Menopause Symptoms - Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Irregular Periods and Loss of Libido

Post on 07-May-2015

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description Detailed article about the most common menopause symptoms: night sweats, hot flashes, irregular periods and loss of libido. see how you can manage and treat these menopausal symptoms


What are hot flashes and night sweats?

Middle-aged women must transition through menopause whenapproaching the non-reproductive phase of life, a difficultjourney for a majority of the female population. Women ofthis age are likely to experience a huge array of uncomfortableside effects, ranging from painful headaches to irregularperiods. Hot Flashes and their cousin Night Sweats are alsoamong the most common symptoms of menopause, affectingmillions of women each year.

Menopause Symptom - Hot Flashes

Menopause Symptoms – Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Irregular Periods & Loss of Libido

Many women find themselves experiencing a huge array of uncomfortable and distressing sideeffects with the onset of menopause. Menopause, the time of life when women transition intonon-reproductive ability, is accompanied often by intense episodes of mood swings, nightsweats, hot flashes and many other inhibiting conditions. The many side effects that areassociated with female middle age, when combined with one another, can produce massiveamounts of physical and emotional stress.

Hot flashes are among the most common symptoms of menopause, affecting millions ofwomen in the United States alone every year. Hot flashes and night sweats can sometimesprogress to such intensity that they inhibit you from completing daily tasks, and can also cause

embarrassing situations. This condition is characterized by suddenand intense sensations of heat that usually begin in the innerabdomen, then spread to envelop the entire body. Profuseperspiration, an accelerated heartbeat and sudden bouts of anxietyare the most common symptoms of hot flashes.

What causes hot flashes

How to treat hot flashes during menopause

Night sweats are the nocturnal cousin of hot flashes,characterized by many of the same symptoms but occurring late atduring sleep. Night sweats leave you awakening sweaty and coldand often cause bouts of insomnia or disrupted sleep. Hot flashesand night sweats, though they occur at different times of the day,are usually caused by the same cause. The hormonal instabilitythat arises as a result of menopause causes these menopausal symptoms, , among many others.

As menopause is a woman's loss of reproductive ability, the body begins to decrease itsproduction of estrogen during this time. Estrogen and other hormones are very influential withinthe body, regulating many bodily functions and aspects of certain organs. One of the manyresponsibilities of estrogen is to assist the regulation of the hypothalamus, the internalthermometer of the body. When hormonal levels fluctuate, as they often do throughoutmenopause, you sometimes experience intense sensations of heat due to the instability of thehypothalamus.

Though both night sweats and hot flashes can proveincredibly irritating and inhibiting, especially whencombined with the many other side effects commonlyassociated with menopause, there are fortunately manyways in which you can treat menopausal hot flashes. Mostexperts recommend a combination of healthy lifestyleadaptations and certain alternative methods. Thousands ofwomen have found this twofold process to be the mostefficacious and safest natural way to address hot flashesand many other symptoms of hormonal transition.

Most women find that alterations to diet and exercise regularity are the most effective lifestylechanges that can be made in an attempt to treat hot flashes, night sweats or any othersymptoms of menopause and hormonal instability. You should strive to eat a healthy andbalanced diet that consists of nutrient-rich foods, as well as eight glasses of water each day. Thiswill help to optimize the overall health of your body, resulting in far fewer episodes of hotflashes and night sweats.

In addition to dietary changes, you also should exercise aerobically for at least a half hour eachday. Swimming, walking and jogging are among the best light aerobic activities you can

What are night sweats?

Both hot flashes and night sweats are easily identifiable.Night sweats are characterized by frequent awakeningsat night, after which you find yourself drenched in

Menopause Symptom - Night Sweats

Night sweats are among the most common menopausalsymptoms and early menopause symptoms. The causes ofearly menopause are not entirely known yet by thescientific community, but it shares many of the samecharacteristics of normal menopause. Night sweats are anirritating condition, closely related to hot flashes. Nightsweats, put simply, are simply the nighttime equivalent ofthe hot flashes many menopausal women are familiar with.

implement into your daily lifestyle. Relaxation activities are also integral to this method as theyreduce the overall amount of stress present within your body, rendering you much more able tofend off the negative emotional and physical side effects of hormonal instability. By utilizing thistwofold method of alleviation, you will notice a definite decrease in the occurrence of hot flashesduring menopause. See more about hot flashes symptoms.

If you are a woman approaching middle age, you probably have already become acquainted withmany conditions and side effects that commonly accompany this period of life. Menopausalsymptoms include night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, hot flashes and d many others.Menopause anxiety and weight gain are also fairly common side effects. Because many of theseside effects occur in conjunction with one another, many women feel quite overwhelmed andunable to complete the most benign of daily tasks, resulting in huge amounts of stress, bothemotional and physical.

What causes night sweats during menopause?

If you feel as though your night sweats are occurringabnormally or excessively, you may find it beneficialto speak with a physician or doctor, as they will beable to better direct your treatment. Though night

sweats are almost never indicative of a serious medicalcondition, a doctor will be able to nevertheless suggesteffective treatment methods. Be wary, however, ofpharmaceutical options, as many of these have beenproven dangerous and are usually quite costly. You

sweat and shivering from cold. This condition can become extremely annoying, resulting infrequent sleep disruptions and even insomnia. Many women who suffer from this conditionduring menopause feel helpless, never sleeping adequately and consequently suffering frommore side effects the following day.

Though both hot flashes and night sweats can be inhibiting and incredibly irritating, especiallywhen combined with the many other symptoms of hormonal instability you are li likely toexperience during menopause, there are many ways in which you can treat night sweats safelyand naturally.

Menopause marks a woman's transition into the non-reproductive phase of life, where estrogenand other female hormones are not nearly as important. As a result, the body begins to greatlyreduce its production of estrogen and other hormones during this time, creating fluctuations inyour hormonal levels. Estrogen especially is a very influential chemical within the body,regulating many bodily functions. It should therefore come as no surprise that unstable hormonal

levels can cause so many uncomfortable side effectsto arise.

Among the many responsibilities of estrogen is toinfluence the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus isthe regulatory section of the brain that controlstemperature and the production of sweat. Whenestrogen levels fluctuate, the hypothalamusexperiences miscommunications that trigger theoverproduction of heat and perspiration. When thisoccurs during night, you experience an episode of night sweats.

Night sweats and hot flashes are generally very benign conditions of hormonal transition andshould thus be met with little concern or worry. They are incredibly common among middle-aged women and are almost never indicative of anything more serious than menopause orhormonal instability. Hot flashes and night sweats can, however, manifest as symptoms ofanother health condition n when they occur often or excessively. Though uncommon, night sweatscan arise as one of the many symptoms of ovarian cancer.

What are irregular periods during menopause?

Menopause Symptom – Irregular Periods

should strive to implement strictly natural remedies, which work just as well as their syntheticcounterparts and are accompanied by no serious side effects as pharmaceutical options are.See more about night sweats treatment or night sweats symptoms.

Menopause is a time when many uncomfortable symptoms arise, as it signifies your transition asa woman into the non-reproductive part of life. The many symptoms of menopause can,especially when combined, create feelings of helplessness and hopelessness within those whosuffer from intense forms of its symptoms and side effects. Fortunately, irregular periods andmany other symptoms of menopause can be effectively treated. The elimination of even onemenopausal side effect can create a much easier transition.

To understand menopause irregular periods, you must first comprehend the mechanics ofmenopause itself. Menopause is a woman's transition from reproductive ability to non-reproductive life. Thus, the body begins to sharply decrease its production of estrogen and otherfemale hormones, and increases its production of testosterone, the major male hormone. Becauseof these wildly fluctuating hormonal levels, menopausal women experience a huge array ofsymptoms and side effects that are often uncomfortable, embarrassing and sometimes painful.Irregular periods spotting is just one of many symptoms of hormonal transition.

Irregular periods are characterized by spontaneous and often heavy-flow menstrual cycles thatbegin and conclude without regularity. The volume of blood release during irregular periods alsovaries, often alternating between very heavy flow and barely any bleeding at all.

Irregular periods can be burdening for menopausal women, especially when combined with themany other side effects associated with hormonal transition. If you have experienced heavyirregular periods during menopause, you already are aware of the awful spontaneity andunknowing that accompanies this symptom. Women who suffer from this symptom must alwayscarry with them tampons and pads in case their menstrual cycle begins randomly, and they are

very accustomed to ruining underwear.

Randomly commencing periods during menopause can be a very distressing symptom, but theyfortunately can be treated effectively through simple and safe treatment methods.

How to treat irregular periods during menopause

Because irregular periods are caused by hormonal fluctuations and a lack of estrogen within thebody, you must address these imbalances when trying to alleviate this symptom. This can beaccomplished effectively through safe methods that entail only simple alterations to yourlifestyle and daily routine. You also must remember that pre menopause irregular periods arecommon, as well as irregular periods during pregnancy.

1) Diet

Eat from a diet rich in essential nutrients and vitamins, especially calcium and vitamins A, C andD. You also should add more soy to your diet, as soy products contain phytoestrogen, a naturalform of estrogen. Eliminating fatty, sugary and caffeinated foods and beverages from your dailyroutine also will prove beneficial.

Through implementing these simple changes to your diet, you will notice an immediate reductionin the intensity and frequency of irregular periods during menopause, as they promote hormonalstability and a greater amount of estrogen within your body.

2) Exercise

To promote hormonal balance during menopause, you should strive to perform a regimen ofregular physical activity that includes a half hour of aerobic exercise every day. Jogging andswimming are possible choices for activities, but you should pause if you feel your heart rate hasexcessively accelerated. These activities can be supplemented with techniques that reduce stress,like meditation and yoga.

Not only will these techniques melt away accumulated stress, they also promote stable hormonallevels. Most women have found that a culmination of regular exercise and healthy dietarychoices is, by far, the safest and most efficacious method to avoid the occurrence of irregularperiods during menopause.

Sugars, caffeine, carbohydrates, spicy or greasy foods will accentuate irregular periods and ingeneral is indicated to keep away from these foods while in menopause.

During Menopausal Irregular r Periods Say No to these foods

What causes loss of libido during menopause?

Although menopause loss of libido is the most common manifestation of the condition, it alsocan affect those of perimenopausal or postmenopausal age. Early menopause loss of libido ischaracterized by many of the same side effects, but generally is not as frequent or intense. Postmenopause loss of libido is also common, which is caused by the same culprit, but is also not asprevalent.

Treating libido loss

Menopause Symptom - Loss of Libido

Menopause is an uncertain time for women, punctuated by many strange side effects that caninduce worry and discomfort. Among the many symptoms of menopause you are likely toexperience throughout middle age is a general loss of libido, a symptom caused by hormonalinstability and the transition toward the non-reproductive part of female life. Though a lackinglibido mostly affects women of menopausal age, loss of libido after menopause is also incrediblycommon. Whether you are experiencing a low sex drive as a result of menopause,perimenopause or post-menopause, there are many ways in which you can alleviate thisproblem naturally and safely.

The many symptoms that arise as a result of menopause are caused generally by the same culprit.Menopause signifies s the end of a woman's reproductive ability, where estrogen and otherimportant female hormones are not as necessary. The body consequently begins to significantlyslow its production of estrogen and progesterone. Because these chemicals are so influential andimportant within the body, imbalanced levels of hormones can trigger the development of manymenopausal symptoms, , including loss of libido.

If you have experienced loss of libido to any degree during menopause, you are likely alreadyaware of the consequences that can arise as a result of this condition. Strained intimaterelationships and feelings of inadequacy may not be physically detrimental but are definitelystressful and saddening. Fortunately, there is an extremely effective way to approach libido loss

and many other symptoms of menopause. This method is completely natural, safe and requireslittle, if any, money.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle adaptations and alternative medicines must be combined to achieve maximumefficacy. Although both of these are effective on their own, much research has concluded thatthis twofold method most successfully decreases the occurrence of lost libido and other commonsymptoms associated with menopause and hormonal instability.

More exercise, a healthier diet and the implementing of relaxation exercises are allimprovements you can make to your daily lifestyle to reduce your chances of developingmenopausal side effects. These alterations work by promoting the overall health of your bodyand stabilizing hormonal levels, even stimulating the production of estrogen and progesterone.By utilizing these simple lifestyle changes, you will notice a definite decrease in the occurrenceof your menopausal side effects, namely libido loss. Not only will you have a more tolerablehormonal transition, but you also will live longer and healthier.

Alternative Medicines

Alternative medicines are similarly effective, but must be combined with lifestyle changes forfull effectiveness. Hypnosis, aromatherapy and acupuncture are but a few examples of alternativeremedies you can implement. Though many women find these methods primarily gimmicky,they actually address hormonal instability very well, though researchers are unsure of the exactmechanics.

Loss of libido during menopause can prove to be stressful and emotionally detrimental,especially when it occurs alongside the many other side effects and conditions you are likely toprocure throughout hormonal transition. Elimination or alleviation of this condition to anydegree will allow for a much more tolerable menopausal experience. If you are at all concernedregarding your lack of libido, you should consider obtaining the opinion of a doctor or physician,as they will be able to better direct your treatment.

List of 35 Menopausal Symptoms

Aching Joints and Muscular IssuesAnxiety

Breast PainBrittle Fingernails

Burning Mouth SyndromeChanges in Body Odor

Decreased LibidoDepressionHeadaches

Urinary IncontinenceIrregular Periods

Itchy SkinMood Swings

Paranoia or DreadRinging in the Ears

Tingling ExtremitiesWeight Gain

Development of OsteoporosisDifficulty Concentrating

Digestive ProblemsDizziness

Electric Shock SensationsFatigue or Low Energy

Gum ProblemsHair Loss

Hot Flashes

Increased Tension in MusclesIrritability

Memory LapsesNight Sweats

Rapid Heart BeatSleep DisordersVaginal Dryness
