Metal age

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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The Metal Age

It is the last period of Prehistory

It started around 4,500 BC

… and ended when the first written texts began

to be used (that happened depending on

the area)

In Europe, the first written texts appeared during the

first millenium BC

The Metal Age is divided into three periods:

- Copper Age

- Bronze Age

- Iron Age

Copper and gold were the first metals ever used by


Copper and gold were hit with a stone or with a

hammer made of stone.

Copper was used for making tools and weapons. However, copper tools bend easily, so they were not very effective.

Gold jewelry. Some examples

Then came bronze. Bronze is an alloy (a mixture) of copper and tin.

Both were melted and mixed.

Bronze is much stronger than copper, so it was used primarily for

making weapons, tools for agriculture and domestic utensils.

Bronze utensils for agriculture

Bronze hoe

Bronze sickle

Swords and spears


Domestic utensils, and figurines

Iron was even stronger than bronze

Only few people knew how to elaborate iron weapons and tools. These peoples became


Two processes:1. Metal was heated in the oven. Then, it was hit with a hammer to create the weapon or another utensil.

2. Metal was heated and melted. Then, it was poured into a mould. When the metal cools, the weapon is ready to be used.


Of course, pots and objects made of clay continued to be made during the Metal Age

The potter's wheel was invented

There were more artisans. As a consequence, trade between distant regions


Of course, agriculture and animal

farming continued being the

most important economic activities.

The plough was invented

Ships started to be built for trade purposes.

For examples, ships went from Britain to Europe. They traded

with the continent.

Transport also improved thanks to the discovery of the wheel!

Amber was exported from Northern Europe to other


Villages grew.

And social inequalities increased.