Mise en Scene

Post on 02-Feb-2016

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My Media work for my Media teacher Mr Daley



Jeremy Clarkson is inside the car filming and talking to the camera.

He is using a older model of a Range Rover to drive whilst filming.

Camera is mainly focused on Jeremy, as he is the one talking.

He is wearing make-up but it is not visible.

He is wearing a casual white top with jeans.

He is turning his head whilst driving to talk to the camera.

Has dark lighting within the shot. The light is coming from outside as natural lighting.

There is a main dialogue that is coming from Jeremy as he is the one that is speaking. However they do have voice-overs on the show.

He is very concentrated towards the road and has a serious face but he does lookover towards the camera when he is able to.

Shows all three of the presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May talking.

The presenters are dressed in informal clothing apart from Richard Hammond who is dressed in outdoor clothing.

They appear messy with no obvious hair and make-up.

The camera cuts two minutes after this scene to James May who is the main one talking

It has natural lighting.

Each one of the presenters have a serious expression on their face because they are talking about James May’s fear of heights.