Metrics Magic - GraphExpo

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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At the recent GraphExpo in Chicago a group of commercial and corporate printers explored development of key metrics attenuated to executive and customer priorities. Take a few minutes and brainstorm. Contact me for more detail as this is only the slides of the conversation.


  • 1. R41 - Performance MetricsMAGIC: The Keys toOperational & SalesSuccessPhil LarsonShepherd Consulting

2. Phil LarsonShepherd Consulting 3. Every print services operation must have validcustomer-centric metrics that are monitored,measured, and used for operationaltransformation, product development, and costjustification. Those must be balancedindividually and as a whole against cost ofdoing business with competitors. You and yourteam can thrive in this environment and day ofsourcing and privatization. You have greatvalue product and service. Get it? You will afterthis 4. Print Brings Value!Print Opens Doors!Print Gets Response! 5. You need a vitalized printengine that is dynamic,customized, interactive,data driven,communicative, 6. Walk away with a strategic tool for metric baseddecision making.Discover where you need to be more LEAN.Explore where to offer a wider variety of services.Find out what your customers think and plan?Prove value.Examine product and services for profitability andviability.Find high expense items and jettison if not high value.Understand high value items for which you have lowvalue 7. Determine what to keep, what to grow,what to dump, and what to source.Make effective decisions on value addedservices, technology upgrades, traininginvestments, and people placements.Put a smile on your customers face.Put fun into the equation.Get viable. Stay viable. Build 8. NameOffice PhoneCell PhoneBest Time of Day to CallBest Day of Week to CallCompany NameAddressCityStateZipCore Product Linesphil@shepherdok.comDecision Magic 9. Size of Shop (Annual Revenue)Average Order Size (Quantity)Number of Orders a WeekAutomation SoftwareCostingQuote/bidOrder IntakeOrder ProcessingOnline for CustomersOnline for Shop ProductionShippingInvoiceOtherphil@shepherdok.comDecisionMagic 10. The Business 11. WorkflowValue AddProductOptimizationDevelopmentand ExpansionOnline Supportand PDFStabilizationBusinessClient 12. Make specific to the design of your shop and yourcustomers demands.Turnaround from order submit to deliveryTurnaround from assignment to queue to finishedproductionVolumeOrder TypesOrder quantityMeasure Establish Goals with Customers Monitor - ReportProduction Turnaroundphil@shepherdok.comMagic Metric 13. ConstraintsBlackHolesQueuesSmooth WorkflowTurnaround 14. DefectsOver-ProductionWaitingNon-utilized Resource/TalentTransportationInventoryMotionExcess ProcessingDOWNTIMETurnaround 15. ConstraintsBlackHolesQueuesSmooth WorkflowTurnaround 16. ConstraintsBlackHolesQueuesSmooth WorkflowTurnaround 17. The number of jobs is increasing? How do I fixand keep it smooth?New jobs are complex with many pieces andtimings?Questions and 18. WorkflowValue AddProductOptimizationDevelopmentand ExpansionOnline Supportand PDFStabilizationBusinessClient 19. Product or Service # of clients that order distinctive value benefits normal order size # of orders a year % of overall sales target sell point $ profit margin Next big plan to expandBy Productphil@shepherdok.comDecision Magic 20. Circle Up Your 21. Value AddIncreasethe 22. Value Add / Single SourceTotal Revenue (Outsource +Materials + Contract) = VABuilds business valueExpands worker capabilityAdds contributionSmoothes production efficiencyTakes out lags due to multi-sourcingphil@shepherdok.comMagic Metric 23. phil@shepherdok.comGenius of the BusinessMust Be TransformedGenius of the BusinessMust Be SustainedValuableConsider ExpansionPainfulConsider SourcingSourcing Decision 24. Answer all questions for your top three PainsIs it core done well?Is it core done not well?Is it non-core done well?Is it non-core done not well?Complexity of Development EffortLength of Development Effort?Who will attend to this issue?How much will it cost to fix to satisfaction?Which manager owns the resolution?How is it impacting business growth?When it is fixed how will it accelerate business growth?Strategicphil@shepherdok.comDecision Magic 25. WorkflowValue AddProductOptimizationDevelopmentand ExpansionOnline Supportand PDFStabilizationBusinessClient 26. Design is the fundamental soulof a man-made creation thatends up expressing itself insuccessive outer layers of theproduct or service.Steve 27. Product 28. Customer defines which are highest value tothem.Price against local market and online.Use fully loaded pricing for comparison. Creative and layout Delivery Taxes Any extra time involved for customerPricing on Key Itemsphil@shepherdok.comMagic Metric 29. Our pricing has not changed strategy in years.Should we work on it?Equipment is paid off. Should I price work onzero depreciation?Weve not added a new product in ten years.How do we start?Questions and 30. WorkflowValue AddProductOptimizationDevelopmentand ExpansionOnline Supportand PDFStabilizationBusinessClient 31. Get Online Or Die! 32. WorkflowValue AddProductOptimizationDevelopmentand ExpansionOnline Supportand PDFStabilizationBusinessClient 33. % of customer businessphil@shepherdok.comMagic Metric 34. WorkflowValue AddProductOptimizationDevelopmentand ExpansionOnline Supportand PDFStabilizationBusinessClient 35. Who am I?What am I chasing?How do I differentiate?OperationStrategyTacticStrategy Rules in 3 36. Character is like a tree andreputation like a shadow. Theshadow is what we think of it;the tree is the real thing.Abraham 37. Competitive 38. My Biz C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Actionphil@shepherdok.comServiceCatalogueBooks, labels,graphics, multi-channelBooks Labels Graphicsbooks, labelsMulti-channel Books, reports,training materialsDevelop a trainingmaterial line ofworkPersona Captive,departments oftraining andmarketingFive otherbusinesses likethe ones IserveCommercialmixSmall businessenterprisesMarketing Develop five otherpersonasPricing Strategy Cost averaging Competitive bid Unknown Unknown Cut throat NegotiationcontractDevelop a marketresponsive planDifference Makers Corporatemandate includedin customerplanningGreat Service SpeedyresponseMultipleproduct linesMarketers Training savvy Study up onmarketingmethods acrossteamOutlook Declining pageand increasingonlineSolid Solid Solid Growth Good rate ofgrowth andtransitionalGet into positivegrowth lines. 39. 1. Top Five Local Competitors2. Top Five Online Competitors3. Top 10-20 Target4. Target Persona of Customers YouLike5. Wind ShiftPossession Competitive 40. Change CurveEntitlementPlumbingManaging Metrics 41. Change Is Never 42. Entitlement to 43. Fix The 44. Phil LarsonShepherd Consulting Groupwww.shepherdok.comphil@shepherdok.com405.388.8037Excellence in Operations