Miri Tries a Legacy Chapter 13

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Chapter 13 of my legacy challenge.


Welcome back to Miriville folks. Let’s congratulate Edith on being the first person in the house to be scared by a ghost.

“It was really nice to see Sprite again.”

Hey wait a minute….I wanted to see Sprite again too.

“Sorry Miri, guess she just stopped in for a quick visit tonight.” *snicker*

Is she laughing at me?

Everyone take one last picture of Risk as a kid. Yep we’re getting our first teenager of the generation today. Um yay?

(Why does the teen phase have to be SOOOOOOOOOO long?)

“Aria you’re not gonna believe this! There’s actually a birthday party happening at the legacy house.”

Shut-up Cello.

Ahem, but yes Risk is getting a party and everything. Aren’t you all proud of me?

Chloe looks so happy that everyone forgot to wear their formal wear doesn’t she?

Even Deus is in his “play” clothes today.

Oh my…to the dresser now.

“Hey Miri you know what would be awesome?”

Are you serious??????? Zhdjjdjzhdudheuddjdsu####^%#$%%&^(&euxcjcueud!!!!!!!!

I mean….Risk here rolled Family/Popularity and he thinks it would be the most amazing thing ever to raise 20 puppies and kittens. I should be surprised, but somehow I’m not. I’m so blaming Deus and his quirkiness for this.

“You know you want to try Miri.”

Dammit. He’s right.

“Hello pet adoption service. My name is Risk Chun and we are in need of another dog for my INSANE-ly awesome LTW of raising 20 puppies and kittens.”

Well at least Dakota and Z seem to get along. I so did not need animal drama in this house. It’s crazy enough in here as it is.

And Tetris really likes him. It is kind of fun to watch her snuggle with Dakota. But only a little….

Yep we’re having more kids which means guess what? I really should have just waited to adopt another dog because with all the kids Dakota and Z wont’ be able to have puppies right now. *cries softly in a corner* So much for getting a head start on that INSANE-ly awesome LTW. *head desk*

What Miri really means to say is she’s having a total blast and she wouldn’t change us one bit.

Bleh…stop breaking the 4th wall Pong. Geez my sims have it out for me this chapter.

Oh dear plumbob! Risk I thought someone was DYING. Turns out it was only you “singing.”

“You know I’m a god of rock and roll.”

Well on the other hand…. I guess that’s one way to get your creator to be thankful you roll a want for one of those expensive musical instruments.

Yep in case it wasn’t clear Risk doesn’t fall too far from the apple tree that is his old man. He ABSOLUTELY loves to rock out…

Wait Death, you’re here for Chloe already?

“Let me guess you want me to come back in a few days.”


Nobody in the family even noticed when Chloe died. Even Boek didn’t seem too broken up about it.

That actually is sad.

Well good-bye Chloe. I wish I could say I enjoyed playing you and that I’d miss you and all, but I just can’t. I guess there have been worse legacy spouses out there, I mean you didn’t cheat on Boek or anything, but yeah….rest in peace. And try not to haunt too often.

The day after Chloe died Boek rolled the want to buy new clothes. I indulged him. I was getting really tired of that weird space suit he’d grown up into anyway.

And he’s started talking to the family again. He seems to really adore Tetris.

He also apparently decided he loves playing with that robotic helicopter.

He also started to develop a love of swimming.

“Solitaire looks awfully down. I wonder what’s wrong?”

“I’ve still got a C? But I’m always studying the books on dad’s special bookcase. And I do all my homework.”

“Pong and I are twins. Shouldn’t I be as smart as him?”

I really don’t understand why Soliataire doesn’t have an A yet. He always does his homework and he’s never missed a day of school. (Yes I’m sure about that) And I don’t have a harder grades hack installed either.

Solitaire really does stand out in this house…in a way. He’s so quiet compared to everyone else. I sometimes wonder if he’s getting overlooked. I hope not cause I really do love this little guy.

“You missed another birthday Miri.”

Hey come on. There’s a lot of people living in this house okay. 1 elder, the Butler who is awesome, two adults, one of which is pregnant, plus 4 kids. And 2 dogs. It’s hard to keep track of everyone. I gave you a nice makeover. Why must everyone give me a hard time about missing their birthday. I don’t do it on purpose you know…..

“Miri chill out….Gosh you’re sensitive.”

I wonder if I should just use the musical name theme again next generation?

At least Tetris here is a better singer than her older brother.

And she makes some pretty cute faces.

Picture is only here because it’s cute. Enjoy.

“Hey there legacy kid.”

“Hey mind being a guy’s first kiss?”

“No that’d be cool.”

Yeah I don’t see this lasting to be honest. Still at least he got a date and his first kiss right?

“Thanks for taking me skating Risk!”

“No problemo baby sis.”

“Pong what are you doing?”

“Well since you went skating without me I’m not going to let you anywhere near that double chocolate cake mom just baked.”

“Out of my way you scurvy dog.”

“Never you tom boy.”

Pong and Tetris inseparable.

And Solitaire it seems is once again…left on the sidelines.

Is Renaud the only person in this house who ever spends time with this poor kid?

“My mom spends time with me.

And Pong does sometimes.”

Okay guys seriously quit breaking the 4th wall.

“But it’s fun.”

(And yes this pic is slightly out of order.)

You might have too many kids if: Your eldest child walks right by you and doesn’t even notice you are in labor.

“Hey mom. Is there any jello in the fridge?”

Seriously you might have too many kids if NOBODY in the house pays much attention to the fact another nooboo has joined the family at all.

Everyone say hello to the first of another set of twins….Frogger.

And his twin sister Jenga. I really don’t know what happened to Boek. He’s like cool again since the old bat died.

*feels bad*

*makes herself sit in the corner....for a second*

Wait a second I didn’t miss Tetris’s birthday….

Just another sign you might have let your sims have too many kids in a single generation….you can’t even tell if you missed a child’s birthday or not.

“Hey Renaud hang loose?”

“Oh plumbob. I don’t know if I should dive under the table or do the running man.”

Join me next time for more jammed packed fun in the Chun house on the little island of Miriville.