Minutes of the General Meeting Thursday, October 16, 2014 ... · FINAL 1 Minutes of the General...

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Minutes of the General Meeting Thursday, October 16, 2014

MD Anderson Library, Room 306

Members Present/Absent: See the October 2014 Attendance Report Guest List is in the Staff Council Office Call to Order: Staff Council President Martha Hayes called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m. Minutes: The minutes of the September 11, 2014, General Meeting were approved without correction Guest Presentation on Powerhouse Ad Campaign: Richie Hunter, Vice President of University Marketing, Communication and Media Relations; Brandy Holmes, Director of Marketing; Vuong Pham, Assistant Director of Marketing and Communication; Keidra Gaston, Assistant Director of Marketing and Communication; Nerissa Lawford, Communications Manager

• Campaign focused on UH “big rocks”: energy, arts, health, athletics, student success; UH is innovative and powerful in these areas

• Stories, images, and video focused on big rocks with taglines “This is the house innovation built” and “Welcome to the powerhouse”

• Created completely in-house by UMCMR Division • Six-month campaign with expectation of more than 65 million impressions (local, state/region, national,

and global) • Venues

o Intercontinental Airport Terminal E (international travel): signs with ads all over terminal, cannot escape them; to be in place November 2014 - April 2015

o Hobby Airport: ad signs along walkway to all gates, will be seen by all passengers coming into Hobby

o Skyscraper elevator screens in Downtown and Galleria districts; new venue for UH ads o Billboards: have pulled back on billboard ad costs to refocus, determine best locations; possibly

put in other markets, such as Austin during Legislative session o Web microsite: uh.edu/powerhouse; ongoing site; details of stories mentioned in ads; takes

advantage of social media Staff Council Officer Reports President: Martha Hayes

• See the submitted President’s Report • FY15 One-time bonus: addressed in Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting

o Expected to be distributed 11/17/2014; up to $1400 for those with annual salary of $50,000 and below

o Other criteria have not been shared by UH Leadership; expected criteria: 6 months employment, no promotion since 9/1/2013, no UH debt or outstanding parking violations

• Provost Task Force on Future Faculty/Staff Pay Raises: Martha and Elsie on Task Force o Currently very faculty-driven; Martha and Elsie will need direction from Staff Council on what to

present, ensure that staff voice is heard o Have had one meeting; currently gathering data from peer universities

• Admin Leave Form: Kim Barras presented question on current status of form o Approved by Council in July 2014 o Martha will follow up



• SGA resolution on mandate for first-year students to live on campus: approved nearly unanimously by SGA

o Per resolution, $1 million housing scholarship to be in effect before on-campus housing is mandatory

o Many possible exceptions for students to live off-campus even with mandate o Faculty Senate voted in favor of supporting resolution o Discussion of resolution by Council members

§ Dina: Will increase in students living on campus include increased staff support (Library, Campus Recreation, Police, etc.)?

§ Anne: How full are residence halls currently? Would we have enough beds to meet the first-year mandate?

§ Rebecca: Carnegie Residential Campus stipulation is for 25% of undergrads housed on campus; currently 19% live on campus

• Introduction of Cassandra Millhouse, new Staff Council Program Manager Immediate Past President: Pam Muscarello no report President-Elect: Elsie Myers no report Secretary: Troy Christensen

• September 2014 minutes submitted and approved • If Council members have any problems accessing meeting materials on SharePoint, email Troy or Andy

Treasurer: Kimberly Williams Met with Nisho Khan of President’s Division Business Office to review financial reports Parliamentarian: Wendy Gary September 2014 Attendance Report submitted Historian: [vacant] Martha reported that Robin Taylor has resigned from UH; a new Historian is needed; additionally, Allyson Plosko and Stella Vasquez have resigned from Staff Council Staff Council Standing Committee Reports Appointments: Karl Hearne and Chris Foster

• See the submitted Appointments Committee Report • Reminder for Council members to submit reports for university-wide committees • Andrea asked whether serving on 2 university-wide committees fulfills the committee requirement in the

Staff Council bylaws; Wendy mentioned that the bylaws specify 2 committees of any type, but the preference is that at least 1 be a standing Staff Council committee

Communications: Bill Ashley and Andy Moon

• Andy reported that the website has been updated to have the same look and feel as the main UH website; many revisions have been made to update pages

• Two listservs in use: one for all Staff Council members and one for Executive Board members • Staff Council SharePoint site currently has a variety of reports and features; more can be added as needed • October 2014 newsletter distributed by email; Coudos to Jessica!

Cougar First Impressions (CFI): Tommie Trevino and Andy Moon

• See the submitted CFI Committee Report Events: Keri Myrick



• See the submitted Events Committee Report • Sock & Blanket Drive

o Boxes to be distributed by 10/31/2014 o Student group will help with sorting items at end of Sock & Blanket Drive—Bonners Leaders

program, Honors College, student service organization o Working on marketing through flyer, website

• Martha mentioned that dedicated support is needed for the Events Committee and other committees • Rebecca mentioned that the 2015 Spring Egg Hunt will be the 25th year for the event

Membership and Elections: Sawsan Shatleh Need to fill membership vacancies; will contact candidates who stood for election but did not win Staff Affairs: Matthew Castillo and Alison Wells Co-Chairs not at meeting; Rebecca and Andy reported that the committee met, discussed upcoming staff survey, professional development, and 11/11/2014 Conversations event; decided 4-5 topics for upcoming staff pulse polls; Keri mentioned that Staff Affairs Committee will meet again to determine Conversations topics Staff Council Ad Hoc Committees Professional Development

• Rebecca reported that the ad hoc committee has a new name, was previously Scholarships • ad hoc committee goals

o New Scholarships: Roll out 3 new scholarships / professional development programs approved by Staff Council in FY2014

o Service to University MAPP: add to Professional Development MAPP as requested by UH Leadership

o Staff Excellence Awards: increase financial award amounts, group excellence awards, coordinate with Human Resources

o Professional Development Guide: to help UH staff with career aspirations Research Advisory

• See the submitted Research Advisory ad hoc committee report • Jennifer reported that she brought committee recommendations on PI Portal forward to Division of

Research • DOR proposes user-friendly portal like online banking for faculty and staff to review university accounts

Program Manager Mentoring no report Unfinished Business

• Game Day Parking Feedback: Andrea reported receiving email from staff members with complaints about offices randomly closing early; not all offices were allowed to close; closing was inconsistent based on the supervisor

• President’s What’s Next Tour: Martha reported she is working with President Khator’s office for Staff Council to be a stop on the tour; not sure if it will be a scheduled or special call meeting; will need to determine date and location

• Committee Goals: Martha requested by October 22 for formulating FY2015 Strategic Plan New Business/Open Discussion

• Program Manager Introduction o Martha reported that Cassandra will be in B. Renae’s old office in Cullen Performance Hall o Came to UH from 16 years at HCC with extensive experience in PeopleSoft, HRMS, and other

systems used at UH o Cassandra mentioned that she is familiar with UH systems, and now has to learn UH culture o Bachelor’s degree in Management from UHD and MBA from TWU



o Martha requested that committee co-chairs involve Cassandra in all new projects • Coffee with a Cop: Dina reported on program; outreach to campus community; idea sprang from national

Community Oriented Policing program; very successful—donuts run out quickly; solving one problem at a time over coffee

• Why I Serve: Martha requested statements on “why I serve” for displays around campus; Council members should have eyes and ears open on campus to advise, advocate, and be the voice of the staff

• Benefits Fair, 10/22/2014: Keri thanked Council members who signed up to volunteer at the Staff Council table

Announcements: none Adjournment: motion to adjourn was made; meeting was adjourned at 3:02 p.m. Minutes submitted by Staff Council Secretary Troy Christensen


General  Meeting  Agenda  Thursday,  October  16,  2014  

M.  D.  Anderson  Library  Rm  306  1:30  p.m.  –  3:30  p.m.  


I. Call  to  Order    II. Approval  of  the  September  2014  General  Meeting  Minutes    

 III. Introduction  of  Guests  

-­‐                Richie  Hunter,  vice  president  for  university  marketing,  communication  and  media  relations  -­‐                Brandy  Holmes,  director  of  university  marketing  

 IV. Officer  and  Committee  Reports  

• President  • Immediate  Past  President    • President-­‐Elect  • Secretary  • Treasurer  • Parliamentarian  • Historian  • Staff  Council  Standing  Committees  

o Appointments    o Communications    o Cougar  First  Impressions      o Events    o Membership  and  Elections    o Staff  Affairs    

• Staff  Council  Ad  Hoc  Committees  o Professional  Development    o Research  Advisory    o Program  Manager  Mentoring    

   V. Unfinished  Business  

• Game  Day  Parking  Feedback  • President’s  What’s  Next  Tour  • Committee  Goals  –  Due  October  22  

   VI. New  Business/Open  Discussion  

• Program  Manager  Introduction      

VII. Announcements    

VIII. Adjournment    

 Note:    Please  sign  in.  The  next  scheduled  general  meeting  is  November  6,  2014.  

2014-­‐2015  Staff  Council

General  Meeting  Attendance  Roster

Council  Member 9/11 10/16* 11/6 12/4 1/8 2/5 3/5 4/2 5/7 6/4 7/2 8/6Ashley,  Bill P PBaccam,  MyTrang X PBarras,  Kim P PCastillo,  Matthew P XChee,  Jacqueline P XChristensen,  Troy P PDiaz,  Gabriela X PEdwards,  Jeremy P PEphriam,  Princess P PFoster,  Chris P PGary,  Wendy P PGiannukos,  Nalan P PHayes,  Martha P PHearne,  Karl P PJohnson,  Andrea P PMartinez,  Dia P PMoon,  Andy P PMoses,  Pamela P XMuscarello,  Pam P XMyers,  Elsie P PMyrick,  Keri P PNess,  Anne P POilvarez,  Dan X POlmedo,  Cynthia P PPadovan,  Dina P PParks,  Jay X RESParrish,  Reuben P PPearce,  Sheree X PPlosko,  Allyson P RESPotocki,  Jennifer P PSamuels,  Juanita P PShatleh,  Sawsan X PSzwarc,  Rebecca X PTaylor,  Robin X RESTisby,  Carla X XTurner,  Terence P PVasquez,  Stella P RESWells,  Alison P XWilliams,  Kimberly X PZorola,  Jessica P PLegend:  (P)  Present;  (X)  Absent;  (*)  Not  on  Council  at  time;  (RES)  Resigned;  (REI)  ReinstatedThis  Attendance  Roster  reflects  the  signatures  on  the  Sign-­‐In  Sheet  available  at  every  General  Meeting.  Always  sign  in.

Review  this  Attendance  Roster.  Corrections:  Wendy  E.  Gary,  2014-­‐2015  Staff  Council  Parliamentarian,  wemyers@central.uh.edu

For  more  information  about  meeting  attendance  requirements,  reference  Staff  Council  Bylaw  2.6  (www.uh.edu/sc/about/bylaws).

* Date changed from original scheduled date

President’s  Report:  Executive  Board  Meeting  Martha  Hayes  Thursday,  September  25,  2014      

• Program  Manager  Search:  Interviews  are  in  progress,  and  a  decision  should  be  made  by  the  end  of  this  week  or  next.    

• HR  Updates  with  Joan  Nelson                -­‐      Devi  Bala  has  been  name  Executive  Director,  Business  Services.  She  replaced  Pat                        Sayles  who  retired.              -­‐      Employee  termination  checklist  will  go  online.              -­‐      TRAM:  Roundtable  discussions  will  be  conducted  to  re-­‐assess/fine  tune  the                        process;  and  the  rounding  of  hourly  employee  time  is  still  being  discussed  across                        the  UH  system.                              -­‐      Details  concerning  one-­‐time  bonuses  for  employees  receiving  less  than  $50,000                        annually  are  being  worked  out.              -­‐      Because  the  university  has  existing  options  available  concerning  various  leave                        requests,  administration  has  chosen  not  to  sign  the  Texas  Employee  Wellness                        document.  

 Staff Council President’s Report Martha Hayes Oct. 16, 2014 Program Manager Update/introduction – Cassandra Millhouse Faculty Senate meeting

-­‐ GTF training is being developed. -­‐ Budget and Facilities committee is observing maintenance outsourcing of new buildings. -­‐ Climate Survey to be released in a couple of weeks (President Khator remains popular). -­‐ Sugar Land campus – Concern about over-use of adjuncts and need for more student services.

Faculty Senate Executive Board Meeting with Administration

-­‐ Sugar Land Transition – Work groups are preparing an overview of the transition including the nursing program (to UH administration), and proposal to make UH-Victoria a destination university. Open forums will be held in Sugar Land and Victoria.

-­‐ Travel Policy inconsistencies across campus will be studied by Provost Short and Dr. Carlucci -­‐ Arts College has a budget and an advisory committee (all art-related entities) that is creating a

timeline (fall 2016) and proposal. Pay raise task force for faculty and staff (FY16)

-­‐ Provost Short is presiding. -­‐ Elsie Myers and I are the staff representatives. -­‐ Result of first meeting: Data concerning other equivalent higher education institutions are

being collected.

HR updates with Joan Nelson -­‐ One-time Bonuses - Details being finalized with a target date of Nov. 17 for distribution to

full-time benefits eligible employees. -­‐ TRAM – Rounding is in discussion and fact-finding stage. -­‐ Staff Awards guideline discussions with HR will begin immediately with Joan Nelson and

Sandy Coltharp.

Foundations of Excellence (FoE) -­‐ The FoE steering committee is a UH initiative charged with developing/implementing a plan to

effectively assimilate first-year students for success and retention. -­‐ A designated team within the steering committee met throughout the summer to integrate the

recommendations for a final report. Themes to be strategized beginning in Nov. are: Culture, Integration (of cross-campus experiences), Communication, Learning and Advising.

Budget items reviewed with Kimberly Williams and Nisho Khan (DBA, president’s office).

Staff Council Appointments Committee Report

No meeting since 09/12/14 council meeting – Update Only

Since the Appointments were approved at the last Staff Council meeting, we have informed the relevant campus constituents about who their new members are and what is expected of their attendance.

We have posted a PDF version in the Staff Council sharepoint documents folder so that any member can download and print the list of appointments.

Thank you to the Communications Committee for their hard work this year: the university committee appointments are now viewable on our website as a separate page and both our members and our committee contacts can refer to the list at any time.

Future goals:

• Creating a “best practices” guide for our SC members who need a little guidance on how to be ‘good members’ of the university committees

• Work with Communications to create an online submission form so that members of university committees can submit their updates online without creating a Word document report. They would be able to enter the basic information into pre-set fields and click submit and the report would generate through email.

Thank you to everyone for their support in this process. We know that university committees can sometimes seem flashier than our standing committees, so we are always encouraging our members to be involved in those committees as well.


Chris Foster & Karl Hearne

Revised 09/19/2012

DisCommittee Reports


Name of Committee: __FY14 Cougar First Impressions Date, location and time of meeting: ____September 12, 2014 - 112 Fleming Conference Room List of Attendees: Elsie Myers, Amy Ma, Bill Ashley, Zach Thierry, Jacqueline Chee, Troy Christensen, Andy Moon, Martha Hayes Action Items Completed:

1. Debriefing Details for the Fall CFI (8-25-14 & 8/26/14) Discuss Outcomes and Future Improvements


• Pledges: Continue to pursue pledges for FY15 Fall CFI  o $11,150+ in cash and in-­‐kind  donations  

 • Business Plan: Be sure the listed amounts on the plan are inline with foreseeable

actual expenditures to avoid from going over estimated proposed budget. We have new tablecloths and banners so this expense will not be needed in the future.

• Resolution: The CFI Committee would request that Staff Council submit a

resolution to the University regarding CFI Events. Will seek UH Faculty Senate and UH SGA for support. Rebecca has agreed to assist by coming up with a draft.

• Off Campus Vendors: o Golf carts: Richmond Equipment, Credit was provided for faulty cart, was

noted that a zip tie was found on the accelerator cable. Get carts with larger cargo area.

o Tents: Turn Key Rental & Design, Inc: Ask vendors to provide clean tents for next year. See if UH can provide the large tent for the ice cream tent

o Radios: Houston Communications: Ask vendor to provide radios that can be used across campus, to amplify signal for clear radio reception. Ask for a stronger vendor.

• Table clothes and banners: o Table clothes: Dinosaur Plastics; New table clothes so it will not need to

list on next years budget plan; one was ripped after use so it will be replaced by the vendor.

o Banners: New banners so it will not need to list on next year budget plan.

Revised 09/19/2012

• Home Base List and Food: o Food ordered for home base volunteers, make sure food selection is

agreeable to all volunteers. o Discussed that radio communication during volunteer hours should be

courteous but channels will not be switched. Will ask that volunteers who request a specific shift will be available to work the full shift.

o Home Base Duties:

§ Communication for home base, back up needed. Home Base radio monitor(s) need to be accessible to drivers & vice versa.

§ Drivers for 4 routes and back up drivers. § Monitors volunteer list, finds replacements or home base radio

back up § Floaters needed to fill shift shortages at any CFI table (4 needed) § Monitors volunteer list, finds replacements or home base radio

back up § ERP Table 20

• T-Shirt Bids:

o Ask table host to be sure to that shirts are all received and sizes are accurate.

o Left over shirts, get a count from Gloria. Email sent on 9/12/14. • Facilities work request:

o Work Order needed for CFI event (set up tables/chairs/trash cans) o Work Order needed for CFI Luncheon (tables/chairs/trash cans) for 9/5/14 o Work Order needed for CFI supplies to be moved from OB Hall ballroom


• Maps: o After Spring CFI, determine if more maps are needed for Fall.

• Metro: o Reach out to Metro for schedules to have at the tables for binders

• Supplies/Maintenance: Report from Rebecca

o Supplies: Make sure inventory is completed well before the event. o Binders: Binders need to be prepared well in advance before the event,

remind Rebecca that help is available. Andy and others could assist. § Table question tallies and volunteer sign-in sheets were very spotty

this year since binders were not prepared before the event.

• Table Locations: Locations confirmed, another will need to be done the Friday before the event with the off campus vendors.

o Table 12: discuss if this table should be removed permanently or moving it by the UC building.

o Table 3: to be moved to other side of the Library. o Table 13 at Moores: to be moved in shade.

Revised 09/19/2012

o Table 20, Students were pushed to ERP because Spur 5 was blocked off due to full parking garages. Students were upset and table 20 did not have info on this process of redirecting students to ERP. In the future, request that an officer be present at ERP if traffic will be directed to ERP again in the future. The table requests shuttle route packets to distribute, they go fast. Buses were full so students were asked to take the next bus, ask Administration that additional buses should be used for the first two days of semester to avoid this problem in the future. Bill will discuss with TPAC. Possibly to close table 20 at 3 pm since traffic is slowed.

o Water Monsters: To be located next to all CFI tables. Ask that the company provide additional help to keep all Monsters iced and cold. Also request that the water be dumped at the end of each day so that fresh water/ice is used in the Water Monsters.

o Ice: Ask that a sufficient amount ice is available for the event. 13,200 lbs of ice used.

o Pouches: Ask Admin to order more pouches and be sure that they are BPA-free or lined pouches. The current pouches used left the water with a plastic taste.

o Locations: To be updated to reflect table moves/updates.

• Hosted Tables: o Reach out to hosts again for tables for FY15 CFI

• Volunteers/Staffing:

o Training: Great turn out of volunteers for training. o Volunteers: 450+ volunteers; 1150+ hours of volunteer effort at the CFI

tables. o There was discussion related to volunteer hour documentation/form for the

future committee to consider. This could be used for staff performance reviews and/manager requesting verification of hours away from desk. This will only be available as needed/requested.

• 2014 Impact o 20,000+ student questions answered o 15,000+ water pouches distributed o 7,500+ frozen treats served o 25,000+ donated items distributed o 67,500+ ways we touched the lives of our student, faculty, staff, & visitors

• Home Base: To be determined, Andy would like to request the Cullen Performance Hall.

• Marketing/Publicity: o CFI Website: Continue to update with current CFI info. Include photos. o Flash drives: Continue to work with Mark Putman for drives for FY15

Fall CFI o Flash Drive Content:

Revised 09/19/2012

§ Department/College Content: reach out for content § Upload: UH IT handles § Staff Council Information: Update as needed

• Staff Council Welcome • CFI History • Student Success

§ All info received from departments will be added to the CFI website regardless if we upload to flash drives or not.

o Printed ad: § Ad to be in the Daily Cougar.

o Digital ads: § Martha prepares slides for campus locations.

o Social Media: § Page created and there were likes but no comments:


• Ice Cream Donation: o Everyone loved the ice cream

• Theme: To be determined

• Luncheon:

o Date/Location: Requested that future luncheon begin on time in an effort to keep the food line moving and those that need to return back to their office within the hour.

o Decorations: Be sure that budget allows for this expense. o Vendors: Be sure that the budget allows for this expense and that quotes

are received from several vendors, that the contract is prepared in a timely manner well before the day of the luncheon.

o Invited speaker/s: Invited President Khator but she is not available invite another Admin guest to speak. Be sure they are presented clearly and boldly so the audience is aware to provide full attention to speaker.

o Program/Invite: Be sure that budget allows for this expense o Door Prizes: Reach out to Felix Robinson regarding the 5 gift cards for

$20, also seek other door prizes for the event. o Center Pieces: Be sure that the budget allows for this expense.

Meeting Date: To be determined by FY15 Chairs for CFI, Andy Moon and Tommie Trevino Action Recommended: Plan and prepare for future meetings, tasks, and event. Announcements/Other Notes: Continue to work on Spring CFI this year in order to be better prepared for Spring CFI in 2015.

Revised 09/19/2012

Note Taker: Elsie Myers Committee Co-chairs: Elsie Myers & Tommie Trevino


DisCommittee Reports

COMMITTEE REPORT Committee chairs should submit monthly reports to the Staff Council Program Manager no later than one week prior to the general/executive board meeting. The reports should include a summary of the monthly committee meeting (including attendance). A financial report should be included when necessary. For instance, the Events Committee would submit documentation for the Annual Spring Egg Hunt. This information will be used to help with monthly reports and to finalize the end of the year report.

Name of Committee: Cougar First Impressions

Date, location of meeting: 10.10.14 in 112 Fleming Conference Room

List of Attendees: Andy Moon, Sheree Pearce, Elsie Myers, Tommie Trevino

Action Items Completed:

1. Discussed Spring CFI 2015 2. Discussed creating a letter or form for volunteers 3. CFI Goals and Initiatives

Spring CFI Scheduled for January 20th and 21st 5 tables and tents

Spring CFI Locations: Clustered in the middle of campus. Could we spread them out? Next meeting discuss the locations PGH Breezeway (Table 1) UC South (facing Hilton) (Table 7) (tent needed) Eric’s Restaurant Corner (Table 8) (tent needed) Cemo Hall & Engineering (Table 10) (tent needed) Between Technology Annex & Social Work (table 11) (tent needed) Fleming @ Entrance 14 Drive (Table 15) (tent needed) Home Base (IT PGH)


Budget: None Tents, Radios, Golf Carts: 1 golf cart is needed, 5 tents are needed. Fall tents were $120 each Beverages: We would like to continue coffee and tea. In Kind donations like a voucher for one of the dining halls. Need a location for these items? Supplies: We have all the supplies needed right now. Binders need to be ready way ahead of the first day of school/CFI. Elsie will reach out to Rebecca for links and other information. Volunteers: We would like to send call outs on: End of October Middle of November First week of January Flash Drive Initiative: We still have some left over. 80 HP and 200 from Schlumberger. The committee discussed whether we should give them out at SPRING CFI or hold for FALL CFI. Maps: Andy says we have plenty. Ads and Digital Ads: The committee will ask Martha Hayes to add to the TV monitors as in the past. We will not have any regular ads for SPRING CFI. Social Media: Tommie will work with Martha Hayes to update the webpage for SPRING CFI. Work Requests: We will need work requests for the set-up of Tables, chairs, trash cans and recycle bins. Reminder to cut the grass in the areas and to shut off sprinklers.


Action Recommended: To work on action items and keep in contact with the planning committee. Announcements/Other Notes: Next Meeting Date: November 11, 2014 @ 10:30 in 112 Fleming. Andy reached out to Maria Honey for template of a volunteer form? Set-up a meeting with Emily Messa.

Note Taker: Tommie C. Trevino Committee Co-chair: Andy Moon Committee Co-chair: Tommie Trevino

9.24.14  kdm  

Staff  Council  Events  Committee  Report    September  23,  2014  2:00  pm,  Honors  College  Dean’s  Conference  Room    Members  Present:  Allyson  Plosko,  Keri  Myrick,  Terrence  Turner,  Mytrang  Baccam    Initial  meeting  of  the  SC  Events  Committee  (hereby  referred  to  as  “Events”)  opened  with  introductions  and  brief  descriptions  of  prior  events  experience.    Keri  made  attendees  aware  of  events  already  booked  (as  listed  below).    Keri  also  noted  the  overall  goal  of  increasing  Staff  Council  presence  by  advertising  our  events  more  and  devoting  more  coverage  to  them  on  the  Staff  Council  website.      Sock  and  Blanket  Drive:    October  31  –  November  21  Allyson  listed  our  current  needs:  storage  for  donated  items  during  Sock  and  Blanket  drive,  pinpointing  location  of  bin  storage,  transportation  of  goods  to  storage  space—golf  cart  would  be  ideal.    Terrence  offered  his  unit’s  golf  cart  and/or  van  for  this  purpose,  but  will  need  a  week’s  notice  to  line  up  the  dates  and  times.    Committee  agreed  to  have  a  planned  pickup  on  November  14th,  with  others  arranged  as  needed.    Donation  sites  are  listed  on  the  website,  which  was  previously  reviewed  by  Keri  and  Allyson  through  Andy  Moon.    Events  will  ask  that  someone  at  each  site  call  as  bins  fill  and  we  will  send  a  student  volunteer  to  gather  collected  goods,  a  practice  employed  by  the  Events  Co-­‐Chairs  last  year.    Keri  is  working  with  the  Bonner  Leaders  Program  to  assemble  student  volunteers  for  this  purpose.    Terrence  will  request  the  golf  cart  for  five  days,  in  total:  October  30-­‐31  for  bin  distribution;  November  14  for  fell-­‐swoop  pickup;  and  November  20-­‐21  for  final  collection.    Allyson  and  Keri  will  go  to  ERP  on  Tuesday,  September  30  to  locate  bins.    Mytrang  will  reach  out  to  CFI  regarding  storage  space.    Keri  noted  that  the  Honors  College  does  not  have  any  available  space  for  storage.    Allyson  will  check  with  Engineering,  but  cannot  think  of  any  place  offhand.    Allyson  has  also  reached  out  to  Star  of  Hope  to  determine  whether  or  not  we  need  to  drop  off  goods  there  or  if  a  pickup  on  their  part  is  possible.    She  has  had  no  luck  in  contacting  Harris  County,  or  even  figuring  out  to  whom  she  needs  to  speak.    The  Committee  is  in  agreement  that  attempting  to  sort  as  we  collect  items  may  lessen  the  task  on  November  21st;  we  aim  to  have  all  items  cleared  out  prior  to  Thanksgiving  break,  with  the  goal  of  Saturday,  November  22nd  being  ideal.    Lastly,  Events  will  ask  SC  for  large  garbage  bags  for  bundling  goods.    Conversations  with  Staff  Council:    November  11,  2014  at  10:00am  in  Rockwell  Pavilion  After  conferring  with  the  Co-­‐Chairs  of  the  Staff  Affairs  Committee,  Events  has  secured  the  Rockwell  Pavilion  on  November  11th  from  9am  –  1pm,  which  includes  time  for  setup  (assuming  large  round  tables,  possibly  10  of  8  each?)  and  break  down  of  the  event.    Allyson  asked  if  Events  or  Staff  Affairs  Committee  would  be  responsible  for  handling  refreshments,  decorations,  etc.;  Keri  said  that  she  thought  the  event  to  be  Staff  Affairs,  but  has  offered  the  assistance  of  Events,  if  needed.    Allyson  asked  if  the  SC  has  decorations  on  hand—i.e.  tablecloths,  balloon  weights,  pens—or  will  we  need  to  purchase  these  in  advance.    Keri  recalled  that  tablecloths  might  have  been  part  of  the  purchases  made  prior  to  the  CFI  Volunteer  Luncheon.    Keri  then  asked  if  we  

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have  any  idea  of  a  budget,  not  just  for  this  event,  but  also  for  all  those  forthcoming.    The  question  of  with  whom  we  will  need  to  work  on  contracts  and  payments  came  up,  but  was  tabled  pending  the  EBoard  meeting  on  Thursday,  September  25th.    Spring  Egg  Hunt:    March  28,  2015  at  9:00am  in  Butler  Plaza  OR  TDECU  Stadium  (location  in  proposal  phase  only;  need  to  discuss  at  EBoard  meeting)  Frontier  Fiesta  is  March  26-­‐28,  2015;  concurrent  to  that,  Spring  Egg  Hunt  will  be  Saturday,  March  28th  from  9-­‐11:00am.    Events  previously  discussed  securing  Butler  Plaza,  home  of  last  year’s  egg  hunt.    However,  with  this  coming  event  being  the  25th  anniversary,  the  issue  of  scale  came  up.    Terrence  proposed  we  try  to  host  the  event  at  TDECU  Stadium.    He  argued  that  the  magnitude  of  the  stadium  would  add  grandeur  to  the  event  and  make  for  a  more  interesting  march  through  campus  for  those  being  led  to  Frontier  Fiesta  by  Mr.  &  Mrs.  Bunny.    Allyson  will  verify  that  FF  will  be  in  same  location  this  year,  as  this  data  is  not  currently  on  their  website.    Keri  will  move  on  requesting  TDECU  pending  EBoard  decision.    Events  briefly  discussed  the  following  dates  as  pending  approval:    Holiday  Pot  Luck  Luncheon:  propose  Thursday,  December  18,  2014  in  Honors  Commons  (availability  confirmed  10am  –  2pm;  no  room  fee).  Per  Terrance’s  suggestion,  we  will  utilize  the  website  perfectpotluck.com  to  organize  what  everyone  is  bringing.    Our  goal  is  to  have  the  site  set  up  by  October  15,  prior  to  the  commencement  of  the  Sock  and  Blanket  Drive  with  a  deadline  for  submission  of  December  10.      Staff  Focus:  propose  Friday,  April  10,  2015  at  10:00am  in  Rockwell  Pavilion  (availability  confirmed  9am  –  1pm;  no  room  fee).  The  question  of  who  was  responsible  for  booking  Chancellor  Khator  and  Provost  Short  was  raised.    Events  decided  to  await  confirmation  from  the  EBoard  as  to  whether  it  was  Staff  Affairs,  Events,  or  the  onboarding  Program  Manager  who  would  assume  this  task,  with  the  understanding  that  Keri  would  gladly  do  so  if  necessary.    CFI  Luncheon:  propose  Friday,  September  4,  2015  at  11:00am  in  Rockwell  Pavilion  (availability  confirmed  9am  –  2pm;  no  room  fee;  need  to  confer  with  CFI  Committee).  Point  of  concern  here  is  the  proximity  to  Labor  Day  weekend.    Events  will  communicate  with  CFI  to  ascertain  their  thoughts  on  the  date.    Other  news:  New  meeting  schedule  set  in  place  for  Events  will  be  second  Tuesday  of  the  month.    Meeting  location  will  remain  the  Dean’s  Conference  Room  in  the  Honors  College  (202B  MDA).    Keri  will  adjust  the  meeting  request  sent  to  the  SC  list-­‐serve  and  reach  out  to  Troy  for  SC  Calendar  update.    The  new  schedule  prevents  any  conflict  with  Communications  Committee  meetings,  which  both  Allyson  and  Keri  attend.    Meeting  Adjourned  at  3:00pm.  

Staff  Council  Events  Committee  Report  (Update  to  9.23.14)    October  14,  2014  2:00  pm,  Honors  College  Dean’s  Conference  Room    Members  Present:  Keri  Myrick,  Rebecca  Szwarc,  Martha  Hayes,  Elsie  Myers    Open  Issues:  Allyson  Plosko,  previous  co-­‐chair,  is  no  longer  with  the  university;  Martha  is  looking  for  a  new  co-­‐chair.    Benefits  Fair:  Wednesday,  October  22  A  volunteer  sign  up  form  was  circulated  via  the  SC  listserve.    Volunteers  have  been  notified  of  their  assignment.    Martha  will  provide  candy  and  flyers  for  the  table.        Sock  and  Blanket  Drive:    October  31  –  November  21  Storage  for  donated  items  during  Sock  and  Blanket  drive  will  be  in  Andy’s  space  at  ERP.    He  has  garbage  bags  on-­‐hand  for  use  after  sorting  process.    We  do  have  some  boxes  left  over  from  last  year,  but  many  have  been  damaged.    Elsie  and  Rebecca  suggested  reaching  out  to  BFI,  U-­‐Haul,  or  physical  plant  for  box  donations.    Elsie  will  contact  donation  sites  on  campus  to  verify  participation  in  this  year’s  drive.    The  Bonner  Leaders  are  confirmed  for  assistance  on  November  21  with  collection  and  sorting.    Martha  will  provide  flyers  for  boxes  (two  each  of  general  information;  two  each  of  items  list).        Holiday  Pot  Luck  Luncheon:  Thursday,  December  18,  2014  in  Honors  Commons  Due  to  the  space  shortages,  the  potluck  luncheon  will  be  late  this  year.    We  will  use  PerfectPotluck.com  (I  have  created  the  event  already  and  will  send  the  sign  up  sheet  out  to  the  Council  via  the  listserve).        Spring  Egg  Hunt:    Saturday,  March  28,  2015  at  9:00am  in  Butler  Plaza  OR  TDECU  Stadium  (location  TBD)  Martha  will  connect  with  SGA  to  see  about  recruiting  them  for  support  on  this  event.    Keri  will  email  Sandy  in  Human  Resources  to  see  about  a  lunch  donation;  Cassandra  and  Keri  will  work  on  requests  to  the  dean  of  students  and  University  Services  regarding  space.    Keri  has  been  in  communication  with  Darius  Dunn  at  UH  Sports  and  Entertainment,  who  is  on  board  for  the  use  of  TDECU  Stadium;  however,  we  are  awaiting  approval  from  Robert  Guillen,  associate  director  of  booking,  before  we  can  proceed.      

Research  Ad  Hoc  Meeting  9/25/14    Attendees:  Elsie  Myers,  Jennifer  Potocki,  Troy  Christensen,  Sawsan  Shatleh    PI  Portal  Report  

Updated  as  of    8/20/14,  the  figures/info  pull  from  People  Soft.    

• Travel  Requests  are  not  listed  because  it  has  not  posted,  only  pending  via  the  department.  

• Tcard/Pcard  transactions  are  not  listed  because  they  don’t  post  until  the  GCMS  system  or  AP  posts  the  vouchers  in  PS.      

o A  disclaimer  should  be  listed  onto  this  report  so  that  PI’s  are  aware  that  some  transactions  are  not  listed  or  encumbered.  

 • Payroll  Report  on  the  PI  Portal  is  an  improvement  vs  the  current  PS  reports.  

The  query  used  pulls  the  info,  the  report  provides  Names,  Salary/Fringe,  Pay  Period  and  Grand  Total  are  listed  in  detail.  

o Payroll  Report,  should  list  the  pay-­‐date  period  and  FTE  o The  current  view  of  this  has  the  pay  period  that  can  be  confusing  so  

we  are  requesting  an  update  to  reflect  Pay  Range.  o RAF  numbers  should  be  listed  onto  this  report,  if  possible.  o Check  numbers  should  be  listed.  o Fringe  details  are  being  requested,  needed  to  verify  if  what  posted  is  

correct,  (insurance,  WCI/UCI,  ERS,  taxes,  etc.)    

• Drill  Down/Documentation:  Request  if  the  report  can  have  a  drill  down  for  each  transaction,  that  the  document  can  be  open  

 • Open  Commitments  need  a  detail  report.  

 • The  goal  is  to  have  a  clean/detailed  report  that  can  be  available  for  the  PI  via  

Access  or  PASS.    That  this  report  will  be  used  as  a  standard  for  cost  center  verification  for  PI’s  and  Departments.  

 The  programming  group  meet  bi-­‐weekly  and  Jennifer  will  provide  more  info  and  find  out  when  updates  will  be  available  on  this  report.    The  hope  is  that  the  report  will  be  completed/available  in  6  months  to  a  year.    A  pilot  group  will  need  to  be  used  before  this  is  rolled  out.    Question:  Does  DOR  have  standing  committees  on  campus?    No,  there  is  a  Research  Committee  that  is  housed  through  Faculty  Senate  and  includes  Faculty  Senate  members  and  faculty  on  campus.    Maybe  a  finance  group  can  be  developed  to  include  Staff  Council  members.