Mexico Mission Trip 2014

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Mexico Mission Trip 2014. March 23 – 30, 2014. 6:30 am March 23 rd – 13 brave souls assemble at CPC; prayers of safe passage offered; rides at the ready. Did we say it was before sun up?. Retreat Center We arrive at our destination. just in time for Sunday evening services in town. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


March 23 – 30, 2014

Mexico Mission Trip 2014

6:30 am March 23rd – 13 brave souls assemble at CPC; prayers of safe passage offered;

rides at the ready.

Did we say it was before sun up?

Retreat Center

We arrive at our destination

just in time for Sunday evening services in town

First thing Monday morning

Painting and Sanding,

Sanding and Painting…

Our Objective

Larry poses as a column…

Kevin ‘finds’ Maria – her shirt WAS that color; honest we didn’t paint her.

“Paint any surface that can be seen from the outside”

And so they did…

2nd Story Men

“And God looked upon His creation at the end of the first day, and saw that it was good.”

A familiar sight around the kitchen all week…

Cutting ‘waves’ for the VBS activity while our hostess visits with the lady folk

Meanwhile, there’s other work to be done

Alan demonstrates toe kicks

And then all tried the sheet ball toss

Day 1 at the Church VBS


Day 1 Sing Along

Cori Sue talks through the story with the older group while Maria teaches the younger ones inside

The Lesson

The Children of Chablekal

Multi-generational onlookers

And much appreciated help

Day 2: Inside

More green shirts ?!

John, we said indoors today

Nate and Cori Sue spent some quality time (2+ days) together on the shower room without the benefit of a breeze.

Floor to ceiling painting (two coats) and cleaning fit for a wedding party next month!

The ‘Other’ Painting Task

Arlene and Cathy work miracles with food and supplies

From 6:30 am coffee to 10 pm jello making, to three meals in between, the kitchen was always abuzz

Let’s eat!

Day 2 Sing Along

Complete with audience

except Jeff?

All hands on deck for Crafts …

Left AND Right Handed

Arlene Demonstrates !

Steady hands

Day 3 Lower Inside Color

Two Iguanas inhabit the rocks

“Iggie” is shown here sunning himself

“Juan” prefers the roof

A peaceful Respite

Play-lot Bowling


Day 3 Games

Lots of Children…

Day 3 Activity: Treasure Chests

And friends, old and new

Greetings from Chablekal : March 26, 2014

Alan is taking the snapshot

The Crew in Uniform

No need for a fry pan, John cooks up some eggs beaten in the saucepan and cooked on Arlene’s griddle packed in her suitcase

Innovate, Innovate, Innovate !

John makes an egg ‘wall’

A truly long term relationship has developed with this family

The Lukens take special time out with the Perez’s

Q: What can you do with two bed box frames and some wooden florescent lighting covers?

Day 4/5: New Project

A: An HERB Garden and trellises

Day 4/5: New Project

Anybody see Christ’s

Face, Eyes, Crown, Beard?

Yeah it’s a stretch!

Time out:

Nate always with a book nearby

John explains the meaning of life?

Some of the views at the Retreat Center

Inside the Chapel

John and Valerie at the Chapel

Enough work alreadyTime to relax, too

A good place to cool off from a week of 95o temperatures

‘Down the Shore’ Yucatan style

Beachfront Hacienda, anyone? Off the Clock and Kickin’ back

The group split up for Chichen Itza (above and left) – about a 2 hr ride

and Dzibilchaltun (below) – about 20 minutes

Ruins near and far

Great Yucatan style cuisine

as recommended by Pattie

Last Meal Together