Metab Ca - P

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  • 7/28/2019 Metab Ca - P


    Calcium Metabolism


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    Calcium metabolism

    99% of total body calcium in the bone .

    1% in ICF ,ECF ,& cell membranes .

    Calcium weight is 400mg/kg in infant &

    950mg/kg in adult .

    The 1% can be divided in 3 components :

    1) 50% ionized . 2) 40% bound to protein .3)10% complex w/anions{citrate,phosphate,..

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    Calcium metabolism

    physiologic functions :

    1.blood coagulation .

    2.muscle contraction .3.neuromuscular transmission .

    4.Skeletal growth & mineralization

    Ionized Ca is physiologically important .

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    Three Forms of Circulating Ca2+

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    Physiological Importance of Calcium

    Ca salts in bone provide structural integrity of the skeleton.

    Ca is the most abundant mineral in the body.

    The amount of Ca is balance among intake, storage, and


    This balance is controlled by transfer of Ca among 3

    organs: intestine, bone, kidneys.

    Ca ions in extracellular and cellular fluids is essential to

    normal function of a host of biochemical processes

    Neuoromuscular excitability and signal transduction

    Blood coagulation Hormonal secretion

    Enzymatic regulation

    Neuron excitation

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    Intake of Calcium

    About 1000 mg of Ca is ingested per day.

    About 200 mg of this is absorbed into the

    body. Absorption occurs in the small intestine,

    and requires vitamin D (stay tuned....)

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    Calcium metabolism

    Serum CA level is determined by net

    absorption (GI) & excretion (RENAL).

    Each components is tightly regulated-hormonally- to keep normal serum level .

    Total CA is usually measured & provides

    satisfactory assessment of ionized form .

    However we have exceptions:

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    Storage of Calcium

    The primary site of storage is our bones (about 1000 grams). Some calcium is stored within cells (endoplasmic reticulum and

    mitochondria). Bone is produced by osteoblast cells which produce collagen,

    which is then mineralized by calcium and phosphate(hydroxyapatite). Bone is remineralized (broken down) by osteoclasts, which secrete

    acid, causing the release of calcium and phosphate into thebloodstream.

    There is constant exchange of calcium between bone and blood.

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    Excretion of Calcium

    The major site of Ca excretion in the body is the


    The rate of Ca loss and reabsorption at the kidney

    can be regulated. Regulation of absorption, storage, and excretion of

    Ca results in maintenance of calcium homeostasis.

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    Calcium metaolism

    However we have exceptions: Decreased serum albumin .

    Each 1 g/dl of serum albumin binds about 0.8

    mg/dl of calcium .Cac=Cam+{0.8* decrease in serum albumin .} Acid base disturbance .

    ( Affect binding to protein .)Increase when PH increased .

    Decrease when PH decreased .

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    Regulation of [Calcium]

    The important role that calcium plays in so

    many processes dictates that its

    concentration, both extracellularly and

    intracellularly, be maintained within a verynarrow range.

    This is achieved by an elaborate system of


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    Control of cellular Ca homeostasis is as carefullymaintained as in extracellular fluids

    [Ca2+]cyt is approximately 1/1000th of

    extracellular concentration

    Stored in mitochondria and ER

    pump-leak transport systems control [Ca2+]cyt Calcium leaks into cytosolic compartment and is

    actively pumped into storage sites in organelles to shiftit away from cytosolic pools.

    Regulation of Intracellular [Calcium]

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    Three definable fractions of calcium in

    serum: Ionized calcium 50%

    Protein-bound calcium 40% 90% bound to albumin

    Remainder bound to globulins

    Calcium complexed to serum constituents 10% Citrate and phosphate

    Extracellular Calcium

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    Binding of calcium to albumin is pH dependent

    Acute alkalosis increases calcium binding to

    protein and decreases ionized calcium

    Patients who develop acute respiratory alkalosishave increased neural excitability and are prone to

    seizures due to low ionized calcium in the

    extracellular fluid which results in increased

    permeability to sodium ions

    Extracellular Calcium

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    Calcium and the Cell

    Translocation across the plasma membrane Translocation across the ER and mitochondrion;

    Ca2+ ATPase in ER and plasma membrane

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    Calcium Turnover

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    Calcium homeostasis

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    Calcium &


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    Calcium in Blood and Bone

    Ca2+ normally ranges from 8.5-10 mg/dLin the plasma.

    The active free ionized Ca2+ is only about

    48% 46% is bound to protein in a non-diffusible state while 6% is complexed tosalt.

    Only free, ionized Ca2+ is biologicallyactive.

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    Phosphate Turnover

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    Phosphorous in Blood and Bone

    PO4 normal plasma concentration is 3.0-

    4.5 mg/dL. 87% is diffusible, with 35%

    complexed to different ions and 52%


    13% is in a non-diffusible protein bound

    state. 85-90% is found in bone.

    The rest is in ATP, cAMP, and proteins

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    Osteoclasts and Ca2+


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    Control ofBones

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    Hormonal Control of Ca2+

    Three principal hormones regulate Ca2+ and three

    organs that function in Ca2+ homeostasis.

    Parathyroid hormone (PTH), 1,25-dihydroxy

    Vitamin D3 (Vitamin D3), and Calcitonin,regulate Ca2+ resorption, reabsorption, absorption

    and excretion from the bone, kidney and intestine.

    In addition, many other hormones effect bone

    formation and resorption.

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    Calcium and the Skeleton

    A, absorption is stimulated by Vit D; S, secretion GF, glomerular filtration; TR, tubular reabsorption

    of Ca2+ is stimulated by PTH

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    PTH and Osteoblastogenesis

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    Osteoclast Mediated Bone Resorption

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    PTH and


    PTH acts on the

    distal tubule

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    Calcium metabolism

    Calcium regulation :mainly by 3 commonhormones :

    1}Parathyroid hormone .

    2}Vitamin D .

    3}Calcitonin .

    Calcium metabolism

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    Calcium metabolism

    Vitamin D Vitamin D :provide Ca & PO4 to ECF for bone

    mineralization . Deficiency in children..Rickets Deficiency in adult..Osteomalacia 7-dehydrocholestrol(skin)cholecalciferol

    25-OH- cholecalciferol(liver)1- 25-OH-cholecalciferol(kidney) MOA: steroid so enter nucleus & bind receptor that leads

    to expose part of DNAmRNACalbindin-D protein inepithlium of intestine,kidney,..that do the action .

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    Vitamin D3 synthesis occurs in keratinocytes in theskin.

    7-dehydrocholesterol is photoconverted toprevitamin D3, then spontaneously converts tovitamin D3.

    Previtamin D3 will become degraded by overexposure to UV light and thus is not overproduced.

    Also 1,25-dihydroxy-D (the end product of vitaminD synthesis) feeds back to inhibit its production.

    Synthesis of Vitamin D

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    PTH stimulates vitamin D synthesis. In the winteror if exposure to sunlight is limited (indoor jobs!),then dietary vitamin D is essential.

    Vitamin D itself is inactive, it requires modificationto the active metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxy-D.

    The first hydroxylation reaction takes place in theliver yielding 25-hydroxy D.

    Then 25-hydroxy D is transported to the kidneywhere the second hydroxylation reaction takesplace.

    Synthesis of Vitamin D

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    The mitochondrial P450 enzyme 1-hydroxylaseconverts it to 1,25-dihydroxy-D, the most potentmetabolite of Vitamin D.

    The 1

    -hydroxylase enzyme is the point ofregulation of D synthesis. Feedback regulation by 1,25-dihydroxy D inhibits

    this enzyme.

    PTH stimulates 1-hydroxylase and increases1,25-dihydroxy D.

    Synthesis of Vitamin D

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    25-OH-D3 is also hydroxylated in the 24 position

    which inactivates it.

    If excess 1,25-(OH)2-D is produced, it can also by

    24-hydroxylated to remove it. Phosphate inhibits 1-hydroxylase and decreased

    levels of PO4 stimulate 1-hydroxylase activity

    Synthesis of Vitamin D

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    Calcium metabolism

    Vitamin D Actions:

    1)increase Ca absorption from intestine.

    2) increase PO4 absorption from intestine.3) increase renal reabsorption of Ca &PO4.

    4) increase bone resorption from old bone

    &mineralize new bone{net resorption} .Overall effect :increase serum Ca & PO4 .

    Vit i D M t b li

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    Vitamin D Metabolism

    Transport and Metabolic Sequence of

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    Transport and Metabolic Sequence ofActivation of Vitamin D

    Proposed Mechanism of Action of

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    Proposed Mechanism of Action of

    1,25-DihydroxyD3 in Intestine

    l i b li

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    Calcium metabolism

    Vitamin D Regulation :

    Ca..-ve PTH . PO4.-ve VIT D . VIT D..-ve PTH . VIT D.-ve 25OHD . PTH +ve VIT .

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    Regulation of Vitamin D Metabolism

    PTH increases 1-hydroxylase activity, increasing

    production of active form.

    This increases calcium absorption from the intestines,

    increases calcium release from bone, and decreases loss of

    calcium through the kidney.

    As a result, PTH secretion decreases, decreasing 1-

    hydroxylase activity (negative feedback).

    Low phosphate concentrations also increase 1-hydroxylase

    activity (vitamin D increases phosphate reabsorption from

    the urine).

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    Vitamin D promotes intestinal

    calcium absorption

    Vitamin D acts via steroid hormone like

    receptor to increase transcriptional and

    translational activity

    One gene product is calcium-binding

    protein (CaBP)

    CaBP facilitates calcium uptake by

    intestinal cells

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    Clinical correlate

    Vitamin D-dependent rickets type II

    Mutation in 1,25-(OH)2-D receptor

    Disorder characterized by impairedintestinal calcium absorption

    Results in rickets or osteomalacia despite

    increased levels of 1,25-(OH)2-D in


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    Vitamin D Deficiency: Rickets Inadequate intake and absence of sunlight

    The most prominent clinical effect of Vitamin D

    deficiency is osteomalacia, or the defective

    mineralization of the bone matrix

    Osteoblasts contain the vitamin D receptor Vitamin D deficiency in children produces rickets

    A deficiency of renal 1-hydroxylase produces

    vitamin D-resistant rickets Sex linked gene on the X chromosome

    Renal tubular defect of phosphate resorption

    Teeth may be hypoplastic and eruption may be retarded

    C l i b li

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    Calcium metabolism

    PTH hormone Major hormone in regulation serum Ca .]

    Synthesis & secreted from chief cells of

    parathyroid gland .

    MOA :

    polypeptide that binds to specific receptors

    {G proteins} that lead to increase 2nd

    messenger cAMP that leads to physiologic

    actions of the hormone .

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    Parathyroid Glands

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    Parathyroid Hormone Structure Synthesized in

    the 4 para-thyroid glands

    PreProPTH 115 aa precursor

    giving a 90 aaprohormone Cleaved at -6/-7

    84 residues in

    the maturepeptide Regulator of



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    Parathyroid Hormone Biosynthesis

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    Regulation of PTH

    The dominant regulator of PTH is plasmaCa2+.

    Secretion of PTH is inversely related to

    [Ca2+]. Maximum secretion of PTH occurs at

    plasma Ca2+ below 3.5 mg/dL.

    At Ca2+ above 5.5 mg/dL, PTH secretion ismaximally inhibited.

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    Calcium Sensing

    Receptor (CaSR)

    Parathyroid chief cells contain a Ca2+ sensing receptor (CaSR)

    7 transmembrane segments (We will see a lot of 7 TM receptors)

    mM affinity for Ca2+

    GPCR of the GPLC and GI varieties Generates inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate which increases

    intracellular Ca2+

    There are two paradoxes

    The receptor responds to decreasing concentrations of agonist

    Low extracellular Ca2+ increases intracellular Ca2+

    Also found in thyroid C cells (calcitonin), kidney, and brain

    Circulating Forms of PTH

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    Circulating Forms of PTH

    Intact, active PTH of 84 aa

    Inactive carboxyterminal fragments lack the 1-34 activedomain

    PTH t1/2 (half life) is 2-3 min Liver (2/3rds) and kidney (1/3rd) are major sites of


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    PTH secretion responds to small alterations inplasma Ca2+ within seconds.

    A unique calcium receptor within the parathyroidcell plasma membrane senses changes in theextracellular fluid concentration of Ca2+.

    This is a typical G-protein coupled receptor thatactivates phospholipase C and inhibits adenylatecyclaseresult is increase in intracellular Ca2+via generation of inositol phosphates and decreasein cAMP which prevents exocytosis of PTH fromsecretory granules.

    Regulation of PTH

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    P h id H R

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    Parathyroid Hormone Receptor 7 TM


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    Biosynthesis PTH is co-secreted

    with chromogranin

    A, a protein;significance


    Calcium metabolism

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    Calcium metabolism

    PTH hormone Actions : 1)increase bone resorption..increase Ca & PO4 in

    serum .

    2)increase renal Ca reabsorption . 3)increase Ca absorption from intestine indirectlyby increase VITD .

    4)decrease PO4 reabsorption from proximal

    tubules increase ionized Ca . Overall effect :increase serum Ca & decrease

    serumPO4 .

    Calcium metabolism

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    Calcium metabolism

    PTH hormone Regulation: Ca senor proteins that increase PTH when

    Ca level decreased & decrease PTH when

    Ca level increased . PTH increase VIT D level by activation

    1-Ohlase .

    Increase PO4 leads to increase PTH(bydecreasing Ca level ) . Mg decrease leads to deacrease PTH level .

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    Mechanism of Action of PTH

    PTH binds to a G protein-coupled receptor. Binding of PTH to its receptor activates 2 signaling


    - increased cyclic AMP

    - increased phospholipase C Activation of PKA appears to be sufficient to decrease

    bone mineralization Both PKA and PKC activity appear to be required for

    increased resorption of calcium by the kidneys

    Regulation of PTH Secretion

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    Regulation of PTH Secretion

    PTH is released in response to changes in plasma calcium levels.

    - Low calcium results in high PTH release.

    - High calcium results in low PTH release. PTH cells contain a receptor for calcium, coupled to a G protein. Result of calcium binding: increased phospholipase C, decreased

    cyclic AMP. Low calcium results in higher cAMP, PTH release.

    Also, vitamin D inhibits PTH release (negative feedback).

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    PTH-Related Peptide

    Has high degree of homology to PTH, but is not fromthe same gene.

    Can activate the PTH receptor. In certain cancer patients with high PTH-related

    peptide levels, this peptide causes hypercalcemia. But, its normal physiological role is not clear.

    - mammary gland development/lactation?

    - kidney glomerular function?

    - growth and development?

    PTH P P th id R l t d P t i

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    PTHrP; Parathyroid Related Protein

    Calcium metabolism

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    Calcium metabolism

    Calcitonin Is synthesized & secreted by Para follicular cells of

    thyroid . MOA :1) Peptide that inhibit bone osteoclast

    & so inhibit bone resorption .

    2)increase renal excetion . Increase secretion when Ca level increase . Action:decrease CA level .

    Overall effect : decrease serum Ca .


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    Product of

    parafollicular C cellsof the thyroid

    32 aa

    Inhibits osteoclastmediated bone


    This decreases serumCa2+

    Promotes renal

    excretion of Ca2+

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    Calcitonin acts to decrease plasma Ca2+ levels. While PTH and vitamin D act to increase plasma

    Ca2+-- only calcitonin causes a decrease inplasma Ca2+.

    Calcitonin is synthesized and secreted by theparafollicular cells of the thyroid gland.

    They are distinct from thyroid follicular cells by

    their large size, pale cytoplasm, and smallsecretory granules.

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    The major stimulus of calcitonin secretion

    is a rise in plasma Ca2+ levels

    Calcitonin is a physiological antagonist to

    PTH with regard to Ca2+ homeostasis


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    The target cell for calcitonin is theosteoclast.

    Calcitonin acts via increased cAMP

    concentrations to inhibit osteoclast motilityand cell shape and inactivates them.

    The major effect of calcitoninadministration is a rapid fall in Ca2+ causedby inhibition of bone resorption.


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    Actions of Calcitonin

    The major action of calcitonin is on bone metabolism. Calcitonin inhibits activity of osteoclasts, resulting in

    decreased bone resorption (and decreased plasma Ca



    osteoclasts: destroy bone to

    release Ca


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    Role of calcitonin in normal Ca2+ control is notunderstoodmay be more important in control of boneremodeling.

    Used clinically in treatment of hypercalcelmia and in

    certain bone diseases in which sustained reduction ofosteoclastic resorption is therapeutically advantageous. Chronic excess of calcitonin does not produce

    hypocalcemia and removal of parafollicular cells does notcause hypercalcemia. PTH and Vitamin D3 regulation

    dominate. May be more important in regulating bone remodeling

    than in Ca2+ homeostasis.


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    What is the Role of Calcitonin in Humans?

    Removal of the thyroid gland has no effect on plasma

    Ca levels!

    Excessive calcitonin release does not affect bone

    metabolism! Other mechanisms are more important in regulating

    calcium metabolism (i.e., PTH and vitamin D).

    Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide

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    Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide


    The calcitonin gene produces several products due to

    alternative splicing of the RNA.

    CGRP is an alternative product of the calcitonin gene.

    CGRP does NOT bind to the calcitonin receptor. CGRP is expressed in thyroid, heart, lungs, GI tract,

    and nervous tissue.

    It is believed to function as a neurotransmitter, not as

    a regulator of Ca.

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    Oth F t I fl i B d C l i

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    Other Factors Influencing Bone and Calcium


    Estrogens and Androgens: both stimulate boneformation during childhood and puberty.

    Estrogen inhibits PTH-stimulated bone resorption.

    Estrogen increases calcitonin levels Osteoblasts have estrogen receptors, respond to

    estrogen with bone growth. Postmenopausal women (low estrogen) have an

    increased incidence of osteoporosis and bonefractures.

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    Causes of hypocalcemia Specific causes in neonates Early neonatal hypocalcemia:(within 48-72 hour of birth)

    Causes: 1- prematurity: poor intake, decrease response to

    Vit. D, increase calcitoni, decrease albumin. 2- birth asphyxia: delayed introduction to feed,

    increase calcitonin, increased endogenous PO4 load,

    alkali therapy.

    3- infant of diabetic mother: functional

    parahypothyroidism induced by Mg defficiency haspredominant role

    Causes of Hypocalcemia

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    Causes of HypocalcemiaHypoparathyroid Nonparathyroid PTH Resistance

    Postoperative Vitamin Ddeficiency


    Idiopathic MalabsorptionPost radiation Liver disease

    Kidney disease

    Vitamin Dresistance

    Sequence of Adjustments to

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    q jHypocalcemia

    Specific causes in neonates (cont )

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    Specific causes in neonates (cont.)

    4- IUGR: interruption Ca delivery across

    placenta, prematurity, asphyxia.

    Serum Ca correlate directly to gestational age.

    Specific causes in neonates (cont )

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    Specific causes in neonates (cont.)

    II. Late neonatal hypocalcemia: happen from 5

    days of birth, may appear till 6 weeks of age. Causes:

    1. Exogenous PO4 load, most common due to highPO4 content in formula, or cows milk and decreased

    in GFR contribute also.

    2. Mg deficiency.

    3. Transient hypoparathyroidism4. Hypoparathyroidism due to other causes: (idiopathic,

    congenital, maternal hyperparathyroidism,



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    1. DiGeorge syndrome: aplasia or hypoplasia of

    parathyroid gland.

    associated with different anomalies includingcardiac and facial anomaly mainly and also VATER

    and CHARGE associations.

    3. X-linked hypoparathyroidism (absent of the gland

    that affect boys and appeared with the first 6 months

    of age.

    4. AR hypoparathyroidism with dymorphic features:

    mutation of parathyroid hormone gene.

    4. HDR syndrome: AD consist from (nervedeafness, renal dysplasia, and hypoparathyroidism)

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    5. Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type I: AR, dueto mutation in autoimmune regulator gene

    Consist from (hypoparathyroidism, addisson disease,

    mucocutaneous candidiasis).

    6. Calcium sensor receptor gene mutation.

    7. Kearns-Sayre syndrome: mitochondrial inherited

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    7. Kearns Sayre syndrome: mitochondrial inheriteddisorder. (ie, external ophthalmoplegia, ataxia,

    sensorineural deafness, heart block, and elevated

    cerebral spinal fluid [CSF] protein), are associated withhypoparathyroidism. Hypothyroidism affect after age of

    5 years

    8. Hemochromatosis: iron overload

    9. Wilson disease: copper overload

    10. Postsurgical and irradiational hypoparathyroidism.

    H th idi

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    Hypocalcemia occurs when there isinadequate response of the Vitamin D-PTHaxis to hypocalcemic stimuli

    Hypocalcemia is often multifactorial Hypocalcemia is invariably associated with


    Bihormonalconcomitant decrease in1,25-(OH)2-D

    H th idi

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    PTH-deficient hypoparathyroidism Reduced or absent synthesis of PTH

    Often due to inadvertent removal of excessive

    parathyroid tissue during thyroid or parathyroidsurgery

    PTH-ineffective hypoparathyroidism

    Synthesis of biologically inactive PTH


    P d h th idi

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    PTH-resistant hypoparathyroidism Due to defect in PTH receptor-adenylate

    cyclase complex

    Mutation in Gs subunit Patients are also resistant to TSH, glucagon

    and gonadotropins


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    yp p y Symptoms and signs



    Characteristic physical appearance: short stature, round face, shortthick neck, obesity, shortening of the metacarpals

    Autosomal dominant Resistance to parathyroid hormone The patients have normal parathyroid glands, but they fail to respond

    to parathyroid hormone or PTH injections The rise in urinary cAMP after parathyroid hormone fails to occur The cause of the disease is a 50% deficiency of Gs in all cells

    Symptoms begin in children of about 8 years Tetany and seizures

    Hypoplasia of dentin or enamel and delay or absence of eruptionoccurs in 50% of people with the disorder

    Rx: vitamin D and calcium


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    yp p y

    Elfin facies, short stature,enamel hypoplasia

    Hypormagnesemia by: decrease parathyroid hormone

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    yp g y p ysecretion and by blunting tissue response to PTH.

    Pseudohypoparathyroidism lack of response of

    inadequate available PTH.1. Decerease Ca, increase phosphorus, decrease Vit D.

    2. Defect in alpha subunit of G proteins (2nd messenger)

    3. Administration of synthetic PTH fail to increase Ca level orincreasing excretion of phosphorus in urine.

    4. There are three types- Type IA: (Alpright hereditory oasteodystrophy)

    - Type IB.

    - Type II.

    5. Diagnostic test is by failure to increase CAMP in urine

    in response to PTH infusion

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    CONTINUE.. 12.Pseudohypoparathyroidism

    Albright hereditary osteodystrophycharacterized by Short stature, obesity, roundface, short distal phalanges of the thumbs,brachymetacarpals and brachymetatarsals,subcutaneous calcifications, dental hypoplasia,

    and developmental delay characterize thisphenotype.

    Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (PPHP) ischaracterized by normal calcium homeostasisin the setting of the AHO phenotype.

    Vit D defficiency: causes

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    1. Poor intake

    2. Inadequate exposure to UV light

    3. Malabsorption (liver disease, GI disease,pancreatic insufficiency).

    4. Increase metabolism (as in anticonvulsant thatactivate P450 system enzyme in liver that

    increase degradation of vit D.5. Renal disease: CRF mainly.

    6. Vitamin D dependent ricket type 1(ARabsence of one alpha hydroxylase enzyme).

    7. Vitamin D dependent ricket type 2(AR defectin vit D receptor, 50% have alopecia

    Redistribution of plasma Ca:

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    1. Hyperphosphatemia due to:2. Excessive phosphate intake because of inproper formula and

    decreased GFR.

    3. Loading in TPN.

    4. Ecessive intake by inappropriate PO4 enema or laxative.

    5. Renal failure.

    6. Increase endogenous phosphorus by anoxia, TLS,Rhabdomyolysis.

    7. Hungry bone syndrome classicaly happen after

    parathyroidectomy of hyperparathyroid tumor(decrease Ca, phosphorus and Mg).

    8. Pancreatitis: break down omentum by lipase.

    Citrate in transfused blood products that

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    Citrate in transfused blood products that

    causes binding to ionized Ca but normal

    total Ca. Drugs like thiazide.

    Septic shock and ICU cases: unkown


    Cli i l i t

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    Clinical picture

    Symptoms: Related to degree and rate of hypocalcemia.

    Mild hypocalcemia is asymptomatic.

    Most clinical picture due to neuromuscularirritability.

    Symptoms can be provoked by


    S d d h

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    Symptoms depend on the age: In neonate: lethargy, vomitting, poor feeding

    (sepsis picture), abdominal distention, seizure,jitterness.

    In children: seizure, muscle cramp, tetany,

    larygospasm, parasthesia of perioral and handarea.

    Others like basal ganglia calcification in PHP,

    rikets in vit D deficiency, others depend on

    syndrome. Arrhythmia

    Physical findings:

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    y g

    Hyper-reflexia (carpopedal spasm, chvostecsign- 10-20% nonspecific, trousseau sign,

    stridor and cyanosis).

    Abdominal distention. Seizure.


    Apnea. Depend on syndrome (PHP, DiGeorge, )


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    DiagnosisA. History

    B. Lab: Serum Ca: total and ionized. Serum Mg. Phosphorus: increase in hypoparathyroidism, renal failure, others,

    decrease in vit D deficiency.

    Serum Lytes and glucose mainly in neonate with seizure . PTH level in serum: indicated if hypocalcemia persist in presence

    of normal Mg and normal or increased phosphorus Decrease or normal in hypoparathyroidism: PTH challenge, increase Ca level.

    decrease PTH due to vit D deficiency and PHP, no increase in Ca when doing

    PTH challenge

    Vit D (1-25 OH vit D and 25 OH vit D levels). Poorintake, malabsorption, decrease light exposure,

    i b li d i d

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    excessive metabolism cause decrease in 25 OH andnormal or increase or decrease 1-25 OH.

    Vit D1 rickets cause normal 25 OH and decrease 1-25 OH.Vit D2 rickets causes increase in both of 25 OH and 1-25OH.

    Decrease PTH causes decrease 1-25 OH

    PHP causes increase 1-25 OH

    Alkaline phosphatase: increase in vit D defeciency andnormal to decrease in Hypoparathyroidism.

    Total protein, albumin, PH KFT

    Urine Ca, Mg, PO4 and Cr in renal tubular defect andRF

    T.CA I.Ca PO4 PTH


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    CXR: loss of thymic shadow in DiGeorge syndromeand osteopenia in rickets. Wrist X-ray: rickets changes. Hand X-Ray: in PHP

    Echocardiogram in DiGeorge syndrome there iscardiac anomaly.

    Brain MRI: basal ganglion calcification in PHP. Renal ultrasonography: Treatment of

    hypoparathyroidism can lead to nephrocalcinosis as aresult of calciuria. Baseline renal ultrasonographywith initial treatment should be performed.

    D Others

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    D. Others

    A. ECG show prolonged QT interval

    B. Malabsorption work up

    C. Total lymphocytes


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    Symptomatic hypocalcemia needs IV calcium andcontinuous monitoring for arrhythmias.

    Once serum Ca is in safe range ( >7 mg/dl) IV Ca canbe stopped, and oral Ca started.

    Oral Ca and vit D are initiated as soon as possible whenpatient is tolerating oral feed.

    Active form of vit D is preferred in treatment of HPHor PHP and hyperphosphatemia because both impair

    activation of 25 OH vit D by one alpha hydroxylase. Diet, no specific diet is required but adequate Ca and

    vit D intake is recommended. (in late neonatalhypocalcemia low phosphorus formula needed likeSemilac PM 60/40.)

    Calcium, intravenous

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    Calcium gluconate 10% (ie, 100 mg/mL) IV solution

    contains 9.8 mg/mL (0.45 mEq/mL) elemental calcium.

    Calcium chloride 10% (ie, 100 mg/mL) contains 27mg/mL (1.4 mEq/mL) elemental calcium.

    Calcium chloride is more irritating to the veins and

    may affect pH; therefore, it is typically avoided in

    pediatric patients.Dose:

    10-20 mg/kg elemental calcium (1-2 mL calcium

    gluconate/kg) IV slowly over 5-10 min to control

    seizures; may be continued by 50-75 mg/kg/d IVinfusion over 24 h

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    Use extreme care in peripheral infusion becauseextravasation can cause severe tissue necrosis.

    rapid IV infusion may cause bradycardia and


    may cause liver necrosis if administered in anumbilical venous catheter lodged in a branch of portal


    prolonged use of calcium chloride may lead to

    hyperchloremic acidosis

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    Calcium glubionate (Neo-Calglucon) -- Calciumsupplement for PO use. The glubionate salt (1800

    mg/5 mL) contains 115 mg elemental calcium/5


    Dose: 50-75 mg/kg/d (as elemental calcium) PO

    divided q6-8h

    Use with caution in small neonates because of highosmolar load; may cause diarrhea in older children

    Calcium carbonate (Oystercal, Caltrate, Tums, Os-Cal)

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    Calcium carbonate (Oystercal, Caltrate, Tums, Os Cal) Supplement for PO use.

    In many ways, the calcium supplement of choice because it

    provides 40% elemental calcium. Thus, 1 g of calcium carbonate provides 400 mg of elemental


    Well absorbed orally and unlikely to cause diarrhea.

    Available in tab and liquid forms.

    Dose: -Neonates: 30-150 mg/kg/d PO divided qid; may be addedto formula (eg, Similac PM 60/40 to make a calcium-phosphorousratio of 4:1)

    -Children: 20-65 mg/kg/d PO divided bid/qid

    Hypercalcemia or hypercalcuria may occur when therapeuticamounts are given

    Calcitriol (Rocaltrol) Active metabolic form of vitamin D (ie 1 25

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    Active metabolic form of vitamin D (ie, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol).

    Especially useful in impaired liver or renal functioncausing inability to hydroxylate vitamin D to its activeforms.

    Generally is rapidly acting.

    however, may act more slowly in neonates (36-48 h).

    Preterm infants may be resistant to its actions. Also used to treat acute hypocalcemia.

    Dose: 0.01-0.05 mcg/kg/d IV qd/bid; adjust dosage until

    normocalcemia is attainedMay cause hypercalciuria; give with calcium salts to

    attain optimum results; may add hydrochlorothiazide toregimen to control hypercalciuria

    Dihydrotachysterol (DHT, Hytakerol)

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    Synthetic analog of vitamin D, which does not require

    activation by renal 1 hydroxylase for activity.

    Also available in liquid form facilitating administration

    of variable doses in infants and young children.

    1 mg equivalent to 120,000 U (ie, 3 mg) vitamin D-2.

    Dose:Neonates: 0.05-0.1 mg/d PO

    Children: 0.5-2 mg/d PO

    May cause hypercalciuria; give with calcium salts to

    attain optimum results; may add hydrochlorothiazide to

    regimen to control hypercalciuria

    Symptomatic hypocalcaemia :

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    Symptomatic hypocalcaemia : In neonate: Ca gluconate of 100-200 mg/kg or

    1-2ml/kg of 10% conc. Over 5-10 min & can repeated every 6 to 8 hrs , or may

    continued as continuous infusion of 50-75 mg/kg over 24 hrs . In children: Ca gluconate of 100-200 mg/kg or

    1-2ml/kg of 10% conc. Over 5-10 min & can repeated every 6 to 8 hrs

    *The above medication should administered under cardiac monitoring .

    Once symptoms resolved oral Ca used to correct serum level ,&Ca level should kept below half normal range of Ca

    Tapering of oral dose depends on serum Ca level .

    Ca supplement with food binds PO4 insid

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    intestine so can decrease PO4 level when

    used in TLS,CRF,hypoPTH . Ca supplement between meals prevent

    decrease PO4so used when we have low Ca

    & PO4 . Vit D used in: Malsbsorption, poor intake, and increase

    metabolism with Ca supplements.

    Children with CRF, HPT, PHP, and vit D1

    rickets as a primary treatment

    Further Outpatient Care:

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    Further Outpatient Care: Carefully monitor medication dose and serum

    calcium concentrations. Therapeutic goal is to

    maintain serum calcium in the low-normal range

    to decrease risk for nephrocalcinosis. Perform periodic renal ultrasonographic studies to

    assess for nephrocalcinosis development

    Certain Situations

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    Certain Situations

    In pacreatitis and rhabdomyolysis completecorrection of hypocalcemia should be avoidedbecause with resolution of the primary problemthere is release of the complexed Ca andhypercalcemia may happen.

    If acidemia is present hypocalcemia should ifpossible be corrected first, acidemia increases theionized Ca concentration by displacing Ca fromalbumin, so the correction of acidemia causes the

    ionized Ca concentration to decrease. In hypomagnesemia Mg should be corrected first Hungry bone syndrome some patients may need

    supplemental phosphorus and Mg along with Ca.

    Medical/Legal Pitfalls:

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    Intravenous infusion with calcium-containingsolutions can cause severe tissue necrosis.

    Failure to distinguish calcium receptor defects fromhypoparathyroidism

    Failure to consider an associated cardiac lesion inan infant with hypocalcemia

    Failure to monitor serum calcium concentrations forat least 24 hours after intravenous calciumwithdrawal (Rebound hypocalcaemia can occurwhen intravenous calcium is withdrawn, even onadequate amounts of oral calcium.)

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    Causes of Hypercalcemia

    Common Uncommon

    Malignant disease, e.g.

    some lung cancers

    Renal failure

    Hyperparathyroidism Sarcoidosis

    Vitamin D toxicity

    (excessive intake)

    Multiple myeloma

    Signs and Symptoms ofH l i

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    Neurologic Lethargy, drowsiness, depression, confusion Can lead to coma and death


    Muscle weakness, hyptonia, decreased reflexes

    Cardiac Arrhythmias

    Bone Ache, pain, fracture

    Primary Hyperparathyroidism

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    Primary Hyperparathyroidism

    Calcium homeostatic loss due to excessive PTHsecretion

    Due to excess PTH secreted from adenomatous or

    hyperplastic parathyroid tissue Hypercalcemia results from combined effects of

    PTH-induced bone resorption, intestinal calciumabsorption and renal tubular reabsorption

    Pathophysiology related to both PTH excess andconcomitant excessive production of 1,25-(OH)2-D.

    Hypercalcemia of Malignancy

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    Hypercalcemia of Malignancy

    Underlying cause is generally excessive bone

    resorption by one of three mechanisms

    1,25-(OH)2-D synthesis by lymphomas Local osteolytic hypercalcemia 20% of all hypercalcemia of malignancy

    Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy Over-expression of PTH-related protein (PTHrP)

    Hypercalcemia of Malignancy

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    Hypercalcemia of Malignancy

    Treatment improves quality of life when

    Ca2+ is elevated but not yet life threatening

    Treat with bisphosphonates Inhibits osteoclastic activity

    When serum Ca2+ > 3.00 mM treat with

    NaCl IV

    PTH receptor defect

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    PTH receptor defect

    Rare disease known as Jansensmetaphyseal chondrodysplasia

    Characterized by hypercalcemia,

    hypophosphotemia, short-limbed dwarfism Due to activating mutation of PTH receptor

    Rescue of PTH receptor knock-out with

    targeted expression of Jansens transgene


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    Osteoporosis is characterized by a significant reduction in bonemineral density compared with age- and sex-matched norms

    There is a decrease in both bone mineral and bone matrix

    Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease

    Affects 20 million Americans and leads to 1.3 million fractures in theUS per year

    Women lose 50% of their trabecular bone and 30 % of their cortical


    30% of all postmenapausal women will sustain an osteoporoticfracture as will 1/6th of all men

    The cost of health care and lost productivity is $14 billion in the US


    Normal and Osteoporotic Bone

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    No a a d Osteopo ot c o e

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    Sequelae of


    Bone Density as a Function of Age

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    FDA Approved Rxs for Osteoporosis

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    Bisphosphonates (alendronate and risedronate),

    calcitonin, estrogens, parathyroid hormone andraloxifene are approved by the US Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) for the prevention and/ortreatment of osteoporosis

    The bisphosphonates (alendronate and risedronate),calcitonin, estrogens and raloxifene affect the boneremodeling cycle and are classified as anti-resorptivemedications

    Teriparatide, a form of parathyroid hormone, is a

    newly approved osteoporosis medication. It is the firstosteoporosis medication to increase the rate of boneformation in the bone remodeling cycle

    Treatments (Continued) Exercise, activity

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    Exercise, activity

    Calcium intake should be 1000-1500 mg/day

    Postmenapausal women take in less than 500 mg/day

    Males and females should take in 1000-1500 mg/day

    All adults greater than 65 years should take 1500 mg/day

    Three glasses of milk or three cups of yogurt per day provide 1000-1500


    Estrogen treatment Estrogen inhibits osteoclastic activity

    Bone density increases 3-5% per year for the first three years after menopause

    This therapy needs to be individualized Estrogen may increase the incidence of breast cancer, heart attacks, stroke, blood clots

    That it may exacerbate cardiovascular disease is controversial

    All the data are not in yet, and estrogen treatment is under review; for more

    information go to

    Treatments (Continued) R l if (B d E i t ) i l ti t t

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    Raloxifene (Brand name Evista) is a selective estrogen receptormodulator

    Decreases in estrogen levels after menopause lead to increases in boneresorption and bone loss. Bone is initially lost rapidly because thecompensatory increase in bone formation is inadequate to offsetresorptive losses. This imbalance between resorption and formation isrelated to loss of estrogen, and may also involve age-related

    impairment of osteoblasts or their precursors Raloxifene reduces resorption of bone and decreases overall bone

    turnover. These effects on bone are manifested as increases in bonemineral density (BMD)

    Raloxifenes biological actions, like those of estrogen, are mediatedthrough binding to estrogen receptors. This binding results in themodulation of expression of multiple estrogen-regulated genes indifferent tissues

    Treatments (Continued)

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    Bisphosphonates inhibit osteroclasts Alendronate (Brand name Fosamax)

    Risedronate (Brand name Actonel)

    Calcitonin (Brand name Miacalcin )

    From salmon

    Given intranasaly Probably least effective Rx

    Vitamin D

    Most Americans consume less than recommended amount

    800 IU per day seems safe and not enough to cause vitamin Dtoxicity

    Treatments (Continued)

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    Parathyroid hormone (Brand name Forteo) Teriparatide, a form of parathyroid hormone, is approved for the treatment of

    osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and men who are at high risk for afracture

    Chronically elevated PTH leads to bone loss; however, intermittent PTH(once daily bolus injection) leads to new bone synthesis

    Must be injected daily, a major disadvantage

    Cost about $7000 per year Future Rxs Sodium fluoride

    Considered a possibility for years

    Adoption seems unlikely

    Strontium ranelate

    NEJM 350 (2004) 459-468.

    Calcium Content of Foods

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    Thank You