Membership is a lot like Gardening

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Membership is a lot like Gardening. Presentation Objectives. The right soil for the right seed Matching Guests to the Correct Member, Matching Members to the Correct Mentor Plants need talking too Using the phone instead of email, Watering and feeding - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Membership is a lot like Gardening

Presentation Objectives The right soil for the right seed– Matching Guests to the Correct Member,– Matching Members to the Correct Mentor

Plants need talking too– Using the phone instead of email,

Watering and feeding– Post-Toasties the all so important after the

meeting meeting

Pruning – Or Leadership, when to let go

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com2

At the District & Club Level

Every interaction has an impact on whether members leave or stay in a club,

Every interaction has an impact on whether clubs grow or decline…..

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com3

Why do Members Leave?

1% Die 3% Move away 9% Move on to other products because of

someone's recommendation 9% Find a cheaper product elsewhere 10% Are chronically dissatisfied 68% Go elsewhere because the people they deal

with are indifferent to their needs

“From the Moment of Truths series”

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com4

Why do Members Leave? cont..

It is part of a club cycle to lose members,

Most members leave because they do not feel;

– Needed,– Wanted, or– Appreciated…

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com5

Why do Members Stay?

“People join to overcome their fear of public speaking

They stay because they made REAL friends”

– Craig Senior

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com6

Why do Members Stay? cont….

Toastmasters is NOT a social club, BUT….

We ARE social creatures, if we do not feel nurtured, we leave…

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com7

Why do Members Stay? cont….

To keep our members and have strong clubs we need to build strong relationships with our members!!!!!!!!!!

It starts with our first impressions…

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com8

The right soil for the right seed- Matching Guests to the Correct Member

Why did the Guest come?– Do we have a member who joined for the same


What type of “personality” is our Guest?– Introvert?– Extravert?

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com9

How to “interview” a guest

Family Occupation Recreation Money (if applicable) i.e. club dues

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com10

The right soil for the right seed- Matching Members and to the Correct Mentor

Formal or informal Mentoring?

Why did the member join?

Is the Mentor Available/Willing…

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM

09 Jan


Plants need talking too- Use the phone NOT email!

Email;– Great to pass information (agenda, roster etc)– Email is one way– Externally poor to “read” people!

Phone;– Phone is a two way conversation– Human contact– Allows to share…

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com12

Watering and feeding - Post-Toasties

Post-Toasties the all so important after the meeting meeting

Opportunity to:– Socialize– Go in-depth on a subject covered at the club– Mentor– Build the relationships….

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com13

Pruning - or, Leadership, when to let go

Leading is also learning to let go

Opportunity to:– Mentor/Coach– Learn new skills and/or– Move on….

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com14


That’s it

Here is your chance to ask me what you never dared ask!(Toastmaster questions only please)

Membership is a lot like Gardening

Sylvain Auffret DTM Sylvain@ChezSylvain.com15

End of Presentation

Please fill out your evaluations forms,

Go out there and have FUN building relationships with you membership!