Microsoft's SongSmith and how to use it

Post on 24-Jan-2015

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How to use Songsmith


Install SongSmith from wherever it is found on your computer


Read about it

Tutorial video from Microsoft

9 videos about SongSmith here - Videos created with and about Microsoft Research Songsmith:

This is the opening interface – the song starter selection box

Choose your settings

First explore the Demos and the New Song. Then click on Next

Now choose a style for your new song. Look through them all and select one. You can

download more styles if you wish. Press Next.

Choose your beats per minute. The higher the number the faster it gets. Click on Finish.

Check your settings and change any you are not happy with.

Check your settings at the bottom. Change if necessary. Note the red recording button. Press.

Sing and start recording

Songsmith will give two opening bars and then you start singing. Songsmith tries to match chords to your song . Press stop. SongSmith usually adds two bars to

end. Chose Clean Slate to retry.

You can experiment with the perameters at the bottom to make changes

Click on the Mixer button to get to change some of the instruments. Press Done.

Save your song as a SongSmith song

Keep exploring in the settings below till you are happy. It might take a while…

When you are happy export your song so that it plays without having to be opened

in SongSmith…MIDI works best for me.

You’ll see you can add your song to Windows Movie maker. Unfortunately no

option for MP3 but you can convert it later

Find your saved song in your folder and play it