Mini-Training: Docker

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Build, Ship and Run any app, anywhere

What is Docker?

Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship,

and run distributed applications. Consisting of Docker Engine, a portable,

lightweight runtime and packaging tool, and Docker Hub, a cloud service

for sharing applications and automating workflows […]

Solomon Hykes, Docker’s Founder & CTO

What is container?

Container are to virtual machines as threads are to processes. Or

you can think of them as chroot on steroids.

Will Sargent

• More than a sandbox, less than a VM

• Deployable and runnable artifact

• Lightweight Linux environment

Back in time


Host OS


Host OS Host OS

Hypervisor Docker


Server Server


App App

V os V os

Bin Bin

App App

Bin Bin

Why using container?

• We are not only shipping code but conf, environment and


• Containers are lightweight, fast, isolated and reproducible


• Docker provides a simple way to write, version, build,

deploy and run environments

#> Let’s give a try

#> Run container

#> docker images

#> docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash

#> uname -r

#> docker images

#> docker run -t -i centos /bin/bash

#> uname -r

#> docker images

#> Run container

#> docker pull nginx

#> docker run --name nginx_inst1 -d nginx

#> docker ps

#> docker stop nginx_inst1

#> docker ps

#> docker ps -a

#> docker start nginx_inst1

#> docker ps

#> Container & Host - Network

#> docker run --name nginx_network -d -p 8080:80 nginx

#> curl

#> docker inspect nginx_network | grep IPAddress

#> iptables -t nat -L

#> Container & Host - Filesystem

#> mkdir /docker_nginx_fs

#> echo "Hello World!" > /docker_nginx_fs/index2.html

#> docker run --name nginx_fs -d -p 8081:80 -v

/docker_nginx_fs:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx

#> curl

#> Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:14.04


sed -i 's/# \(.*multiverse$\)/\1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && \

apt-get update && apt-get install -y mono-complete

ADD ./publish/ /publish


CMD ["mono", "/publish/HelloWorld.exe"]

#> Build container

#> git clone


#> docker build -t mickael/hello-nancy

#> sudo docker run -p 8082:8123 -d mickael/hello-nancy

#> curl

#> Your own PAAS

Dokuu is a mini-Heroku powered by Docker written in less than 100

lines of Bash

$ cd node-js-sample

$ git remote add dokku

$ git push dokku master

Counting objects: 296, done.

Delta compression using up to 4 threads.

Compressing objects: 100% (254/254), done.

Writing objects: 100% (296/296), 193.59 KiB, done.

Total 296 (delta 25), reused 276 (delta 13)

-----> Building node-js-app ...

Node.js app detected

-----> Resolving engine versions ...

blah blah blah ...

-----> Application deployed:

One container ok. But how to


• Kubernetes by Google

• Apache Mesos

• Marathon

• Docker tools

• Compose, Swarm,

Machine, Hub

How to start?

• Custom server

• Dedian, Ubuntu, Fedora…

• Cloud platform

• Azure, Digital Ocean, App Engine, Aws…

• Your machine

• Boot2Docker

How to start?

• Docker documentation

• DockerCon videos

• Docker Paris meetup

• Pluralsight course

• Twitter university

Thank you

Any question?

Find out more• On

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