
Post on 20-May-2015

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The Early GreeksThe Early Greeks

The Minoans, the Minotaur, and The Minoans, the Minotaur, and the Mysterythe Mystery

Geography of GreeceGeography of Greece

A. Surrounded by water (Ionian, Med., Aegean).

B. Fishing over farming.

C. Mountainous!

D. Early Greek communities grew up independent!

The Minoans The Minoans

• Minoan Civilization begins on the island of Crete around 2800 B.C.E.– Knossos was a rich city

• 1st civilization in the region that later became Greece.

The MinoansThe Minoans

• What did they look like?– Short, dark haired, and tan

• How did they dress?


The MinoansThe Minoans

• Main Idea – The Minoans earned their living by building ships and trading!

• What Trade??– Olives and Grapes from farming

• How???– Carpenters built fast ships from Crete’s many

trees– Great metalworkers (bronze & gold etc.)– Slimmer ships and faster with three sails

The MinoansThe Minoans

• 2000BCE-– Drove off the pirates

• Used a long wooden beam and prow to fight

– Minoans controlled the Mediterranean Sea!!

Minoan Ship RecreationMinoan Ship Recreation

Objective: Jan 3, 2008Objective: Jan 3, 2008

• Pick up the papers on the front table

• Quietly fill out the collaborative activity for all of your partners! Fold them in half and Miss Rice will collect them!

• Finish the great Minoan Civilization!

HW: Blogging the Minoans!

Minoan SportsMinoan Sports

• Minoans loved sports

• Built world’s first arena– Could seat 500!!!

• Boxing Matches – Men

• Chariot hunts - Women

• Bull Leaping – Men and Women

Bull LeapingBull Leaping

Minoan CitiesMinoan Cities

• No Walls!

• Famous for their grand palaces!– Center of the city palace instead of ziggurat– 5 stories high– Running hot and cold water– Heated rooms– Flushing toilets

Minoan CitiesMinoan Cities

– Near the center/palace – sea captains, merchants and shipbuilders

– Farther away – artisans

• Houses – Entrance on the roof (like the Mesopotamians)– Later they added wooden doors and windows

with parchment (thin oiled animal skin)

Rulers & ReligionRulers & Religion

• Priest –kings – Ruled by talking to gods and representing

them on earth– Double Ax- two roles = priest and king

• Main God/Goddess– Mother Earth

Mother EarthMother Earth

• Around 1450 B.C.E. Minoan civilization disappears!

• Most likely a cataclysmic event.– Tsunami– Mycenaeans took them over

• The Greeks claim it was the fault of the MINOTAUR!

Fall of the MinoansFall of the Minoans

Which number is Crete & the Sea of Crete?Which number is Crete & the Sea of Crete? Do you know where Greece and its two Do you know where Greece and its two

peninsulas are? How about Macedonia? Time to peninsulas are? How about Macedonia? Time to know your map!know your map!

Minoans Mycenaeans

2800 BCCrete – Knossos - $$Short – dark hair and tannedCarpenterMother Earth – Dove - # 1 goddessBull LeapingDouble Ax – symbol for pries-king2000 BC – most important sea faring people in the Med SeaTheseus & the Minotaur (minotaur killed – Minoans lose power)Labyrinth - mazeThe End =TsunamiMycenaeans kill offThe original people (teachers)

Farmer (Mycen – tenants & slaves)

Metal Worker – Bronze and Gold Coins

TraderShips &

Navigation ( Min – prow for pirates)

2000 BCSouthern RussiaBalkan PeninsulaHilltops – fortress set there – easy to defendMegaron- large room for entertainment, council, etc.Hunting Those who learned from the originalTrojan WarHomerCivil Wars1400 BC