Metoclopramide Neurological Side Effects Screening; A ...

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Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences

Volume 2 | Issue 1 Article 7


Metoclopramide Neurological Side EffectsScreening; A Pharmacovigilence Study inRomanian Community PharmaciesEmil ȘtefănescuCarol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy,

Mihaela PleșuNicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Corina ScutariNicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Adrian JunghinăMedico Farmaceutic Denyro Ltd

Horațiu MireșanOvidius University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Recommended CitationȘtefănescu, Emil; Pleșu, Mihaela; Scutari, Corina; Junghină, Adrian; and Mireșan, Horațiu (2015) "Metoclopramide Neurological SideEffects Screening; A Pharmacovigilence Study in Romanian Community Pharmacies," Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences: Vol. 2 : Iss.1 , Article 7.Available at:

Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening; a

pharmacovigilence study in Romanian community


Emil Ștefănescu1, Mihaela Pleșu2, Corina Scutari3, Adrian Junghină4, Horațiu Mireșan5

1 Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy 2 Emergency Clinical Hospital of Constanța, Department of Pharmacy 3 Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy 4Medico Farmaceutic Denyro Ltd – Bucharest 5 Ovidius University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Toxicology

Corresponding author: Emil Ștefănescu, email:

Running title: Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening

Keywords: metoclopramide, neurological side effects, pharmacovigilence 2015, Vol. II (issue 1): 55- 66.

Date of submission: 2014-10-06; Date of acceptance: 2015-01-09


Background. Metoclopramide is a pharmacological agent frequently used in therapy against

nausea and vomiting that can occur in indigestion, motion sickness, gastric ulcer, pyloric spasm and

after surgery as a side effect of some anesthetics. Knowing the frequency and intensity of

metoclopramide neurological side effects is essential for an efficient management of the dysfunctions it


Material and method. Based on a standard questionnaire containing questions regarding

metoclopramide therapy, we analyzed the answers given by 1000 patients or patient tutors in 20 open

circuit pharmacies situated all over Bucharest. All subjects freely consented to participate in this study

that was coordinated only by pharmacists.

Results. Our study highlights the fact that in certain situations having to do with the age of

patients, with the use of multiple drugs or with the tendency to self medicate, the neurological side

JMMS 2015, 2(1): 55- 66. Research Article

Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening


effects of metoclopramide can reach dangerous levels. In some cases it might even be necessary to

immediately interrupt metoclopramide therapy, despite its positive benefit/ risk ratio.

Conclusions. Respecting the physician’s recommendations, avoiding self medication and

reporting side effects as quickly as possible, are essential elements for minimizing the consequences of

metoclopramide side effects.


Metoclopramide is an antiemetic and gastro-prokinetic agent working as a dopaminergic

antagonist, currently under close survey by the European Medicines Agency due to its acute and chronic

neurological side effects. The Metoclopramide molecule was first described by Besancon and Laville in

1964 and by the end of 1982 it was already available in generic form (1). Since then, the scientific

literature has recorded extrapyramidal phenomena as the main side effects of metoclopramide. They

consist in dystonia (opistotonus, torticollis, trismus, dysarthria, oculogyric crisis), akathisia,

parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia and can occur both in high and in usual doses. The incidence of

extrapyramidal side effects after metoclopramide use is generally 0.2%, but it can reach up to 25% in

elderly patients and teenagers. In children, the risk of this type of side effect occurring is 6 times higher

than it is in adults. Tardive dyskinesia and parkinsonism are known to appear only after chronic use

while dystonia and akathisia can occur even after a single dose of metoclopramide. The main

predisposing factors that favor neurological side effects are: high doses, long term treatment and use of

metoclopramide in children and elderly patients. A detailed anamnesis before initiating metoclopramide

therapy is necessary in order to avoid wrong diagnostics and inappropriate management of neurological

side effects (2, 3).

The clinical manifestations of extrapyramidal symptoms such as dystonia, akathisia,

parkinsonism and dyskinesia include an atypical number of involuntary muscle contractions that affect

posture, movement and walking (4). The cause of this type of phenomena is most likely the blockage of

Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening


dopamine transmission in various CNS structures. Extrapyramidal symptoms generated by some

antipsychotic drugs may also be associated with some other pharmacological agents such as antiemetics,

antidepressants, oral antidiabetics, lithium, antiepileptics, and contraceptives (5). The goal of the current

study is on one hand to underline the importance of pharmacovigilence in identifying and quantifying

foreseeable (dose dependent) side effects and unforeseeable (dose independent) side effects (6) and on

the other hand to compare our results to what medical literature describes regarding the neurological side

effects of metoclopramide.

Materials and Methods

1000 patients or tutors of patients were questioned regarding the pathological context that

prompted the initiation of metoclopramide therapy and the neurological side effects experienced under

these circumstances. The study was conducted in 20 open circuit pharmacies between March of 2014

and June of the same year. Only pharmacists asked the questions, noted the answers and explained the

medical terminology to the patients.

Inclusion criteria were as follow: Age of patients between 12 and 80 years old, maximum 2

additional illnesses or associated co-morbidities (patients with major decompensated neurological

conditions were not enlisted in this study), absence of

known conditions that reduce the activity of organs

involved in drug biotransformation and elimination (liver

and/or kidney)

Statistics. The statistical calculus of the

percentages expressing the results of our study was done

using Microsoft Excel 2003 software.

Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening



After the centralization of all date we report the

following results: the sex distribution of the subjects

showed that 58.4% of the patients were female and

41.6% were male. Taking into account the age criteria,

26.8% were between 12 and 30 years old, 40,6%

between 30 and 55 years old and 32,6% between 55

and 80 years old. Metoclopramide therapy was initiated

based on a written medical prescription in 67,5% of

cases, based on the physician’s verbal recommendation

in 14.3% of cases, based on the pharmacist’s

recommendation in 10.4% of cases, based on patient`s

owns initiative in 3.6% of cases and based on the

recommendation of unauthorized persons in 4.2% of


The diagnostic that prompted the initiation of

metoclopramide therapy was indigestion in 60.4% of

cases, gastric ulcer in 24.7% of cases, pyloric spasm in

8.9% of cases, motion sickness in 4% of cases and post

anesthetic sickness in 2% of cases. 57.6% of all patients

reported using other drugs while being under

metoclopramide therapy. 32.64% of them (188

individuals) reported using omeprazole, 15.97% (92

individuals) reported using indapamide, 12.67% (73

Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening


individuals) reported using drotaverine, and 9.55% (55 individuals) reported using perindopril and

29.17% (168 individuals) reported using other drugs.

Regarding side effects, 74.6% of patients

reported no side effects what so ever, 14.2% reported

sleepiness and confusion, 6.3% reported depression,

2.8% reported tremors and uncontrolled movements,

1.3% reported muscle rigidity and 0.8% reported

hallucinations and altered states of conscience. Out of

the 254 patients that did report side effects, 69.69%

reported experiencing them in the first 12 hours,

20.87% felt them between 12 and 48 hours after

initiating metoclopramide therapy and in 9.49% of

cases, the side effects occurred more than 48 hours

after the first dose of metoclopramide. Regarding side

effect intensity, 72.83% of patients (185 individuals)

considered them as having a low intensity, 15.75%

(40 individuals) rated the side effects as being

moderate and 11.42% (29 individuals) felt them with

severe intensity.

Analyzing the age of patients that reported

side effects we observed that 42.51% (108

individuals) were between 12 and 30 years old,

25.98% (66 individuals) were between 30 and 55

years old and 31.51% (80 individuals) were between 55 and 80 years old.

Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening


Out of the 254 patients that reported side effects after using metoclopramide, 38.98% (99

individuals) were also under treatment with omeprazole. Analyzing compliance, we observed a higher

tendency to noncompliance, especially by reducing

the interval between doses and by increasing

prescribed doses in patients below the age of 30. This

observation can be correlated with the higher

incidence of side effects reported by this age group.

Analyzing the individual cases of patients that

reported moderate and severe side effects we noted

the following particular situations:

5 patients were under treatment with selective

inhibitors of serotonin recapture (2 with fluoxetine

100mg/day and 3 with paroxetine 20mg/day) when

they started administering metoclopramide and

reported agitation, hyperexcitability, tremors,

hyperthermia and intense sweating

7 patients were under treatment with first generation antihistaminic drugs (5 with cyproheptadine

4mg/day and 2 with chlorpheniramine 8mg/day) when they started administering metoclopramide and

reported intense daytime sleepiness, lack of motor coordination and inability to perform precision

requiring activities

4 patients were under treatment with antidopaminergic neuroleptics (2 with haloperidol 2mg/day and 2

with chlorpromazine 10mg/day) when they started administering metoclopramide and reported

involuntary movement of neck and tongue muscles, rigidity in extremities, hyperthermia and


Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening


2 epileptic patients under treatment with carbamazepine (400mg/day) reported an epileptic seizure more

intense than usual in the first 12 to 36 hours after initiating metoclopramide therapy


Metoclopramide is the first choice antiemetic for treating nausea due to intestinal disorders,

hepatic or gall dysfunctions, but it can also be used to some extent in nausea and vomiting induced by

radiotherapy, chemotherapy, Ménière syndrome and motion sickness. Metoclopramide is also a

gastroprokinetic drug due to its peripheral cholinergic mechanism and is used in gastrointestinal reflux

and pyloric spasm because it increases the tonus of the Cardia sphincter, it relaxes the pyloric sphincter,

it speeds up the emptying of the stomach, it improves intestinal transit and it enhances the peristaltic

movement of the esophagus, the stomach and intestines (6, 7). Metoclopramide has two main types of

mechanisms that explain on one hand the therapeutic effects (antiemetic, gastroprokinetic) and on the

other hand, the neurological side effects (sleepiness, anxiety, depression, dystonia, akathisia,

parkinsonism, dyskinesia) and the abdominal side effects (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence):

D2 dopaminergic receptors antagonist both on a central level in the rachidian bulb and in the triggering

chemoreceptor area and on a peripheral level in the gastrointestinal tract; by exacerbating the D2

blockage, extrapyramidal effects manifest themselves especially in children, teenagers and elderly

patients. They consist in dystonic movements of the face, tongue and limbs, tetanic spasm, torticollis,

trismus, tardive dyskinesia and akathisia. Another antidopaminergic related side effect is

hyperprolactinemia often associated with diminished libido, gynecomastia, galactorrhea and


Cholinergic effect by releasing acetylcholine in the digestive neuroeffector junctions, thus accelerating

the emptying of the stomach and improving intestinal transit; exacerbating the cholinergic mechanisms

leads to symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain (6, 8).

Medical literature describes the following neurological side effects of metoclopramide:

Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening


Dyskinesia consists in rapid, involuntary and repetitive movements of the face, torso, limbs and

respiratory muscles. This is an extrapyramidal side effect that can have an early or a late onset (tardive

dyskinesia) and is irreversible in about 6% of cases (4). Metoclopramide induced tardive dyskinesia has

an incidence lower than 1%. The favoring factors for this condition are the long term use, old age,

female gender, diabetes, preexisting abnormal movements, organic cerebral lesions and psychic

disorders (3).

A study on a group of 51 hospitalized patients, all under metoclopramide therapy for at least 30

days, demonstrated that 27% of them developed tardive dyskinesia symptoms, compared to only 12%

that developed the same symptoms in the control group (9).

Dystonia consists in involuntary muscle contractions of the torso and neck (torticollis,

opisthotonus), limbs, tongue, face, eyes, laryngeal spasm, pharyngeal dysphagia, hoarseness and

oculogyric crisis. The incidence of metoclopramide induced acute dystonia is between 0.2% and 6%,

especially occurring in women after intravenous administration of relative high doses. These

manifestations usually can be observed in the first 24-48 hours after the initiation of metoclopramide

therapy (3, 4, 10).

Akathisia is an extrapyramidal disorder characterized by a feeling of unease, anxiety, permanent

and meaningless movements of the extremities or of the entire body. The incidence of metoclopramide

induced akathisia is between 10% and 25%, it can have various levels of severity and it can be prevented

by reducing the speed of metoclopramide intravenous injection. Benzodiazepines, β-blockers, opioids,

α2 presynaptic agonists and anticholinergic drugs can be used for treating this disorder (3, 4, 11).

Parkinsonism is characterized by tremors, bradykinesia, muscle rigidity and posture instability.

Long term use of metoclopramide, old age, female gender, diabetes and multiple drug abuse are favoring

factors for metoclopramide induced parkinsonism. Patients using metoclopramide are 3 times more

likely to require antiparkinson treatment than patients that are not using this antiemetic (12).

Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening


Out of 479 reported cases of metoclopramide induced extrapyramidal effects in the UK over a

period of 15 years, 455 were acute dystonia reports, 20 were parkinsonism reports, and 4 were tardive

dyskinesia reports (10).

Constant reports regarding metoclopramide extrapyramidal side effects were registered all over

the world ever since this drug was first introduced in therapy up to the present day. This fact prompted

the development of a standardized quantification system in order to better understand the clinical

manifestations of extrapyramidal side effects. Thus the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)

was created as a tool for cataloging this type of manifestations both from a qualitative and a quantitative

point of view. With the help of AIMS, several irregular movements were characterized in 7 distinct areas

of the body, especially the face, mouth, extremities and torso. The AIMS score is now a useful tool that

allows a better management of extrapyramidal disorders (4).

The results of our study, generally confirm the known data described by medical literature

regarding metoclopramide neurological side effects, but also reveal some elements that are characteristic

to Romanian patients. Thus, the study shows that metoclopramide therapy was initiated based on a

written medical prescription in only 67.5% of cases. This is a relatively low percentage compared to the

one observed in western countries where more than 90% of patients start administering drugs only after

getting a written medical prescription. Our study also highlights the fact that 7.8% of patients have

chosen to self administer metoclopramide based on their own knowledge about the drug or on the

recommendation of unauthorized persons. In other countries less than 2% of patients do the same (13).

Regarding side effects, a little over a quarter of all patients (25.4%) reported experiencing them.

72.83% of these patients rated the side effect intensity as being low or moderate.

Analyzing the use of multiple drugs at the same time, we noted that more than half of all patients

(57.6%) reported using at least one other drug while under treatment with metoclopramide. 32.64%

indicated omeprazole as being that drug. When correlating the side effect reports with multiple drug use

Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening


reports, we calculated that 38.98% of patients that reported side effects had taken metoclopramide at the

same time with omeprazole. This situation can be explained by the fact that omeprazole is a known

CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 inhibitor, thus determining a relative overdosing of metoclopramide, when the 2

drugs are used at the same time. A similar phenomenon occurs when metoclopramide is used

simultaneously with fluoxetine or paroxetine, as the 2 antidepressants are strong CYP2D6 inhibitors and

can also determine a relative overdosing of metoclopramide (14), which explains why these patients

reported more intense side effects. An additional explanation for a higher intensity of side effects in this

particular case may also be related to a 5HT4 receptors agonist mechanism that metoclopramide is

reported to have, thus favoring the onset of a serotoninergic syndrome (15).

The sedation induced by 1st generation antihistaminic drugs (H1-blockers) was significantly

enhanced during metoclopramide therapy in 7 patients. They reported intense daytime sleepiness and

increased time reaction to external stimuli, which confirm the CNS inhibition effect of metoclopramide,

especially when the nervous tonus is already depressed.

Symptoms more or less intense, characteristic to the malignant neuroleptic syndrome were

described by a patient under treatment with the incisive neuroleptic drug haloperidol and by another one

under treatment with the sedative neuroleptic agent chlorpromazine. These symptoms manifested

themselves 12 hours or more after initiating metoclopramide therapy and can be explained by the

synergism of addition that occurs between the antiemetic and the antipsychotic drugs, both having an

antidopaminergic mechanism.

The onset of a convulsive episode more intense than usual, reported by 2 epileptic patients under

treatment with carbamazepine, while taking metoclopramide at the same time, can be explained by the

gastroprokinetic effect of this drug that accelerates the intestinal transit, thus reducing the absorption rate

of the antiepileptic.

Metoclopramide neurological side effects screening



The current study underlines the importance of pharmacovigilence in identifying drug side

effects and their favoring factors (multiple drug use, noncompliance, self medication). Our results

confirm the data described by medical literature regarding metoclopramide neurological side effects.

The relatively low incidence of side effects we observed proves that the benefit/risk ratio of

metoclopramide continues to be a positive one. However closer monitoring of pharmacokinetic and

pharmacodynamic interactions is absolutely necessary in order to prevent the onset of unwanted effects,

especially in a complex pathological context that requires multiple drug use.


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