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1 BITSAT - All you Need to Know


3 Tips to Crack BITSAT by Previous Years' Toppers

4 Expert Recommendations

2 I mgPAT

Birla Institute of Technology Admission Test (BITSAT) is the entrance exam for admission to the best

private engineering college in India - BITS Pilani, which stands tall at the 17th position in the overall

rankings as well. BITSAT is conducted around the month of May every year. It is a computer based test

(CBT or online test) in which about 2 lakh students compete against one another for a coveted seat in a

branch of their choice. The institute has 3 campuses in India- BITS Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad and one

international campus- BITS Dubai.

Enough about BITS and the exam; let's now devise a fool-proof formula to crack the BITSAT. Students

often write to us asking about how to crack BITSAT and other related questions.

Here we'll share some expert tips and study hacks to crack BITSAT 2021. Read on.


Sarthak Nandan

BITSAT Year: 2015 Score: 408 Branch: Computer Science Campus: Pilani

BITSAT questions are very well curated in terms of their number and type. Focus on getting the

attempted answers correct and that can be achieved by practicing aptitude based questions more than

focusing over the theory. It helps to develop a reliable problem-solving approach. All the sections carry

different weightage and can be practiced by grasping the NCERT concepts.

• NCERT for Physics & Chemistry

• Mental math training for the Maths section

• GRE preparation modules for the English questions

• NTSE level Logical Reasoning (LR) questions

• General tips for BITSAT preparation

• Proper time management throughout the course of the exam is very important owing to the large

number of questions. This could be practiced by regularly testing oneself by taking the online

mock tests.

• The questions in BITSAT intend to test the strength of the basics of the candidate. Follow below


o Maths NCERT book provides ample number of questions. Hence, solve it fully, at least once.o The questions in the Physics book may be skipped only if they are compensated by solving

the HOTS (High order thinking skills) and numerical questions from 'Concepts of Physics',

by H.C. Verma.o Chemistry NCERT is a must read, even for JEE, as it stands very exhaustive and extensive,

covering each and every concept, with proper explanations. Specifically, for organic

chemistry, a thorough go-through of Chemistry laboratory manual for classes XI & XII is

necessary because some outdated practical reactions are still asked in the exam, although

eliminated from the theory.

• English & Logical Reasoning section is usually seen as a back-up to compensate for the technical

sections. It should rather be observed as a strength because this is what might give you the edge

over others, where most of the candidates had been preparing more for the technical sections.

• Bonus questions are a tricky trade-off. They are only accessible when all the other 150 questions

have been attempted. However, they can add an additional of 36 marks (over 12 questions) to the

score of the candidate. As a matter of trend, the bonus questions usually turn out to be easier

than the rest.

The foundation, the practice and the accuracy training will provide you the edge. Best of Luck!

Sai Manoj

BITSAT Year: 2014 Score: 422 Branch: Computer Science Campus: Pilani

• BI TS AT is a hybrid of JEE Main and EAMCET (Andhra Pradesh).

• Speed is very important while solving the questions and without making any silly mistakes.

• Also, all the formulas and shortcuts need to be remembered as these cannot be derived during

the exam.

• Do not waste more than 30 seconds on a theory question. If you don't know the theory, you

cannot answer it, so wasting time on that is completely useless.

• Do not put in more than 1 minute for questions which need calculations. If you know that most

of the questions you have answered are correct and less than 12-15 questions are left, you can

try guessing those. This way you can move to the bonus questions and score more marks in

the remaining time.

This is what I did, I guessed 15 questions and then answered the extra questions.

Samanvay Lamba

BITSAT Year: 2017 Score: 442 Branch: Computer Science Campus: Pilani


• To score more, save 20 minutes for bonus questions.

• I suggest you can take a blind guess for upto 10 questions, if required, to complete 150 questions

Mave on to extra questions only if you have at least 15 minutes.

• Give around 2-3 hours to English and LR, a day or two before the exam (just do mock questions).

This way you will get familiar with the type of questions being asked in the exam.


• I believe that if you are sure about getting a good rank in JEE, don't schedule your BITSAT before


Mayur Saxena

BITSAT Year: 2011 Score: 328 Branch: Computer Science Campus: Pilani

• Maintain speed and accuracy

Speed and accuracy are very important for BITSAT and for the same reason, you must make

speed a habit in the preparation phase itself. Time yourself and practice every day. Gradually you

will notice improvement in both your speed as well as accuracy of solving questions.

• NCERT is the first and foremost step

For cracking BITSAT, NCERT should be your bible for all the three subjects (PCM). Go through all

the formulas and reaction, they should be on your fingertips. More than half of the paper is

formula-based. So, a good grasp over these is very helpful in the exam.

• Solve plenty of mock test & previous year papersCracking BITSAT is not rocket science! Similarly, the ones who actually do it need not have an IQ of160. BITSAT is more about exam-readiness which can be perfected only by getting acquainted and

used to the exam pattern and style. Taking online mock tests and solving previous year papers will help you exactly analyse what you can expect in the actual exam.

• Do not ignore English and LR section

You'll be surprised to see how incredibly you can be benefitted from this section, provided you

allot time to its preparation. It contains 75 marks! You can easily bag 1 /6th of the total score simply

by going through some basic grammar rules and LR practice. Give this section its due credit.

• Be online exam ready

Students are accustomed to pen and paper mode of examination in schools. Since most of the

competitive exams are also held offline, candidates hardly get any experience of online tests.

To align with online mode of exam, you are required to solve loads of online mock papers in

a simulated-test environment.

myPAT is an online platform which enables you to practice in a real-test environment. You can take

free BITSAT test here to boost your confidence and brace yourself for the on line test mode.

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