Microprocessor 80286 & Its Comparison With 80186

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Microprocessor 80286 & Its Comparison With 80186


Microprocessor 80286 & its comparison with 80186 By Ramya .R


ContentsSalient features of

80286Internal Architecture

Internal block diagram

InterruptsAddressing Modes

Privilege Special OperationComparison with


Salient features of 80286The second generation of 16-bit micro

processor released in 1982 by Intel First microprocessor with memory

management and protection abilities It has 24-bit address bus and is a 68

pin ICAble to address 16MB of memory and

1GB of virtual memory First CPU to incorporate the integrated

memory management unit(MMU) Functions of MMU:

• Memory Management• Data protection or Unauthorized

access prevention First processor that support virtual


Salient features of 80286

Comparison of architectures of 80286 and 80186

80186 80286