Metes Austin, Texas 78746...Wisdom BBQ Cook Off June 5, 2010 in Austin. The Cook Off is part of the...

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At the March 30th public hearing, the Board received comments regarding the proposed changes to Rule 664.3. Based on those comments, the Board decided to

amend the rule to read as follows:

Beginning January 2011, a registrant, to be eligible for renewal of the certificate of registration, must accrue at least twelve (12) hours of completed board approved professional development ac-tivities during the immediate preceding twelve months in any annual period. Beginning January 2011 and every year thereafter, a minimum of three (3) of the twelve (12) hours shall be in board developed or approved hours on the Act, Rules, and/or ethics.

The Board also decided that, in order to be more flexible, the number of CEUs to be carried over should be unlimited. They also discussed elimi-nating the 4-hour increment requirement, allow-ing registrants to accrue CEUs in any number of one-hour activities and to encourage sponsors to include an ethics element in their courses.

All these items should be on the agenda for the June Board meeting for discussion. If it is agreed that the new language is acceptable, the rule will be proposed as such.

For more information, contact Robby Christopher at or visit the TBPLS website at

(The following report was submitted by Robby Christopher, RPLS, LSLS, and TSPS Liaison to the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying.)

(April 20, 2010) AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry has named D.G. (Greg) Smyth of Uvalde chair of the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying for a term to expire at the pleasure of the governor. The board protects Texas residents by regulating and licensing land surveyors.

Smyth is president of D.G. Smyth and Company Inc. He is a member of the Na-tional Council of Examiners for Engineering and

Surveying and American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, and a life mem-ber and past state president of the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors (1997).

He is also charter president of Chapter 22 of the Texas Society of Professional Sur-veyors and is past president of the Dilley Independent School District School Board. Smyth attended Southwest Texas Junior College and Texas A&M University.

For more infomation about the TBPLS, visit their website at or contact the board office directly at 512-239-5263.

TBPLS Hearing Addresses CEUsfor Professional Land Surveyors

Smyth New Chair of Licensing

TSPS Chapters CelebrateSurveyors Week 2010

TSPS Chapters In The News

Compliance Checklist from theState Licensing Board

BBQ Cook Off Teams Still Needed

Call for TSPS Award Nominations 2nd Quarterly Board Meeting &Ray Wisdom Auction & BBQ

Classified Ads

TSPS New Members

Winning Mansfield ISD Team Shines at SkillsUSA Competitions

Texas Ranger Hall of Fame& Museum Gets Special Visit

Coming Events

Texas Society of Professional Surveyors2525 Wallingwood Dr. #300

Austin, Texas 78746Metes Bounds


April-May 2010 A publication of the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors

TBPLS Hearing Addresses CEUs For Land Surveyors

Gov. Perry Names Smyth New Chair of Licensing Board

What was actor Robert Duvall doing in Waco? Find out on page 12.

2 Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

TSPS Chapters were busy during Surveyors Week in March, sharing information and knowledge about the land surveying profession in their communties. Following are the activities that were un-dertaken by the Chapter 5 Public Relations Committee:

(From TSPS Dallas Chapter 5 President Raul Wong, Jr.)Chapter 5 PR Committee Chairman Chris Freeman submitted an article about land surveying and Surveyor’s Week to the weekend supplement (Neighbors) of the Dallas Morning News.

The individual suburb editions included Garland, Mesquite, Duncanville, Rowlett, and Richardson. The potential readership reach of this effort would easily be in the six figures.

Briefly, the submitted article spoke about what land surveying is and its vital

North Central Texas Chapter 2 prepared a Survey-or's Week flyer (left), and copies were handed out to the Chapter members to be displayed in any location that was permissible (public or private). In addition to this, chapter member Bill Coleman obtained a Surveyor's Week Proclamation from the Mayor of the City of Denton.

role to society. It referenced the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors and the local Dallas chapter, as well as contact info for both.

The article also referenced Chapter 5 activities with local Boy Scout and local school districts and educational institutions and surveying educational opportunities. It also mentioned the Governor’ s Proclamation about Sur-

veyor’s Week.

Chapter 5 PR Committee Chairman Free-man has arranged for a survey display at the Garland South Library Branch for the entire month of April. The library has previously hosted a survey display, and was eager for a return display. They noted that it had re-ceived some of the best feedback and inter-est from library patrons, which actually led to a follow up presentation to a children’s group. The Display will include survey in-struments and tools, reference books, maps

and plats, and TSPS related publications, as well as Chapter 5 contact info. Several Chapter 5 members will provide the display items, including John Pierce, Robert Schneeberg, Martha Compton, Rudy Santini, and Chris Freeman.

TSPS Chapters Celebrate Surveyors Week 2010

North Texas Chapter 2

Dallas Chapter 5

March 20-26, 2011March 18-24, 2012March 17-23, 2013March 16-22, 2014March 15-21, 2015March 20-26, 2016

Mark Your Calendars For UpcomingSurveyor's Week Celebrations

3Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

Pictured at The Petroleum Museum Exhibit during Surveyor's Week are (from left) John Watson, President Elect; Alan McLain, President; and Marcus Hostas, Chapter 10 President.

The Friday, March 26, 2010 Permian Basin Chapter Meeting was well attended with local and state members, and public ser-vants. Pictured (from left) are John Watson, TSPS President Elect; Honorable Skeet Jones, Loving County Judge; Bill O’Hara, General Land Office; James Thompkins, “Legend” RPLS #1985; Norman Newton, “Legend” RPLS #1690; Program Presenter Michel Newton, RPLS, LSLS; Alan McLain, TSPS President; and Wade Howell, “Legend” RPLS #280.

Permian Basin Chapter 10

4 Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

Rio Grande Valley Chapter 19

TSPS Chapters In The News

Thanks to Don Wilson (top photo, left), CPA, for his informative presentation at the April 6, 2010 meeting of the Rio Grande Chapter 19. Don, who provides ac-counting and financial advice to small business, large engineering companies, and commercial corporations, spoke about the effects of new taxes and health care reforms and how business operations of surveyors and engineers will be changed by current tax law.

Attending the April 6 meeting were Manuel J. Mon-temayor, President; A.C. Cortes, RPLS, Secretary-Treasurer; Robert Tamez, SIT; Don Wilson, CPA; James Holdar, RPLS; Jorge Rodriguez, RPLS; Victor Garcia, PE; Francisco Rios, RPLS; and Keith House-man, RPLS, editor.

Jorge Rodriguez, RPLS, (bottom photo, left) and Robert Tamez, SIT, were on hand as Don Wilson answered attendee's tax questions.

(Submitted by Keith Houseman.)

5Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

Survey was performed by the signing surveyor or an employee under his direct supervision. (SEC 18a)

License of supervising surveyor is current and active. (SEC 17)

If surveyor is not surveying as an individual, a certificate of firm name has been filed with the Texas Board of Profes-sional Land Surveying. (SEC 21)

No unlicensed person was allowed to exert control over this survey. (663.5-1)

Project was completed within the time estimated or acceptable variance. (663.5-4)

Project was completed within the cost estimated or acceptable variance. (663.5-4)

The calculated relative precision is within minimum standards. (663.15) (1:10,000 within city limits) (1:7,500 within city ETJ ) (1:5,000 rural )

Survey measurements were made with equipment capable of achieving the minimum standards (663.15e)

Survey follows the footsteps of the original surveyor by proper application of the legal principles of surveying. (663.16a)

Appropriate deeds were researched to determine boundaries of the subject parcels. (663.16b)

Survey is the result of adequate research to support intended boundaries or research information was provided by qualified provider. (663.16c)

All boundaries connected to identifiable physical monuments of record. (663.16d)

Monuments set are of durable material at sufficient depth and of sufficient size. (663.17a)

Sufficient monuments were set to mark surveyed boundaries. (663.17b)

Monuments found and set are adequately described. (663.17b)

Where practical, monuments set to delineate or witness a boundary corner are marked in a way that is traceable to the RPLS. (663.17d)

Survey meets minimum TBPLS standards or completely meets other standards certified. (663.18)

Discrepancies between record and conditions discovered are referenced and reported to client. (663.19-3)

Plat is to a convenient scale. (663.19-3)

Plat has notation which defines line for directional control. (663.19-4)

Surveyor’s seal was impressed by surveyor. (663.8-4)

Survey has original signature of surveyor. (661.46a)

Noted on the plat are which monuments are set and which monuments are found. (663.19-6)

References on the plat cite the instruments of record of the adjoining boundaries. (663.19-7)

Client has been notified of the name, address and telephone number of the Board for the purpose of directing com-plaints. (SEC 29a)

Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying Compliance Checklist

(From Don King, RPLS #3896 – Sandy Smith at the Board of Land Surveying, was nice enough to give me this list so I could pass it on to the Title Companies, and surveyors, etc. In Brown County, Title Companies have joined forces in the hope of gettting quality surveys, and they needed a basic check list to help them judge what was supposed to be on a survey. I would like to encourage everyone to give it to your Banks, Title Companies, Real Estate people, and fellow surveyors who deal with quality surveys.The list has requirements of Basic Surveys, and does NOT include Requirements of a Cat 1a. (which. in Brown County, the Title Companies require on Improvement Surveys.) Educa-tion is the only way to cure a lot of these problems.)

6 Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

(TSPS Members ... BBQ Cook Off teams are invited to participate in the 2nd Annual Ray Wisdom BBQ Cook Off June 5, 2010 in Austin.The Cook Off is part of the annual Ray Wisdom Auction, which provides funds for TSFI and scholarships for Texas land surveying students. See details below, and register early to be one of the six invited teams!)



DATE: JUNE 5, 2010

TIME: 10:00 am to 4:30 pm

LOCATION: Richard Moya Park (just minutes from the Austin Airport Hilton, site of the TSPS Quarterly Board Meeting)

ENTRY FEE: No cost. Each team must supply and cook donated meats for auction event

This year we are inviting six BBQ teams to par-ticipate in a cook off at the Ray Wisdom Auction. TSPS will accept the first six teams that register as participants in this year’s event. Teams can be sponsored by TSPS Chapters, student groups or companies and are limited to four members per team. Each team will prepare two competition meats for judging by the TSPS Executive Com-mittee.

COMPETITION MEATS: Pork spare ribs and whole chicken

Cooking must be complete by 4:30 and judging

(From Awards Committee Chair Paul Carey)

As many of you know, we had no nomination or recipient of the Hugh L. George Award last year. Let's not have a repeat. This year we need nominations for the following Awards: • Hugh L. George • Surveyor of the Year • Young Surveyor of the Year • Vern Wayne Hanan Community Action • Chapter President of the Year • Geospatial Professional of the Year

(Remember the picnic and auction will fol-low the Board meeting on Saturday. TSFI benefits from the auction proceeds and your support with auction items and bid-ding will continue the scholarships award-ed to students entering the profession.)


The second Board meeting of 2010 will be held at the Airport Hilton Hotel 9515 Hotel Drive • Austin TX 78719 512-385-6767on June 5, 2010. The TSPS room rate is $114 per night. Please note the reservation cut-off date is May 14. Call 512-385-6767 or 800-584-5091 for room reservations. Reserve online at using the ‘promotion code’: TSP.

Reports are due by May 14, in order to be included in the Board books. Please email ( committee reports to arrive by that time. Review your commit-tee goals, paying special attention to any action items referred to individuals or com-mittees by President McLain. Those items should be specifically reported at each quarterly Board of Directors meeting.

Since the picnic will follow the board meet-ing, President McLain has declared casual dress for this meeting.June 4 – Friday2 PM – Convention Committee5 PM – Executive Committee Meeting(Pres McLain’s suite)7:30-10:00 PM – Hospitality (BYOB)

June 5 - Saturday7:00-11:00 AM – TSFI Trustee and various committee meetings9:00-10:45 AM – Chapter Presidents’ Forum11:00 AM-1:00 PM – Chapter Presidents’ Lunch1:00-5:00 PM – Board of Directors’ Meet-ing & Ray Wisdom BBQ and Auction Any committee chair needing space for a committee meeting should contact the TSPS office ASAP for your arrangements.

Enter A BBQ Cook Off Team at 2010 Ray Wisdom Auction!

It takes a little time to complete these forms, so do not procrastinate! Just go to: Thank you all for your attention. please send nominations to:

Paul T. CareyChairman – Awards Committee txsurvey@att.netor fax to 830-538-9783

Call For Nominations For Awards

will begin between 4:30 and 5:00.

***DONATED MEATS: Sausage, pre-cooked brisket – Each team should prepare enough do-nated meat to feed 25 diners (sausage and brisket donated by J-B Foods)


Contact Paul Carey at to register or for more details.

Stay For Picnic & Auction FollowingBoard Meeting

7Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

Special Thanks To Our Troops...(Submitted by Chris Freeman, Public Rela-tions Committee Chair) Thought it would be nice to share with our members some TSPS members and/or fam-ily members who are on active duty in vari-ous branches of our Armed Services.

Attached are two photos of a TSPS member, David Rolbiecki, RPLS # 5919 (below photo), left photo – third from left). David is currently serving a third tour in Afghanistan, and has served twice in Iraq. David is a member of Dallas Chapter No. 5, and stationed at Camp Mabry when in the States.

The service of the men, and all members of our Armed Services, is greatly appreciated!

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Daniel Be-menderfer (left – son of Chapter 5's Fred Bemenderfer, RPLS #4051), with Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regi-ment, uses a mine sweeper to search for improvised explosive devices in Nawa, Af-ghanistan, on Aug. 19, 2009. The Marines are deployed with Regimental Combat Team 3 to conduct counterinsurgency oper-ations in partnership with Afghan National Security Forces in southern Afghanistan. (DoD photo by Sgt. Freddy G. Cantu, U.S. Marine Corps.)

John Melton, a Boatswain’s Mate in the U. S. Navy, is currently on tour in the Middle East on a patrol unit that intercepts pirates, terrorists, and drug smugglers off the eastern coast of Africa, as well as conducting sea rescue operations. He is the son of Chapter 5 member John Melton, RPLS #4268 (operating Machine gun).

8 Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

Classified AdsINSTRUMENT OPERATORS and CAD TECHS NEEDEDProfessional Land Survey firm has immediate openings for instrument operators and survey CAD technicians. Must have experience in pipeline surveying. Registration as an SIT is a plus. Submit resumes to RPLS NEEDED – SAN ANTONIOWe are a high-volume title/mortgage survey company serving San Antonio and surrounding areas. We are looking for a hard working, highly motivated RPLS. Please e-mail resume and salary requirements to

POSITION AVAILABLEWINDROSE LAND SERVICES – AUSTIN: is a multi-disciplined firm providing surveying, mapping, and GIS services on a wide variety of com-mercial, industrial, residential, municipal, and telecommunication projects. We are conducting a search for a qualified professional to fill a posi-tion: Survey Tech / Draftsmen. We offer a strong benefits package which includes Medical, Dental, LT Disability, Life Insurance, Vision, 401k with matching, Tuition Reimbursement, Job Training and opportunities for ad-vancement. If you are interested in a confidential interview please fax you resume to (512) 326-2770 or email to

POSITION AVAILABLE IN HOUSTONGorrondona & Associates, Inc. (G&AI), a growing professional surveying and subsurface utility engineering firm seeks a qualified Survey Manager. Applicants must be a registered RPLS in Texas. Knowledge of the Houston area and prior experience managing a survey office is required. G&AI prides itself as a technology leader that is team oriented and provides ex-tensive staff training with advancement potential. Salary commensurate w/experience. Benefits include 401K, 100% paid employee health insurance, life insurance and Long Term Disability. Email resume & references to

SURVEY FIELD STAFF - MIDLAND, TX. OFFICEWestwood Professional Services, Inc.A national leader in the Oil & Gas, Electric Transmission and Renewable Energy Indus-tries located in Midland, TX is seeking expe-rienced Crew Chiefs and Instrument Person-nel. These positions will be stationed out of Midland, TX, but may be working throughout Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Candi-dates must have survey experience with GPS, total stations and electronic data collection equipment. Large Pipeline and Electric Transmission Line experience a plus.

All candidates must be able to pass an on-going drug test and able to travel out of town. Westwood offers an excellent benefit package that includes: 401k, profit sharing, medical and dental insurance, life and disability, paid time off, and additional benefits.

Send your resume to:Westwood Professional Services, Inc.4000 N. Big SpringSuite 110Midland, TX 79705Fax: 432-897-4670Email:

SALE - Small North Texas Surveying Firm:Plan to semi-retire after 36 years. Will assist in transition. Owner will finance.Building, Truck, Equipment, all files, many existing projects. Contact for information. TEXAS RPLS OR ABILITY TO OBTAINTexas RPLS, or ability to obtain, Lubbock, Texas.Benefits; Health Insurance, 401K, VacationSend Resume and Salary Requirements toP.O. BOX 53464Lubbock, TX 79453

SURVEY TECHNICIAN, PARTY CHIEF, INSTRUMENT MAN POSITION – DALLASCriado & Associates, Inc., a growing professional civil engineering and sur-veying firm seeks qualified personnel for survey technician, party chief and instrument man positions in Dallas, TX: Microstation and Geopak experience is a requirement for the survey techni-cian position. SIT certification a plus. Benefits include 100% paid employee health insurance and retirement plan. Send resume & references by FAX: 972-392-9192 or by email to

TEXAS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORGRW, an ENR Top 500 consult-ing firm has an immediate open-ing for a Texas Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) with a minimum of 10 years experience to perform airport surveys. Multiple state registrations, Part 405 airport survey experience desirable. Will consider full-time/part-time/semi-retired. Call Ed Rinehart at office 859-223-3999 x308 or cell at 859-227-8918.

Human ResourcesGRWwww.grwinc.comfax: 859-223-8917e-mail:

GRW is an equal opportunity employer.

SURVEY TECHNICIAN/FIELD COORDINATOR/PARTY CHIEF/GIS MANAGERDumas Land Surveying, Inc. in Cleburne, Texas, is now seeking qualified detail oriented candidates for the following positions:

Survey Technician – candidate needs to possess extensive knowledge of Boundary, Topographic/Design and ALTA/ACSM surveys. Needs to be familiar with working in state plane coordinates (grid and surface).

Field Coordinator – candidate needs to possess extensive knowledge of reviewing and processing field data, supervising/scheduling field crews,


9Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

Classified AdsContinued from page 8training field staff, and have basic computer skills and ability to work with several software packages.

Party Chief – candidate needs to be well organized, experienced with Boundary, Topographic/Design and ALTA/ACSM surveys. Needs to have extensive experience with RTK GPS, conventional traversing and level loops.GIS Manager – Candidate needs to have experience in developing and maintaining data bases in several different software packages, and for several different end user applications. Experience and ability in drafting is a plus.

Please send resume to

PLS–LOUISIANALand Survey Company has immediate openings for PLS, Crew Chief, Instrument Man & Rodman for Louisiana. Must have experience in pipeline survey. Texas RPLS license a plus. Submit resumes to or Fax 817-591-4768 Instrument Man Town and Country Surveyors –The Woodlands, TxQualified candidate will have a minimum of 4 years experience, firm uses ranger data collectors for both conventional and GPS.Applicant must be proficient at using TDS. Town and Country offers 401 K, Medical and bonuses. . Please email your resume and references to

REGISTEREDAngela Carlin, RPLS #5981Pape-Dawson Engineers11820 Song St.San Antonio, TX 78216 James Dossey, RPLS #6112Vannoy & Associates, Inc.1008 Tillameak StreetHewitt, TX 76643 Travis Mudford, RPLS #6029Twin City Surveying Services, LLC20 Miller County 499Texarkana, AR 71854

AFFILIATEMichael ReddellLone Star Record & Abstract3030 LBJ Fwy, Ste 1130 LB#17Dallas, TX 75234

STUDENTSMichael CarneyTerra Firma Land Surveying / Jones & Carter, Inc.1701 Directors Blvd., Suite 400Austin, TX 78744

TSPS New Members MARCH

TSPS Public Relations Chair Chris Freeman (right photo, on right)

staffed a TSPS booth at the Damage Prevention Summit in Mesquite on

Feb. 22-23. For more in-formation about the event,

contact Chris at

Damage Prevention


10 Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

SkillsUSA Competitions

(Submitted by Michael Evans, RPLS #4715) The District 4 SkillsUSA Com-petition was held February 26 and 27, 2010, on the campus of Texas State Technical College in Waco, Texas.

The State Competition was held March 25 and 26, 2010, in Corpus Christi,

on the Texas A&M-Corpus Christi campus.

The students who competed from Mansfield Independent School District were taught by Michael Evans, with assistance from Jamie Gillis, in prepa-ration for the District 4 and State competitions.

The winning students attend the Construction Technology class at Ben Bar-ber Career Tech Academy. Their Construction Technology teacher is Gene Schramme, who was on hand at a recent TSPS North Central Texas Chapter 2 meeting at the Hofbrau Steakhouse in Haltom City.

(from left) Michael Evans of Great Southwestern Land Surveyors, LLC; students Dan Arredondo, Sam Moore and Ryan Woelke; Chris Blevins of Brittain-Crawford, LLC; and Gene Schramme of Ben Barber. (Photo courtesy of Michael Evans)

Mansfield ISD Standouts

Ben Barber Career Tech Academy Team Shines

See SkillsUSA, Page 11

11Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

(Above photo) Chris Blevins, left, presents a Trimble total station to Gene Schramme for use in the Construction Technology program at Ben Barber Career Tech Academy and for use in training future stu-dents for SkillsUSA surveying competitions.

Pictures to the right are from the State Competition at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi. (Submitted by Michael Evans)

Mansfield ISD Standouts

12 Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

(Photos and text courtesy of Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum)

On Thursday, April 8, 2010, the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum welcomed honored guest and Academy Award Winner Robert Duvall and his wife Luciana Pedraza to the museum. The museum features many exhibits on the history of the Rangers, including the special relationship between

the history of that law enforcement body and Texas land surveyors. The TSPS Historical Committee helped establish a Land Surveying Exhibit at the museum, and the association's 2009 Spring Symposium in Waco featured its Friday Night Event at the museum. A TSPS Geocache location at the museum was also unveiled during that event. Mr. Duvall is best known for his role as Texas Ranger Captain Augustus "Gus" McCrae in Lone-some Dove. Capt. Hank Whit-man, Deputy Assistant Director of the Texas Ranger Division, and Mr. Duvall's friend, Texas DPS Commissioner Tom Clowe, escorted him to Waco and the museum. Joe Hinton, Advisory Board President, and Mayor Virginia DuPuy appointed Mr. Duvall an honorary member of the board. Mr. Duvall donated his time and services to film a thirty-second television commercial and public service announcement (PSA) for the museum. The PSA will air on city cable channels across Texas. The staff from the City of Waco's station WCCC10 filmed the segment. After filming the segment in the Hall of Fame, Mr. Duvall, Texas Rang-ers, guests, and staff enjoyed Barbeque from Uncle Dan's. Senior Cap-tain, Antonio Leal, the Assistant Director of the Texas Rangers Division, presented Mr. Duvall with an official Texas Ranger cowboy hat. Mr. Duvall also received a service belt buckle and commemorative pocketknife in appreciation of his services from Company "F" Texas Rangers, who have their headquarters at the museum. The night concluded with a tour of the museum galleries.

Texas Ranger Hall of Fame &Museum Gets Special Visitor

The museum thanks the WCCC10 staff for their hard work, Captain Whit-man and Mr. Clowe for bringing Mr. Duvall to the museum, Mr. Duvall for his kind remarks about the Texas Rangers and the museum, and everyone else who made the night a success. All items presented to Mr. Duvall are available for purchase at the museum gift shop. Call (254) 750-8631 to order yours today. To watch Mr. Duvall and see more photographs of his visit to the museum, visit the museum's website at And don't forget to visit the museum and enjoy the professional exhibit on land surveying ... one of the first exhibits visitors see when they enter the museum!

Byron Johnson, museum Director, shows Robert Duval around the exhibits at the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum.

Texas Rangers Co. "F" Capt. Kirby Dendy welcomes Actor Robert Duvall to the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum

Robert Duvall Films PSA For Museum

Robert Duval as Texas Ranger Captain Augustus "Gus" McCrae in Lonesome Dove.

13Metes and Bounds/April-May 2010

Coming EventsMAYMay Jefferson Historical Seminar - Early Surveying 7 Techniques & the Evolution of Surveying Equipment with field exercise Presented by North East Texas Chapter 23 Instructor: David Ingram Collins Academy Jefferson, Texas 8 CEUs View a brochure with registration form HERE

May CST Exam8 Proctor: Riley Griffith at West Co. of Abilene (325- 437-8118 or Abilene, Texas

JUNEJune Second Quarterly Board Meeting 5 & Ray Wisdom Barbecue & Auction Austin Airport Hilton 9515 Hotel Drive Austin, TX 78719 512-385-6767

June 2010 Tyler Junior College Surveyor Camp6-10 Presented by Tyler Junior College, TSPS Chapters 4 & 23 and the Surveying Education Foundation of Texas, Inc. Tyler Junior College Tyler, Texas The Surveying and Mapping Summer Camp is a public service introducing young people to survey- ing and mapping activities and career opportuni- ties in the surveying profession. The camp is conducted FREE OF CHARGE to the students who participate. The camp focuses on high school juniors and seniors who may be inter- ested in a career in Surveying, Mapping and Geomatics. APPLY ONLINE! Opportunities for camp sponsors; Please contact Joey Stanger - June 4th Annual High School Educator's Retreat for 15-17 Surveying Mapping & Geospatial Awareness North Lake College - West Campus 1401 Royal Lane West DFW Airport, TX 75261-2107 The retreat is limited to 40 attendees, and spaces are still available. Chapters or individuals wishing to sponsor an Educator are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Individual companies are also welcome and encouraged to select and sponsor teachers from their communities. And online application, preliminary schedule and directions to the North Lake College - West

Campus are available on the home page of TSPS Chapters, individual companies and individual members are encouraged to sponsor an Educator for a $250 donation ($100 stipend, GPS unit and food). Of course donations over and above the absolute minimum are appreciated. Contact TSPS at 512-327-7871 if you plan to sponsor an educator.

AUGUSTAugust Strategic Planning & Third Quarterly 19-21 Board Meeting Embassy Suites Dallas-Frisco Hotel, Convention Center & Spa 7600 John Q. Hammons Drive Frisco, TX 75034 972-712-7200 (Registration Information - TBA)

SEPTEMBERSeptember Locating Original Corners Seminar9-11 Concan, Texas 16 CEUs (Registration Information - TBA)

OCTOBEROctober 59th Annual TSPS Convention & Technology 13-16 Exposition Houston Westin Galleria Hotel 5060 West Alabama Houston, TX 77056 713-960-8100 (Registration Information - TBA)

DECEMBERDecember TSPS December Seminars - Last Minute CEUs4 Austin Seminar - Topic TBA Omni Southpark Austin 4140 Governors Row Austin TX 78744 Room Rate - $95 Call 512-448-2222 for reservations (TSPS discount rate ends 11-18-2010) 8 CEUs

TBPLS Professional & Technical Standards Instructor: Ken Gold DoubleTree Club Hotel - Dallas Farmers Branch (near DFW Airport and Las Colinas) 11611 Luna Rd Dallas TX 75234 Room Rate - $99 Call 972-506-0055 for reservations (TSPS discount rate ends 11-11-10) 8 CEUs Registration information for both events TBA