Middy JaCKeT aNd BLaNKeT | Knit...With MC and smaller needles, cast on 55 (61-67-73) sts. 1st row:...

Post on 26-Dec-2019

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SizeSJacketTo fit chest measurement6 mos 17" [43 cm]12 mos 18" [45.5 cm]18 mos 19" [48 cm]2 yrs 21" [53.5 cm]

Finished chest6 mos 21½" [54.5 cm]12 mos 23½" [59.5 cm]18 mos 26" [66 cm]2 yrs 28" [71 cm]

Blanket: Approx 46" [117 cm] square.

GauGeJacket: 22 sts and 30 rows = 4" [10 cm] with 4 mm needles in stocking st. Blanket: 12 sts and 16 rows = 4" [10 cm] with 2 strands of yarn and 6.5 mm needles in pat.


Bernat® Baby Coordinates™ (140 g / 5 oz)


Note: White yarn left over from Blanket will be enough for Jacket. Sizes 3.5 mm (U.S. 4) and 4 mm (U.S. 6) knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge. 4 buttons.


Size 6.5 mm (U.S. 10½) circular knitting needle or size needed to obtain gauge.

iNSTRuCTioNSJacketThe instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ).With MC and smaller needles, cast on 55 (61-67-73) sts.1st row: (RS). K1. *P1. K1. Rep from * to end of row.Rep last row of seed st pat 3 times more.

With A, work 2 rows in seed st Pat.With MC, work 4 rows in seed st pat, inc 4 sts evenly across last row. 59 (65-71-77) sts.

Change to larger needles and A, and proceed as follows:1st row: (RS). K5. *P1. K5. Rep from * to end of row.2nd row: Purl. Break A.Last 2 rows form Rib Pat.

Middy JaCKeT aNd BLaNKeT | Knit

P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3 “home style… life style… your style.”



alt = Alternateapprox = Approximately Beg = BeginningCont = Continue(ity)dec = DecreaseInc = Increase 1 stitch by knitting into front and back of next stitch K = KnitK2tog = Knit next 2 stitches together

P = PurlPat = PatternPsso = Pass slipped stitch overRem = RemainingRep = RepeatRS = Right sideSl1 = Slip next stitch knitwiseSt(s) = Stitch(es)Tog = TogetherWS = Wrong sideyfwd = Yarn forward


Size 6 mos 12 mos 18 mos 2 yrs

Main Color (MC) 1 2 2 3 ball(s)Blue

Contrast a 1 1 1 1 ballWhite

Main Color (MC) 4 ballsBlue

Contrast a 1 ballWhite

With MC, cont in Rib Pat until work from beg measures 6½ (7-7½-8)" [16.5 (18-19-20.5) cm], ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape armholes: Cast off 2 sts beg next 6 rows. 47 (53-59-65) sts.Cont even in pat until armhole measures 5 (5½-5½-6)" [12.5 (14-14-15) cm], ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape shoulders: Cast off 6 (7-8-9) sts beg next 2 rows, then 6 (7-9-10) sts beg following 2 rows. Cast off rem 23 (25-25-27) sts.

LeFT FRoNT**With MC and smaller needles, cast on 27 (31-33-37) sts.Work 4 rows in seed st pat as given for Back.With A, work 2 rows in seed st pat.With MC, work 4 rows in seed st pat, inc 2 sts evenly across last row. 29 (33-35-39) sts.**

Change to larger needles, A and proceed as follows:1st row: (RS). K5. *P1. K5. Rep from * to last 0 (4-0-4) sts. (P1. K3) 0 (1-0-1) time.2nd row: Purl. Break A.Last 2 rows form Rib Pat.

With MC, cont in Rib Pat until work from beg measures 6½ (7-7½-8)" [16.5 (18-19-20.5) cm], ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape armhole: Cast off 2 sts beg of next and every following alt row twice more. 23 (27-29-33) sts.Work 1 row even.

Shape neck: Next row: (RS). Pat to last 2 sts. K2tog (neck edge).Next row: Purl.

Dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every following alt row 6 (8-6-8) times, then every following 4th row 3 (3-4-4) times. 12 (14-17-19) sts.

Cont even in pat until armhole measures 5 (5½-5½-6)" [12.5 (14-14-15) cm], ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape shoulder: Cast off 6 (7-8-9) sts beg next row. Work 1 row even. Cast off rem 6 (7-9-10) sts.

RiGHT FRoNTWork from ** to ** as given for Left Front.

Change to larger needles, A and proceed as follows:1st row: (RS). K5 (3-5-3). *P1. K5. Rep from * to end of row.2nd row: Purl. Break A.Last 2 rows form Rib Pat.

With MC, cont in Rib Pat until work from beg measures 6½ (7-7½-8)"[16.5 (18-19-20.5) cm], ending with WS facing for next row.

Shape armhole: Cast off 2 sts beg of next and every following alt row twice more. 23 (27-29-33) sts.

Shape neck: Next row: (RS). Sl1. K1. psso (neck edge). Pat to end of row.Next row: Purl.Dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every following alt row 6 (8-6-8) times, then every following 4th row 3 (3-4-4) times. 12 (14-17-19) sts.

Cont even in pat until armhole measures 5 (5½-5½-6)" [12.5 (14-14-15) cm], ending with WS facing for next row.

Shape shoulder: Cast off 6 (7-8-9) sts beg next row. Work 1 row even. Cast off rem 6 (7-9-10) sts.

SLeeVeSWith MC and smaller needles, cast on 27 (27-31-31) sts.Work 4 rows in seed st pat as given for Back.With A, work 2 rows in seed st pat.With MC, work 4 rows in seed st pat, inc 2 sts evenly across last row. 29 (29-33-33) sts.

Change to larger needles and A, and proceed as follows:1st row: (RS). (K1. P1). 0 (0-1-1) time. K5. *P1. K5. Rep from * to last 0 (0-2-2) sts. (P1. K1.) 0 (0-1-1) time.2nd row: Purl. Break A.Last 2 rows form Rib Pat.

With MC, cont in Rib Pat, inc 1 st each end of needle on next and every following alt row 8 (8-6-7) times more, then every following 4th row 4 (6-6-8) times, taking inc sts into pat. 55 (59-59-65) sts.

Cont even in pat until work from beg measures 6½ (7-7½-8)" [16.5 (18-19-20.5) cm], ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape Top: Dec 1 st each end of needle on next and every following alt row twice more.Work 1 row even. Cast off rem 49 (53-53-59) sts.

CoLLaRWith smaller needles and MC, cast on 39 (43-43-49) sts.1st row: (RS). K3. *P1. K1. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K2.Rep last row for seed st pat and garter edge once more.With A, work 2 rows in seed st pat and garter edge.With MC, work 2 rows in seed st pat and garter edge, inc 4 sts evenly across last row. 43 (47-47-53) sts.

Change to larger needles and A, and proceed as follows:1st row: (RS). Knit.2nd row: K2. Purl to last 2 sts. K2.3rd row: K2. K2tog. Knit to last 4 sts. Sl1. K1. psso. K2. Work 9 (9-11-11) rows even, keeping 2 sts at each edge in garter st.Next row: As 3rd row. 39 (43-43-49) sts.

Cont even until Collar from beg measures 3½ (3½-4-4)" [9 (9-10-10) cm], ending with RS facing for next row.

divide for front: Next row: K8 (9-9-11). Turn (neck edge). Leave rem sts on a spare needle.Work 3 rows even.

Dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every following 6th row 3 (3-3-1) time(s), then on every following 4th row 2 (3-3-7) times. 2 sts. Cast off (WS).

With RS facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts and cast off next 23 (25-25-27) sts. Knit to end of row. 8 (9-9-11) sts. Work 3 rows even.

Dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every following 6th row 3 (3-3-1) time(s), then on every following 4th row 2 (3-3-7) times. 2 sts. Cast off (WS).

Middy JaCKeT aNd BLaNKeT | Knit

P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3 “home style… life style… your style.”

MIDDY JACKET AND BLANKET 2 of 3www.bernat.com

FiNiSHiNGPin garment pieces to measurements and cover with a damp cloth, leaving cloth to dry.Sew shoulder seams.Sew in sleeves, matching cast off sts at top of Sleeve against cast off sts of armhole shaping to form angled armholes. Sew side and sleeve seams.

Button band: With RS facing, smaller needles and MC, pick up and knit 33 (37-39-41) sts along right front edge between cast on edge and beg of neck shaping.Work 4 rows in seed st pat as given for Back. Cast off in pat (WS).Buttonhole band: With RS of work facing, smaller needles and MC, pick up and knit 33 (37-39-41) sts along left front edge between beg of neck edge and cast off edge. Work 1 row in seed st pat as given for Back.Next row: Pat 2 (2-3-3) sts. [yfwd. Work 2tog. Pat 7 (8-8-9) sts ] 3 times. yfwd. Work 2tog. Pat 2 (3-4-3) sts. Work 2 rows in seed st pat. Cast off in pat.

Sew Collar to neck edge having cast off rows of Collar at top of Button band and Buttonhole band. Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes.

BlanketWith 2 strands of A and circular needle, cast on 117 sts loosely.1st row: (RS). K1. *P1. K1. Rep from * to end of row.Rep last row for seed st pat 4 times more. Break A.With 2 strands of MC, proceed as follows:1st row: (WS). Purl, inc 10 sts evenly across. 127 sts.2nd row: K6. *P1. K1. P1. K5. Rep from * to last st. K1.3rd row: P7. *K1. P7. Rep from * to end of row.Rep last 2 rows for Seed Rib Pat until work from beg measures 44¾" [113.5 cm], ending with RS facing for next row. Next row: Knit, dec 10 sts evenly across. 117 sts. Break MC.With 2 strands of A, proceed as follows.1st row: K1. *P1. K1. Rep from * to end of row.Rep last row for seed st pat 4 times more. Cast off in pat (RS).

Side Border: With RS facing and 2 strands of A, pick up and knit 4 sts along side of A section, 123 sts along side of MC section, and 4 sts along side of A section. 131 sts.1st row: (WS). K1. *P1. K1. Rep from * to end of row.Rep last row for seed st pat 4 times more. Cast off in pat (RS).Rep for other side.

Middy JaCKeT aNd BLaNKeT | Knit

P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3 “home style… life style… your style.”

MIDDY JACKET AND BLANKET 3 of 3www.bernat.com


