Membership websites allow you to provide content, training ... · • Turns Wordpress into a...

Post on 11-Jul-2020

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• Membership websites allow you to provide content, training, services, or products each month to your customers.

• They provide passive, monthly income, or residual income.• For Example:

• 100 People Paying You $10/month = $1,000/month in revenue.• 100 People Paying You $100/month = $10,000/month in revenue.• 50 People Paying You $30/month = $1,500/month in revenue.• 86 People Paying You $97/month = $100,104/year in revenue.• 1,000 People Paying You $5/month = $60,000/year in revenue.

• One of the most reliable ways to generate consistent income.• A properly run membership site should be easy to maintain. (Free Membership)

• Monthly Membership• More commonly used membership type. • You charge a monthly fee for access to your training, coaching, or

products.• You get the residual passive income.• Always need to be adding fresh members.

• Annual Membership• Charge a fee for year long access.• Ideal to set this to autorenew each year.• If offered with a monthly offer make incentive to go annual.

• Take 2 months off.• Offer a special bonus.

• Lifetime Membership• Charge a higher fee for lifetime access to your membership.• Definitely want to charger a higher price.• Consider 2 or 3 times the price of an annual membership.• Give special bonuses and incentives.• Excellent for instant cash infusion.

• Fixed Term Membership• Membership that lasts for a fixed amount of time.• Lower cancellation rate.• Gives members a set end time for the charges and training.• Examples:

• 6 Months or 12 Months

• Free Membership Sites With Lifetime Upgrades• Used for building massive email lists.• Establishes you as more of an expert because you have your own members

area.• Members feel secure to have their own login area.• Offers upgrade chances.• Gives you a chance to sell products as an affiliate. • Diversifies your income.

• Your content is extremely important to your membership site.• Quality content, coaching, support, training, products will help people


• Your potential customers want to know:• “What is in it for me?”

• Decide your main membership content structure.• Video training, ebooks/reports, or both.• Monthly live trainings or Q&A sessions.• Private forum access.• Bonus training or content.• If physical products what is included.

• Video is one of the best ways to deliver top quality content.• Start with PowerPoints and voice over.

• Use OpenOffice Impress if you don’t have PowerPoint.• Screen Capture software to use:

• Camtasia (More expensive, but more features.)• Screencast-O-Matic (Free + Low Paid Option)• Jing (Free + Low Paid Option)

• Microphone to use.• Logitech USB Headset

• Web cam style videos.• Get a webcam that records at least 720p for optimal quality.• For best quality look for 1080p webcams.• Deliver content in a more person approach.• Use Google Hangouts for this delivery method.

• Whiteboard or Video Demonstration• Video of you standing in front of a whiteboard giving content.• Screen capture demonstration of you performing a certain skill.• Video of you demonstrating an exercise, dance move, or way to cook something.

• Downloadable reports complement video training really well.• Gives people who don’t like to watch videos another way to learn.

• Enhances customer satisfaction and overall stick rate.

• Have your videos transcribed.• Convert your PowerPoint slides into PDFs.• Create a cheat sheet of the content covered in the video like notes.• Write multiple short 7 to 15 page reports that provide actionable steps.• Use Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer (Free) to create your content. • Always convert to a PDF file when saving it.

• Many successful membership sites offer live Q&A coaching calls.• Give your customer’s personal access to you.• Prevents them from getting frustrated or stuck.

• Consider offering two live Q&A sessions per month.• Could even offer them once per week live sessions.

• Use Google Hangouts for these.• Free and automatically recorded.• Replays uploaded to YouTube.

• You can set your replays private. (See screenshot.)

• GoToWebinar• Great webinar solution

• Member’s only forums do add value.• Forums can also hurt you if they are not managed.• If you are in there or have moderators assisting customers it helps.• Gives your members an extra layer of support and access.• Provides another means for valuable content.• vBulletin is the most popular.• PHPbb is a free forum alternative.• Make sure it stays hidden and protected in your member’s area.

• You can sell physical items monthly.• Works great for reusable items.

• Dollar Shave Club• Jerky of the Month Club• Steak of the Month Club• It Works Global Sea Weed Wraps• Health Supplements By Mail

• Get a unique supplier if possible.• Let them know you are enhancing exposure for their product line.

• Difficult to compete if it is a commonly found reusable item on• Create quality packaging for your product.• Utilize freelancers to help you with your product packaging.


• Some membership sites give access to software or themes.• Software you could charge monthly for:

• Traffic generation software.• Instant website builder software.• Ecover software• Calorie counting software.

• Goal of a membership site is to protect your content.• Gives your member’s easy access to protected content.• Important points when setting up your membership site.

• Include all your content behind the ‘members’ area. • Ideally this would be found in like a directory on your server named ‘members’.• Use your membership software to protect this directory.

• Inside ‘members’ directory include:• All video files or PDF reports or audio content.• Include your members download pages in HTML format.• Setup Wordpress inside this protected area for easy management.

• Create new pages to include content on.• Use Wordpress custom navigation for easy navigating.

• Focus on getting a reliable membership script that protects any directory on your web host.

• You don’t need a super fancy solution.• Upload your content via FTP or your web host’s file manager.• Wordpress can also be used to upload media files:

• PDFs• Video Files• Link to these files on the pages.

• Must have a long history and support in place.• WishList Member

• Turns Wordpress into a membership site.• aMember Pro

• Long running membership software.• Protects your directory.

• S2Member• Free and paid option.• Newer membership solution.

• MemberGate• Long history.• Expensive one time fee.• Top notch support.

• Used on over 51,000 membership sites & easy to use.• Designed to work with Wordpress.

• Reduces the learning curve tremendously.• Only a few minutes to having your membership site live.

• Protects any content or web directory with ease.• Includes Wordpress, HTML pages, and file protection.

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