Meth ( drug ) labs and landfills

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Meth ( Drug ) Labs and Landfills

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Yes it is a HEALTH RISK to You!Crystal methamphetamine makers use anhydrous ammonia in the manufacture of the drug. Anhydrous ammonia is easily obtainable because of its use as a fertilizer: it can be found on many farms and is sold by agricultural supply concerns.

Because anhydrous ammonia is a liquid that turns to a gas upon contact with air, it has to be stored and shipped under pressure in sturdy containers of choice for those who siphon it off from farms for use in the manufacture of meth is the portable propane tank, because those tanks are small enough for a thief to easily cart away. (Fire extinguishers have been put to this use as well.) Propane tanks that have been used for this type of transport or storage typically develop a greenish or bluish corrosion on their valves.

Anhydrous ammonia degrades the brass valves and fittings of propane tanks and bottles, rendering these units unsafe for further use, so one should therefore never buy a portable propane tank that displays the telltale bluish or greenish blossoming around its valve. (One should also report the seller of such a unit to the police, because the authorities will likely be quite interested in learning how that person came into possession of an item possibly used in the manufacture of crystal meth. Given that meth labs routinely explode, taking out not only drug manufacturers and their domiciles but also nearby houses and the innocent families that live within them, finding and reporting meth labs is truly everybody's business.) A warning put out by the Propane Gas Association of Canada more fully discusses the dangers inherent to those misused propane tanks.

Some retailers (such as Wal-Mart) offer their propane-buying customers a tank exchange program, whereby empty tank and bottles can be exchanged for full ones for a small fee. The consumer does not get back his or her own tank; instead, an already-filled unit is provided in exchange.

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada


P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Yes they send their trash to your sites

Trash or waste in pits or illegal dumps containing items such as:– Rags with red and/or yellow stains– Large number of pill blister packaging from over-the-counter cold, diet or allergy remedies – Empty containers from white gas, ether, starting fluids, lye or drain openers, paint thinner,

acetone, or alcohol– Compressed gas cylinders, or camp stove (Coleman) fuel containers– Packaging from Epsom salts or rock salt– Propane tanks or coolers containing strong ammonia odors– Pyrex/glass/Corning containers, with dried chemical deposits remaining – Bottles or containers connected with rubber hosing and duct tape – Coolers, thermos bottles, or other cold storage containers – Respiratory masks and filters or dust masks – Funnels, hosing and clamps – Discarded rubber or latex gloves– Coffee filters, pillow cases or bed sheets stained red (used to filter red phosphorous), or

containing a white powdery residue

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Waste Collection on Wednesday

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What Meth Looks Like

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Super Labs

• A large, highly organized lab that can manufacture 10 or more pounds

($4,500- $20,000 street value) of meth per production cycle. According to the Drug Enforcement Enforcement they account for 80 percent of all meth produced.

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

“Mom and Pop” Labs

• These labs are more common and manufacture only one to four ounces of meth per production cycle ($500- $2,700 street value). Their operators typically produce enough drugs for their own and close associates’ use, and just enough extra to sell to others to finance the purchase of production chemicals.

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Ephedrine ReductionRed Phosphorous Method: (Most popular)

• Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, also red phosphorous usually taken from strips on matchboxes, are main ingredients.

• Produces phosphine gas, which can be lethal.

Primary Methods of Meth Production

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Meth Production Continued

• Nazi Method: (Birch) Uses anhydrous ammonia (liquid fertilizer). More frequent in farming and rural areas. Other ingredients are pseudoephedrine, and

lithium.• Can produce a cloud of ammonia gas, which is

also extremely dangerous.

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Meth Production Continued

• P2P Method: (phenyl-2-Propanone) Outlaw motorcycle bikers prefer this method

of manufacturing meth. By the 1990’s, Ephedrine reduction became

more popular, and the P2P method was less used.

Now accounts for less than 2 percent of meth labs seized.

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Signs of a Meth Lab• Frequent visitors at all times of day and night.• Activity at the house is usually at odd hours.• Occupants appear unemployed, yet have plenty of

money.• Extensive security.• Windows blacked out, or curtains drawn.• Chemical odors coming from the house. (ammonia, cat urine)• Garbage contains numerous bottles and

containers, stained filter/sheets from red phosphorus, or has a chemical odor.

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Warning Signs of Meth Activity:Signs of a meth lab are: ChemicalsBasic chemistry paraphernalia such as laboratory glassware, rubber tubing, clear glass jugsHeat plates, camp stoves or other heat sourcesCookware containing powdery substancesStrong odor of urine or unusual chemical odors such as ether, ammonia or acetoneSigns of meth lab waste: Cold/allergy medicine packagingEmpty containers from: Heet, antifreeze, ether, starting fluids, freon, lye, drain cleaners, paint thinner or acetoneCoffee filters with white pasty, powdery or red substanceCoolers or thermos bottlesPropane tanksSigns of a drug house:Little or no traffic during the day, but lots of traffic at late hoursExtra efforts to cover windows or reinforce doorsNever putting out trashUnfriendly, paranoid or secretive behaviorRenters who pay landlords in cashUnemployed persons who seem to have plenty of cash

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P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Household Equipment

• Tempered glass baking dishes, glass or plastic jugs, jars, paper towels or filters, funnels, rubber tubing/gloves, buckets, blenders, gas can, tape, clamps, hot plate, strainer, turkey baster, plastic storage containers, ice chests, measuring cups, aluminum foil, lab beakers, towels, matches, propane cylinder.

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P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

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• Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine (cold tablets), alcohol,(rubbing/gas additive) toluene(brake fluid), ether(engine starter), sulfuric acid(drain cleaner), lithium(batteries), anhydrous ammonia(farm fertilizer), red phosphorous(matches), iodine(vet. products),sodium hydroxide(lye), rock salt, trichloroethane(gun scrubber), kitty litter.

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P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Dangers Caused by Clandestine Labs

Physical Injury• Mixing chemicals in clan drug labs creates

substantial risks of explosions, fires, chemical burns, and toxic fume inhalation. These risks not only apply to the people running the lab, but also neighbors, emergency first responders (law enforcement and fire), and hazardous materials clean up crews.

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Fire and Explosions

• Approximately 15 percent of meth labs are discovered as a result of fire or explosion. Some causes include:

Careless handling and over heating volatile chemicals and waste, and unsafe manufacturing methods.

Improperly labeled and incompatible chemicals are often stored together or left on stove tops near an ignition source accessible to children.

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Hazardous Lifestyle• Meth homes often lack heating, cooling, proper

ventilation, legally provided electricity, running water, or refrigeration.

• Living and playing areas are contaminated with chemicals, rotten food, condoms, and infested with rodents and insects. Toilets and tubs are backed up or inoperable.

• There is exposure and accessibility to weapons, guns, and booby traps.

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Hazardous Waste

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Fire Dangers:

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Common in the news

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Moms recipeHow Crystal Meth is Produced• How Crystal Meth is produced only takes a little research on the internet and an investment of a few hundred dollars in

over-the-counter medications and chemicals. The drug can be made in a makeshift "lab" that can fit into a suitcase. Some intelligence figures suggest that the average Crystal Meth "cook" teaches ten other people how to make the drug each year.

The production required to make methamphetamine from precursor substances is easier and more accessible than ever. Over-the-counter cold and asthma medications containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, red phosphorous, hydrochloric acid, drain cleaner, battery acid, lye, lantern fuel, and antifreeze are among the ingredients most commonly used. These precursors are substances that, in nature, might be inactive. However, how Crystal Meth is produced combines these chemicals and the result is a new product. Methamphetamine starts with an inactive or marginally-inactive compound (ephedrine or pseudoephedrine) and other chemicals are added to produce the drug.Some of those ingredients include:• Acetone• Ephedrine Tablets• Iodine• Lantern Fuel• Mini-Thins• Muriatic Acid• Pseudoephedrine Tablets• Red Phosphorous• Sulphuric Acid

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

Any items missing at workCommon Crystal Meth Ingredients:• 2-liter bottles• Acetone • Alcohol• Anhydrous ammonia• Battery acid• Benzene• Blenders• Bronchodialators• Camera batteries• Camp stove fuel• Chloroform• Cold tablets• Diet aids• Drain cleaner• Energy boosters• Ephedrine• Ether (starting fluid) • Freon • Gasoline additives/Rubbing Alcohol• Hot plates• Iodine• Iodine crystals• Lithium from batteries

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

That may be not H2SCrystal Meth Smell• Crystal Meth smell is caused by the many toxic chemicals used to create this drug. The

production of Crystal Meth usually can result in strong odors. These odors can smell similar to cat urine, fingernail polish, a hospital (due to the common use of ethyl ether as an anesthetic), paint thinners, paint removers, adhesives, and cleaning fluids. When crystal meth is smoked, there is a slightly sweet smell emitted. However, only experienced users can detect the slight scent of Crystal Meth when it is smoked.A Crystal Meth lab even in trucks of cars can have a strong uncommonly sweet smell too; not like a perfume, but something more like a lightly scented cleaning chemical. There is a point in the process where it may smell like a gas leak or rotten eggs. Some of the odors related to a Crystal Meth lab have been described as smelling like: Lighter fluid

• Ether• Ammonia• Auto parts cleaner• Rotten eggs

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

What You Can Do• First and foremost, DO NOT touch any material or

investigate. Contact local law enforcement.• Be vigilant and watch for clues of meth production.• Get to know your neighbor.• Screen prospective tenants.• Educate store owners to watch their inventory for

frequent or large quantities of products purchased which are used in meth production.

• Educate hotel and housekeeping staff to be alert to suspicious behavior, odors, stains, and discarded items.

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

P bar Y Safety Consultants, Alberta Canada

If you suspect a Meth Lab:• Leave the site at once and report it • Do not open any coolers, container or boxes • Do not touch any items • Don't shut off any electrical supplies • Limit time inside scene • Handling meth chemicals and/or meth lab

waste residue can burn your skin and eyes. Breathing the gases can cause respiratory damage

• Try not to alert the suspects of your suspicions