Post on 10-Feb-2018

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O ur 481st year draws to a close. It has ended – to re-align a quote from T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Hollow Men’ - with a ‘bang’ as opposed to a ‘whimper’. This school does not do ‘winding down’! Highlights this month include our

magnificent first STEM Festival, the Summer Concerts and Sports Day. Our 2017 – 2018 School Calendar is now completed and it is even more packed than this year’s. Our monthly newsletters have now become bumper editions. From now on, therefore, we will just be having monthly newsletters.

The end of a school year does engender mixed emotions: elation that the summer holidays have arrived but also sadness that we say farewells. We wish all our Year 13s the very best for the future and the same for those Year 11s who are not returning in September. We thank them all for the contributions they have made to our school.

We also say farewell to teachers who are leaving and we look forward to welcoming new colleagues in September.

It is always a pleasure to announce internal promotions: James Dudley Hart Assistant Head i/c of Years 5, 6, 7 & 8 & NQT & Trainee Teachers (1st June 2017) Simon Barrington – Head of History (1st June 2017) Sophie Edmeades – KS5 History Co-ordinator (July 2017) Jo Marshall – Interim Head of Year 12 (1st July 2017 – 31st October 2017)

Best wishes for a pleasant summer.

Dr David Parry Headteacher



Staff Farewells

T his year we bid a fond farewell to five members of our teaching staff and thank them for everything they have done for the school and all the students they have taught along the way.

Susana Garcia Teacher of Spanish

since 2006 (11 years)

Esther McCall Director of Science

since 1999 (18 years)

Alan Egleton Teacher of Chemistry since 2008 (9 years)

Sue Regan Head of Food Tech since

1992 (25 years)

Matt Peoples Teacher of Maths since 2012 (5 years)

Helen Hill Sports Collective since 2011 (6 years)

Ronald Robbin-Coker Teacher of Biology since 2015 (2 years)



W e look forward to welcoming our new members of staff in September 2017:

Bradley Copper—English Assistant Joseph Clarkson—Teacher of Spanish

Jennifer Cheketri—Teacher of PE Lisa Colbear—Teacher of Economics & Business

Gary Dimond—Head of Physics Ellie Griffiths—Teacher of Maths

Claire Morrell—Teacher of Business Jenny Ruth—Head of Food Preparation & Nutrition

Gordon Sears—Teacher of Maths Paul Withyman—Head of Art

Dear Parents and Carers After saying goodbye to all staff who are leaving at the end of the term at the recent farewells, it is now my turn to say farewell. I have made the decision not to stand for re-election when my term of office expires as Chair of Governors on 31st August 2017. I have been a Governor for 11 years, Vice Chair for 2 years and Chair for 4 years. I undertook to the Head to see the school through the next Ofsted and I am pleased that the School received a ‘Good’ rating recently (full report on the website) at a time of severe challenge in education. I have recently sold my business and will need to spend time focusing my professional efforts on integrating that into its new parent company, law firm Pinsent Masons. I feel extremely privileged to have been Chair of Governors at a school where I was also Head Girl and I would like to pay tribute to the Head, Senior Leadership Team, staff, governors and especially Simon Miller, Vice Chair and Liz Evans, Clerk for their support. Simon Miller will step up as interim Chair until the election process can take place in the Autumn term. I would like to wish you and your children a lovely Summer break and hope that you are looking forward to the new academic year. Regards Ms Jacey Graham



M rs Jones and I took three of our Year 8 students to Hammersmith in June

to take part in the London Regional Final of the Translation Competition.

Tom Mann came second and represented the school on 3rd July in the

National Final in Cambridge.

Unfortunately, Ben Stocks and Joanne Geraldo did not go through but it is still a

very impressive achievement as about 5,000 participants started the competition

in the London area in September.

Ms V Fournet



O ur new Year 10 Prefects on flag duty this month.

A picture of just some of the very talented

Year 7 Art Club students with their poster design highlighting Road Safety. A very special thank you to Mrs English and her art students for producing such a fantastic innovation.



The Coopers’ Company & Coborn School

St Mary’s Lane, Upminster, RM14 3HS

Saturday 9th September 2017

Sellers arrive from 8am

Cars £8……… Vans £10 Toilets and refreshments available

Do not book in advance Weather permitting Tel: 07508135449 facebook: bootsalescooperscoborn

Please support our school



T he German Exchange to Rheinbach 27 June – 4 July 2017

At 4am on Tuesday 27th June fourteen very nervous, excited and brave Year 10 and 12 pupils started their return journey to Rheinbach (near Bonn and Köln), to spend one week living with their German exchange partners and their families. After negotiating the German public transport system, we were met with hugs at the school bus stop. The week was filled with shopping trips to Bonn and Cologne, visits to the beautiful cathedrals in Cologne and Aachen, experience of German lessons, the sampling of lots of German food, practising German in ‘real life situations,’ swimming in the impressive indoor and outdoor pools in Rheinbach, and of course, the ‘obligatory’ weekend trip to Phantasialand. We also managed to celebrate two birthdays with lots of delicious German cake. The whole experience was captured by Simon, a German pupil who has made his very own DVDs of the English and

German visits. When we left a week later there were hugs, but also tears and plans to meet up again in the summer holidays, as the friends said ‘Auf Wiedersehen.’



J ack Petchey award winners January – June 2017

Congratulations to all our prizewinners who will be presented with their Jack

Petchey medal at the awards evening at the Queens Theatre in September.

Sam Ford – Year 12 – Duke Of Edinburgh Award

Sam Ford is a model DofE participant and he has covered every section to the

highest possible standard. He is not only capable of working resourcefully

and independently, but he is also an excellent team member. He can be relied

upon to help anyone in any capacity at any time. He not only completed DofE

Silver award but was an ICT Captain and mentor at school as well as supporting his

local scout group. Whilst doing all of these different roles he has also managed to

maintain excellent GCSE academic grades at school. Sam has bought a shelter with

his prize money which will be used as a base for students and staff on the DofE


Oscar Eastman – Year 11 – Music

Oscar received the award for his outstanding commitment to the extra-curricular

music life of the school and is a stalwart member of many of the school music

groups. No matter how much he has to do, he will always put Music first. He is also

studying Music and is working really hard in class. Oscar used the money to buy

five sets of studio music for the school Big Band to enlarge their repertoire.

Nathan Bright – Year 11 – Maths

Nathan was presented with the award for his outstanding achievement in maths –

‘he's awesome!’ and consistently works hard to achieve his best. He chose to buy

A3 whiteboards for use in maths.



J ack Petchey award winners January - June 2017

Chelsea Robertson – Year 13 – Science Chelsea is in Year 13 and has given up time to help Year 12 Chemistry students every week since September. She also helped during open evenings and is so enthusiastic that she deserves recognition. She is a really lovely hardworking student. Chelsea decided to buy hotplate stirrers for the Department. Anaya Sharma – Year 9 – MFL Anaya was nominated for winning the regional German Spelling Bee and bought some language books and a visualizer for the languages department. Annabel Smith – Year 9 – Learning support Annabel is an inspiration to us all. Following her surgery when she was in Year 6 and spending many months in rehabilitation, learning to walk, talk and eat again, she is now star jumping and doing forward rolls! Despite her still having some

medical issues, her commitment and dedication to her school studies is a testament to her determination to lead a normal life. Annabel always has a smile on her face. She will be enjoying a well deserved night out with her friends at Pizza Express with her prize money.



S TEM Day - Romford Recorder Report

Friday 16th July 2017

Science would not normally be your

first thought when making sherbet, or

engineering spring to mind when you visit

a theme park, but students have been

discovering a new way to look at everyday


Coopers’ Company and Coborn School

focused on giving pupils first hand

experiences of science, technology,

engineering and mathematics (STEM)

during the STEM Festival earlier in July to

encourage them to take up future careers

in these fields.

The School’s director of Science Esther

McCall said “All in all, it was a really

successful day. The Headteacher [David Parry] has this vision of the School

becoming the centre of STEM excellence, where students

do eventually go on to study one of these subjects. It has

become a big problem and there is a government initiative

to get young people interested in becoming part of these

industries as there is going to be a huge shortfall in the

engineers, scientists and so on.”



To show students there is more to the subjects than what meets the eye, those in Year 12 took part in a number of activities including making bath bombs with cosmetics company Lush, and entered a competition to build an air-powered rocket car. The contest was run by Bloodhound SSC and the winning team will have their names written on the

Bloodhound car when it attempts to break the land speed record next year. Police Officers also brought in dogs to talk about how they are trained and firefighters from the London Fire Brigade attended to discuss how STEM subjects are used for fire investigation and basic fire and safety. As well as these, other year groups were treated to the Big Bang London event at Newham College, taught basic life support by the London Ambulance Service, learned about “explosive foods” from the Royal Institution and some even got to spend the day at Thorpe Park to find out more about what goes into making a

ride. The day was organised by both Esther and the School’s STEM co-ordinator Nick Galvin. Esther said: “The School can’t wait to hold the day again next year.”



O ver in the Computer Block the Year 9 students were programming BBC

microbits; flashing lights, making a game and singing Happy Birthday. In

the afternoon Year 9 attended an interactive talk on 'Explosive Food' by

the Royal Institute.



Sinking our teeth into sports

Helping our children stay healthy is always important, which is why the

team at Pure Orthodontics is thrilled to be sponsoring Coopers’ Company

and Coborn School’s first and second rugby teams!

Pure, one of Chelmsford’s best orthodontic practices, has a commitment

to supporting schools in the local area and is eager to build a long lasting

relationship with the school and its pupils.

The rugby teams will be sporting brand new uniforms, provided by Pure

Orthodontics, and have even been offered matching gum shields to help

ensure their teeth stay safe at all times.

The team at Pure is excited to be able to support some of Essex’s most

promising school sports’ teams and we attended

The Coopers’ Company and Coborn School’s sports awards evening

Offering a wide range of top-of-the-range orthodontic care,

Pure Orthodontics is the first choice for orthodontics in the

Chelmsford area, and with two new surgeries opening in December,

there’s never been a better time to book an appointment.

To learn more about Pure Orthodontics, or to book an appointment

with specialist orthodontist, Dr Monica Reinach,

call us on 01245 463000 today.



O ur Year 11 leavers’ day was definitely a day

to remember for students and staff alike.

We wish them all the very best and look

forward to seeing them on Results Day.

CCCS Leavers

2012 - 2017



CCCS Leavers

2012 - 2017



W e welcomed 14 Chinese exchange students from Guangzhou Foreign

Languages School on 10th of July. They spent one week with us to

explore the English education system. They attended classes with their

buddies. At the end of their visit, a special assembly was held for them.

Mr Dudley-Hart thanked them for bringing a fantastic opportunity to our students

to get to know more about China, and he also thanked all the members of staff

and students for their support during this programme. Mr Duncan presented a

participation certificate to the Chinese students. Two Chinese students also voiced

their heartfelt thanks to all the teachers and students. When it was time for

farewells, numerous hugs and tears in the eye signified the success of our first ever

Chinese exchange.



W e held two Sixth Form Induction days which were a huge success. The

feedback from both internal and external students was extremely positive and we will definitely plan for these next year. Both days included A level taster lessons and an orienteering teambuilding challenge which proved to be very competitive and a lot of fun.



S peak Out Challenge

In May, a group of Year 10

students took part in the

first round of the Jack Petchey

Speak Out Challenge. The aim of

the day was to offer students

guidance into creating,

structuring and delivering

speeches, with the ultimate aim

of building confidence. By the

end of the day

there were tears

of sadness and

of laughter. All

of the students

d e l i v e r e d

speeches that

were personal

to them and

shone, with the

training staff

from The

Speakers’ Trust

being genuinely


by the students’

honesty and

passion with

which they spoke.

The winner of this round was Rosie Gospage, with runner up Stephen

McLoughlin. Highly commended went to Lydia Lindsay, Max Camp and

Abraham Muwanga.



I then accompanied Rosie to the Jack Petchey Speak Out

Challenge Havering Final where she battled against 19 speakers. She spoke with passion, dedication and humility and that was well received by the judges as she walked away as Havering champion! Then on to the Final held in London. Rosie was placed third out of the 15 finalists who came from a whopping 19,242 students who took part in the competition. Rosie did herself, her family, friends and the school proud. The link for her speech can be found here: We may not have walked away with first prize but we sure made up for it in rapturous applause! Heidi Smith, English Department



M embers of the Youth Travel Ambassadors organised various cycling

promotion events during July which included ‘Bike to School Week' &

‘Smoothie Bike Day’ to encourage more students to cycle to and from

school every day.

During the week of Monday 3rd July, students who cycled to school were awarded

house points and also given a raffle ticket which entered them into a prize draw to

win bike equipment prizes and iTune Vouchers.

The YTA were very pleased with the increased numbers of students cycling to

school that week, with a high of 50 student bikes in the cycle shelters on Thursday

6th July.



O n Wednesday 5th July students had an opportunity to make their own fruit smoothie on the School’s Smoothie bike.

This was a very popular event with the students and a very tasty one too!

The competition winners for ‘Bike to school week’ are pictured receiving their prizes.

1st Prize – Owen Skinner - £25 iTunes Voucher and Bike equipment

2nd Prize – Connor Baily - £25 iTunes Voucher

3rd Prize – Lenny Houston - Bike equipment



W e are very proud of Stephanie Howe, whose work was exhibited in the

Mall Galleries as part of the National Students' Art Exhibition, held

under the patronage of the Royal Society of British Artists. It features

the best young artists in the country exhibiting alongside work from some of our

finest professional artists. A truly inspiration exhibition celebrating gifted and

talented students in schools, colleges and academies from across the country.



D rama Next year’s whole school production musical

has been decided! Watch this space over the summer holiday to get the weekly clues which will be released on the Drama Department Facebook page. Congratulations to our two Drama Captains : Joseph Deighton and Emily Styrka. They have both shown great focus and creativity throughout the last year. They both performed in the school production 'Treasure Island', where Joseph stole the show with his 'Cheese Melody'. We have been impressed with their dedication, enthusiasm and commitment over the past year. Their involvement and effort in both lessons and extra-curricular activities has been outstanding. Well done to our two new Drama Mentors, Tom Larke (Games Captain) and Emma Edgell-Reeves (Vice School Captain). Well done to Tom Larke for his role at the Tower of London. We've had a successful year of fantastic results from students’ acting exams. Luis Gonzalez and Jenson Grech who re-sat their Unit 2: fantastic Physical Theatre piece inspired by 'Alice in Wonderland'. All performances can be found on the Drama Department’s Youtube Channel.



C areers Department News

The last term has been yet another

extremely busy time for the Careers

Department. To ensure that the students are

informed of the opportunities available to

them a number of talks and events have

taken place. I have asked the students to

write articles about their experiences and it’s

really interesting to hear what they have to


Twenty Year 10 students attended taster days at Havering Sixth Form College and

Havering College of Further and Higher Education. The day was packed full of

activities and information and allowed students to start considering other

educational pathways available to them after

leaving Year 11.

A group of Year 10 students attended a

careers event at Havering Sixth Form College

and got the opportunity to speak to lots of

different universities, culminating in a

presentation by a Cambridge admission


Year 10 at Havering Sixth Form event



Y ear 12 had their ‘Beyond 18’ day which was a great success. The day started with an admission tutor from Imperial University

covering ‘how to sell yourself’ which was beneficial for both the job seekers and the students wanting to apply to university. The day ended with over 20 different speakers coming in to talk about their particular area of expertise. Article for Commerzbank written by Tia Treble 12.5 On Wednesday 5th July, myself and a group of Year 12 students visited Commerzbank in London for an insight day. The day consisted of presentations from a few members of the Commerzbank team, as well as different sessions; creating an 'elevator' pitch, a team building activity, and a tour of the trading floor. Every individual one of our CVs were monitored to look for improvements, as well as us all attending a mock interview.

These were helpful in aiding our knowledge about how to approach an interview for a commercial firm in the city. Overall, the day was very interesting and we all learnt a lot about investment banking, working within a commercial bank, and were able to identify our personal strengths and weaknesses. I now feel more confident going into interviews and know how to present myself correctly

in a professional environment. A huge thank you to Mrs. King for organising an overall very successful day!



E ight Year 9 students attended a ‘Women in Engineering Day’. The day was

action packed and full of interesting sessions. Hopefully, it would have

opened the girls’ minds to a career in the engineering world because there

is a massive shortage of females in that industry, as most of you will be aware of.

Twenty-five Year 10s took part in a career mentoring session with the DWP. The

two hour session covered how to apply for apprenticeships and the skills needed

to be successful in the working world. All of students benefited greatly from it and

asked to be part of the next career session in September.

Work Experience for Year 10 took place from the

10th July to the 21st July. The students managed to

secure some very good placements ranging from

shadowing a doctor in a leading London hospital to

working with Network Rail.

Year 12 were also involved in a ‘work shadowing’

scheme from the 17th July to the 21st July. This

provided the students with the invaluable

opportunity of gaining much-needed careers

experience in a placement of their choice. A

number of our current Year 13 students this year have secured positions in the very

organisation with in which they completed their work shadowing.

The benefits of work experience are invaluable. A candidate without any

experience on his or her CV will certainly be at a disadvantage when it comes to

being hired. In today’s competitive job market, it is almost a necessity to have

relevant experience in order to stand out from the crowd and many employers now

see experience as the most important factor when choosing candidates.

If you are able to offer work shadowing placements or would be interested in

employing Coopers Coborn students, don’t hesitate to get in contact with me at

the school. We have a detailed alumni network, as well as our links with the

Coopers’ Company; we would be delighted to widen our net further, to the benefit

of our students.

Mrs Samantha King, Head of Careers



C ambridge Residential At the end of the Spring term, ourselves and five other Year 12 students

(Anna Manning, Josh Stephens, Lucy Eost, Olivia Thomas, Aaron-Jerome Agyei, Oyinkonsola Williams-Akinleye, Tofunmi Adigun-Hameed) visited Queens’ College in Cambridge for an overnight stay in college accommodation and lectures in the science and arts fields. When we arrived, we were shown to our rooms and we each had our own en-suite! We then had a guided tour of the university from a second year Engineering student. We saw the River Cam, the mathematical bridge, the pub in which DNA was supposedly discovered, the tree where the apple famously fell upon Sir Isaac Newton’s head (apparently!), along with many colleges. Our tour guide told us a lot about life at Cambridge University (and Queen’s College in particular) speaking of how social life can be balanced with studying. In the evening we had a dinner in the Buttery followed by a relaxed evening on Erasmus Lawn talking to current students. The following day, some of us attended science talks and the others attended arts talks. The science talk revolved around Earth Science and the arts talks were about Medieval English literature and History and were all done by university lecturers. After this the arts students had a guided tour of the University Library (which is a copyright library and is home to around 8 million items!) and other departments. In the science tour, the students visited the Engineering department where we saw the vehicle that was used in the World Solar Challenge in Australia and we went to the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences where we saw fossils that dated back billions of years. Overall the experience was highly useful and helped us to see whether Cambridge University was right for us. With UCAS applications round the corner, this experience meant that not only did we experience Cambridge University life but caught a glimpse of student life in general. Written by Anna Manning and Josh Stephens



O ur delightful kitchen team are in the spotlight in this month’s newsletter.

Derek, our Head Chef, runs a tight ship organising fresh produce and

themed nutritious lunches as well as breakfast and break food.

What is your favourite food to cook ?

I absolutely love making chilli lasagne - one of my favourite tips is to use nachos

instead of pasta and then layer with cheese sauce on top. It is to die for !

What was the best recipe you have created?

Again, chilli lasagne, my grandkids love it.

Who is your most inspiring Chef?

Gordon Ramsey without a shadow of a doubt.

I love him to pieces. Having said that I do like

Jamie Oliver for what he did for school meals.



H ow do you keep up with new food trends? I look on the internet to see what is going on. I have the Good Food Guide

Database which sends me information on latest trends and ingredients all the time. What are your three favourite dishes? I love Indian food. I will try everything before I say I don’t like something. I have to say I detest sushi. I love chicken balti, keema naan and poppadoms. I do like the mint yoghurt and mango chutney. If you could book a table in any restaurant in the world, where would you go? Jamie Oliver’s 55 which is absolute brilliant. He has chefs in training and everything that comes out of the kitchen is excellent. You would think it is cooked by experts not trainees ! What advice, if any, would you give to the students about food : To make sure they taste different food if have the opportunity to. Don’t turn your nose up, give everything a try especially if you have the opportunity to go abroad. I am visiting France in the Summer and it is on my list to try snails.

P arents’ and Friends’ Association

Thank you to all parents and friends for your support

in the Easter Raffle Draw.

Congratulations to the following winners :-

1st Callum McGoldrick 11.8 opted for 2nd prize of £100

2nd Ashley Frempong 8.7 opted for 2nd prize of £100 also

3rd Lauren Houston 11.1 opted for the Wills worth over £200

4th Harriet Lynch 11.6 £50

Please bear in mind that a very quick and simple way to raise money for our

School is by registering for

Please log in and take a look.



P rom 2017 took place at Orsett Hall with a sit down meal for pupils and staff.





P rom 2017



I was privileged to be invited to take twelve Year 8 girls to a cyber ready event at Queen Mary University in Holborn. It's the fourth event of

its kind that I have taken girls to and it is an inspirational experience. It was sponsored by the law firm Baker & McKenzie and the event was launched (whilst we were given pizza to munch) by one of their lawyers who studied for her masters degree in computer and communication law at Queen Mary and her professor who heads up the computer and communication law department. The girls let out gasps of excitement as they went into the computer room; touch screens and ergonomic chairs ( the comfiest chairs in which they had ever sat ). They experienced a coding session run by the Discovery Channel and were given log-ins that we were allowed to use back in school for a two week trial. They programmed in block editor; making animations and games based on inspirational women such as Hedy Lamarr who invented wifi. The afternoon finished with more snacks, a goody bag and cyber smart bingo. There was lots to think about. The organisers told me how impressed they were with the calibre of our girls; their knowledge and enthusiasm far outshone those from other schools they had worked with. Mrs P Foreman Head of Computing - ICT Coopers' Coborn School




Registered Charity No. 270893

500 CLUB

Dear Parent

The ‘500 Club’ is an opportunity for you to win a cash prize whilst at the same time raise money for the

Parents and Friends Association and support the School.

The club collects an annual membership which runs from September to August and costs £12 for each

Club number you purchase, you can buy as many numbers as you wish there is no maximum. From the

membership fees paid fifty percent is given to the PFA and the other fifty percent is given out in prize

money with a monthly draw and three prizes given. Each Club number is entered every month whether

you are a previous winner or not.

If you wish to join please complete the below and forward to us with either your payment, cash or cheque

is acceptable, or confirmation that you have established a standing order in our favour, a standing order

form for your completion is attached. On receipt of your application we will allocate your membership

number(s) and advise you.

We hope you will take this opportunity to help raise money for the Parents and Friends Association and

support the school and wish you luck in being a winner in our monthly draws.

Name ……………………………………... Telephone No. …………………………......................

Address ………………………………………………………………………………….

Email …………………………………………………………..

Pupil’s name ………………………………………………. Form .……………

Signature ………………………………………….. Date …… / ….. / ……

I wish to become a member of the 500 Club,

*Attached please find enclosed £12 cash / cheque (payable to The Coopers’ Coborn Parents Association

500 Club)

*I confirm I have established a standing order mandate

Return to The Parents and Friends Association – 500 Club, c/o Coopers Company and Coborn School

St Mary’s Lane, Upminster RM14 3HS

*Delete as appropriate




To: ……………………………………. Bank Ltd Date ………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Sort Code : ……………………………….. Account No: ………………………………… To the debit of my above account please pay to Bank Lloyds Bank Plc, Hornchurch Branch Sort Code 30-97-13 Account The Coopers’ Co and Coborn Parent’s Association 500 Club Account No 01257946 Ref ……………………………………. (please insert your initial and surname) Amount £12.00 Payable 8th September 2017 Frequency Annually Kindly make similar payments until this order is cancelled. Name ……………………………………………………………… Signature …………………………………………………………………



Academic Year 2017 - 2018



First Day of Term for staff only Y7 & Y12 only Whole School Returns

Monday 4 September 2017 Tuesday 5 September 2017 Wednesday 6 September 2017

Half Term

Monday 23 October 2017 – Friday 27 October 2017

Last Day of Term (school closing early)

Friday 15 December 2017

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Monday 18 December 2017 – Monday 1 January 2018


First Day of Term

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Half Term

Monday 12 February 2018 – Friday 16 February 2018

Last Day of Term (school closing early)

Thursday 29 March 2018

EASTER HOLIDAYS Friday 30 March 2018 – Friday 13 April 2018


First Day of Term Monday 16 April 2018

Half Term

Monday 28 May 2018 – Friday 1 June 2018

Last Day of Term (school closing early)

Friday 20 July 2018

CPD dates i.e. School Closures

Monday 4 September 2017 Friday 20 October 2017 Monday 18 December 2017 Tuesday 19 December 2017 Wednesday 20 December 2017

Bank Holidays

Monday 25 December 2017 Tuesday 26 December 2017 Monday 1 January 2018 Friday 30 March 2018 Monday 2 April 2018 Monday 7 May 2018 Monday 28 May 2018 Monday 27 August 2018



Academic Year 2018 - 2019



First Day of Term for staff only Y7 & Y12 only Whole School Returns

Monday 3 September 2018 Tuesday 4 September 2018 Wednesday 5 September 2018

Half Term

Monday 22 October 2018 – Friday 26 October 2018

Last Day of Term (school closing early)

Wednesday 19 December 2018

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Thursday 20 December 2018 – Friday 4 January 2019


First Day of Term

Monday 7 January 2019

Half Term

Monday 18 February 2018 – Friday 22 February 2019

Last Day of Term (school closing early)

Friday 12 April 2019

EASTER HOLIDAYS Monday 15 April 2019 - Friday 26 April 2019


First Day of Term Monday 29 April 2019

Half Term

Monday 27 May 2019 – Friday 31 May 2019

Last Day of Term (school closing early)

Friday 19 July 2019

CPD dates i.e. School Closures

Monday 3 September 2018 Friday 19 October 2018 Monday 22 July 2019 Tuesday 23 July 2019 Wednesday 24 July 2019

Bank Holidays

Tuesday 25 December 2018 Wednesday 26 December 2018 Tuesday 1 January 2019 Friday 19 April 2019 Monday 22 April 2019 Monday 6 May 2019 Monday 27 May 2019 Monday 26 August 2019

Newsletter compiled by Elisabeth Murphy July 2017