Mind hour

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Problems Faced by Students Now-a-days

1. Students lack visual learning

• Visuals are always helpful for a longer retention of memory.

• Students don’t really experience any visual learning in school

MindHour Solution

• Audio-Visuals are always helpful for a longer retention of memory.

• In MindHour.com , students can get a clear concept of the tough topics with audio-visual and standardized content guided by experienced and certified teachers

• Learning becomes more easy with the audio-visual contents.

2. Students feel ashamed of asking questions

Most of the students actually feel ashamed of asking any question in a class out of fear and nervousness.

That’s the reason why they fail to understand the concepts properly.

MindHour Solution

• MindHour.com is a great help of this kind of problems.

• MindHour.com introduces “Doubt box” and “Talk-To-Teacher” where students can ask questions personally and no need to feel ashamed as they experience a personalized learning.

• Highly qualified, trained and certified teachers go all the way to answer or solve the questions of the students.

3. Students fail to keep pace with the speed of the lectures Few students are

always there who are unable to manage the speed of the lecture in class resulting in lack of understanding.

MindHour Solution

• Worry not students! MindHour brings to you a unique concept of persolanised learning, where you do not have any time boundation to learn.

• MindHour .com is your own private tutor. You just need to connect your internet and that’s it.

• Even if you do not have any internet connectivity, you are still provided with preloaded learning materials with MindHour Tabs.

• Last but not the least you always have an option for Technology driven and structured tuitions in form of MindHour Classes.

4. Students are afraid of being asked any question• Students are often

afraid of the questions being asked by the teachers, in case of not fully prepared.

MindHour Solution

• Mainly, lack of confidence is the reason behind, which comes from incomplete or half-done learning.

• But MindHour.com makes learning extremely simple & personalized with their Adaptive practice exercises, tests . Feedback of all the practice exercises are kept personal for individual students.

• All the practice exercises are given as per the student’s needs.

5. Students are not analysed for the weak areas• Generally, students

do not get personalized guidance for their weak areas, which doesn’t lead to a strong foundation.

MindHour Solution

• In-depth Analysis Report on poor areas is provided, so that a child can work on his weak areas rather than studying the whole thing all over again.

• It ensures to provide you with a strong conceptual foundation with audio-visual standardised content for science, Math and English.

MindHour.com is redefining personalized education by providing need based solution to the school going student’s Learning Needs.