Melton South Primary · 2019-05-02 ·...

Post on 27-Mar-2020

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Melton South Primary School PO Box 2043

Melton South, 3338

Tel: (03) 9743 2922

Fax: (03) 9743 0986


Website: THURSDAY 2ND MAY 2019

This newsletter is available from our school website or

the Melton South Primary School Skoolbag App.

Monday 6th May Grade 3/4 House Athletics

Payment due for Grade 1 Excursion to Animal Land

Active After School Sports Program commences

School Uniform Shop OPEN 2.30pm—3.45pm

Wednesday 7th May Grade 2 Scienceworks Excursion

Wednesday 8th May Cross Country—Grade 3-6

Countdown To Prep 2020 commences 9.10am

Mother’s Day Stall Prep—Grade 2

Thursday 9th May Mother’s Day Stall Grade 3—Grade 6

School Uniform SHOP 8.30am—9.00am

Friday 10th May Last day to return Book Club Issue 3

Monday 13th May Grades 1A 1C 1D 1E excursion to Animal Land Children’s farm

Grade 5/6 House Athletics

Wednesday 15th May Grades 1B 1F 1G excursion to Animal Land Children’s farm

Friday 7th June Payment due for Grade 6 Incursion

Monday 10th June QUEENS BIRTHDAY Public Holiday

Wednesday 12th June Grade 6 Immigration Journeys Incursion

Thursday 20th June Last day for Active After School Sports Program

Melton South Primary School Mission:

Melton South Primary School is a progressive community who lead the way.

Together we create motivated, respectful learners who achieve excellence.





CANBERRA CAMP: Next year grade 5 and 6 students will have the opportunity to attend a 5 day

camp in Canberra. The camp is scheduled for April next year. We will send information home this week

along with a payment plan. Please note the payment plan is only a guide, once the initial deposit is paid

parents can pay according to what best suits their budget.

BIKE SAFETY: We are very concerned about the number of students riding to school without helmets,

which is a legal requirement. There is so much traffic around the school at the start and end of the day.

School Council members are very concerned for their safety. We will be contacting parents if children are

not wearing helmets and seek their co-operation in helping us keep their child safe.

GRASS: Students, staff and parents were very excited to see the area around our Prep

playground all covered in artificial grass. It is great to see the children using the area that was previously a

dust bowl to sit and have lunch, chat etc.

THANK YOU: I want to thank Angela Lanza, one of our Assistant Principals for her ongoing work

in upgrading and improving our gardens. Angie and her husband Mick come down regularly after school

hours, weekends and school holidays to water plants, planting, weeding etc. Collette Freund one of our

ES staff also comes in out of school hours to work on and create more garden areas. Ben Bykersma, one

of our Grade 6 teachers, spends time before school picking up papers to ensure our school grounds are

neat and tidy. Shaffrone Eekelschot also is busy preparing tables, sensory boards etc. to put in the

playground areas. An enormous thank you to all these people who go beyond their role to improve the

look of our school.

CHOOKS: Also a special thank you to Wanda McDonald, who comes in on the school holidays to

check on our chooks, ensuring they have adequate food, water and to collect eggs.

ATTITUDES TO SCHOOL SURVEY: We value student voice as a means to improving student

engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and are conducting a survey to find out what your child

thinks of our school. The Attitudes to School Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of

Education and Training to assist schools in gaining an understanding of student’s perceptions and

experience. Our school will use the survey results to plan programs and activities to improve your child’s

school experience. Students from grades 4 to 6 participate in this survey. It will be held in term 2.

CURRICULUM DAY: Teaching staff spent the day working with our External Consultant, Linda

McIntyre on writing. This will assist us in working towards improving student outcomes for students.

SCHOOL SORES: We have had a reported case of School Sores in the school.

Mrs Marilyn Costigan, Principal.

The Mother’s Day Stall will run over 2 days.

Wednesday 8th May - Grade Prep to Grade 2 students

Thursday 9th May – Grade 3 to Grade 6 students

Gifts range from $1.00 to $6.00 and there will also be a small

raffle – tickets are 50 cents each or 3 for $1.00.

Students will be going to the stall with their class during school


Please remember to send a bag with your child to take home

their purchases.

BOOK CLUB: Issue 3 Book Club orders forms have been sent home with students. Please return all orders with payment by Friday 10th May. For your information, parents can order and pay for their book club orders online. Refer to your book club order form for more details.


6th May and Thursday 8th May and will run for the next 7 weeks

every Monday and Thursday after school. Sports for this term will

be Netball and AFL. This is a free program funded by Sporting

Schools and students MUST attend both Monday and Thursday

sessions from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. There are limited number of

places available for this program so the first 24 students to register

will be accepted. If your child is interested in participating please

collect a form from the school office.


We have 2 Roosters that need re-homing.

They are 8 months old and great hen protectors.

If you are interested, please enquire at the office.

SCHOOL UNIFORM The uniform shop now runs on Monday’s 2:30-3:45 (during assembly) and Thursday’s 8:30—9:00. Parents are able to purchase uniform from the shop which will be located in the corridor near room 1. Cash and EFTPOS facilities will be available. If you are unable to attend during these times, orders can be placed and we can fill these and send the items home with students. Orders can also be placed by email—


PA Cindyla For great work clapping out syllables in words! Well done!

PD Jasnoor For showing great whole-body listening during each lesson.

PF Sienna For a great job on labelling all the body parts in Investigations.

1A Matilda For her amazing efforts in learning about 3D shapes. Well done!

1C Paige For reaching 75 nights of reading. Keep up the good work!

1D Cianna For trying really hard to correctly use capital letters in her writing!

1E Khansa For working hard on her writing goal.

1G Agamvir For giving positive feedback to others during class.

2A Ayuel For a great effort to hear and record sounds in Writing.

2D Makeysha For a great effort using the count on strategy in Maths.

3A Junior For creating an excellent book about himself using Book Creator.

3D Faith For displaying the school values of being safe, by following instructions.

3E Maddison For consistently displaying our school values and using her learning time to learn in


4B Akbar For actively participating in all activities during our Dreamtime incursion and

Indigenous activities.

4C Kasimu For writing a story using Indigenous code on his own.

5B Zach For showing a great improvement in his respect and participation during classtime.

5D Jaymz For contributing more to our team.

5E Kheandra For making a great effort to become a fabulous part of our class.

6B Brock For demonstrating perseverance when completing challenging tasks.

French Zakiah For counting confidently in French from 1-10 independently.

STUDENT OF THE WEEK AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who have received awards this week.

These awards are made to students in recognition of achievement and will be presented at school assembly on Monday 6th May at 2.30pm in the school gymnasium.





LI—Learning Intentions for Week 1 SC—Success Criteria for Week1

Year Reading Writing Maths

Prep LI: Good readers can identify syllables in words. SC: I can clap out the syllables in words.

LI: Good writers use high frequency words in their sentences. SC: I can write a sentence using high frequency words. I can use my star words or the word wall to help me write high frequency words.

LI: Good mathematicians can answer yes or no questions to collection information. SC: I can answer yes or no questions.

Year 1 LI: Good readers understand the purpose of a narrative. SC: I can explain why people write a narrative.

LI: Good writers can use capital letters correctly in their writing. SC: I can use a capital letter to start a sentence. I can start important words such as names of people and places with a capital letter.

LI: Good mathematicians I can recognise and classify two-dimensional shapes. SC: I can name 2D shapes. I can identify corners and edges of 2D shapes.

Year 2 LI: Good readers monitor their read-ing and use strategies to self correct when needed. SC: I can stop and think to check my reading makes sense.

LI: Good writers think about the things that are important to them. SC: I can create a heart map of writing ideas that are important to me. I know that a person, place or object is a noun.

LI: Good mathematicians use words to describe the chance of everyday events occuring . SC: I can use and apply the words likely and unlikely. I can name events that are likely or unlikely to occur.

Year 3 LI: Good readers understand the purpose and structure of a Fairytale. SC: I can identify the purpose of a Fairytale.

LI: Good writers use their writers note-book to record their ideas for writing. SC: I can write a list of ideas.

LI: Good mathematicians are able to partition numbers when solving addition problems. SC: I can partition numbers.

Year 4 LI: Good readers can make connections between two different texts. SC: I can compare the two different versions of story The Rainbow Ser-pent.

LI: Good writers can write a persuasive text. SC: I can write a persuasive text.

LI: Good Mathematicians can use their place value knowledge to rename numbers. SC: I can use MAB to demonstrate how I can make numbers in various ways.

Year 5 LI: Good Readers can analyse and interpret imaginative poetry. SC:I can clarify unknown vocabulary I can use my prior knowledge and the clues in the text to infer the meaning.

LI: Good Writers can use their writers notebook to to make an entry. SC:- I can; Choose a visual image to help us with our writing. Create an entry into my writer's note-book.

LI: Good Mathematicians can trans-form 2D Polygons using Flip, Slide and Turn. SC: - I can; identify a 2d polygon transform the shape accurately looking carefully at it’s features


CSEF (Camp, Sport, Excursion Fund) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to

cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you have a valid concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.

This allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursion or sporting

activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student is $125 for primary school

students. If you have not already done so, please drop by the school office and collect an CSEF

application form, complete the form and return to the office along with your Health Care Card.

Parents who receive a carer allowance on behalf of a child, or any other benefit or allowance not income

tested by Centrelink, are NOT eligible for the CSEF unless they also comply with the above.