Mindanao Daily News (March 6, 2013 Issue)

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Mindanao Daily News (March 6, 2013 Issue)


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Editorial: e-mail: mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • 72-33-44, 856-3344 Advertising: e-mail: mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com Contact cell nos.: 0917-7121424, 0947-8935776

WAR | page 10




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HermiliNo VillaloNVOL. 2, No. 245 Cagayan de Oro City Wednesday March 6, 2013 P10.00


DISTRICT Customs Collec-tor Lourdes Mangaoang has warned smugglers trying to enter the ports of Northern Mindanao to smuggle goods or use the city as transship-ment area for items that she will do all in her power to stop them, setting her eyes also on hot vehicles this time.

Lawyer Mangaoang said the smugglers are not local individuals, saying the con-fiscation earlier of several thousands of bags of rice worth millions of pesos serves as a warning to smug-glers who may want to use the Cagayan de Oro ports.

Atty. Mangaoang has received a commendation Monday, March 4, 2013, from the Local Govern-ment of Cagayan de Oro for the Bureau of Customs Cagayan de Oro District massive campaign against smuggling that led to the confiscation of 5,000 bags of imported rice worth P9 million. City Mayor Vi-

Customs sets eye on shipment of ‘hot cars’

AFTER MANGAOANG DECLARES WAR VS. AGRI SMUGGLERSESTRADA FATHER AND SON FOR MINDANAO. Former President Joseph Ejercito Estrada and Rep. JV Ejercito Estrada at the UNA motorcade in Iligan City. Photo supplied

CAgAyAN de Oro City Mayor Vicente y. Emano congratulates Bureau of Customs (BOC) District Collector Atty. Ma. Lourdes V. Mangaoang for the bureau’s “no nonsense drive against smuggling which led to the confiscation of 5,000 bags of smuggled imported rice worth P9 million.” The awarding of the city council’s resolution was held Monday morning during the flag-raising at City Hall. Looking on is Vice Mayor Caesar Ian Acenas and Deputy District Collector for Northern Mindanao Marvin Mison. Photo by Gerry L. Gorit

By CHENg ORDONEzof Mindanao Daily News

cente Emano handed Atty. Mangaoang the commenda-tion during the regular flag ceremony at the City Hall

ground.“This is history in the

making,” Atty. Mangaoang said of the commendation

since it was the first time the Bureau of Customs received such citation.

Sara at war with the Davao ‘left’

By IRENE V. DAgUDOgof DavaoToday.com

DAVAO City––What used to be a battle between thou-sands of Pablo victims and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has turned into a word war between Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio and leaders of progressive or-ganizations.

This stems from Mayor Sara’s order to the Davao City Police Office to “dis-perse at all cost” the typhoon victims who staged a three-day camp out outside the DSWD regional office last week.

Juland Suazo, spokes-person of environmental

group Panalipdan (Defend) Southern Mindanao called the mayor’s move “anti-poor” and “arrogant,” saying

SHIpMENT | page 10SORRY | page 10

FORMER congresswoman and senatorial candidate (NP-Team PNoy) Cynthia Villar wrote a letter of apology to the Philippine Nurses Association in light of recent remarks during a senatorial media forum that have earned the ire of nurses here and abroad.

Villar said that lack of time and the complexity of the issue concerning a closure order issued by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) sev-eral years ago prevented her from answering the question in a clear and concise manner.

Cynthia Villar says ‘sorry’ for controversial remarks about nursesn Seeks dialogue with pNA, other nursing groups on health care reform agenda

In her letter addressed to the PNA Governing Board, its officers and staff, Villar wrote: “I truly am sorry for having of-fended the feelings of your members. It was never my intention to belittle


2Editor: CRIS DIAZ Email: crisguardian@yahoo.com

Editorial. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

News In Focus WEDNESDAy | mARCh 6, 2013

SpECIE | page 11

AIRpORT | page 10

Cagayan de Oro City Mayor Vicente y. Emano sits with Vice President Jejomar Binay, former President Joseph Estrada and the senatorial candidates of the United Nationalist Alliance led by San Juan Rep. JV Ejercito during their campaign sortie Sunday evening at the Pelaez Rotunda. With them on stage are local candidates of the Pandayon Pilipino led by 1st District Rep. Benjo Benaldo. Vice Mayor Caesar Ian Acenas, Councilors Adrian Barba, Dante Pajo and Ian Mark Nacaya. The UNA candidates left for Iligan City on Monday for another rally in the evening. Photo by gerry L. gorit

Republic of the PhilippinesLocal Civil Registry Office

Province: Agusan del NorteCity/Municipality: Butuan City


In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that JOY BOHOLANO LITUAÑAS has filed with this office a petition for Change of First Name from “PERLA MARY JOY” to “JOY” in the birth certificate of PERLA MARY JOY CURILAN BOHOLANO who was born on Sept. 5, 1958 at Butuan Maternity Hospital, Butuan City, Agusan del Norte, Philippines and whose parents are SOFRONIO MONTESCLAROS BOHOLANO and RIVERA CURTINA CURILAN. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this Office not later than 13 March 2013.

(SGD.) JUDITH ALVIZO-CALO, LLB, MPA City Civil RegistrarMDN: Feb. 27 & Mar. 6, 2013



Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the Late ADELAIDO CLARIN SALVADOR, who died in-testate on the 7th day of December 1998 at Sambulawan, Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental; that the deceased at the time of his death left parcel of land, located at Sambulawan, Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental particularly described as follows to wit; Parcel One Tax Dec. No. 940864 “A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot No. 13125), situated in the Barrio of Sambulawan, Mun. of Laguindingan, Province of Misamis Oriental. Contain-ing an area of THIRTY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY (30,450) SQUARE METERS, more or less.” is the subject of DEED OF EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE OF THE LATE ADELAIDO CLARIN SALVADOR made and entered into by and between; LILIA V. SALVADOR, of legal age, widow, Filipino and resident of Sambulawan, Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental; ANITA S. TAYROS, of legal age, widow, Filipino and resident of Sambulawan, Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental; EDDIE V. SALVADOR, of legal age, married, Filipino, and resident of Sambulawan, Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental; DANIE V. SALVADOR, of legal age, married, Filipino and resident of Sambulawan, Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental; and ELSIE S. ZAMBRANO, of legal age, married, Filipino and resident of Gingoog City, after being duly sworn, hereby declare that we are the only, sole, exclusive, legitimate and compulsory surviving legal heirs, as per Doc. No. 364; Page No. 73; Book No. 83; Series of 2011, under Notary Public of ATTY. BUENAVENTURA E. SAGRADO.

MDN: MARCH 6, 13, & 20, 2013

Republic of the PhilippinesREGION X

Province of Lanao de NorteMUNICIPALITY OF BAROY


R.A Form No. 10172 (LCRO)


In compliance with Section 7 R.A. 10172, a notice is hereby served to the public that ARTHUR JIMENEZ has filed with this Office a petition for cor-rection of clerical error particularly in his/ her MONTH & DATE OF BIRTH for SEPTEMBER 25, 1952 to JULY 14, 1952 and the GENDER from FEMALE to MALE and the CHILD’S & FATHER’S LAST NAME from “JEMENES” to “JIMENEZ” in the Certificate of Live Birth of ARTHUR JEMENES at BAROY, LANAO DEL NORTE and whose Parents are ARTURO JIMENEZ and CORA-ZON VIAJANTE. Any person affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than JANUARY 2013.

(Sgd.) CIRILO A. MICULOB Municipal Civil RegistrarMDN: Mar. 6 & 13, 2013

By CHENg ORDONEzof Mindanao Daily News

BUSINESS leaders in Cagay-an de Oro City have strongly demanded for the continued operation of the old Lum-bia airport should the new Laguindingan International Airport in Misamis Ori-

Businessmen demand continuedoperation of old Lumbia airport

COCI FEARS ‘GREAT LOSS IMPACT’ ON BUSINESSESental pushes through with its scheduled opening in April, 2013, even without the needed navigation equip-ment and other amenities needed for normal opera-tion and to develop better business activities there.

This came after the Cagayan de Oro Cham-

ber of Indinustries (COCI) learned that almost 70 per-cent of the existing flights to and from Lumbia Airport here will be suspended in the operation of the new Laguindingan airport in MisOr due to limited time of operation brought about by the absence of the Air

Navigation Support Services Facilities (ANSSF).

COCI President Bien-venido Valdez said business-men in Cagayan de Oro are left with no option but to demand for the continued operation of the Lumbia Airport to avert incurring business losses brought

about by the suspension of flights.

The operation of the new Laguindingan International Airport in Misamis Oriental even without the commis-sioning of the ANSSF yet, will cancel 70 percent of existing flights,


MAMBAJAO, Camiguin––Big, fluffy, blue-gray eyed hawk-owls were sighted by researchers in this volca-nic island paradise at the northern tip of Mindanao.

It is the only one of its kind. At night, it gives a long solo hoot that builds in intensity, with a distinc-

New hawk-owls specie sighted in Camiguin

tive low growling tone to attract mates or defend their territory.

Pairs of these owls of-ten do short barking duets (rapid yapping) that always starts with a growl.

Recordings and obser-vations made by scientists from the Philippines Bio-diversity Conservation Foundation confirm the uniqueness of its attributes when compared to other hawk-owl population,

not even those found in other parts Mindanao.

Researchers noted a con-sistent disparity in plumage and measurements, but de-spite this confusing physical resemblance, variability, and vocal differences, they said these only confirm that this is a new specie.

In some published in-terviews with the authors, they conveyed their amaze-ment on the differences in vocalization.

WEDNESDAy | mARCh 6, 2013 3Editorial. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

Last year, we honored Mindanao’s homegrown businesses...This year, let the Investors from outside the island

who helped propel Mindanao’s economy for decades be recognized...thus,


- This is the 2nd Mindanao Business Leaders Awards, in a different category from the first one. The 1st Mindanao Busi-ness Leaders Awards was undertaken last year to give due recognition to the achievements of various Mindanao business leaders and entrepreneurs in various categories of homegrown corporate and individual business leadership achievements.

- This year’s search is aimed at giving honor and recognition of excellent business leaders in the investors’s category.

- BusinessWeek Mindanao as a forerunner of information on economic leadership and entrepreneurial achievements of non-Mindanaoan corporations and businessmen, deems it a part of its social responsibility to trumpet the achievements of these pillars of Mindanao’s economy, for others to emulate and thus propel an awareness for the business potential that Mindanao offers in every economic and business investment plan, whether small or great.

-We are helping Mindanao achieve sustainable development of its economy through these humble efforts.


- The holding of BWM Awards annually serves as catalyst to the ongoing efforts of business leaders and entrepreneurs who seek greater heights and strive for success in the noble mission of propelling Mindanao and its people towards full economic growth and sustainable development.

Mechanics of the Search:

Duration of the Search : January 15, 2013 to May 15, 2013Awards Night : June 1, 2013

Entry Requirements:

1. Individual and Company/Establishment nominations shall be accompanied with Nomination Forms available on-line at the Sponsors Website, offices of sponsors, or in the printed page of Businessweek Mindanao and Mindanao Daily issues or may be mailed, if requested, by the Awards Secretariat

2. Nominees or candidates in various categories shall be nomi-nated by BusinessWeek Mindanao and Mindanao Daily Bureaus; individuals, organization or groups not employed by or connected to any of the nominated person or firm .

3. Nominations shall be accompanied by the ff documents which can be mailed, or emailed to the awards secretariat - MINDANAO BUSINESS LEADERS AWARDS 2013 Secretariat, Tanleh Bldg., Abellanosa St., Cagayan de Oro City,not later than May 15, 2013.

4. Brief Resume and History of the Nominee (Individual or Firm)- Photos (at least 3) ; Nomination Form ; Documentary evidence such as certificates, awards or citations


(088)856-3344, (08822)74-53-80 | 09274795196 (Allan Mediante) businessweekmindanao@gmail.com



4 WEDNESDAy | mARCh 6, 2013Caraga Region Editor: JOE DEl pUERTO FElICIlDAAsst editor: ARJAY S. FElICIlDA

• Email: msbmdn@yahoo.com.ph

Editorial : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com


BUTUAN City - In line with this year's Women's Month celebration, the Gender and Development Coordinating Committee (GADCC), chaired by Commission on Human Rights (CHR)-Caraga Regional Director Marylin Pintor is spearheading various activities for the month-long cel-ebration.

Women in governance now a reality – CHR Director

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

The 2013 Women's Month Celebration is pur-suant to Proclamation No. 224-1988, declaring the first week of March each year, as Women's Week and March 8, as Women's Rights and International Peace Day; Proclamation No. 227-1988 providing for the observance of the Month of March, as Women's Role in History Month; and Repub-lic Act 6949-1990 declaring March 8 of every year, as National Women's Day.

As the ce lebrat ion kicked-off on Friday, mem-bers of the GADCC from the government agencies, non-government organiza-tions, academe, and other stakeholders were grouped in four sub-committees wearing shirts colored green, purple, red, and pink during the Fun Walk activity.

The subcommittees are: VAWC, Institutionalization of GAD and Gender and Governance, Gender and

Health Environment, and Gender and Poverty.

Pintor expressed her warm thanks to all govern-ment agencies and partner-stakeholders for their full support and participation to Women's Month activi-ties.

She also said that Presi-dent Aquino recently high-lighted the milestones of women's participation in the Bangsamoro Agree-ment.

"We are now assured that

more women are already involved in the political arena and peace-making. Women’s participation in good governance is now a reality," she said.

Pintor also announced that the "Kalandrakas sa Kababaihan" is set on March 8 at the Balanghai Hotel,

Butuan City, and the Candi-dates Forum on March 14. Other GAD-related activi-ties will also be conducted by different government agencies for the month-long celebration.

This year's celebration is anchored on the theme, "Kababaihan: Gabay sa Pag-

tahak sa Tuwid na Daan (Women: Guide Towards Straight and Narrow Path)."

It underscores the need to accelerate women's par-ticipation in governance and enhance gender per-spective in upholding good governance. ( JPG-PIA Caraga/arjaysfelicilda)

CAMP Rodriguez, Butuan City - Amid strict imple-mentation of COMELEC gun ban in the entire region, authorities cap-ture d one p erson for carrying an unlicensed firearm, Friday dawn, outside Dakop KTV Bar in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur.

The suspect was Rico M. Biolelan, 22 years old of Rosario, Agusan del Sur, who yielded one caliber .38 revolver loaded with three live bullets and a motorcycle.

His arrest was made upon report from con-cerned citizens in the area and as he could not present legal documents to possess

Police captures gun ban violatorBy PO1 Ryan C. Cagula

and carry the firearm.He is now under the

custody of San Francisco Police Station. (RCC/asf )

AGRI MEDIA BRIEFING - Members of Butuan City media are shown here during a briefing conducted by the City Public Information Office, with City Agriculturist Al-berto Buca (with microphone). Focusing on the ongoing agri projects and programs of the city government, the activity was held at the PIO Conference Room. (Richard D. Atillo, PIA-Caraga/asf)

CAMP Rodriguez, Butuan City – The No. 1 most wanted person in the town of Las Nieves, Agusan del Norte fell into the hands of the police, Friday morning.

Captured right in his residence was Marcos L. Palingcod, 36 years old.

The arrest was issued by Judge Eduardo S. Casals of RTC Branch 1 (Butuan City) for violation of RA 7610 (Anti-Child Abuse Act).

Marcos is now under the custody of Las Nieves cops but can post Php 60,000 bail for his temporary liberty. (RCC/MMG/arjaysfeli-cilda)

No. 1 most wanted person falls

By PO1 Ryan C. Cagula



• Email: msbmdn@yahoo.com.ph

Editorial : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

MDN: Mar. 6, 2013

TACURONG City - In observance of March as Fire Pre-vention Month, Tacurong Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) has conducted the 1st Fire Olympics in the City, Friday March 1, 2013 at the City Hall Grounds.

Tacurong-BFP holds 1st Fire Olympics

One-hundred forty ba-rangay fire volunteers from the city’s 20 barangays have participated in the event, competing in putting out fire with the shortest time

and most efficient dem-onstration of skills using a 5-hose connection.

Barangay Griño was adjudged winner by of-ficers from the Tacurong

BFP and Sultan Kudarat BFP. Barangays New Lagao and Buenaflor were second and third placers.

The barangay fire vol-unteers of Tacurong City

were trained by the BFP, particularly on basic fire skills and on organizing barangay volunteer bri-gades.

Aside from the Fire Olympics, BFP and LGU employees also had a Walk for a Fire-Free Nation on same day.

“I am very glad that BFP is very visible in our city. I hope that you will carry on in innovating ways to safeguard our people,” said Mayor Lina O. Montilla during the program that followed the walk.

The activities were led by City BFP Caretaker

Marjorie Jenna A. Agabao-Resurreccion.

This year’s Fire Preven-tion Month is themed ‘Su-nog at Sakuna Paghandaan, Kalikasan ay Pangalagaan nang Matamasa ang Pag-Unlad ng Bayan’.(Jezereel Louise C. Billano/arjay-sfelicilda)

KORONADAL City - The Municipal Health Office (MHO) of Tupi, South Cotabato has received ‘Garantisadong Pambata’ (GP) Champs Award due to its efforts in deliver-ing exemplary services on basic child health care in the municipality.

The award was con-ferred by the Department of Health (DOH) during the 2nd GP Champs and Orally Fit Child Awards held at Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Pasay City.

Dr. Ma. Rizalina M. Are-nas, municipal health den-tist said that the award was the result of their consistent rendering of commendable

services to every child in the town which eventually improves their health and welfare.

Aside from the plaque of recognition, the health office also received a cheque worth P50,000.

The criteria for GP Champs award were: GP Coverage- 50%; Other Essential Health Services Performed- 20%; GP Best Practices/Efforts/Innovative Interventions-10%; Provi-sion of Budget for Child Survival Services- 10% and Health Promotion- 10%.

Tupi-MHO is the sole recipient of said award in South Cotabato province.

On the other hand, it can be noted that in October last

year, the SOCCSKSARGEN Region ‘GP-Lakbay Buhay Kalusugan’ (LBK) Fiesta Caravan was successfully launched at Barangay Po-lonuling, of the municipal-ity wherein thousands of residents regardless of age and status received various free health services.

Meanwhile, Municipal Mayor Reynaldo S. Tamayo Jr., expressed his full sup-port in the realization and promotion of health pro-grams in the locality. One of his initiatives is the conduct of “Munisipyo sa Baran-gay” that brings range of free health services to the residents of the town’s 15 ba-rangays. (SJDuerme-PIA12/Tupi LGU/arjaysfelicilda)

Tupi receives Garantisadong

Pambata award

KORONADAL City - Over 11,000 families, all mem-bers of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), are set to benefit from the cash-for-work program of the Department of Social Welfare and De-velopment.

DSWD 12 Regional Director Bai Zorahayda Taha said the initial num-ber of beneficiaries are located in Region 12 and the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

Taha explained, the inclusion of these families in the agency’s cash-for-work program is part of the immediate interven-

tions promised under the Sajahatra Bangsamoro Program.

Pre s i d e nt B e n i g n o Aquino III launched the Sajahatra Bangsamoro Pro-gram on February 15 at the Bangsamoro Leadership and Management Institute in Barangay Simuay, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao.

It intends aims to uplift the health, livelihood and education conditions of Bangsamoro communities.

The cash-for-work pro-gram, Taha continued, is among the confidence-building measures that the department has identified in support to the Sajaha-

tra Bangsamoro Program and the on-going peace negotiations.

Under the program, indigent MILF-member families will be provided temporary employment.

Meanwhile, the region-al office of the Philippine Health Insurance Corpora-tion (PHIC) or PhilHealth here also announced that over 11,000 families are also scheduled to receive their PhilHealth cards that they could use to avail of health insurance benefits just like the members of the Pantawid Pami ly-ang Pilipino Program of DSWD. (DED-PIA 12/asf)

By Danilo E. Doguiles

11,000 MILF families gain from DSWD

cash-for-work program

The miNdaNao daily NeWS (mdN) news-paper is published daily at Door 2, Tanleh Building, Abel-lanosa St., Brgy. Consolacion, Cagayan de Oro City. It is

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member:Philippine Press institute

6 WEDNESDAy | mARCh 6, 2013

Editor: RUEL V. PELONE Email: ruel_pelone2002@yahoo.comEditorial. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com


Cris Diaz

What LP has are the things it lacksTHE local Liberal Party (LP) gnashed their teeth watching the mammoth crowd of more than 50,000 people during the rally of the United Na-tionalist Alliance (UNA) in Cagayan de Oro City last Sunday. It was not a question anymore on whether Mayor Vicente Emano’s administration has the support of practically all barangay leaders here. Cagayan de Oro City has 80 rural and urban barangays.

When the much ballyhooed sus-pension order concocted against Emano hogged the local dailies in January this year, 76 barangay leaders and their followers showed up at the City Hall admin-istration building in a show of support to Emano. Last Sunday, leaders and followers of all the 80 barangays were present in one of the biggest pre-election rallies at the Rodelsa Circle here.

The sea of people eclipsed the LP rally at the Grego-rio Pelaez Sports Center Tuesday last week. It was even unfortunate that the presence of President Aquino did not muster support from city residents. The more it was frustrating since the LP rally supposedly got a province wide support, too. Of course, there were truckloads of supporters and candidates purportedly coming from the municipalities. However, the combined LP supporters

and leaders in Misamis Oriental and Cagayan de Oro City pale in comparison with the number of crowd who showed up during the UNA rally last Sunday.

The issue on whether the city has to convey those people from where they came from was moot and aca-demic. Certainly, those people had to take some rides in coming down to the city. The local LP, instead, should be wary that Emano’s political ticket was a team to bet in the coming mid-term elections this year.

Emano’s Padayon Pilipino-UNA-NP coalition has shown that its followers and leaders could come together as a solid force in times of diversity. In other words, the secret of Padayon Pilipino was that it follows a single straight line from above down below its political line. It was a political principle that would be hard to vanquish.

Obviously, it is only in times of instability that the strength of the political organization manifests. When everything seems hopeless, the true measure of a political leader emerged as the bastion of people’s optimism. This is the character of the Padayon Pilipino, as an organiza-tion and as a political entity.

The Liberal Party knows the qualities of the political leaders that the party needs both in the national and local context. Unfortunately, LP knows that the abundance of their resources as an administration political party is inversely proportional to the political leaders that they should have. React: crisguardian@yahoo.com

Think A Minute

Jhan Tiafau Hurst

THINK a minute.It’s been said: “Hating

people is like burning down your whole house to kill a rat.”

You’ve also heard the expression, “Cutting your nose off to spite your face.” When we hate someone, we hurt ourselves far more than the person we’re trying to hurt. That’s why when you’ve been hurt by others, a bad memory is your best weapon to stop it from hurting you more. Forget it, and get on with your life.

“Never carry a grudge, since it only weighs you down while the other guy is getting ahead. You’ll never get ahead while you’re try-ing to get even.”

You’ll reach your goal

Don’t burn yourself

of success much quicker if you forgive and forget your enemies.

Getting even with some-one just puts you on their level; but if you forgive that person, it puts you ahead of them.

So make peace quickly with your enemies. “Some people forgive their en-emies—but not until they’re dead and it’s too late.”

Remember, people need love the most when they deserve it the least. It takes a much stronger person to forgive. A person’s strength is measured by how many times he can forgive the same person.

You see, when our heart is full of kindness, there’s no room in it to hold a grudge. Hating someone is easy. Anybody can do that.

So if you want to be unhappy and miserable, go ahead: don’t forgive that person who wronged you.

But don’t forget, “Anger and unforgiveness is like fire: if you hold on to it, it will burn you.”

However, “If you choose to forgive someone, you’ll be setting a prisoner free…and discover the prisoner was you!”

Yet real forgiving takes your Maker’s kind of love and strength.

So why not ask Jesus Christ to forgive you for all the ways you’ve hurt and wronged Him?

Then, you’ll have His power to forgive others like He did for you.

Just Think a Minute.

Jolo, 52nd US State?

Kakampi mo ang batas

Atty. Batas Mauricio

LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely fol-lowed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside…” (Job 23:10-11, the Holy Bible).


OVER JOLO: Did Sultan Jamalul Kiram III and his followers who went to La-had Datu, Sabah, Malaysia on February 09, 2013 have the right to ask the help of President Aquino and of the Philippine government in their quest to recover Sabah for themselves, or should they have asked the help of the United States instead?

I am raising this ques-tion because in a treaty that Kiram’s predecessor, Sultan Jamalul Kiram II, signed in 1899, the whole of Jolo and its dependencies have been placed under the sovereignty of the United States. Article I of the treaty known as the Kiram-Bates Treaty, says: “The sovereignty of the

United States over the whole Archipelago of Jolo, and its dependencies, is declared and acknowledged.”

Then, under its Article II, it is provided that “The United States flag will be used in the Archipelago of Jolo, and its dependen-cies, on land and sea.” In its Article XIII, the treaty says “The United States will give full protection to the Sultan and his subjects in case any foreign nation should attempt to impose upon them.”


From where I sit, it would seem that, based on the Kiram-Bates Treaty of 1899, the whole Jolo Archipelago

is a part of the United States. Kiram and his followers and, by the very provisions of the Treaty, all citizens of Jolo, are citizens of the United States. They are not Filipinos. Because of this, the Sultan and Jolo citizens must run for help to the United States.

What is clear here is that, Jolo is not just under the “protectorate” of the US, as some quarters, like the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), had been insist-ing in the past. Under the Kiram-Bates Treaty, Jolo is a territory and is therefore a part and parcel of the United States. Technically, it is a State of the United States, and it could very well be

the 52nd State of the US.If the treaty is to be fol-

lowed, the Sultan of Sulu should be asking the help of the United States govern-ment instead. I am sure that if its help or assistance is sought or invoked, America will not hesitate to extend such help or assistance, especially because it is in reality itching quite well to lay its hands on some vital parts of Mindanao.


BENEFICIAL TO PEOPLE: With the spate of crimes involving public utility ve-hicles, such as the brutal slaying of UST cum laude graduate Cyrish Magalang by a drug-crazed tricycle driver aided by another drug abuser, Dick Gordon’s in-novative idea implemented in Olongapo City way back in the 1980’s still resounds so very much relevant today.

When he was mayor of Olongapo, Gordon had all the jeepneys and tricycles in the city color-coded

STATE | page 11

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THE Department of Tourism (DOT) won the Best Booth Display during the Thai In-ternational Travel Fair held on February 14-17, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand, extending the Philippine tourism’s win-ning streak in the global stage. The Philippine booth bested fourteen other National Tour-ism Organizations (NTOs), marking the country’s debut in the said travel fair.

Organized by Thai Travel Agents Association (TTAA), an association of Thai Out-bound Tour Operators, the three-day fair held at the Queen Sirikit National Con-vention Centre in Bangkok drew almost 600,000 visi-tors and close to a thousand booths from 14 NTOs, 3 embassies, 19 airlines, 132 travel agents, and other travel-related suppliers. The Thai Minister of Culture, Mr. Sontaya Kunplone, was among those who graced the official opening ceremony.

This maiden Philippine participation led by DOT’s Marketing Representative for Malaysia and Thailand, Datin Melissa Ong, was able

PH ‘More Fun’ tops Thai International Travel Fair 2013

Honorable Jocelyn Batoon-garcia, Philippine Ambassador to Thailand (fourth from left) visited the Philippine Booth.

Datin Melissa Ong, DOT Marketing Representative for Ma-laysia and Thailand receiving the award handed over by Kriangphon Piyaekchai, Vice President-Activity, TATT and Managing Director of Chok Tawee Tour Co. Ltd., Thailand.

to book Manila, Cebu, Bohol, and Palawan with a sizeable number of Thai tourists. Cebu Pacific cabin crew also pro-vided on-site entertainment and fun games throughout the fair.

“There is no stopping the country from riding high on a wave of global attention. This is certainly another feather in our cap. As the world’s perception of the Philippines begins to im-prove, all the more should the groundwork begin on market development–our topmost and crucial job for the next three years. We have definitely managed to hit the ground running in Thailand with this winning feat,” Tourism Secretary Ramon R. Jimenez, Jr. enthused.

Considered a new oppor-tunity market for the Philip-pines, Thailand produced 3,736 visitors in January 2013, registering a double-digit growth of 19.55% from the same period last year. In 2012, a total of 40,987 Thai tour-ists (or 10.9% of the visitor volume from ASEAN region) came to the Philippines.

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November 2011 JANUARY 19 12 26 17

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January 2012 MARCH 20 13 29 15

February 2012 APRIL 19 12 26 17

March 2012 MAY 22 15 29 17

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October 2012 DECEMBER 11 18 18 13

KimBerliTe PaWNSHoP

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AUCTION DATE: MARCH 21, 2013Estrada Bldg., Fortich-Don Carlos Sts.,

Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

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WEDNESDAy | mARCh 6, 201310

Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT

4th SHARI’ A CIRCUIT COURT4th Shari’a Judicial District

Iligan City


RAMONETTE J. ESPIRITU AND CATALINA CRUZ. Petitioners.x---------------------------------------------------------------/


Before this court is verified Joint Petition for the approval and Registration of the Divorce filed fry the petitioners and alleging among others: That petitioners are husband and wife, respectively, in a marriage performed under Civil rites on August 9, 1996 at Caloocan City, they converted to Islam faith, of which conversions to Islam were Registered with this court both of them can be served with summons and notices at their residents at Lot 2, Blk 22, Serate Village, Novaliches, Caloocan City and Tipanoy, lligan City respectively; That said marriage did not last long, due to lack of love and affection until the relationship manifested incompatibility and sustained misunderstanding between petitioners and reached the point of irreconcilability and they separated for seven (7) years now since early part of 2006, they decide to live physically in bed and board thereby executed Divorce Agreement m order to formalize their separation; since their separation, they had never been communicating or supporting either financially or emotionally to each other, neither minding each others affairs: petitioner’s seek judicial decree of divorce thereby surviving their marriage bond on August 6, 1996 so that they will have free hand to do what a single man or woman could do without marital burden; reconciliation between them had already been diligently employed but all proved futile. WHEREFORE, finding this joint petition to be sufficient Inform and substance set the initial hearing of this case on March 19. 2013 at 9:00 a.m. at which time, date and place, any interested party may appear and show why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published in a news paper of General Circulation in the City of lligan one week for three (3) consecutive weeks at the expense of the petitioners. SO ORDERED. Iligan City, Philippines, this 22nd day of February, 2013.

HON. OSOP M. ALI Presiding JudgeMDN: Feb. 27, Mar. 6 & 13, 2013

Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT

4th SHARI’A CIRCUIT COURT4th Shari’a Judicial District

Iligan City


ROMEO S. DIOCOS, JR. AND TETSIE S. PAGOTE. Petitionersx------------------------------------------------------------------/


Before this court is verified Joint Petition for the approval and Registration of the Divorce filed by the petitioners and alleging among others: That petitioners are husband and wife, respectively, in a marriage performed under Civil rites on June 27, 1997 at Manticao, Misamis Oriental, they converted to Islam faith, of which conversions to Islam were Registered with this court both of them can be served with summons and notices at their residents at Lugait, Misamis Oriental and Manticao, Misamis Oriental respectively; That said marriage did not last long, due to lack of love and affection until the relationship mani-fested incompatibility and sustained misunderstanding between petitioners and reached the point of irreconcilability and they separated for more than ten (10) years already, they decide to live physically in bed and board thereby executed Divorce Agreement in order to formalize their separation; Since their separation, they had never been communicating or supporting either financially or emotionally to each other, neither minding each other’s affairs; Petitioner’s seek judicial decree of divorce thereby surviving their marriage bond on June 27, 1997 so that they will have free hand to do what a single man or woman could do without marital burden; reconciliation between them had already been diligently employed but all proved futile. WHEREFORE, finding this joint petition to be sufficient Inform and substance set the initial hearing of this case on March 22, 2013 at 9:00 am. at which time, date and place, any interested party may appear and show why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published in a news paper of General Circulation in the City of Iligan one week for three (3) consecutive weeks at the expense of the petitioners. SO ORDERED. Iligan City, Philippines, this 1st day of March, 2013.

HON. OSOP M. ALI Presiding Judge

MDN: Mar. 6, 13 & 20, 2013

Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT

4th SHARI’A CIRCUIT COURT4th Shari’a Judicial District

Iligan City


RONALD M. PETALCORIN AND ARLYN S. ANIB-PETALCORJN, Petitioners.x----------------------------------------------------------------------------/


Before this court is verified Joint Petition for the approval and Registration of the Divorce filed by the petitioners and alleging among others: That petitioners arc husband and wife, respectively, in a marriage performed under Civil rites on January 6, 1996 at Aurora. Zamboanga del Sur. they converted to Islam faith, of which conversions to Islam were Registered with this court both of them can be served with summons and notices at their residents at Brgy. Tomas Cabili, lligan City and San Jose Aurora respectively; That said marriage did not last long, due to lack of love and affection until the relationship manifested incompatibility and sustained misunderstanding between petitioners and reached tike point of irreconcilability and they separated for over fourteen (14) years now since early part of 1999. they decide to live physically in bed and board thereby executed Divorce Agreement in order to formalize their separation; since then- separation. they had never been communicating or supporting either financially or emotionally to each other, neither minding each other’s affairs; petitioner’s seek judicial decree of divorce thereby surviving their marriage bond on January 6, 1996 so that they will have free hand to do what a single man or woman could do without marital burden; reconciliation between them had already been diligently employed but all proved futile. WHEREFORE, finding this joint petition to be sufficient Inform and substance set I he initial hearing of this case on March 19, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. at which time, date and place, any interested party may appear and show why the petition should not be granted. Let copy of this Order be published in a news paper of General Circulation in the City of Iligan one week for three (3) consecutive weeks at the expense of the petitioners. SO ORDERED. lligan City, Philippines this 22nd day of February 2013.

HON. OSOP M. ALI Presiding JudgeMDN: Feb 27, Mar. 6 & 13, 2013

War...from page 1

Pablo victims were only asking for “equitable relief services to survive from intense hunger in the coun-tryside.”

But Duterte-Carpio re-acted, saying she is now Suazo’s “nightmare” as she emphasized that what the typhoon victims did were a case of “mob rule” and “lawlessness” among others.

As the mayor threatened to ban any protest action “backed by militant groups,” activists under the umbrella organization Bagong Aly-ansang Makabayan (Bayan) said they have more reasons to engage with Duterte-Carpio.

“It’s a step backward from the democratic in-stitutions forged in Davao through the years with the progressive left movement,” said Bayan spokesperson Sheena Duazo, in a press conference Monday.

Progressive organiza-tions here have enjoyed holding peaceful assemblies, even without a permit, dur-ing the near twenty years when Sara’s father, Rodrigo Duterte, was mayor of the city.

Duterte-Carpio, accord-ing to Duazo, seemed to have “a wrong concept of peace and order,” as she called the mayor’s apprehension “out-of-touch with the plight of the poor.”

She reasoned that ty-phoon Pablo victims came to Davao City in the first place because this is where the regional office of the DSWD is located. And more than this, she added, the three-day camp out was “constitutionally guaran-teed because the woes of the typhoon victims are legitimate.”

“Hunger is the very rea-son why the typhoon survi-vors came here. Hunger is violent, more unjust, more chaotic for a human being,” she said.

Bayan also feared that the ‘no permit, no rally’ policy of Duterte-Carpio will result to more violations of the people’s democratic rights.

“It’s a crying shame to the so-called democracy that the Edsa People Power had supposedly restored. It

Shipment...from page 1

“We hope to dispel the notion that Cagayan de Oro ports being used for transsipment of contra-band items and smuggled goods, and which has been the subject of criticism,” Mangaoang said.

But, Atty. Mangaoang clarified that there were actually 17,500 more bags of imported rice confiscated and not just 5,000 bags, bringing the total confisca-tion to 22,500 in the amount of P35 million.

The commendation for the no-nonesense drive against smuggling passed and approved by the 16th City Council on February 9, 2013, also urges Dis-trict Atty. Mangaoang to “continue such a drive if only to erase the notion that Cagayan de Oro is fast becoming a transshipment center of smuggled goods and contraband items in this part of the country.

Atty. Mangaoang re-ceived the commendation while the nation is celebrat-ing Women’s Month with the theme, “Empowering Women Through.”

is a circumvention of the essence of the law on the civil and political rights of the people,” Duazo stressed.

Duazo said that the pol-icy should only be required in private spaces and not in public places where peaceful assemblies like rallies are intended.

“If the mayor would implement a total ban of unpermitted rallies, for what then do we have freedom parks for? For what then are the monuments of he-roes who shed blood for the Filipino’s freedom for? Aren’t they supposed to be there to remind us to be free?” said Duazo.

But Duterte-Carpio just brushed off Duazo and her organization saying “the right of freedom of speech and expression and to peace-ably assemble and redress of grievances is not absolute.”

And as the militants vow to continue their protest ac-tions should the ‘no permit, no rally’ policy being cooked by the mayor herself pushes, Duterte said, “Yes, ganahan ko makita sa publiko kung unsa klase ang ilang prinsi-pyo: mob rule, lawlessness and anarchy. (Yes, I’d like the public to see what prin-ciple they have: mob rule, lawlessness, and anarchy.) This way, the public will reject them more.”

This as she said that “the mob rule and lawlessness” advocacy of Bayan will not prosper in this city.

With the number of Pablo victims wounded, women and children in-cluded, during the scuffle with the police last week, victims that Bayan and other groups have supported since day one, Duterte-Carpio said, “Bayan deserves a hard B-slapping not an apology. In case wala sila kahibaw unsa ng B-slap — Bisaya slap na (In case they don’t know what B-slap is, it’s Bisaya slap,” Duterte told davaotoday.com in a text.

The mayor made a spe-cial mention on Bayan and both Duazo and Suazo as she announced Monday her maternity leave from March 5 to May 3. “I will be back in May in my class A gamefowl form!” the mayor warned. And from there, the public we’ll have to see, how this war will continue.

Sorry...from page 1

anyone, least of all, the valiant members of the nurs-ing profession.”

The controversy arose when noted economist and broadcaster Winnie Monsod asked former con-gresswoman Villar about her alleged intervention in favor of nursing school owners that resulted in the non-closure of substandard nursing schools way back in 2005.

Villar was unable to com-plete her answer because the alloted time of 1 minute for the first answer and another thirty seconds for a follow-up reply quickly lapsed.

“What I was trying to say during that media forum was that nursing students affected by a CHED closure order several years ago de-served concrete and better career and academic options other than just an abrupt closure of the institutions that they were currently enrolled in,” the head of the Villar Foundation said.

She added that: “At that time, I was part of a legisla-tive oversight committee that had to intervene to make sure that the welfare and rights of these students, their parents, and teach-ers were given sufficient thought and consideration by CHED and the school owners.”

Villar also noted that as early as May 2012, she was already advocating for a ladderized system of cur-riculum that would give academic credits and the appropriate skills certificates for nursing students who due to financial constraints were unable to complete their nursing degree and pass the board examina-tions.

The candidate a lso known as “Misis Hanep-buhay” underscored her commitment to fight for better wages for government nurses based on a law passed in 2002 that was principally authored by her husband, Senator Manny Villar.

“During the First Davao del Sur Congress of the Philippine Nurses Associa-tion- Davao del Sur Chapter in November of last year, I spoke in favor of the im-mediate implementation of Republic Act No. 9173 also known as the Nursing Act of 2002 that increases the minimum salary of govern-ment nurses to around Php 24,000 or Salary Grade 15 instead of the present Php 18,000 equivalent to only Salary Grade 11.”

“That this law passed way back in 2002 remains unimplemented speaks vol-umes about the sad plight of your sector. No wonder so many Filipino nurses are compelled to leave the coun-try for economic reasons,” Villar said in her letter to the PNA, adding that prices of basic commodities have risen sharply since 2002 thus making the Php24,000 minimum wage threshhold obsolete.

The lady legislator also appealed to Filipino nurses and nursing students not to judge her based on a com-ment made under extreme time pressure.

“Mahirap po talagang pagkasyahin sa loob ng isang minuto at kalahati ang lahat ng gusto kong sabihin

tungkol sa mga naging prob-lema ng mga mag-aaral ng nursing noon at hanggang ngayon. Napakalaki ng ak-ing paghanga sa mga nars, saan man sila naglilingkod kaya’t nalulungkot ako dahil nagkulang ang aking pag-papaliwanag.”

(“It was really difficult to say everything I wanted to say about the problems confronting our nurses then and now within one minute and thirty seconds. I have such a high regard for nurses wherever they are assigned to serve, which is why I felt sad for not being able to of-fer a more comprehensive and complete answer.”)

At the end of her two-page letter, the former congresswoman from Las Pinas City said that the controversy arising from her remarks made her even more zealous about promot-ing the rights and welfare of Filipino nurses.

“I sincerely want to learn more about the challenges confronting Filipino nurses here and abroad. Perhaps, at the appropriate time and with the help of the PNA and your chapters worldwide, we could start a dialogue on a common agenda to help our nurses and improve services and facilities for public health care,” she said.

Airport...from page 2

because aircrafts are only allowed to land and fly between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

“I don’t have the fig-ures for the losses it will incur on businesses as of now, but it will definitely have great impact on all businesses that use the airport, particularly those that have transactions that need their officials to travel from Manila or elewhere, including those that need technicians to come for their business operations,”

Valdez told the Business-Week Mindanao over the phone yesterday.

“So that it will not ham-per our operations, we have to demand the continued operation of the old (Lum-bia) airport until such time that the new (Laguind-ingan) airport operation normalizes,” Valdez, also the department head of Asia Brewery, said.

Valdez said COCI is a co-signatory of the posi-tion paper opposing the operation of the new air-port on April, this year, citing lack of facility and poor road condition among the factors that will affect their business operations.

State...from page 6

according to their re-spective routes. Public util-ity vehicles were assigned body numbers prominently displayed on the front, back and inside of the vehicles. All drivers were made to wear uniforms with their names emblazoned at the back. These effectively de-terred crimes, ensured the safety of commuters and checked the proliferation of colorum vehicles.

A victimized commuter, aided by the prominently visible body number of the vehicle concerned and the identity of the erring driver on his uniform, can readily file a complaint at the mayor’s office where the records are easily available and therefore the complaint is acted with dispatch. Gor-don, who is running for senator under the United Nationalist Alliance, is re-ally full of ideas that could benefit our people.

-ooo-REACTIONS? Please call

me at 0917 984 24 68, 0918 574 0193, 0922 833 43 96. Email: batasmauricio@ya-hoo.com, mmauriciojr111@gmail.com






AWARD-WINNING ACTRESS, dancer and model Maja Salvador has renewed her contract with mobile telecommunications Sun Cellular to continue as one of the telco’s endors-ers, together with college basketball star Kiefer Ravena, singer-actor Sam Concepcion and multi-awarded ac-tress-host Judy Ann Santos.

This year marks Maja’s 7th year as Sun Cellular’s endorser, a testament to the company’s trust and belief in the young actress to represent the pioneer of unlimited calls and texts in the market.

“Sobrang happy ako na yung trust nila (Sun Cellular) hindi nawawala.

Mag-se-seven years na ko sa kanila, I feel really blessed and thankful,” said the award-winning actress.

Maja likened her career to Sun Cellular, from the time she started in the entertainment industry to where she is today.

She shared, “Nung nagsimula ako, ang dami ko pang kailangang matutunan. And yearly, nagle-level-up ako, at nag-go-grow yung passion ko sa trabaho.” She added that like her, Sun Cellular grew to be one of the leading network providers today and continues its commitment to give subscribers only the best-value products and services. “That’s why,

I know I really made a good choice with Sun Cellular.”

Maja is the face behind Sun Call & Text Combo 50 which gives sub-scribers 200 texts to other networks, 200 Sun texts and 70 minutes of Sun calls all valid for 5 days for only P50.

Just recently, the young actress appeared in the network’s new TV commercial featuring the first-in-the-market Sun Name Ur Number SIM, a prepaid SIM which allows subscribers to choose their own number for free.

Visit www.suncellular.com.ph or Facebook page www.facebook.com/suncellprepaid. Follow @suncelldeals on Twitter.

Maja Salvador renews contract with Sun Cellular

WEDNESDAy | mARCh 6, 2013 11Editorial. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com


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4914 P M R E S U L T






PAIRING UNLEASHED67 6869 6078 7970 8980 90



12 2713 2515 3512 3523 45



6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5

PAIRING UNLEASHED67 6869 6078 7970 8980 90



12 2413 2514 3415 3523 45



6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5

PAIRING UNLEASHED67 6869 6078 7970 8980 90



12 2413 2514 3415 3523 45



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ANG 4 ug 7 maoy atong pa-sakay para karong adlawa ug ang atong paresan mao ang 26, 20, 60, 13, 19, ug 39. Good sa tanan nga modaug.

Supertres team


SUDOKUHow to play the game?Fill in completely every rows, columns and diagonals of each puzzle without repitition of the same digit.


ACROSS 1. Legislator 5. Undergoes defeat 9. Baking chamber 10. Concern 11. Craze 12. Join in 14. Preposition 15. Round of applause 16. Knight’s title 17. Kick out 19. Climbing plant 21. Lured 23. Endure 25. Uplift 27. Make a choice 28. Having wings 29. By 31. Bee organ 33. Signal to begin 34. Leaves

35. Narrative 36. Acts 37. Individualist

DOWN 1. Upholstered seat 2. Egg-shaped 3. Guided 4. Preposition 5. White fat 6. Food scrap 7. Shoreline 8. Sound system 10. Liturgical songs 12. Treaty 13. One’s relatives 15. Clue 18. Footprint 19. Change direction 20. Secret 22. Scorch 24. Likely

26. Red cosmetic 28. Becomes old 30. Fright 32. Head motion 33. Metal container 35. Therefore





Specie...from page 2

Experts said the owls do not learn their song; it is genetically wired in their DNA.

As such, this bird now finds its place in the global avian diversity levels, now named as Ninox leventisi Camiguin or the Camiguin Hawk-Owl, together with new owl specie also found in Cebu.

Other owl species un-veiled by a team of local and international experts includes the Luzon hawk-owl (scientific name Ninox philippensis), Mindor hawk-owl (Ninox mindorensis), the Romblon hawk-owl (Ninox spilonata), the Min-danao hawk-owl (Ninox spilocephala), the Sulo hawk-owl (Ninox reyi), Cebu hawk-owl (Ninox rumseyi) and new sub- spe-cie of Romblon hawk-owl named (Ninox spilonata fisheri).

The lead author of this taxonomy review of the Philippine Hawk-Owls is Pamela R asmussen, together with other co-authors of this scientific initiative with a team of American, British and Fili-pino scientists-Desmond Allen, Nigel Collar, Bram Demeulemeseester, Robert Hutchinson, Robert Ken-nedy, Frank Lambert, Liza Marie Paguntalan, and Philip Godfrey Jakosalem.

Camiguin Protected Area Superintendent and Forest Management Services Chief, Roberto S. Rufino on

the other hand said, further studies on the owl’s habitat and conservation is now on-going.

These owls have been sighted in Sitio Pamaha-wan, Barangay Pandan, a site covered under the Mt. Timpoong Protected Area and often frequented by researchers who want to explore the richness of the mountain’s biological bio-diversity.

Other scientific research conducted here also found new species of moss mouse (smallest rat) and hanging-parrots (split).

Meanwhile, the prov-ince is set to launch the discovery of the Camiguin Hawk-Owl to the public on March 9, in time for the Mt. Timpoong-Hibok-Hibok Protected Area 9th Anni-versary celebration.

To date, the Camiguin Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (Penro) has entered into a partnership agreement with the Mindanao State Univer-sity (MSU) Iligan Institute of Technology for the conduct of another research project the seeks to collect infor-mation on the population and ecology of Camiguin endemic species, such as, the Camiguin Hawk-Owl, Camiguin Narrow-Mouthed Frog, and other species.

The team will likewise investigate the diversity and abundance of canopy and understory birds and bats and identify existing and potential threats to these species and to their habitat. (JCV-PIA 10)

Maja Salvador with Sun Cellular Vice President for Prepaid Marketing Joel Lumanlan and Assistant Vice President for Prepaid Marketing Ina Pineda at the contract signing.

12Editorial. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

News In Focus WEDNESDAy | mARCh 6, 2013

CAgAYAN de Oro city administrator Atty. Leon gan raises the hand of former President Joseph Estrada as they campaign for the United Nationalist Alliance senatorial candi-dates and Padayon Pilipino candidates for Cagayan de Oro City and Misamis Oriental on Sunday evening at the Pelaez Rotunda. Thousands of supporters showed up for the 4-hour affair where the candidates delivered speeches. Photo by Gerry Lee Gorit

By pAT SAMONTEof Mindanao Daily News

BUTUAN City––Mayor Ferdinand Amante, Jr. and Vice-Mayor Lawrence Lemuel For-tun led their rivals in a recent independent survey conducted by Father Saturnino Urios University Policy Center here.

In a press conference at the FSUU audio-visual room Monday, the Center an-nounced that re-electionist Mayor Amante got 33.13 percent most preferred rating as against the 26.13 percent received by Rep. Jose Aquino II.

Fortun, who is running for representa-tive of Agusan del Norte’s First Congres-sional District, was preferred by 36.97 percent of respondents or more than twice the 15.70 percent received by his rival, lawyer Roan Libarios.

For the city vice-mayoral contest, incumbent Councilor Josephine Marticion-Salise took the lead over her city council colleagues, Angelo Calo (15.31 percent) and Randolph Plaza (15.14 percent).

Dubbed Opinion Poll 2013, the survey was the second of a series conducted by the FSUU Policy Center which started in 2010. The Center is a non-stock, non-profit think tank that provides scholarly perspectives on national and local policies that impact the communities of Caraga. It is an independent, non-partisan research and education organization that is based in, and integral part of FSUU, but is au-tonomous in its operations. Conducted last January 23-30, 2013, the opinion poll was the first of a four-series survey to be done every month and to culminate a week before the May 13, 2013 election.

Covering 27 urban and 59 rural ba-rangays, the study involved 1,796 voter-respondents using face-to-face interviews and pre-tested questions about issues and concerns like employment, livelihood, transportation, communication, garbage, flooding, and awareness in the conduct of the elections.

For the city council seats, the survey showed incumbent Councilor Ramon Carampatana topping the list with 13 percent, followed by Erwin Dano, 12.52 percent, Ryan Anthony Culima, 8.40 per-cent, Jaime Cembrano, Jr., 7.92 percent, Audie Bernabe, 6.42 percent, Salvador Calo, 5.94 percent, Virgilio Nery, 5.40 percent, Samuel Allan Amante, 4.92 per-cent, Derrick Plaza, 4.76 percent, Dino Claudio Sanchez, 3.42 percent.

By pAT SAMONTEof Mindanao Daily News

BUTUAN City––A director of the Policy Center of Father Saturnino Urios University here through which a survey of voter-preferences for the 2013 local election was conducted said that the camp of lawyer Roan Libarios had sought the results to be withheld.

During a press conference on Monday, lawyer Josefe Sorrera-Ty said that Libarios’ campaign man-ager whose name she did not reveal, requested in a letter to hold back the results of the January 23-30, 2013 sur-

vey done by the FSUU Research Office.

Sorrera-Ty pro-ceeded with announc-ing the results stressing that they of Opinion Poll 2013 were “ independent and would not be cowed by any political influence.”

I t w a s gathered that lawyer Froi Montero, a candidate for city councilor here, was Libarios’ campaign manager.

Survey results showed that Libarios’ rival Vice-Mayor Lawrence Lemuel Fortun got 36.97 percent preferen-tial rating and led more than twice Libarios’ 15.70 percent rating.

Fortun’s spokesman, Eldie David said that prior to the announce-

ment, Libarios’ radio commenta-tors had claimed that the former Integrated Bar of the Philippines national president was leading in the Opinion Poll 2013 survey.

Political observers noted that the Libarios camp appeared to be

“in desperation” owing to his dismal showing in surveys including a study he reportedly commissioned.

Poll 2013 exec: Libarios campwanted survey results withheld


Amante, Fortun beat rivals

in independent local survey