Microsoft SQL Server Administration Using MS SQL Server 2008 David Henson...

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Microsoft SQL Server Administration Using MS SQL

Server 2008David Henson


• Class Days: 3

• Class Hours: 9-5

• Notes/Handouts

• Demos

• Class website

Recommended Reading

• Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2005 Administrator's Pocket Consultant

(Pro-Administrator's Pocket Consultant) • Microsoft Press

Module 1: Overview

• Course Outline

• Lab Setup

• Definitions

• Tools

• What is SQL Server

• SQL Language Basics

• SQL Server Network Integration

Course Outline – Day 1

• Module 1: Overview

• Module 2: Installation

• Module 3: Objects and Securables

• Module 4: Security And Principals

Course Outline – Day 2

• Module 5: Backup

• Module 6: Restore

Course Outline – Day 3

• Module 7: Web and Email Integration

• Module 8: Automation and Job Scheduling

• Module 9: Transferring Data

• Module 10: Replication

Lab Setup

• Windows 2003 Server

• SQL Server 2008– Standard, or Enterprise

• Computer Names

• IP Addresses


• Transact SQL• DBA• Server• Client• Concurrency/Locks• Login• User• Role• Database

• SQL SMO(Formerly DMO)

• SQL Instance• Principal• Securable


• SQL Management Studio• Visual Studio .Net (2005/2008)• SQL Server Configuration Manager• Command Prompt

– SQLCMD– Ping, telnet, nslookup, net use

• Database Tuning Advisor• Full-FeaturedText Editor

– Notepad++(Free)– UltraEdit– Textpad

• Profiler

What is SQL Server?

• Client Server Relational Database Operating System

• Windows Service That Manages Database Files, Security and Concurrency

SQL Language Basics





SQL Server Network Integration

• Network oriented protocols– TCP/IP disabled on SQL Express by default


• Windows Domain/Active Directory

• Firewalls

Lab 1A – Tools

• In this instructor led lab, you will:– Preview SQL Management Studio– Preview Database Engine Tuning Advisor– Preview Profiler

Module 2: Installation

• Software Requirements

• Hardware Requirements

• SQL Server Versions

• Licensing

• Capacity Planning

• SQL Services

• Installation

Software Requirements

• Windows Server– 2000– 2003 or 2008

• Windows XP (Developer)

• Windows CE

Hardware Requirements

• Install Type Dependent– Express

• 192 MB RAM

– Standard/Enterprise• 512MB RAM

• 450 MB Typical Install

SQL Server Versions

• DataCenter– Hardware/Software solution

• Enterprise• Standard• Developer• Workgroup• Express• Windows Mobile


• Per Processor

• Per Server plus Device CALS

• Per Server plus User CALS

• SQL Server 2008 Express is free

Capacity Planning

• Drive Space


• Memory

• I/O Subsystem

I/O Subsystem

• RAID 0, 1, 5 or 10

• Logical Drive Structure

• Physical Drive Structure

• Considerations:– Performance– Ease and Cost of Management– Disaster Planning

SQL Services

• Service Names:– SQL Server (MSSQLServer)– SQL Server Agent (MSSQLServer)– SQL Server Browser

• SQL Traffic director, allows Dedicated Admin Connection (DAC)

– SQL Server Integration Services•

– SQL Server Fulltext Search– SQL Server Analysis Services– SQL Server Reporting Services

• Starting/Stopping

Service Accounts

• LocalSystem

• Local Account

• Domain Account

• Automatic Startup


• Options– Server– Instance– Client Tools Only

• Administrative Rights

• Instances

Online Demonstration: Installing an SQL Server instance

Module 3: Managing Objects

• Object Definition

• Creating Objects

• Altering Objects

• Dropping Objects

• MetaData

• Object Permissions

What is an Object?

• Type Of Objects:– Table– View– Stored Procedure– Trigger– DataType– Function (UDF)– Index– Constraint


• Allows an alias for a securable


Creating Objects

• CREATE Statement

• Example:CREATE TABLE Customers(

CustomerID int identity,

CustomerEmail varchar(50)


Altering Objects

• ALTER Statement

• Example:ALTER TABLE Customers

ADD CustomerPhone varchar(40)

Dropping Objects

• DROP Statement

• Example:DROP TABLE Customers

Getting Metadata

• Information Schema

• Sysobjects table

• Sp_helptext

Setting Permissions

• GRANT Statement


ON Customers

TO Public

Lab 3A: Creating Objects

Lab 3B: Altering Objects

Module 4: Security and Principals

Surface Area Configuration

• Best practice – reduce the “surface area” exposure of your system to minimum

• Off By Default – Microsoft .NET Framework,– SQL Service Broker Network Connectivity, and – HTTP connectivity in Analysis Services– Xp_cmdshell– Ad Hoc Remote Query– Database Mail– Native XML Web Service

• See Surface Area Configuration Tool

Levels of Security

• Login – Server Level

• User – Database Level

• Object – Permissions to Access Objects

• Application Security

• Network Access

• Encryption

Windows Workgroup Model

• Distributed Accounts– Each machine has locally maintained user

and group database

• Windows Server Not Required

Windows Domain Model

• Centralized Accounts– Active Directory is a single source for users

and groups

• Single Sign-On– Access all resources after logging in only


• Auditing

Active Directory

• Extension of the Domain Model– Leverages DNS Name Resolution– Better Security Protocols– Better Fault Tolerance– More Extensible– Group Policy


• Types:– Windows (Integrated)– SQL (Standard)

• Tools– SQL Management Studio– Scripts


• Tools:– SQL Management Studio– Scripts


• Role Is A Group of users

• Purpose – Ease Permission Management

• Role Types:– Standard– Application Role

• Tools:– SQL Management Studio– Scripts


• User Defined:– Action– Object Access– Object Execution

• Tools:– SQL Management Studio– Scripts

Lab 4A: Creating Accounts

Lab 4B: Creating Users and Groups

Lab 4C: Permissions

Module 5: Backup

Reasons for Data Loss

• Accidental Update

• Hardware Failure

• Improper Application Design– Transactions Not Used

• Other User Error

• Intentional Distruction– Hackers– Viruses

SQL Server Backup

• Online Backup– Users can access data during backup

• Types:– Full– Differential– Log

• COPY_ONLY option– Does not disturb normal backups, truncate logs, or

reset any flags

• Use of Filegroups

Increasing Backup Performance

• Set appropriate BLOCKSIZE parameter– -2048 good for cdrom stored backups– With default setting, restore uses buffered io

which is more flexible and slower

• Stripe backup devices

Restricted Activities During Backup

• Modifying Database Properties

• Autogrowth

• Managing Indexes

• Nonlogged Operations

Backup Statement

• Example:


To Disk=‘c:\Lab3A.bak’


Using SQL Management Studio

Backup Options

Database Recovery Model

• Property of a database

• Options:– Full– Bulk_Logged– Simple

• Affects log behavior

Backup Requirements

• System Databases:– Master – New Logins, change password– MSDB – Modifying or creating jobs

• User Databases:– Whenever data loss is unacceptable– At a rate when the cost(cash, downtime) of

restore is unacceptable

Operating A Standby Server

• Server 1-Log Backup Regularly

• Server 2-Log Restore with NoRecovery– Server 2 Database is read-only

• Server 2-Log Restore with Recovery– Used in case of catastrophic failure of Server1

Backup Devices

• Device = File

• Permanent object you can reference by name


TO DailyBackup

Tape Backup

• Must be attached locally to the SQL Server

• Some syntax is unique to tape media

• Must be recognized by Windows Backup as a SCSI tape device

Special Log Backups

• WITH Truncate_Only– Clears log, no backup file is created– Used to maintain log when no regular log backups occur

• WITH No_Truncate– Emergency use when data file not available

• WITH COPY_ONLY (new to SQL 2005)– Does not disturb normal backup flow or interrupt normal log

backup/restore process– Use on an ad-hoc basis before running potentially harmful


Backup Strategies

• Weekly Full Backup

• Nightly Full Backup

• Variations of above with Differential and Log Backups

Best Practices

• Use Automation

• Test Your Backups

• Use Notification

• Use COPY_ONLY option as needed

• Understand the Business

• Keep Management Informed

Lab 5A: Backup

Module 6: Restore

Restore Safety Features

• Restore will fail(or need override) if:– Backup file stored name does not match the

database name– Set of database files do not match– All necessary files are not available

Restore Database Statement


FROM DISK=‘c:\Lab6.bak’


Restore Process

• Always backup the log first!

• Full

• Differential

• Log

• Recovery

Saving Space

• Maintain the log file

• Compress your backup files

Log Restore Options

• Stopping at a certain time

• Stopping at a named bookmark

Single Row Restore

• Use in case of accidental delete:– Restore to a temporary location– Enable identity inserts– Insert necessary rows

• Intimate knowledge of data structure required

Restoring Master

• Place server into single user mode

• Perform Restore

• Restart Server

Restoring Master with No Backup

• Rebuilm.exe utility creates brand new master, model, msdb

• Sp_attach_db plugs data files back in

Best Practices

• Backup the log at first sign of trouble

• Periodically test a restore

• Maintain enough working space

• Avoid the need to restore

• Backup system databases as required

Lab 6A: Restore

Module 7: Web and Email Integration

Web Technologies

• Allow connection to SQL Server through HTTP

• Used for logging, collecting data, reporting, data transfer and admin functions

• Examples:– ASP, ASP.Net, Perl, CGI, Cold Fusion, JSP,


Communication Process

Benefits of web integration

• Secure worldwide access

• No client deployment

• Remote access for administrative functions

Dangers of web access

• Misuse of data

• Data communication interception

• Hackers have a doorway to your network

SQL Injection

• Malicious users leverage web input against SQL Server

• Examples:– Running server level commands– Changing the where clause…OR 1=1– Running DDL Commands– Reading ODBC Errors for data discovery

Protection from SQL injection

• Only use minimal priviledged account

• Pre-process all input

• Minimize direct SQL from web page by using Stored Procs and UDFs

ASP Example

ASP.Net Example

Email Notification• Allows asynchronous communication with SQL Server• Numerous techniques:

– Database Mail• New to SQL 2005• Easy to use smtp mail provider, easy setup

– CDONTS.Newmail • Provided as a .dll file with Windows 2000• Com Object

– CDO.Message• Provide with XP/Windows 2003• Com Object

– SQLMail • MAPI Client• Must be setup during a full moon

– Third party objects– .NET Framework mail objects


CDO Object

Database Mail

SQL Mail Setup

• Not recommended

• Requirements:– MAPI compliant mail server– MAPI client on SQL Server– SQL Service logged in as domain account– Domain account has mailbox available

Lab 7A: Web/Email Integration

Module 8: Automation and Job Scheduling


• SQLServerAgent service must be running

• Permissions on network or local resources

Automation Examples

• Nightly backup

• Nightly data transfer

• Hourly generation of web pages

• Detection of server problems:– Log 95% full

• Backup Log• Email Notification

Automation Components

• Job– Collection of steps, each step performing work

• Operator– Pointer to email account in Database Mail or SQL


• Alerts– Connection between a detected problem and a


Jobs• Created with gui or with sp_add_job• May be scheduled• Comprised of Steps:

– Transact SQL– Operating System Commands– ActiveX (VBScript/Javascript)– Other (Replication, SSIS, Analysis Services)

• Retain history• Might have success/failure workflow• Can target multiple servers

Defining a Job Step


• An alias to a native email address of SQL Mail or Database Mail

• Net Send address also supported

• Operator Addresses– Email – business hours email address– Pager – after hours email address– Net send

• Failsafe Operator

Defining an Operator


• Alert types– SQL Server Error– SQL Server Performance Condition– WMI Query

• Windows eventlog MUST trigger response

• Alert response is defined by admins– Execute Job– Send Notification

Defining An Alert

Proxies• Allow job steps to run with a different windows


Lab 8A: Automation and Job Scheduling

Module 9: Data Transfer

Data Transfer

• Movement of data between systems

• One of the most common DBA functions

Data Transfer Examples

• Nightly download of sales data from all stores

• Quarterly catalog update for website• Order fulfillment

– Hourly transfer of order information to fulfillment center

– Hourly gathering of ship tracking information

• Movement of web data into accounting system

Data Transfer Techniques

• SSIS and Import-Export Wizard• Legacy DTS Package Support• BCP.EXE command line utility• Backup/Restore• Distributed Queries• Saving results from query analyzer• Web Page download• Bulk Insert Statement• Detach/Re-attach database files• Log Shipping• Select/Insert


• Import/Export Wizard

• Visual Studio Project


• Command line utility

• Examples:Bcp northwind..products out c:\nwind.csv –w –t, -r/n –T

Bcp “select * from products” queryout c:\nwind.txt –c –t~ -r/n –Usa -P


• Simply compress, then transfer the backup file to the destination

• Clean up sysusers table after restore

Distributed queries

• Openquery/Openrowset/OpenXML



• Linked Servers

Query Analyzer

• Controlling saved results

• Output to text file

• Reading from different providers

Web page download

• Response Content type change

• Saving results to a file, then providing a link

• Job scheduler, results come through email

Bulk Insert

Detach/Reattach database files

• On database node:– Right click/all tasks/detach

• Clean up of sysusers not needed after re-attachment

Lab 9A: Data Transfer

Module 10: Replication


• Automatic transfer of data between locations

Replication Types

• Transactional– Only changes are copied across– Most efficient

• Merge– Two sources of read/write data– Most dangerous

• Snapshot– Data is removed, then re-created on a


Replication Models

• Central publisher/Distributer

• Central Subscriber/Multiple Publisher

• Multiple Publisher/Subscriber

Setup Tips

• Ensure box servers are logged in with a domain account

• Ensure the domain account is an admin on both boxes

• Ensure the domain account can map to c$

• Ensure the domain account can run queries against the other server

Lab 13A: Replication