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Melton South Primary School PO Box 2043

Melton South, 3338

Tel: (03) 9743 2922

Fax: (03) 9743 0986


Website: THURSDAY 28TH MARCH 2019

This newsletter is available from our school website or

the Melton South Primary School Skoolbag App.

Thursday 28th March After School Sports Program

Friday 29th March Ride 2 School Day

Regional Swimming

Monday 1st April Cross Country

After School Sports Program

Tuesday 2nd April Back up day for House Cross Country

Thursday 4th April After School Sports Program

Friday 5th April Silly Hat Parade, 9.15am in the Gym


EARLY DISMISSAL 2.15PM Monday 22nd April Public Holiday EASTER Monday

Tuesday 23rd April Term 2 commences today

Last day to pay for the Alpha Show

Thursday 25th April ANZAC Day—Public Holiday—No School

Friday 26th April CURRICULUM DAY—STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND SCHOOL TODAY Monday 29th April Alpha Show—$10.00 per student

Monday 6th May Grade 3/4 House Athletics

Payment due for Grade 1 Excursion to Animal Land

Wednesday 8th May Cross Country—Grade 3-6

Monday 13th May Grades 1A 1C 1D 1E excursion to Animal Land Children’s farm

Grade 5/6 House Athletics

Wednesday 15th May Grades 1B 1F 1G excursion to Animal Land Children’s farm

Melton South Primary School Mission:

Melton South Primary School is a progressive community who lead the way.

Together we create motivated, respectful learners who achieve excellence.







EARLY DISMISSAL—END OF TERM 1—A reminder to parents that next Friday

5th April is the last day of term1 and students will be dismissed at 2:15 pm.

Due to early dismissal we will be having early lunch at 12:30 pm to 1:15.

ADDITIONAL PLAYGROUNDS: We have organised 3 quotes for additional playgrounds to cater for the large number of students we have at Melton South Primary School. We will be ordering a new playground, another sandpit for grades Preps to 2 and additional resources for a sensory area near the Buddy Seats. I went around to several grades last week to show them some plans for the proposed playgrounds to gain their input into what type of playground they would like.

SCHOOL HATS: It is compulsory for all students to wear a school hat until the end of April. We are an accredited Sun Smart school so if students are not wearing a hat they need to stay in undercover areas during recess and lunchtime.

SCHOOL COUNCIL: We had our School Council meeting on Monday afternoon. Office bearers were elected. President: Wanda McDonald Treasurer: Lisa van Dyke Secretary: Louise Robinson Vice President: Kelly Ferguson Assistant Treasurer: Mirjana Wilson

We would like to welcome Alli Whannell to our school Council team. As part of our meeting parents had a tour of our new double storey portable.

COFFEE CHAT: We had our first Coffee Chat session yesterday in the staffroom at 9:00am. It was a pleasure having the time to talk to the two parents who attended. We will try again next term and hope that we can encourage more parents/carers to come along and join us.

LIGHTNING PREMIERSHIP: Congratulations to all the students who represented MSPS in the Lightning Premiership last week. All teams showed sportsmanship and played to the best of their ability. Many students and staff gave up their lunchtimes for extra practice. The volleyball team won the grand final and we wish them luck for future rounds.

SCHOOL WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR: All grades from 1-6 have a representative on the School Wide Positive Team. They meet fortnightly with our two co-ordinators to have input into this process, including types of acknowledgements students would like to receive after receiving a certain number of tokens. Each week we have a focus, this week it was using equipment for its purpose. Jack Costigan and Taleisha Stebbings presented this information to all the students at assembly this week.

CURRICULUM DAY: We have a Curriculum

Day planned for Friday 26th April.

On Curriculum Day staff will be involved in

professional learning in Writing.

The central focus of the day will be to support

teachers in best practices in teaching writing

aligned with the Victorian Curriculum.

Mrs Marilyn Costigan,



The uniform shop now runs on Monday’s 2:30-3:45 (during assembly) and Thursday’s 8:30—9:00.

Parents are able to purchase uniform from the shop which will be located in the corridor near room 1. Cash and EFTPOS facilities will be available.

If you are unable to attend during these times, orders can be placed and

we can fill these and send the items home with students.

Orders can also be placed by email—


CSEF (Camp, Sport, Excursion Fund) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to

cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you have a valid concession card or are a

temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. This allowance is paid to the school to use

towards expenses relating to camps, excursion or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The

annual CSEF amount per student is $125 for primary school students. If you have not already done so,

please drop by the school office and collect an CSEF application form, complete the form and return to

the office along with your Health Care Card.

Parents who receive a carer allowance on behalf of a child, or any other benefit or allowance not income

tested by Centrelink, are NOT eligible for the CSEF unless they also comply with the above.

SILLY HAT PARADE: To celebrate the end of term 1, we will be holding a Silly Hat

Parade at 9.15am on Friday 5th April in the Gym. Students are encouraged to make a

hat at home and bring it to school on the day. Hats can reflect an Easter theme or it

could be just a ‘Crazy/Silly Hat’ - use your imagination! Parents are welcome to attend

this parade.


PA Mackenzie-Jade For putting a big effort into her writing.

PC Samuel For working hard to learn our high frequency words.

PD Guraansh For using his knowledge of high frequency sight words during reading.

PE Avish For reading for 25 nights! Well done!

1A Astar For brilliant contributions in class discussions. Well done!

1B Justyce For demonstrating excellent skills when putting numbers into tens and ones!

1C Emerald For doing an excellent job at renaming numbers into tens and ones.

1D Christina For a great job at editing her writing for capital letters and full stops!

1E Rayvenne For persisting with developing her writing.

2A Sehaj For a great discussion during his reading conference, showing an ability to relate what

he has read to his own knowledge of the world.

2D Savannah For including who, when and where in your orientation during your recount.

3A Tyler For writing a great persuasive text on why his hero deserves an award.

3B Maddison For working hard to create a strong persuasive text in writing.

3C Ryan For his persistence and enthusiasm when reading this week.

3D Elise For displaying the school values of always respecting others and being a good example

to her peers.

3E Carter For displaying a growth mindset by using a range of strategies when solving a difficult

problem related to calculating change.

4A Brodie For writing and excellent hypothesis during our friction science experiment.

4C Ricky For writing a great persuasive paragraph using the ‘hamburger’ model.

4D Harlem For trying his best when writing a persuasive piece about dogs benig the best.

5A Faustin For always contributing logical and thoughtful insight to classroom discussions.

5B Isuri For always demonstrating initiative and seeking feedback to help her progress.

5C Samer For reading and ordering 7 digit numbers in Numeracy!

5D Gemma For showing her leadership qualities during challenging times.

6A William For writing detailed paragraphs for his persuasive writing. Well done.

6B Yelena For consistent effort in learning time.

6D Yassin For always demonstrating the value of kindness.

Art Tegan For excellent improvement in Art skills.

STUDENT OF THE WEEK AWARDS Congratulations to the following students who have received awards this week.

These awards are made to students in recognition of achievement and will be presented at school assembly on Monday 1st April at 2.30pm in the school gymnasium.

Dream Big Festival- Mount Carberry from 6-10pm this Friday night!

Stalls and workshops 6-8pm - Live entertainment and the lantern parade 7.45pm - Screening of “The Greatest Showman” afterwards - Bring a picnic or buy food at the festival.

Parents and Students Lantern Workshop

What a great afternoon we had making lanterns for the Dream Big festival organised by John Lane. The first session we had two

artists Catherine Meeson and Amy McDonald teach the children the process of construction. The following week John took the

class supported by our amazing parents who organised the materials by cutting the bamboo into lengths.

This term has been a very productive and exciting one. All grade levels experimented with a variety of painting techniques. They learnt how to correctly use their brushes and keep their paints clean to avoid making them muddy. They practised working with poster paints using metallic and fluoro colours to create a Jim Dine Heart and a self-portrait in which they ex-plored abstraction and the metallic use of paints. Students were exposed to a number of artists such as Pablo Picasso, Roy Lichtenstein, Gustav Klimt and Sandra Silberzweig. Their fabulous results will be displayed shortly as we organise our own Archibald Prize competition. We also celebrated the Chinese Year of the Pig by creating backgrounds using acrylic paints then collaged them in the shape of a pig. A big thank you to Sally de Wijn and her group of Victorian Embroiderers and Quilter’s Group for making the awesome art smocks for our students. They have been invaluable this term for our painting unit.

Sheyla 4C, Hamish 3E, Delara PD Isabella 1G Gwen 1C Reuben 3E

A huge thank you to Victorian Junior Landcare as were successful in applying for a biodiversity grant. The funding will upgrade our gardens near the basketball court. Our aims are to work with local environmental groups to further understand the importance of re-establishing our native grasslands while learning about the valuable role that volunteers play in the community. A new watering system will be laid and students will participate in revegetation projects at Toolern Creek before planting out our garden. Students will learn about the unique flora and fauna of the Volcanic Western Plains area which is more endangered than the Great Barrier Reef.


SC—Success Criteria for week 9 Reading (Week 9) Writing (week 9) Maths (week 9)

LI: Good readers recognise high frequency words. SC: I can recognise: and, the, I in my reading.

LI: Good writers can identify a sentence. SC: I can see the capital letter at the beginning of the sentence. I can see the full stop at the end of the sentence.

LI: Good mathematicians are able to use simple statements and gestures to describe location. SC: I can use simple statements and gestures to describe location.

LI: Good readers make inferences about characters’ feelings and motives. SC: I can infer what the character is feeling.

LI: Good writers write a recount about their specialist experience. SC:I can write a recount about an experience.

LI: Good mathematicians can make and count collections using materials. SC: I can group objects in either groups of 2s, 5s or 10s to correctly count.

LI: Good readers are able to use tier words. SC: I can find tier 1 and tier 2 words in a book I am reading.

L.I: Good writers are able to write a recount. SC: I can brainstorm events that happened to help me when i am writing a recount.

LI: Good mathematicians are able to add and subtract. SC: I can use my prior knowledge to add and subtract.

LI: Good readers able to summarise the information in a text. SC: I can summarise at the beginning, middle and of a text.

LI: Good writers draft a persuasive text. SC: I can include an interesting topic sentences.

LI: Good mathematicians under-stand how to measure length and perimeter. SC: I can draw a shape with a given perimeter.

LI: Good Readers are able to sum-marise the information in a text or video. SC: I can explain what summarising is and why it is important.

L.I: Good Writers write an argument that follows the structure of a paragraph. SC: I can write the third argument paragraph.

LI: Good mathematicians can demonstrate their use of addition and subtraction strategies. SC: I can complete a pretest on ad-dition and subtraction.

LI: Good Readers can identify the main ideas to form a summary SC: I can identify the main ideas in a non fiction text.

LI: Argument - Good writers use paragraphs beginning topic sentences to list arguments giving reasons and supporting evidence for them. SC: I can use a topic sentence. I can write a body I can write a closing I can use emotive words

LI: Good Mathematicians can use place value knowledge to multiply numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 SC: I can; use my knowledge of place value to multiply check my answer and apply my knowledge to a worded problem.

LI: Good readers understand how the strategies of inferring and predicting are connected. SC: I can identify how inferring and connecting are connecting. I can make and inference and from that inference, predict what might happen next.

LI: Good writers plan a persuasive text using a graphic organisation SC: I can select a topic to write my persuasive on I can consider specific words for my topic. I can plan my persuasive writing.

LI: Good mathematicians catego-rise numbers in different ways. SC: I can categorise numbers as prime, composite, square, triangu-lar and as multiples or factors.


Premier’s Active April is a Victorian Government initiative that encourages Victorians to participate in 30 minutes of physical activity a

day during April.

To accompany this form, we recommend you visit to download our Information for Parents flyer

that explains the health and wellbeing benefits of joining Premier’s Active April and outlines the great incentives and prizes you can

win by registering.

This year, our school will be participating in Premier’s Active April and we are asking students to join their school or class team and get

more active and join the fun.

There are three options below showing you how to register and join our school team. Please contact the school if you need further


Registration and Team Details

Log in / Register:

Team ID: ----melton-south-primary

Team Name: Melton South Primary

Once registered, students will have the option to join multiple teams. We encourage you to register your whole family and create a

family team as well, enabling you to share the experience and keep each other motivated.

How to join our school team

1) If your family are already registered:

Log in to the Active April web or mobile app using the student’s username and password

Go to the Teams page and select “Request to join a Team”.

Enter the Team ID (see above) and click “Send Request”

A notification will be sent to the teacher who created the team. After the teacher accepts the request, the

student will see the team details when they next log in.

2) If your family are not registered

Register at – register yourself first, then register family members.

Once registered, your child can use their unique username and password to access the Activity Tracker and program incentives.

In the top right navigation, change “Logged in as:” to the relevant child’s name. You’ll now be viewing the

Activity Tracker app as though you are logged in as this user. NB: you may need to refresh the page to see this.

Go to the Teams page and select “Request to join a Team”.

Enter the Team ID (see above) and click “Send Request”.

A notification will be sent to the teacher who created the team. When the teacher accepts the request, the

student will see the team details when they next log in.