Mintas Business Plan Model1

Post on 01-Jun-2018

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  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1



    This page should not be printed as part of the business plan and is intended to proide guidelines for !o"pletion onl#

    General Instru!tionsYou should complete your marketing plan prior to the start of the new quarter. Do your best to complete all sections.

    The Account Focus and Marketing Strategy sections are where you capture your oerall campaign strategy for the quarter or half. !se t

    "lease work with your &hannel Manager to complete the plan.'M"()TA*T for MDF F!*DS+ You must present a completed marketing plan to your &hannel Manager or to the &hannel Marketing Manag

    Throughout the plan+ ,)-Y areas are to be completed by "artner.

    !se drop down menus where aailable.

    A!!ount $o!us'dentify up to / key new target accounts and up to / e%isting accounts to research and market to during the quarter.

    0ist the account owner or sales person responsible for the account within your organi1ation.

    'dentify the account location where most of your marketing and selling actiity will occur.

    As you qualify these accounts$ use the plan template to record opportunity details such as current solution2licenses$ potential users$ e%p

    Mar%eting Strateg#

    Ta!ti!al Plan

    &a"paign Purpose'"roide narratie description of your campaign plan. 3hat are you going to do during the quarter and why4

    &a"paign (b)e!ties'3hat do you need to accomplish to consider the quarterly marketing plan a success4 &ampaign ob#ecties sho

    &a"paign The"es'Describe the main "rimaera go5to5market strategy themes for your campaigns. For e%ample$ Transparency in -n

    Target Audien!e' 3ho are you going after4 3hat industry erticals$ what types of companies$ what indiidual titles4 7e as speci8c an

    Ke# &o"petitors' 0ist the competitors in your market that you encounter most often. You should do your own research on these comp

    Messaging+ Describe the core messages of your marketing actiities. The messaging should focus on how (racle:s "rimaera Solution

    &ontent and Materials' 0ist which "rimaera marketing assets you will use and any other content and materials required for e%ecutin

    A!tiit# T#pe'Select one marketing actiity type per line.

    A!tiit# Des!ription'"roide a brief description of each actiity.

    A!tiit# (b)e!tie' "roide the main ob#ectie for each actiity. For e%ample+ &reate face5to5face networking opportunities; generate f

    Start Date'0ist the start date for the actiity$ or if it:s an eent$ list the date of the eent. "lease sequence your actiities according to

  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


    Pro)e!t PlanThe purpose of the &ampaign "ro#ect "lan is to help you e%ecute each marketing actiity in your marekting plan.

    You should list each required task$ the assigned owner$ and the due date$ in chronological sequence.

    You can replicate this tab for as many actiities as you need and name the tabs according to actiity.

    *erti!al' Select the target ertical industry for each actiity.

    Lo!ation'"roide the location where you are running your marketing actiity and2or eents. 0ist &ity$ State and &ountry.

    &urren!#' Specify the alid currency for all reenues and costs =this should be the currency for your marketing e%penses and your (rac

    &ost' 0ist total cost =in currency> for each marketing actiity.

    Leads'-stimate the number of leads you hope to get from the marketing actiity.

    Mar%eting *endors' 'f you are using a adertising or marketing agency$ or other endors for your campaigns$ please list those endor

  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


    e Tactical "lan and "ro#ect "lan sections to list$ plan for and e%ecute each indiidual campaign actiity.

    er prior to applying for MDF funds.

    ected close date and (MM number.

    uld be measurable.

    ineering and &onstruction$ or Managing )isks 6 "ro#ect "ortfolios During &hallenging -conomic Times

    d targeted as possible.

    etitors and understand what they are o9ering and their price con8gurations.

    address the business challenges of your target audience. 0eerage the messaging and marketing materials proided by (racle2"rimaera.

    your marekting actiities. &ontact your &hannel Manager if you do not know how to 8nd the marketing kits and assets.

    ollow5up appointments; di9erentiate (racle

  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


    le reimbursement>.

    in the proided space.

  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


    +Insert Partner Logo ,ere-


    Mar%eting Plan

    *ersion' ./0 Date' 102.0230.4

  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


    NE5 6USINESS A&&(UNTS"lease proide an oeriew of key new business accounts on which you will focus for this period.

    A!!ount Na"e A!!ount (7ner A!!ount Lo!ation *erti!al &urrent Solution8s














    E:ISTING A&&(UNTS"lease proide an oeriew of key e%isting accounts on which you will focus for this period.

    A!!ount Na"e A!!ount (7ner Lo!ation *erti!al &urrent Li!enses












  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1







  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


    Planned Solution8s9 (MM No/ $ore!ast














    Planned Solution8s9 (MM No/ $ore!ast












    "lease proide details of your marketing strategy for the selected period

    &a"paign Purpose

    &a"paign (b)e!ties

    &a"paign The"es

    Target Audien!e

  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


    (racle 5 &on8dential "age of E

    TA&TI&AL MARKETING PLAN"lease proide details of general marketing actiities for the coming year

    A!tiit# T#pe A!tiit# Des!ription Main (b)e!tie












    MARKETING AGEN&IES (R (T,ER *END(RS"lease proide details of any e%ternal resources or agencies to be used in the coming year

    *erti!al Agen!# Na"e Des!ription of 5or% &ost






    Start Date orEent Date

  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


    (racle 5 &on8dential "age of E

    *erti!al &a"paign Lo!ation &urren!#













    &ost In&urren!#

    E=pe!tedNo/ Leads

  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


    A!tion Ite"

  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1


  • 8/9/2019 Mintas Business Plan Model1
