MeTA programme implementation, monitoring and reporting

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Presentation by Marieke Devillé, Country Support Officer during the MeTA countries sharing meeting, London 2009.


  • 1. Marieke Devill Country Support Officer MeTA Programme Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting MeTA18/01/10

2. Overview

  • Brief introduction
  • Reporting format and calendar
  • Proposed monitoring tool and discussion
  • Brainstorming on type of operational support required

18/01/10 3. Overview Country Reporting 21/7/2009 MONTHLY(5 theach month) QUARTERLY (21 stfollowing each quarter) END OF PROGRAMME (31 stSeptember 2010) Programmatic Updated Performance Matrix Quarterly Technical Report + Updated Performance Matrix Final Technical Report + Updated Performance Matrix Tools ProposedPerformance MonitoringTool Quarterly Technical Report Template + ProposedPerformance MonitoringTool Final Report Template + ProposedPerformance MonitoringTool Financial NA Quarterly financial report Final financial report Tools NA Quarterly Financial Report TemplateFinal Financial Report Template 4. Proposed Monitoring Tool (I)

  • Rationale
    • Provide a tool which will help the National Secretariats monitor the implementation progress of the national workplan
    • Develop a tool which can be filled in on a monthly basis to inform the International Secretariat about the progress
  • Proposed monitoring tool:
    • Only an example of how to go about it
    • Open for comments
    • After agreement on final format, National Secretariats are invited to review and update tool in line with national workplan and the priorities and milestones exercise

18/01/10 5. Proposed Monitoring Tool (II) 18/01/10 6. Proposed Monitoring Tool (III) 18/01/10 7. Discussion on Monitoring Tool

  • Any questions?
  • Suggestions?
  • Way forward

18/01/10 8. What other operational support should the International Secretariat provide? 9. Thank you!

  • Marieke Devill
  • [email_address]
