

4$y 2lue 2right reen old >ight urIuoise

hic$ness of >ines

J pt # ptK pt % K pt

L pt ( pt

1 pt1 K pt

! J pt

# pt

% K pt( pt

Categories/Collection >ist of Clip Art

Academic Concepts 8ature eligionAgriculture ;motions 7ccupations 4easons

Animals 9antasy eople 4pecial 7ccasionsArts 9ood lants echnology

Auto shapes o+ernment 4ports <ousehold

2ac$grounds <ealthcare 4ymbol

2usiness 3ndustry 4ciencesCharacter Collections Maps ransportation


4ingle 6efault 5aluesD

wo 4ingle wo hree

hree width (.'F width #F width 1.*#F

>eft column 1 column ! column #

ight spacing .'F spacing .'F>eft ight

Column ! Column !

1.1.*#F spacing .'F 1. %.1)F spacing .'F

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

Auto4hapes>ines 2loc$ Arrows Callouts

Connectors 9lowchart

2asic 4hapes 4tar and 2anners4ymbol

7ptionsD4ymbols4pecial Character 

S"ecial C&aracter

Character 4hortcut eys


Office Assistant

3t appears when 91 or <elp $ey / icon acti+ates7ptionsD

<ide, 7ptions, Choose Assistant, Animate

6ifferent faces of 7ffice assistantD

obot "izard Cat

lobe & 4unflower <appy face 6og

aper Clip uzzle box 


Create a border around the page and then add shading to the entire document using the4hading and 2orders command on the 9ormat Menu.

Create a business letter, formal and semi & formal letter. Ma$e sure that the alignment ofcharacters are ?ustified and apply necessary font style, size and of course line spacing.

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 



1-1 9ormatting oolbar 

11 & ! Components of Microsoft "ord!1 & !' Categories of Clip Art allery

!( & # Columns#1 & #' 7ptions for age 4et up#( & %' Contents of Menu 2ar 

%( & ' 4hortcut eys


 B. Microsoft Excel 

A Microsoft ;xcel file is called a workbook. ;ach wor$boo$ consists of 1( wor$sheets.

;ach wor$sheet consists of columns and rows that intersect to form boxes called cells into whichyou enter texts. he tabs at the bottom of the wor$boo$ which are labeled 4heet1, 4heet!, and so on

>ets you flip through the wor$sheets when you clic$ on them with mouse.

A Microsoft ;xcel is a spreadsheet  application which allows users to manipulate numerical

data with formulas and built-in functions.

ell  & is an intersection of a row and a column. 3t contains numbers, letters, words or commands.

A cell usually can only contain characters.

 !preadsheet " is a program that can be used primarily for doing calculations. hese operations may be simple arithmetic operations.

 #cti$e ell  & is the currently selected cell. 3t is the cell that recei+es data being entered. 3t is defined

 by a bold border around the cell.

 #cti$e !heet  & is the sheet that you are wor$ing on in a wor$boo$. he name on the tab of theacti+e sheet is bold,


Changing the typeface, size and style of data in a sheet.

Adding borders and shading to data cell

Ad?usting the width or height of selected columns or rows

Mo+ing a copying range/s of cells

Managing, sorting and searching data in a boo$ 

Creating charts based on the data in a boo$ and at the same time being able toincorporate other sheet

Ma$ing use of predefined templates to ease the tas$ of creating wor$sheet such as

in+oice, budget, and loan.

9ormula Autocorrect

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 


1. Title Bar & displays the program name and the name of the wor$boo$ being written or edited.

!. Menu Bar & displays the names of the a+ailable pull-down menus

#. Standard Tool Bar & displays buttons that can be selected to perform common editing tas$s.

%. Formattin Tool Bar & used to select character & and paragraph-formatting commands

'. Formula Bar- contains the contents of the selected cell, which can be edited by clic$ing the

formula bar and typing.

(. Wor!,oo! Windo% & contains the wor$boo$ where data and formulas are entered

  ). Status Bar & displays information about the current acti+ity, including help information and

$eyboard and program modes.


Tool,ars  allow you to organize the commands in ;xcel. he standard toolbar contains buttons

corresponding to the most freIuently used commands in excel. he formatting toolbar contains

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ow <eading

Column <eading


itle 2ar 

Menu 2ar 

9ormula 2ar 

4croll 2ar 

4tatus 2ar ab 4crolling button

ool 2ar 

as$ ane

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

 buttons corresponding to the commands most freIuently used to impro+e the appearance of a


Formula ,ar, located immediately below the toolbars, displays the contents of the acti+e cell. A

cell contents is the text, numbers, and formulas you enter into it. As you type or edit data, thechanges appear in the formula bar. he name box appears at the left end of the formula bar. his

area displays the cell reference for the acti+e cell.

Wor!,oo! %indo% contains the sheet you are creating, editing or using. ;ach wor$sheet consists

of series of columns identified by lettered column heading and a series of rows identified by

numbered row headings. Columns are assigned alphabetic labels from A to 35 !'( columns0. ows

are assigned numeric labels from 1 to (','#(.

Pointer is the indicator that mo+es on your screen as you mo+e your mouse.

S&eet Ta,s lets you mo+e Iuic$ly between the sheets in a wor$boo$.

;>;M;84 79 <; "7277 "3867"

1.  Row Heading  & identifies the row by numbers.

!. Column Heading  & identifies the column by numbers.#. Selector  & outline that indicates the acti+e cell.

%. Worksheet  & a collection of cells.

'. Tab scrolling button & allows you to scroll through the wor$sheets

in the wor$boo$.(. Tabs & a wor$boo$ starts with 1( wor$sheets, which can be added

or deleted as needed.

). Scroll bars  & allow you to +iew a selection of the current

wor$sheet that is not displayed.*.  Mouse ointer  & acti+ates a wor$sheet to be wor$ed on.

<; 4A86A6 77>2A 

  8ew "or$boo$ 9ormat ainter 

  7pen existing wor$boo$ :ndo

  4a+es the wor$boo$ edo

 7ptions for ;-mail 3nsert hyperlin$  

 rints the wor$boo$ Creates 4um 9unction

 rints re+iew 4orts selection in ascending order  

 Chec$s 4pelling 4orts selection in descending order

Cut Charts

 Copies 6rawing oolbar  

 aste Goom wor$sheet to specified percent

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

97MA38 77>2A 

 font list Currency 4tyle to selected range

 font sizes ercent 4tyle to selected range

 2old Coma 4tyle to selected range

  3talic 3ncreases the number of decimal points

  :nderline 6ecreases the number of decimal points

  >eft Align 6ecreases indent

  Center Align 3ncreases indent

  ight Align

  Center ext /Merge Cell

;@4 7 M75; A7:86 <; "74<;;

>eft arrow, ight arrow, :p arrow, 6own arrow, g:p, g6n, <ome, Ctrl N <ome A10, 9'

<;; @;4 79 C;>> ;83;4

1. ext !. 8umbers #. 9ormula

>A:8C<38 M4 ;BC;>A. hrough the 4tart button

2. hrough 6es$top or as$bar 

7;838 A "7277 

1. Clic$ the 7pen button on the 4tandard oolbar !. Clic$ the name of wor$boo$ you want to open

#. Clic$ 7pen

93>>38 A A8; "3< 8:M2;4

1. osition cell pointer onto starting cell, then type the starting number !. <ighlight the range of cells that needs to be filled with numbers then clic$ on ;dit.

#. Clic$ on 9ill then 4eries%. Clic$ on the E4tep 5alue 2oxF, enter desired step +alue

'. Clic$ on the 4top 5alue 2oxO indicate the stop +alue then Clic$ 7$.

;6338 A C;>> ;8@

1. osition the mouse pointer on the cell that needs editing

!. ress 9! on the $eyboard to edit the chosen cell

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#. ress ;nter when done

C>;A38 C;>> C78;84

1. Clic$ the cell you want to clear, or select a range of cells you want to clear 

!. ress the 6elete $ey or Clic$ ;dit, point to clear, and then clic$ contents to erase only thecontents of a cell, or clic$ all to completely clear the cell contents, formatting and notes.

C7@38 A86 A438 A C;>> 7 A8; 79 C;>>1. 4elect the cell or range of cells to be copied

!. Clic$ the Copy button on the standard toolbar 

#. 4elect the range into which you want to copy

%. Clic$ the aste button on the standard toolbar '. ress ;nter ey


3838 A "74<;;1. Clic$ 9ile and then Clic$ rint

!. Ad?ust any settings you want in the rint dialog box then Clic$ 7$ button

#. or Clic$ the rint button on the standard toolbar %. or Clic$ 9ile, then clic$ the rint re+iew command to open the rint re+iew window.

384;38 A C7>:M8/7"1. osition the cell pointer or highlight cells

!. Clic$ on 3nsert in the Menu bar, then on either Columns or Ro%s.

C<A838 C7>:M8 "36<1. Clic$ Column heading or clic$ and drag the pointer to select a series of column heading and

then use the format menu.

!. :se the pointer to drag the di+iding line to a new location.

#. 6ouble-Clic$ the di+iding line to ma$e the column as wide as the longest text label ornumber in the column.

6;>;38 A C7>:M8 /7"

1. osition the cell pointer or highlights cells

!. Clic$ on ;dit in the Menu bar, then on 6elete

#. 4elect Column or ow.

<3<>3<38 A A8; 79 C;>>4

1. osition the cell pointer onto starting cell of range!. ress the 4<39 $ey on the $eyboard then press appropriate arrow $ey until the last cell is


2A43C 4<7C:4

4<7C: ;@4 9:8C378

Ctrl N A 4elect All

Ctrl N 2 2old exts

Ctrl N C Copy

Ctrl N 6 9ont, Character 4pacing,

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ext ;ffects

Ctrl N 9 9ind

Ctrl N o o

Ctrl N < eplace

Ctrl N 3 3talicize

Ctrl N 3nsert <yperlin$  

Ctrl N 8 8ew "or$sheetCtrl N 7 7pen "or$sheet

Ctrl N rint "or$sheet

Ctrl N 4 4a+es "or$sheet

Ctrl N : :nderline

Ctrl N 5 aste

Ctrl N " ;xit

Ctrl N B Cut

Ctrl N G :ndo


Te!t   entries include any combination of letters, symbols, numbers and spaces. Te!t   is sometimes

used as a dataO it is more often used to describe the data contained in a wor$sheet. Te!t   is often

used to label columns and rows in a wor$sheet.

"alues are numbers that represents a Iuantity of some typeD the number of units in in+entory, stoc$

 price, an exam score, and so on. "alues can be also dates and times.



#)*,!'.!)'1-*-!!)-1!% treats as text 0

 #ormula  is the arithmetic used to calculate +alues appearing in a wor$sheet. An excel formulaalways begin with the eIual sign P0.  #ormulas are created by combining numbers, cell references,

arithmetic operators, and/or functions. An arithmetic operator indicates the desired arithmetic






E7am"le Descri"tion

Addition N P1NA' Adds 1 to +alue in cell A'

4ubtraction - PC-2!4ubtract the +alue in cell 2!

from the +alue in cell C

Multiplication PC2Multiplies the +alue in cell C

 by the +alue in cell 2

6i+ision / PC/26i+ides the +alue in cell C by

the +alue in cell 2

;xponentiation Q P2'Q#aises the +alue stored in cell

2' to #

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;ntering a 9ormula

1. Clic$ the cell where you want the result to appear !. ypePand then type the rest of formula#. 9or formula that includes cell references, such as 2! or 6)*, you can type the cell

reference or you can use the mouse or arrow $eys to select each cell.

%. "hen the formula is complete, press the ;nter $ey.

recedence of Arithmetic 7perations

Q ;xponentiation

/ Multiplication/6i+isionN- Addition or 4ubtraction

 #unctions are a predefined or built-in formula thatRs a shortcut for commonly used calculations.;xampleD

  4:M function is a shortcut for entering formulas that total +alues in rows or columns. @ou can

use the 4:M function to create the formula P 4:M911D91'0 instead of typing P911N91!N91#N91%N91'.

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COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

;ntering the 4:M 9unction

1. ype P to begin the function!. ype 4:M in either uppercase or lowercase letters, followed by an opening left parenthesis.

6o not put a space between E4:MF and the parenthesis.

#. ype the range of cells you want to sum, separating the first and last cells in the range with

a colon, as in 2D21', or drag the pointer to outline the cells you want to sum

%. ress the ;nter ey.


 8AM;4@8AB 6;9383378

9inaceM Mrate,nper,p+,f+,type0

Calculates the payment for a loan based on constant

 payments and a constant interest rate

95 95rate,nper,pmt,p+,type0eturns the future +alue of an in+estment based on

 periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate

Math7:86 7:86numbers,numSdigits0 ounds a number to a specified number of digits

A86 A86 0eturns an e+enly distributed random number greaterthan or eIual to and less than 1


39 logicalStest, +alueSifStrue,


eturns one +alue if a condition you specify e+aluatesto :; and another +alue if it e+aluates to 9A>4;

A86 A86 logical 1, logical !0eturns :; if all its argument are :;O returns9A>4; if one or more arguments is 9A>4;

>oo$up and






4earches for a +alue in the leftmost column of a table,and then returns a +alue in the same row from a column

you specify in the table

3863;C 3863;C refStext,a10eturns the reference specified by a text string-references are immediately e+aluated to display their





C78CA;8A; text1,text!,


=oins se+eral text strings into one text string

>;9 >;9 text,numSchars0eturns first or leftmost0 character or characters in atext string

6ate and

ime76A@ 76A@ 0

eturns the serial number of the current date

@;A @;A serialSnumber0eturns the year corresponding to serial number theyear is gi+en as an integer in the range 1 -

4tatisticalC7:8 C7:8 +alue1, +alue !, T0

Counts the number of cells that contain numbers andnumbers within the list argument

46;5 46;5 number1, number !0 ;stimates standard de+iation based on a sample

A5;A; 9unctionA5;A; is a statistical function that calculates the a+erage, or the arithmetic mean.


A5;A; number1, number!,T0

• enerally, when you use the A5;A; function, number is a range of cells. o

calculate the a+erage of a range of cells, ;xcel sums the +alues in the range, then

di+ides by the number of non-blan$ cells in the range.

 %!ample$PA5;A; 2%D2)0

College of Computer Studies  MS Word


8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES Manual Ms Word Comp01 19/19

COMP01 Instructional ManualPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES 

MAB 9unction

MAB is a statistical function that finds the largest number.Synta!$

MAB number1, number!, T0