Midterm review

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Powerpoint JeopardyBrands Travel Organization Change Money/


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If clients are not familiar with a brand, the company should work on raising ___________.

Using apple products in TV shows and movies is an example of ____________.

We use the present simple to:a)give factual informationb)talk about ongoing situationsc)talk about temporary situationsd)link the past to the present

Which time expression use the present continuous?a)usuallyb)every dayc)nowadaysd)often

What is the brand image of Harley Davidson and what would you do to preserve the company’s sales?

After I arrived at the airport, I headed directly to the _______ by taxi on the _______.a)car park , public toiletb)elevator , schedulec)underground , subwayd)city centre , motorway

A: We’ve chosen a creative team name.B: Really? What _____ (you / call) yourselves?

According to the homework in Unit 2 (Travel), which of the following are reasons for air rage?a)noisy passengersb)not feeling safec)people drinking alcohold)poor quality of food

What are the four tenses we can use to talk about the future?

Call one of your team mates and rearrange your plans to study for the midterm.

Which of the following are all good qualities of an organization?a)market-driven, centralized, impersonalb)professional, bureaucratic, centralizedc)decentralized, progressive, dynamicd)democratic, caring, hierarchical

Which of the following is NOT a method of creating a noun combination?a)one noun used as a verbb)phrases with ofc)compound nouns forming 1 wordd)‘s possessive

To set up standards of achievements is to:a)establish performance benchmarksb)become interested in judgmentc)rate the accountability of a teamd)assess the achievement of a group

Listen and complete the extract:The company was _______ in 1978. It’s organized into three ______. We have over 6,000 ________; we’ve got our _______ in Frankfurt and _______ in over 20 countries – we’re pretty big.

Role Play: Introduce yourself and your company to a stranger on the plane.

We are looking to upgrade the skills of our part-time staff by re______ them based on new policies.

Which time expression uses present perfect?a)In 2003b)Everc)Last yeard)Six months ago

A lot of change _______ (take) place recently. This is because last year the majority of our sales ______ (come) from the European market. So, in February of this year, we _______ (decide) to enter the Asian market.

Describe a significant change that has happened in your life.

Role Play:You and a team mate are in a meeting. Make proposals, reject proposals, and clarify suggestions on the best method of studying for the midterm.

What is the difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of producing it called?a)recessionb)investmentc)shared)gross margin

“Just do it” is the _______ made by the marketing department at Nike.a)posterb)sponsorc)slogand)endorsement

Sales have increased ______ $3,402,304 ____ $1,302,304,039.

Add the missing articles to the paragraph:

Student studied hard for midterm by reviewing PowerPoint presentations and reading textbook from class. It was good strategy because university would not be happy if students failed.

Create an explanation for this graph and be sure to use the ‘describing trends’ language from class.