MICROBIOLOGY - Houston Community College · 2015. 9. 20. · 4 (10/17) (Ch7) Microbial Genetics...

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09/26/ 2015


CRN# 79058

4 credit hours: 4 hours lecture/4 hours laboratory/week /12 weeks



Dept. of Biology & Physical Sciences

Houston Community College

Central College

1300 Holman, Houston, TX 77004



Instructor Contact Info and Class location Info --------------- pg 2

Course Description and Objectives ----------------------------- pg 3 Course Instructions and Requirements ------------------------- pg 4

Course Schedule and Important Dates ------------------------- pg 5 -6

Course Exams/ Mastering Assignments and Grading -------- pg 6-7

Access Mastering Assignments --------------------------------- pg 7-8

Tips, Mutual Duties, Class Attendance, Dropout Procedure----pg 8-10 Class Conduct ------------------------------------------------------pg 10

Exam Conduct and Academic Honesty---------------------------pg 10

Overall General Rules----------------------------------------------pg 11

Other Resources----------------------------------------------------pg 13

Instructor: Milind Suraokar, Ph.D.

Office: Learning Hub Science Building (LHSB), Rm 401, Central College

Email: milind.suraokar@hccs.edu

Lecture Location/Hours: Room LHSB 306 SAT: 8:00 – 12:00 pm (4 hr)

Lab Location/Hours: Room LHSB 307 SAT: 12:00 – 4:00 pm (4 hr)

I am available to meet with you to address any queries regarding the course work in

LHSB Rm 401.

Please e-mail me to make an appointment


Go to LHBS 402 and ask the desk to call me


Course Description:

The microbiology (BIOL 2420) course includes lectures and lab training.

The lectures focus on understanding the study of the morphology, physiology, genetics and

taxonomy of representative groups of pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms. It

also includes a brief overview of food microbes, public health, and immunology.

The lab training includes hands-on experience on handling live microorganisms using

aseptic techniques and applying various staining procedures used for identification of




Course Objectives:

The goal of this course is for the students to develop a comprehensive understanding of

biology of microorganisms as well know some of the techniques needed to handle them

in a laboratory.


1. Will display an understanding of biological systems and evolutionary processes

spanning all ranges of biological complexity, including atoms, molecules, genes,

cells, and organisms.

2. Will integrate factual and conceptual information into an understanding of

scientific data by written, oral and/or visual communication. (This may include

successful completion of a course-specific research project or a case study


3. Will demonstrate proficiency and safe practices in the use of laboratory equipment

and basic laboratory techniques.

4. Will apply principles of the scientific method to problems in biology in the

collection, recording, quantitative measurement, analysis and reporting of

scientific data.



1. Provide examples of the impact of microorganisms on agriculture,

environment, ecosystem, energy, and human health, including biofilms.

2. Identify unique structures, capabilities, and genetic information flow of


3. Compare the life cycles and structures of different types of viruses.

4. Discuss how microscopy has revealed the structure and function of


5. Give examples of the range of metabolic diversity exhibited by

microorganisms, impact of metabolic characteristics on growth, and control of growth.

6. Describe the causes and consequences of mutations on microbial evolution and

the generation of diversity as well as human impacts on adaptation.

7. Classify interactions of microorganisms on human and non-human hosts as

neutral, detrimental, or beneficial.



1. Apply scientific reasoning to investigate questions and utilize scientific tools

such as microscopes and laboratory equipment to collect and analyze data.

2. Use critical thinking and scientific problem-solving to make informed decisions

in the laboratory.

3. Communicate effectively the results of scientific investigations.

4. Identify unique structures and capabilities of microorganisms.

5. Compare the life cycles of different types of viruses.

6. Discuss how microscopy has revealed the structure and function of


7. Give examples of the range of metabolic diversity exhibited by

microorganisms, impact of metabolic characteristics on growth, and control of growth.

8. Classify interactions of microorganisms on human and non-human hosts as

neutral, detrimental, or beneficial.

The SLOs will be assessed throughout the course, with the help of the Mastering Biology


Instructional Methods and Access to Course Materials:

The course includes lectures and laboratory sessions. We will meet at college for both the

lecture and laboratory sessions. In addition, this course is web-enhanced with important

resources available on the learning web. The lectures include PowerPoint Presentations and

other course material can be accessed through Learning Web. Use this material as an outline

and study the content in detail in the textbook. Please come prepared to class and includes

having read the relevant chapters in the textbook, the uploaded slides and completing any

pre-lecture assignments. There will be a 5-10 min break every 1 hour of lecturing but please

return promptly. Mastering Assignments is an online supplement to your BIOL 2420

course that contains an interactive e-book with multimedia content, quizzes for learning the

material in your text, as well as graded homework as part of the completion of your course.

I will activate it during the lectures and shut it down (permanently) after it is due. That is

plenty of time so no excuses and don’t keep it till the last minute. The laboratory exercises

are designed to help with understanding the course material. You MUST READ

independently for the scheduled labs the day before coming to lab. Lab reports are due at

the end of each lab session and completed exercises must be checked by the Instructor

before lab session is considered complete. During lab, we may also cover lecture material


Course Requirements

Lectures: The Lectures require the following standard textbook: Microbiology with

Disease by Taxonomy: FOURTH edition, by Robert W. Bauman. Please buy the new

textbook from the HCC bookstore that comes packaged with the mastering biology access code. There will be 5 Lecture Exams and 14 Mastering Assignments

Laboratory: The lab experiments require the use of the following lab manual and will be

conducted in the biology laboratory, LHSB 307, at Central College. Microbiology: Lab

Manual for Biology 2420, HCCS, 2006, Ed. 5.5 Edited by: Donna S. Wireman and

Pamela Sen. There will be 2 Mandatory Lab Exams.


COURSE SCHEDULE* *Note: I will make every effort to adhere to the syllabus during the semester. However I reserve the right to make any necessary changes to the Syllabus and exam dates. Students will be notified in a timely manner of

any changes to the course during the class and/or by e-mail.

Week (Date) (Lecture Chapters) Topics

Week (Date) (Lab Chapters) Topics

1 (9/26) Class Orientation Lab orientation

(Ch1) History of Microbiology (1) Care and Use of the Microscope

(Ch3) Cell Structure and Function (2) Simple Staining

(Ch4-p1) Microscopy, Staining (3) Negative Staining

2 (10/03) (Ch4-p2) Microscopy, Staining & Classification (4) Isolation of Bacteria

(Ch6) Microbial Nutrition & Growth (5) Gram Staining Mastering Ch 1,3, 4 due 10/09 (12 midnight) (6) Acid-Fast Staining

3 (10/10) LECTURE EXAM 1 (Ch1,3 and 4) (7) Bacterial Spores

(8) Capsules

(9) Flagella & Motility Testing

4 (10/17) (Ch7) Microbial Genetics (10) Selective, Differential & Enriched Media

(Ch8) Recombinant DNA Technology (11) Gas Requirements for Bacterial Growth

(Ch9) Controlling Microbial Growth: Environment Mastering Ch 6,7, 8 due 10/23 (12 midnight) LAB EXAM 1 Preparations

5 (10/24) LECTURE EXAM 2 (Ch 6,7 and 8) LAB EXAM 1 (Exercise 1 to 11)

6 (10/31) (Ch10) Controlling Microbial Growth: Body (12) Counting Bacteria in Milk

(Ch11) Classifying/Characterizing Prokaryotes (13) Control of Microbial Populations: Heat

(Ch12) Classifying/Characterizing Eukaryotes (14) Control of Microbial Populations: Chem

Mastering Ch 9,to 12 due 11/06 (12 midnight)

7 (11/07) LECTURE EXAM 3 (Ch 9,10,11 and 12) (15) Carbohydrate Fermentation Test

Open Book (16) Triple-Sugar-Iron (TSI) Fermentn Test

(17) The IMViC Biochemical Tests

8 (11/14) (Ch13) Characterize/Classify Viruses etc (18) Rapid Id Bacteria

(Ch14) Infection and Epidemiology (19) Bacteriophage Specificity

9 (11/21) (Ch15) Innate Immunity

(Ch16) Adaptive Immunity (20) White Blood Cells Activity/Function (21) Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing


11/26 Thanksgiving Holiday – NO CLASSES

Mastering Ch 13,to 16 due 12/05 (12


10 (12/05) LECTURE Exam 4 (Ch 13,14,15 and 16) LAB EXAM 2 (Exercise 12 to 21)

11 (12/12) Final EXAM (Mandatory & Comprehensive)


(Ch = Chapter from the textbook)

Extra Credit Quiz/Assignments: Optional 5% of Grade


Date To Do What

Oct 30th 2015, 4:30 pm Dead line for Administrative and Student Withdrawal

Nov 26th – 29nd 2015 Thanksgiving Holiday

Dec 12th 2015

2015 2015

Final Departmental Exam

Dec 18th 2015 Grades available to students

Course Exams and Grading

1) Lecture Exams: There will be a total of five lecture exams including one final exam

during the semester. Each exam will contain a number (50-70) of multiple-choice, true-

false, matching and fill in the blank questions. Multiple Choice questions have to be

answered on the scantron. Each of the 4 lecture exam has an equal value (10% of the

grade each). The Departmental final exam is cumulative and mandatory and counts to

10% of the grade. Out of the four lecture exams you have a choice to drop one. Your

lowest grade automatically becomes your drop grade. If you miss an exam, that

becomes your drop grade. If you miss two exams, you get a zero in one exam.

If you arrive late for an exam, you will have only the time remaining from the official

start of the exam. There will be no makeup exam unless you can prove you had to

go to court or were seen by a doctor on the day of the exam. On a test day, once

someone has finished the exam, no other student may enter and start that exam. So, if

you are late for class on a test day, you may be prohibited from taking the test.

2) Laboratory Exams: Two laboratory tests will be given, each worth 10% of the

grade. You CANNOT drop the lab exam; therefore if you miss it, you will be given a

zero for the exam. Everything that is covered during the lab sessions will be included

in the lab exams. Turn in Lab report at end of each Lab class. Most of Lab Exam

questions are from Lab Reports.


There is absolutely no make up for the lab exam.

The lab study pages for review are also available at the following site.



3) Mastering Assignments: You will also use an additional online site called Mastering

Biology, provided by the publisher of the textbook. On this website you will work on

assignments. They will help you to understand the course content. You are required to

complete all assignments during the semester, and for each of them a specific due date

is given in the syllabus. You are required to complete ALL assignments. They are worth

10% of grade. See page 9 for more details on how to access Mastering Assignments.


5 exams (3 out of 4 - lowest dropped - lecture exams and 2 lab exams) 10 % each 50%

Comprehensive Final 10%

Mastering Assignments/Class Homework 20%

Attendance/Class Participation/Conduct 5%

Group Project /Assignment 5%

Laboratory Reports & Participation 10%

TOTAL 100%


A = 100- 90 4 points per semester hour

B = 89 - 80: 3 points per semester hour

C = 79 - 70: 2 points per semester hour

D = 69 - 60: 1 point per semester hour

59 and below = F 0 points per semester hour

FX (Failure due to non-attendance) 0 points per semester hour

IP (In Progress) 0 points per semester hour

W (Withdrawn) 0 points per semester hour

I (Incomplete) 0 points per semester hour

Access Mastering Assignments

Mastering assignments will include a variety of course appropriate coaching/tutorial

questions. They will help you to understand the course content. You are required to

complete all assignments during the semester, and for each of them a specific due date

is given in the syllabus. They are worth 10-20% of the grade, and will be counted in final

grade computation.

You need two different codes to use Mastering:

1) Access Code:

a) If you bought a new textbook, you already have the code you need to get into the

Mastering Biology site: it is packaged with your textbook.


b) If you have not yet bought a text and wish to buy an e-text, it will also include the

code for Mastering. E-book can be purchased from: www.pearsonmastering.com

c) If you have purchased a used book, the access code is not included in it. Access

code can be purchased from the same web site.

2) Mastering Course ID: The other information you will need is my Mastering

course ID: central98353

Access Mastering assignments at www.pearsonmastering.com.

1) Access the Register section on the right side of the page, and then click the

Student link.

2) Next, enter the Course ID for your course (central98353).

3) After this, either Create a new Pearson username/password, or, if you’ve already

registered for another Pearson product (i.e. MyMathLab), Sign In with that


4) On the next page, click the Access Code button if you purchased a package with

an access code from the bookstore, OR purchase instant access now by clicking

on the purchase options under the Use a Credit Card or PayPal section.

5) Sign In. You have now registered! Now, it’s time to sign. To do this, go to

www.pearsonmastering.com and click the Sign In button in the top right. Enter

the username/password you either created or entered in Step 3.

6) If you need any technical help then contact Pearson 24/7 Support:


Tips to succeed

1. Read the chapters/lab exercises before coming to class and again after class is


2. Read the chapter outline at the end of each chapter.

3. Access other resources from the publisher of the textbook.

4. Use class notes, flash cards.

5. Review Class material.

6. Use the Biology Computer Lab.

7. Form study groups – could be the same as lab groups.

8. Access free HCC Central College tutoring service: Learning Emporium: SJ 384; 7

am - 6 pm M—TH; 8 am - 4 pm Friday. Phone: 46356. Biology tutoring hours will be

posted soon. Go to http://www.hccs.askonline.net for HCC 24/7 OnLine Tutoring.

Instructor Responsibility:

As your Instructor, it is my responsibility to:

Provide the grading scale and detailed grading formula explaining how student

grades are to be derived

Facilitate an effective learning environment through class activities, discussions, and


Description of any special projects or assignments

Inform students of policies such as attendance, withdrawal, tardiness and make up

Provide the course outline and class calendar which will include a description of any

special projects or assignments

Arrange to meet with individual students before and after class as required

Student Responsibility:

To be successful in this class, it is the student’s responsibility to:

Attend class and participate in class discussions and activities

Read and comprehend the textbook and lab manual

Login to Learning Web to access course material and check for updates at least

weekly (preferably daily)

Complete the required assignments and exams:

Ask for help when there is a question or problem

Keep copies of all paperwork, including this syllabus, handouts and all assignments

Class Attendance

Attending class regularly is the best way to succeed in this class. You are expected to attend

all lecture and labs regularly. You are responsible for materials covered during your

absences. You should check with your colleagues to see what you missed. It is your

responsibility to initiate a withdrawal from this course. As an adult making the decision not

to attend, you do not have to notify the instructor prior to missing a class.

Attendance will be called at the end of each class meeting. Please answer when your

name is called. If you are not paying attention and miss your roll call you may be marked

absent. The roll call will be taken only once.

Arriving Late or Leaving Early: Talking and moving during class time is a distraction to

your classmates and to your instructor. So please plan to attend class on time and to leave

only at the end of the period. Understandably, emergencies can happen that result in your

tardiness or early departure. Please speak to me in this regard so that you can be excused

for your late arrival or early departure on a particular day. However, please do not make a

habit of being tardy or leaving early since this will be reflected as an unexcused absence

from class.

Attendance ALERT: HCC has instituted an Early Alert process by which your professor may

“alert” you and DE counselors that you might fail a class because of excessive absences

and/or poor academic performance.

HCC Course withdrawal and Attendance Policy

An Instructor can no longer give any student a grade of W after the official drop date (October 30th 4.30 pm). The Texas Legislature passed a law limiting first time entering

freshmen to no more than SIX total course withdrawals throughout their educational

career in obtaining a certificate and/or degree. If you feel that you cannot complete this

course; you will need to withdraw from the course prior to the withdrawal deadline to

receive a “W” on your transcript. Before, you withdraw from your course; please take the time to meet with the instructor and/or counselor to discuss why you feel it is necessary

to do so. Remember to allow a 24-hour response time when communicating via email

and/or telephone with a professor and/or counselor. The instructor/counselor may be

able to provide you with suggestions that would enable you to complete the course. Your

success is very important. To help students avoid having to drop/withdraw from any

class, HCC has instituted an Early Alert process by which your professor may “alert” you and HCC counselors that you might fail a class because of excessive absences and/or

poor academic performance. It is your responsibility to visit with your professor or a

counselor to learn about what, if any, HCC interventions might be available to assist you

– online tutoring, child care, financial aid, job placement, etc. – to stay in class and

improve your academic performance.

Withdrawal procedure: Although an Instructor or administrator may withdraw a student for

excessive absences, it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw themselves before the

official drop deadline (October 30th 4.30 pm) if that is their decision. The student can

drop online without having to see a faculty member prior to the deadline through their HCC

Student Center.

Deadline to withdraw: October 30th 2015, 4:30 pm

Class Conduct

As with on-campus classes, all students in HCC Distance Education courses are required to

follow all HCC Policies & Procedures, the Student Code of Conduct, the Student Handbook,

and relevant sections of the Texas Education Code when interacting and communicating in a

virtual classroom with faculty and fellow students. Students who violate these policies and

guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action that could include denial of access to course-

related email, discussion groups, and chat rooms or being removed from the class.

Use of Camera, Cell phones, Pagers and any Electronic Devices

As a student active in the learning community of this course, it is your responsibility to be

respectful of the learning atmosphere in your classroom. To show respect of your fellow

students and instructor, you will turn off your phone and other electronic devices, and will

not use these devices in the classroom unless you receive permission from the instructor.

All electronic devices including cell phones, pagers, BlackBerrys or iPods should be

switched OFF (NOT on vibrate) and put away during class time and during all exams.

Answering cell phones and texting are not permitted during class time. Texting

during class indicates that you are not actively involved in the learning process,

and will earn you an absence for that class. Please remove ear buds during class. If

you anticipate a potential emergency situation, please talk to me before class starts so that

we can make the necessary arrangements for that particular day.

Use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape recorders, is prohibited in

classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, and other locations where instruction, tutoring, or

testing occurs. Students with disabilities who need to use a recording device as a reasonable

accommodation should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities for information

regarding reasonable accommodations

Academic Integrity and Exam Conduct

Under no circumstances should any electronic devices be out or used during the

exams. Anyone found using these devices will have their exam taken up, and will

receive a score of “0” for the test.

A student who is academically dishonest is, by definition, not showing that the coursework

has been learned, and that student is claiming an advantage not available to other students.

The instructor is responsible for measuring each student's individual achievements and also

for ensuring that all students compete on a level playing field. Thus, in our system, the

instructor has teaching, grading, and enforcement roles.

You are expected to be familiar with the University's Policy on Academic Honesty, found in

the catalog. What that means is: If you are charged with an offense, pleading ignorance of

the rules will not help you. Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor

and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may

be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty.

“Scholastic dishonesty”: includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and

collusion. Cheating on a test includes: Copying from another students’ test paper; Using

materials not authorized by the person giving the test; Collaborating with another student

during a test without authorization; Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting,

or soliciting in whole or part the contents of a test that has not been administered; Bribing

another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.

Plagiarism means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged

incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit. Collusion means the

unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.

Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may include a grade of 0 or F in the

particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or

dismissal from the College System. (See the Student Handbook)

Overall General Rules:

1. Textbook and lab manual are required.

2. Full class attendance is required. Students with more than four unexcused

absences may result in an administrative withdrawal. Students are responsible for

everything covered during their absence.

3. To avoid disruption in the class room, all cell phones must be set on the silence

mode. Texting is also prohibited during lab sessions.

4. Children or anyone who is not officially enrolled in the course will not be

allowed in the laboratory.

5. Eating, drinking or smoking is strictly prohibited in the laboratory.

6. You must read the laboratory safety rules before doing any of the lab exercises.

7. The lab safety release form must be signed during the first lab session.

8. EXAM CONDUCT and RULES: Exams will consist of multiple choice, fill in the

blanks, matching and essay questions based on materials covered in the classroom,

and the text. The following guidelines will govern all exams:

1. The students will not be allowed to leave the classroom before completing an


2. Anyone arriving late will not be allowed to take an exam if any student has

completed the exam and left the classroom.

3. All lecture and lab exams will be timed. Students arriving late will not be

given extra time to complete an exam.

4. Students may not use dictionaries or any electronic aid during any in

person and closed book exam.

5. Make-up exams will be given only in the event an emergency is documented.

6. Students must e-mail or call me immediately (if possible, on or before the

day of the scheduled exam), explain the reason for missing the exam, and

bring the required document to request a make-up.

7. I will then decide if the request is valid.

8. The make-up must be taken before the next scheduled exam.

9. Both lab exams are mandatory. If you miss a lab exam, you will receive a

zero in the exam. There will be absolutely no make-up for a lab exam.

9. Grades will be posted on EO after every test. You may receive your final

grades at the end of the semester via Internet by logging on to www.getgrades.com

or www.hccs.edu or by calling toll free at 1-887-341-4300. Proper identification is

required to receive the final grade. The transcripts will be mailed by the HCCS office

only if requested by the student.

10. Cheating is not permitted. If it occurs, the students may receive a zero for the

exam, or a grade of “F” in the course.

11. NO MAKE-UP exams will be given. If you miss an exam it automatically becomes

your drop exam, if you miss two exams it is suggested that you withdraw from the


12. The lecture exams will consist of various types of questions including multiple

choices, matching; fill in the blanks, definitions and assays.

13. Please have the correct lab book. Other lab books will not be accepted.

14. Both lab exams are mandatory. If you miss a lab exam, you will receive a zero in the

exam. No makeup lab exam is given.

15. Lab reports are an important part of the course and are due upon completion of the

experiment. They will be corrected, graded and returned back to you.

Other Resources:

1) Free Biology Tutoring: Available in San Jacinto Building, Learning

Emporium, Rm 384

2) Computers: Monday-Thursday 10am-7pm LHBS 415

3) STEM Information and Resources: www.hccs.edu/stem


4) Open Lab Sessions (LHSB 312) - TBA

These laboratories are held for the students at Central College Only who wish a

little extra review time with models or slides. No new work, dissections or wet labs

will be permitted. A member of the Biology Resident Faculty who will obtain

materials for the students, as necessary, will supervise each laboratory.

3) International Students:

Contact the International Student Office at 713-718-8520 if you have questions

about your visa status.

4) Course Repeater Policy:

Beginning in the fall 2006, students who repeat a course for a third or more times

will face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges

and universities. Please ask your instructor and/or counselor about opportunities

for tutoring/other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are

not receiving passing grades.

5) Student with Disabilities:

Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric,

vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must

contact the appropriate HCC Disability Support Service (DSS) Counselor at the

beginning of each semester. Instructors are authorized to provide only the HCC

DSSO approved accommodations but must do so in a timely manner. Students

who are requesting special testing accommodations must first contact the

appropriate (most convenient) DSS office for assistance each semester.


District ADA Coordinator – Donna Price – 713.718.5165

Central ADA Counselors – Jaime Torres - 713.718.6164

Martha Scribner – 713.718.6164

System: 713.718.5165

Central: 713.718.6164

6) Education advising and Counseling Services

DE student information can be found on the DE Student Services website:

de.hccs.edu. Advising or counseling can be accomplished through our online request

form AskDECounseling (quickest and recommended), by telephone at 713/718-5275

- option # 4, or via email at decounseling@hccs.edu. Counselors and Student

Services Associates (SSA) can assist students with admissions, registration, entrance

testing requirements, degree planning, transfer issues, and career counseling. In-

person, confidential sessions, can also be scheduled to provide brief counseling and

community referrals to address personal concerns impacting academic success.

7) Title IX and Sex Discrimination

HCC is committed to provide a learning and working environment that is free from

discrimination on the basis of sex which includes all forms of sexual misconduct. Title

IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that when a complaint is filed, a

prompt and thorough investigation is initiated. Complaints may be filed with the HCC

Title IX Coordinator available at 713 718-8271 or email at oie@hccs.edu.

8) EGLS3 - Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System

At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback

is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be

asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to

instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your

professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction.