Menarini. sevilla. sept 2011

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Hassan, N. B., Ismail, H. C., Naing, L., Conroy, R. M. and Abdul Rahman, A. R.(2010), Development and validation of a new Prescription Quality Index. British Journal ofClinical Pharmacology, 70: 500–513. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2009.03597.x

A good prescription is one that is rational, evidencebased, clear, complete, and able to improve thehealth outcomes of the patient treated (…)Prescribing without an acceptableindication, correct dose, frequency, route ofadministration, schedule or duration oftreatment, duplicating therapeutic agents andprescribing drugs without adequate regard topotential interactions or adverse reactions are allforms of inappropriate prescribing and contribute topoor quality prescription




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