Mind The Gap - ConnectNow

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I reworked my Mind the Gap presentation for the Connect Now conference in Sydney on April 7, 2010.


yes, I domindthe gap

business, onlinecommunities andcultural tourism

social networks

A.because most business values don’t align with community values.

18%trust what they read in ads to be the truth.

info: ADWeek dec09

21%of employees are truly engaged in their work

info: Towers Perrin Global Workforce Survey 09

51%americans trust business to do the right thing

info: Edelman January 2010

42%believe in ghosts

info: Poll Harris Interactive 2009

76%believe in miracles

info: Poll Harris Interactive 2009

89%expect to be able to interact with brands.

stat: WebProNews Oct09


m o s t businesses are tourists


telltale signs of tourism:

“these natives have quite the life! kia ora, baby!”

“s/he spends her whole day socializing and having fun on twitter/facebook! wish I could get paid for that!”

“when you cut through all of the ‘inane babble’, there are some valuable posts on twitter.”


in them there tweets


“Eating a fennel salad with miso dressing. Nom nom.”

subtext“I care about my health, so I eat well.”

“I want my friends to admire my good eating habits.”“I would like to connect to other vegetarians.”

“Meeting up with @friend123 and @friend321 (@Club Fun) http://4sq.com/8e78m9”

subtext“I would love more friends to come and join us.”

“I’m keeping track of where I go out and with who.”“Where I go and who I hang with may tell you a little

about who I am.”

Multiple tweets at multiple times of the day...

subtext“I’m lonely.”

“Hear me. Value me. Connect to me.”

you are what you

tweet sorta!

sharingwhy (and what) do people share?

1238 responses in under 24 hours1709 of the respondents came from email/IM

80% use Twitter DAILY. 26% use 4square DAILY.59% use Facebook DAILY.

82% responded that they post ‘random thoughts’ most often (76% articles/biz essays, 75% random links)

52% iPhone users60% says sharing has been good for their professional

lives...57% for their personal lives.stats from: http://www.horsepigcow.com/2010/03/sharing_survey/

date: March 4, 2010 @7:55pm by @bitstrategist at http://twitpic.com/16n7gp

social networks

SN’s more popular than email (67% - 65%)

stats from: Neilsen Mar09, Facebook public Statistics Jan10,

Women are more active in most SN’s (avg 53%)Social networks are more popular than porn

Amount of time spent on FB increased 566% in 093.5 billion pieces of content shared each week

>500k FB Apps made by >1M developers>100k iPhone apps, downloaded >2B times

huge opportunity

value disparity



ess co



When addressing a large group of managers, I often challenge them to stand up for love (or beauty or justice or truth) in just this way. “When you get back to work, tell your boss

your company has a love deficit.”

- Gary Hamel, Wall Street Journal 01/13/10http://blogs.wsj.com/management/2010/01/13/the-hole-in-the-soul-of-business/


“You've gotta stand your ground for freedom,

beauty, truth, and love.”the Bohemians







it is no coincidence that the companies that

espouse human values are the

darlings of online communities.

I ‘Googled’



2nd most mentioned brand on twitter - after Starbucks - with a 97% neutral to positive sentiment rating*.

* from http://twitrratr.com/search/google

2,200 attendees. 64% of laptops at

Le Web were apple.

1,008 iPhones.http://www.flickr.com/photos/scobleizer/4171576818/

“Craigslist gets more traffic than either eBay or Amazon.com. eBay has more than 16,000 employees. Amazon has more than 20,000. Craigslist has 30.”

sept 2009, wired magazine


create fun & a little weirdness

be adventurous, creative & open-minded

be passionate and determined

be humble


generosity aboundsin onlinecommunities

but so does reciprocity...

the gift economy

the more u give

the more u receive


helping someone solve a problem

attending community events

showing real interest in what someoneelse is working on

using your network to do something goodfor the community

demonstrating you implement people’ssuggestions


asking someone else for a favor

promoting your own events or sales

asking for an introduction to someone intheir network (intro up)

acting competitively

name dropping

pitching someone

measuringlike it



numbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbersnumbers numbersnumbersnumbersnumbers


meaningfulnumbers havestories

http://www.flickr.com/photos/cambodia4kidsorg/3587556872/ + http://beth.typepad.com/




rules are guidelines and not substitutes

improvising is a form of art.

real life is full of ambiguity.

Q.how can we teach wisdom and these abilities to everyone instead of increasing the number of rules?

the new Turing test

“any action that prioritizes rules, protocols, logic, efficiency, procedures or any other type of pre-set guidelines at the cost of relationships or compassion towards other human beings indicates robot.”


people robots♥

butonly when those robots exhibit treasured human emotions: love, compassion, remorse, generosity, etc.

Q.so why the heck do we have to go and get all evil robot so much of the time?

instead of a personal brand, why not get a personality?http://www.flickr.com/photos/stewtopia/3355277605/

I ‘Googled’



liar pants on fire


I told you this wasn’t a talk about

social networks

social worldwhich we are ALL a part of...


When we value money over

human beings and then add technology, I get nervous.

yes, I domindthe gap

tara ‘missrogue’ hunthorsepigcow@gmail.com

514-679-2951twitter: @missrogueskype: sanfranrogue


http://www.slideshare.net/missrogueimages from: http://www.shutterstock.com, http://www.istockphoto.com

(unless marked from Flickr.com)