Middle Eastern Studies. Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun Founded in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna a 22-year old...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Terrorist OrganizationsMiddle Eastern Studies


Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun Founded in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna

a 22-year old elementary school teacher

Motto: Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our

leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope”

Began as an Islamic Revivalist movement at the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the banning of the caliphate system of government

Al-Banna based his ideas on Islam as a way of life.

Islamism was called Wahhabism at that time

Al-Banna began to supplement the education of his male students with jihadia training.

Next 20 years, Muslim Brotherhood became a political party too – Party of the Muslim Brotherhood

By 1948, it was blaming Egypt for not caring and had joined the Palestinians in their fight against the “Zionists”/Israel Began terrorist attacks in Egypt Egypt banned the group▪ Egyptian Prime Minister,, Mahmud Fahmi Nokrashi was

assassinated by a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1948

▪ Al-Banna was killed by Egyptian government agents in 1949

Muslim Brotherhood Timeline 1928 – formed 1948 – joined Palestinian cause

Legalized by Egyptian government in 1948 as a religious organization

1954 – banned again due to insistence that Egypt operate under Shari’a Law Assassination attempt on Egyptian President Nasser – five

Brothers executed 1964 – Nasser grants amnesty hoping to weaken interest

in Arab Socialist Union Party Three more Brothers try to assassinate him

1966 – top Brotherhood leaders executed and many more put in prison

1970s – Egyptian President Sadat promises Shari’a Law in Egypt

1979 – Sadat signs peace with Israel, ticks off Brotherhood 1981 – Brotherhood assassinates Sadat

Today – Brotherhood holds seats in Egyptian Parliament, Has complex financial networks world-

wide Has divisions of its group such as▪ Al-Jihad and al Islamiyya in Egypt▪ Hamas in Palestine▪ Mujahideen in Afghanistan

Muslim Brotherhood


Founded in 1948 as guerilla militants who tried to infiltrate Israel to mess up their military

Made up of refugees living in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria

Term became associated with terrorism

These groups eventually melded in with other terrorist groups like the al-Fatah and the PLO


Formed on October 10, 1959 by about 20 Palestinians

Became main component of PLO under the leadership of Yasser Arafat.

Backed by Syria 1965 - Terrorist raids against civilian

targets in Israel Raids were launched from Jordan,

Lebanon, and Gaza

Original Covenant called for destruction of pre-1967 Israel

Changed covenant after Six-Day War in 1967 Get rid of Israel and establish a

Palestinian state in its place Built by the 1948 refugees from the

founding of Israel Originally opposed the formation of

the PLO fearing it would become a political opponent

Took control of the PLO in 1968 and was led by Yasser Arafat until his death in 2004.

Renounced terrorism in 1988 Didn’t work, still carry out raids and

terrorist acts Today, the leader is Mahmoud Abbas


Founded in 1964 during a meeting of the Palestinian Congress Trying to help the Palestinian refugees in

Lebanon Led by Yasser Arafat Splinter groups

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (and its General Command)


Primary goal was the destruction of the state of Israel Led massive terrorist campaign for the next

10 years 1974 – PLO decided to move away from

terrorism and include political elements so they could negotiate Rejectionist Front splintered off at this time. Yasser Arafat and al-Fatah took over

leadership of PLO

Under the leadership of Arafat PLO gains recognition from United Nations and Arabs at the

Rabat Conference World begins to see PLO as negotiator

Israel panics Invades Beirut in 1982 causing PLO to flee Arafat tries negotiations, but it fails, and PLO members get

upset Arafat tries to make upset members happy by

sanctioning hijacking of cruise ship – Achille Lauro. Stupid move Stupid hijackers shoot wheelchair bound Jew and dump his

body overboard. World is FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1988 – Arafat recognizes state of Israel and condemns terrorism Leads to talks that gets Palestinians partial

self-rule Palestinian Youth feel PLO moves too

slow – they have joined with Hamas and Hezbollah to try to speed things up.

2004 – Yasser Arafat dies and Mahmoud Abbas took over PLO

PLO History


Guerilla group that formed when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979

Mujahid is one who strives or struggles on behalf of Islam

Fought mainly in the mountainous rural areas Led by tribal leaders Main financial backer was Osama Bin Laden Had bases in Pakistan Got arms from Pakistan and Iran Did not want to wage aggressive jihad beyond

Afghan borders Disbanded back to their villages after Soviets left 1992, captured Kabul and set up Burhanuddin

Rabbani as interim president.


Students of Islamic Knowledge Movement Mainly Sunni Muslim Pashtuns

Formed in 1979 as part of the Mujahideen Finally made a move as an independent

group in 1994 with the capture of Kahdahar Pakistan chose a group of well-trained Taliban

to protect convoys on a trade route between Pakistan and Central Asia

Began to challenge the mujahideen and finally captured Kabul in 1996

Sick of all of the years of fighting, the Afghan people welcomed the Shari’a Law established by the Taliban

They put Mullah Muhammad Omar as leader of the country Brought back public executions and

punishments like stoning and flogging in soccer stadiums

Banned kite-flying, television, music, and the internet

Men had to wear beards or be beaten

Women No education Stay home Only leave home with male relative▪ Could be beaten or shot if the violated this

No fingernail polish – finger tips chopped off if caught with it

Taliban Profited from smuggling (electronics mainly) Profited from opium trade

Due to poor living conditions and weak economy many fled to Pakistan

Allowed terrorist groups to set up training camps in Afghanistan Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden trained there.

Fell to U.S. invasion after refusing to turn over Bin Laden after 9/11/01.

Currently recognize and provide minimal support for the new Afghan government run by Hamid Karzai

Taliban exists and funds it’s efforts through the illegal opium trade.

Taliban Video


Party of God, founded in 1982 in Lebanon. Goal was to drive Israeli troops out of

Lebanon May 2000, they succeeded and the Israeli

army pulled out of Lebanon Was the brain child of clerics Wanted to drive out Israelis, then

transform Lebanon into an Iranian-style Islamic state Abandoned the idea of an Islamic state but do

hold seats in Lebanese Parliament

Political rhetoric calls for the destruction of Israel.

Iran funded Hezbollah Hezbollah got into the hostage-

taking business – especially kidnapping westerners Had suicide bombers too – they were

responsible for the 1983 suicide bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut.

Also has social services programs which make it popular with the Shia community

U.S. considers Hezbollah a terrorist group

Lebanon considers it a national resistance movement.

Began winning seats in the Lebanese Parliament in 1992.

Is still popular in Lebanon today. Hezbollah History


Founded in 1988 by Ahmad Yassin Yassin was the leader of the Mujama –

established in 1973 by the Muslim Brotherhood

Mujama was established as a welfare charity

Off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood Its charter is very anti-Semitic and

pledges to rid Palestine of all Jews. Founded to allow Brotherhood to

participate in the first intefada

Three wings of Hamas

Political Wing Produced leaflets Raised funds Recruited members Coopted mosques

Intelligence Wing – al-Majid Internal policing, especially in Gaza

Military Wing – ‘Izz al-Din al-Qassam brigades Smallest wing Operated in cells that were hard for the Israelis to


Originally negotiated well with the Israeli government. Negotiations ended when Hamas members kidnapped

and killed two Israeli soldiers Hamas did not support Saddam Hussein in the first

Gulf War This caused the Gulf states to shift funding from the PLO

to Hamas. Hamas eventually declared Israeli soldiers and all

Israelis targets Began suicide bombings in 1993 Blacklisted by the U.S. and the European Union Iran became its main supporter

2005 – Hamas joins PLO after Mahmoud Abbas took over the PLO.

2006 – Hamas officials swept Palestinian elections, defeating al-Fatah and PLO candidates.

Hamas and Israel


Began with the mujahideen fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan

Means “the base” in Arabic Led by Osama Bin Laden and Dr. Ayman

al-Zawahiri Financed them against the Soviets first Financed them from Saudi Arabia after that

Kicked out of Saudi Arabia for protesting U.S. troops on Saudi soil during the Persian Gulf War in 1991

Moved his operations to Khartoum in Sudan Attacked U.S. troops in Somalia

1994 – Sudan succumbed to pressure from Saudi Arabia and the U.S. and kicked Bin Laden out Bin Laden moved to Afghanistan

1996 - Declared war on the U.S. Orchestrated the 9/11/01 attack on the Twin

Towers in NYC. Remained in Afghanistan until the U.S.

invasion in 2001

Al-Qaeda operates like a franchise Doesn’t need a political state Doesn’t need a specific conflict to fight It provides financial and logistical

support and name recognitions to groups all over the world

Principle Goals Get Americans and American influence

out of all Muslim nations Destroy Israel Topple pro-Western dictatorships in the

Middle East Establish an Islamic nation that follows

the rules of the First Caliphs

Bin Laden’s 1998 Fatwa (religious decree): Wage holy war on ▪ The U.S.▪ American citizens▪ Jews▪ Apostates (Muslims who don’t agree with

him) This concept of thought is known as


Jihadism At odds with nearly all Islamic religious thought Began with two men:▪ Mohammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab – 18th century reformer▪ Says anything Islamic that was brought into the religion after

Muhammed’s death is wrong.▪ Religious thought is known as Wahhabism

▪ Sayyid Qutb – Egyptian scholar of the mid-20th century▪ Declared Western civilization the enemy of Islam▪ Denounced Middle Eastern leaders who did not adhere closely

to Islam▪ Jihad was needed to defend AND purify Islam
