Mi yayo

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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My grandfather´s name is Guillermo Francisco, but we call him Paco. He is my mother´s father.

His brirthday is the 8th of June. He is 68 years old. He lives in my village with my grandmother

and my greatgrandmother. My village is Villanueva de Sigena.

I admire my grandfather because he´s a very good person and very nice. I admire him because he has got a lot of tolerance too. He always helps you when you need it and he never asks for anything in return.

He is a fantastic grandfather.

He has got grey hair and green eyes, but when he was young he had got dark hair.

When he was young he was thin but now not so much. He wears glasses.

When he was young he was very handsome.

He is an farmworker. He worked very hard. Now he is retired but he is continues working because he likes his work. He has got a lot of hens. He has got a dog too. Six years ago he had got a lot of sheep, but now he hasn´t got any sheep. He has a tractor too.

When I go to my village, my brother and I help my grandfather in his work. He loves that we help him.