Miss. Amanda Mossman. Overview Intro. Rules Topics Sports Homework.

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Welcome to P.E/Health ClassHigh School Sophomores

Miss. Amanda Mossman




Intro. A little about myself

Super Bowl 47 Champs!!

Welcome to class!!!


Number one rule: HAVE FUN! Number two rule: BE SAFE! Come to class!!!! You MUST change clothes Acceptable gym clothes are: For Men: t-shirts,

shorts that fit, loose pants, sneakers without black soles, hair must be out from face

For Women: yoga pants, t-shirts, sneakers without black soles, fit shorts, hair must be wore back and out from face

Rules: In The Gym

PLEASE do not wear: long baggy pants/shorts,

black sole shoes, loose and/or see-through shirts, pants below the hip level, jewelry,

Check the weather!! Bring a water bottle

Rules: In The Gym

Get involved

Participation is key

Grading: 100-90= A, 89-80= B, 79-70= C, 69-60= D, 59 or below= F

Rules: In The Gym

Come to class!!! Materials needed: The assigned text book, a

notebook, pen or pencil, highlighter, 3 ring binder, a 3 hole punch folder

Participate Homework every Monday’s class No homework on Friday’s class!

Rules: In The Classroom

Participation is key!!!!

Tests= 45pointsProjects=25pointsParticipation= 10pointsQuizzes= 10pointsHomework= 5pointsResearch Project= 5points

Grading: 100-90= A, 89-80= B, 79-70= C, 69-60= D, 59 or below= F

Rules: In The Classroom



Both in the Gym and Classroom

I wonder what we will be learning?..

Group Activities Trust Activities Team Work Activities Individual Activities “Your Sport” Activity

Topics: In The Gym

“Your Sport” will be in the next couple of slides

Terminology of the Human Body: What is it all

about? Human Systems: A peek in all 7 Nutrition/ Digestion System Wellness: What IS wellness? Sex Education/ Reproduction system

Topics: In The Classroom

We WILL be watching vides on Child Birth


What we will be working on in the Gym as a class

We’re going to have fun!!!!!

September- November (Outside): Tennis Baseball Running Football

September- November (Inside): Badminton Pickle Ball Hockey


December- January (Inside): Volleyball Basketball Frisbee Curling

January-March (Inside): Weight Room


April- June (Inside): Hand Ball Rock Wall Field Hockey

April-June (Outside): Archery Lacrosse Golf Soccer “Your Sport”


What is “Your Sport” ? Basically you will be ask to create a Brand New

sport using all the sports we have gone over in class and learned in the gym.

This project will be due 2nd to last week in June before Summer Vacation.

Groups of two You will be teaching the class your New sport As we get into the year I will be giving out more

detail on what is required


Homework is worth 5 points If you complete all of your homework assignments

you will be able to do an extra credit if needed. 1 miss homework assignment = 0points (cannot be

made up) 1 late homework assignment = 2.5points (only 1 late

day) For example “Miss M, last night my printer broke, can

I hand it in tomorrow?” The answer will be yes for half credit. However if you

do not turn it in by the next day it will be a Zero.

Homework: The Break Down

Class Schedule

Date: Monday Tuesday Wednesday



9/4 Gym In Class: Gym: In Class: Fun Friday

9/5 Gym In Class Gym: In Class: Gym

9/6 Gym In Class Gym In Class Fun Friday

9/7 Gym: In Class Gym: In Class Gym

9/8 Gym In Class Gym: In Class Fun Friday

9/11 Gym In Class Gym In Class Gym

9/12 Gym In Class Gym In Class Fun Friday

My Email My phone #: 888-123-4567

Any Questions?

Lets Have A Wonderful
