Missionaries of the Light

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InternatIonal SpIrItISt CounCIl

ISBN 978-85-98161-79-2


Original Title: Missionários da Luz(Brazil, 1945)

Translators: Darrel W. Kimble and Ily Reis

1st Edition 2009 – Published by the INTERNATIONAL SPIRITIST COUNCIL,Brasilia, Brazil – 1st impression 200

002-O; 5/2009

Cover design by: Luis Hu Rivas and Luciano caRneiRo HoLanda

Layout: cLaudio caRvaLHo

Copyright 2009 byFEDERAÇÃO ESPÍRITA BRASILEIRABrasilia (DF) - Brazil

All rights of reproduction, copy, communication to the public and economic use of this work are retained exclusively by the International Spiritist Council (ISC). No part of this publication may be reproduced, sorted on a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilm, Internet usage, CD-ROM, DVD recording or otherwise, without prior permission from the copyright owner and the publisher of this book under the terms of law 9.610/98, which regulates the connected copyrights.

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Authorized edition by Federação Espírita Brasileira



Luiz, André (Spirit)

Missionaries of the Light / dictated by the spirit Andre Luiz ; [received] Francisco Cândido Xavier ; [translated by Darrel W. Kimble, Illy Reis]. - Brasília, DF (Brazil) : International Spiritist Council, 2009.

444p.; 21 cm

Translated from: Missionários da Luz ISBN 978-85-98161-79-2

1. Romance espírita. 2. Obras psicografadas. I. Xavier, Francisco Cândido, 1910-2002. II. Conselho Espírita Internacional. III. Título.

09-2339. CDD: 133.93

CDU: 133.7

18.05.09 21.05.09 012700


On Facing The New Era ........................................... 7

1 – The Psychographer ............................................. 13

2 – The Pineal Gland ................................................ 23

3 – Mediumistic Development .................................. 33

4 – Vampirism .......................................................... 45

5 – Exerting an Influence ......................................... 59

6 – Prayer ................................................................ 77

7 – Spiritual Help ..................................................... 89

8 – On the Plane of Dreams ...................................... 103

9 – Mediumship and Phenomena ............................. 121

10 – Materialization ................................................. 137

11 – Intercession...................................................... 157

12 – Preparing for New Life Experiences ................... 197

13 – Reincarnation .................................................. 229

14 – Watch-care ....................................................... 297

15 – Failure ............................................................. 315

16 – Incorporation ................................................... 329

17 – Spirit Counseling.............................................. 353

18 – Obsession ........................................................ 377

19 – Passes .............................................................. 407

20 – Farewells .......................................................... 429

On Facing The New Era

As long as a story speaks about the intervention of fairies

when referring to tutelary genii, hidden palaces and the

wonders of an unknown forest, children are all ears, showing

happiness and interest on their enrapt faces. However,

when the storyteller changes his or her approach in order to

focus on instructive realities, the infantile mind retracts,

upset and bored… It does not understand the promise of the

future life, with its work and responsibilities.

Hearts that are still tender love dreams and expect

easily-won heroism; they prefer making the least effort

possible and they do not immediately understand the divine

labor involved in ongoing perfection; hence, they withdraw,

amazed and surprised, from any real teaching. Nevertheless,

life is waiting for them with its unchangeable laws, and it

Andre Luiz


gradually reveals the truth to them, without spectacular

noises, but with the serenity of a mother.

The pages by Andre Luiz remind us of that image.

As long as wise and benevolent spirits bring a vision

of heaven, thereby broadening the arena of human hope,

our incarnate brothers and sisters ecstatically and joyously

listen to us. It is the sublime consolation, the comfort for

which they have longed. Souls gather to receive messages

from heaven. On the other hand, if messengers from the

higher realms reveal certain angles of the spirit life, speaking

to them about work, personal effort, personal responsibility,

constructive struggle, necessary study and self-improvement,

they cannot hide their displeasure.

Contrary to what they believed at first, they do not

see a heaven of ease or a region of privilege, nor do they

witness miraculous events or see restful beatitude. Instead

of paradise surrounding them, they feel they are in the

vicinity of an industrious workshop, where workers do not

evolve by means of the privilege of protectionism, but rather

at the cost of their own effort; thus, victory or defeat comes

from their own conscience. They perceive the imperishable

law, which, without making erroneous decisions, has control

over lives in the name of the Eternal One. They understand

that the seashores of divine beauty and the enchanted

palaces of peace await the spirit on other vibrational

continents of the universe, but they also realize that it is

their responsibility to sweat and struggle, to be industrious

and to improve themselves in order to reach them by

swimming across the great sea of experience.

MissionAries of the Light


Most become frightened and try to retreat. They

expect a heaven of ease after the death of the body, one that

may be had by means of mere doctrinal affirmations. No

one, however, will gainsay the divine law; truth will always

be victorious and the life eternal will continue to teach,

slowly, with maternal patience.

Christian Spiritism today has a great and sublime

task in the world.

It is not enough simply to define its venerable

characteristics as the Consoler of Humankind; it is also

necessary to reveal its facet as a liberating movement aimed

at consciences and hearts.

Physical death is not the end. It is merely the next

chapter in the book of evolution and improvement. At its

arrival, no one should expect final and definitive solutions,

for we know that one hundred years of activity in the world

represent but a relatively small fraction of time for any type

of spiritual growth in the life eternal.

An infinite field of service awaits the dedication of

workers of truth and the good. Massive problems challenge

the brave spirits incarnated at this time with the glorious

mission of preparing the new era and contributing to the

restoration of living faith and the widening of human

understanding. It is crucial to come to the aid of religion,

entombed in the theological archives of churches of stone,

and to support science, which has become a satanic genius

of destruction.

Andre Luiz


Victorious spirituality is traveling the world,

regenerating its moral sources and awakening individuals

to a realistic picture of their acquisitions. There are new

warnings calling to disbelieving men and women of the

20th century, pointing out broader horizons to them and

showing them that the spirit lives above the civilizations

that war transforms or consumes in its millenary dragon-

like voracity.

On facing this new era, and considering the great

endeavor of renewal, the cooperation of all faithful servants

of truth and the good is requested so that, more than

anything else, they may live the new faith, each and

everyone improving and uplifting themselves on the way to

a better world so that the teachings of Christ may prevail

over the mere words of fine-sounding ideologies.

In the execution of this lofty task, incarnates and

discarnates of goodwill are coming together, building the

bridge of light over which humankind will cross the abyss of

ignorance and death.

It is for this reason, dear reader, that Andre Luiz once

again comes to you to tell you something about the divine

service of the “Missionaries of the Light” and to explain that

humans are eternal spirits, temporarily inhabiting the living

temple of terrestrial flesh; that the perispirit is not a body of

nebulous mist, but rather a living structure to which physical

cells are molded; that in all places the soul receives according

to its personal creations; that the ties of love and hatred

follow us into every arena of life; that other activities besides

the common struggle of everyday life are carried out by the

MissionAries of the Light


incarnated consciousness; that reincarnation is guided by

sublime spiritual powers; and that beyond the grave, the

soul continues to struggle and learn, to perfect itself and to

serve the Lord’s designs, continuing to grow toward the

immortal glory to which the Father has destined us.

If in reading this book you become frightened, if the

statements of the Messenger seem revolutionary to you,

turn to prayer and thank the Lord for the learning experience,

asking him to clarify and enlighten you so that illusion does

not keep you trapped in its web. Remember that the

revelation of truth is progressive, and as you appeal for

divine help for your soul, pay heed to the sacred duties that

the earth has arranged for you each day. Be aware that the

death of the body will not lead you to stagnation, but to new

arenas of improvement and labor, of renewal and blessed

struggle, where you will live much more, and more



Pedro Leopoldo1, May 13, 1945.

1 Pedro Leopoldo is a Brazilian city located in the state of Minas Gerais, the birthplace to the medium Francisco Candido Xavier. – Tr.


The Psychographer1

Once the conversation regarding the problems of

interaction with the inhabitants of the physical realm was

over, Instructor Alexandre, who performs important

functions on our spirit plane, said to me kindly:

“I can understand your wish. If you would like, you

may come with me to our center when the opportunity


“Yes,” I replied, delighted, “the subject of mediumship

is a fascinating one.”

Alexandre smiled benevolently and agreed:

1 A medium who writes messages dictated by spirits. (See Allan Kardec,

The Medium’s Book (International Spiritist Council, 2007) – Tr.

Andre Luiz


“That is certainly the case for those who examine

its moral influence.”

Later, the evening for my visit was set and I awaited

the practical instruction with undisguised interest.

When the time came, I used Alexandre’s prestigious

influence to enter the large old hall where he carries out

his leadership duties.

Of the dozens of chairs set out in rows, only eighteen

were taken by incarnate individuals. The rest were occupied

by the mass of spirits invisible to the ordinary eyes of the

physical realm.

It was a large gathering of suffering souls – a large

and needy audience.

I noticed that luminous filaments divided the

assistants from the spirit world into different groups, each

displaying its own characteristics. Guards were posted

around the access areas, and because of the noise of voices

on the outside, I realized that here too the entry of

discarnates was subject to strict control. The needy spirits

who were let inside remained silent and circumspect.

I entered carefully, without attracting the attention

of the audience, who was listening excitedly to the caring

and edifying words of the center’s hardworking instructor.

A large number of spirit coworkers were attentively

keeping watch, and as the devoted mentor spoke from his

heart, the eighteen incarnates kept their thought strictly

focused on high and pure purposes. It was lovely to feel

their individual vibrations. Each one emitted luminous

MissionAries of the Light


rays that differed greatly from each other in intensity and

color. These rays came together at approximately sixty

centimeters1 from the individuals’ physical bodies and

established a current of power quite different from the

energies of our realm. This current was not limited to the

circle in which it moved; at certain points it would pour

out vital elements like a miraculous spring with its source

in the human hearts and minds that were meeting there.

The incarnates’ energies mingled with the robust fluids

coming from the large number of workers from our plane.

These fluids formed a precious dispensary of benefits for

the unfortunate spirits who were still strongly attached to

physiological sensations.

Such mental energies are not illusory, though they

might seem to be so from an earthly point of view that is

less enlightened regarding the infinite reserves of potential

that lie beyond denser matter.

After the consoling discourse had ended, I was

pondering these new additions to my learning experience,

when my friend asked me to attend a mediumistic


Because he was interested in taking full advantage

of the time available, he kept his greetings short.

“We don’t have a minute to waste,” he said.

And pointing to a small group of six spirits nearby,

he explained:

1 About twenty-four inches. – Tr.

Andre Luiz


“Our authorized friends are waiting.”

“For a communication?” I asked.

The instructor nodded and added:

“However, not all will achieve their aim at the same

time. Some will have to wait for weeks, months, years …”

“I didn’t imagine that the task would be so hard,” I

added, surprised.

“You’ll see,” said Alexandre kindly.

And nodding toward a young man who was deep in

concentration and surrounded by assistants from our

plane, he explained attentively:

“There are six spirits who could potentially give a

communication, but presently only one medium at this

meeting is in a condition to be of use. So, we are forced to

consider the fact that the group of terrestrial learners and

workers will only be able to receive messages related to the

overall interests of the group. There is no possibility for

any work beyond the ordinary.

“I thought a medium was above all simply a

machine,” I stated.

“A machine can wear out,” Alexandre remarked,

“and we are looking at machinery that is extremely


Noticing my look of surprise, he continued:

“First of all, we must realize that, when it comes to

mediumistic work, moral factors prevail. In order to be

MissionAries of the Light


faithful to a higher mandate, the medium needs to be clear

and serene, like the crystalline mirror of a lake’s surface.

Otherwise, the waves of disquietude would upset the

projection of our spiritual energies upon earthly materiality,

in the same way that turbulent waters cannot reflect the

sublime images of the sky and surrounding nature.”

Pointing to the medium, the instructor continued

in a firm voice:

“This brother is not simply an instrument. He is a

spirit who must be as free as we are, and in order to be

useful for the desired communication, he must deny

himself with selflessness and humility, the first factors

required to gain access to interaction with the higher

realms. He must remain silent so that others may speak;

to give of himself so that others may receive. In short, he

must serve as a bridge where diverging interests meet.

Without this conscious understanding of the spirit of

service, he would be of no use for spiritually constructive

purposes. Of course, he is responsible for maintaining

inner resources such as tolerance, humility, a fraternal

disposition, patience and Christian love; however, we too

must do our part so as to maintain his outer support,

because if our friend here doesn’t have any nourishment

or relative peace, or if he lacks help in acquiring the

simplest things, we cannot ask for his self-sacrificing

cooperation. Our responsibilities, therefore, are linked to

the smallest details of the task at hand.”

As I pondered the idea that a medium should

happily wait for divine compensation, Alexandre replied:

Andre Luiz


“Nevertheless, my dear friend, we must remember

that we are still dealing with work that is not yet complete.

The matter of payment will come later.”

At this point in the conversation, he invited me to

approach the “mediumistic instrument”, and putting his

right hand on the medium’s forehead he said:

“Observe. This man is an ordinary psychographer.

Before beginning the task he is undertaking at this moment,

our assistants prepared his faculties so that his physical

health would not be harmed. The transmission of the

message will not entail merely ‘using his hand’. There are

intricate and complex processes involved.”

Because of my profound scientific curiosity, the

instructor offered me the magnetic assistance of his

energetic personality and I was able to observe a large

laboratory of vibrant energies in the medium’s body. My

power of visual perception now exceeded that of X-rays – it

had much broader characteristics. The young man’s glands

had become luminous centers resembling perfect electrical

workshops. I focused on his brain in particular. The

medullar conductors formed a long wick, sustaining the

mental light that resembled the generous flame of a candle

of immense proportions. The metabolic centers filled me

with surprise. The brain showed flashes of light in intricate

designs. The cerebral lobes reminded me of dynamic

currents. The cortical cells and the fine tendrils of the

nerve fibers were very delicate conducting elements of

concealed and imponderable energies. Within this array

MissionAries of the Light


enveloped in an indefinable mental light, the pineal gland

emitted intense, bluish rays.

“Done with your observation?” asked the instructor,

interrupting my astonishment. “Transmitting messages

from one realm to the other in the work of human spiritual

edification,” he continued, “demands effort, goodwill,

cooperation and a consistent purpose. Of course, the

medium’s training and willing cooperation facilitate the

work; at any rate, however, serving as a medium is not

automatic … It requires a lot of understanding, opportunity

and awareness.”

I was impressed.

“Do you think a medium can improvise the receptive

state?” he asked. “Not in the least. A medium’s spiritual

preparation must be never-ending. Any incident can upset

the medium’s sensitive apparatus like a strike from a rock

interrupting the work of a receiving valve. Furthermore,

our magnetic cooperation is fundamental for the execution

of the task. Examine the matter carefully. We are now

observing the peculiarities of the perispiritual body. You

can see that every glandular center is an electrical power

source. In any type of mediumistic practice, the pineal

gland plays the most important role. By means of its well-

balanced energies, the human mind intensifies the power

of the sending and receiving of rays peculiar to our realm.

It is in the pineal gland that human beings’ new sense lies;

however, in most people the divine potential still sleeps in

an embryonic state.”

Andre Luiz


In fact, I realized that the medium’s pineal gland

was emitting an increasingly intense luminosity.

Shifting his attention from the brain to the corporeal

apparatus in general, the instructor continued:

“The process of receiving the message is not at all

simple, and incarnate workers are unaware of its intrinsic

mechanism, just as children who are provided for in their

home environment are unaware of the cost of living and

the sacrifices made by their parents. Long before the

meeting that is now taking place, this spiritual servant

was already the object of our special attention so that

coarse thoughts would not weigh on his inner realm. He

was prepared appropriately for the task, and the moment

he sat down here, he began to be assisted by several

workers from our plane. Before anything else, his nerve

cells received a new magnetic coefficient so that there

would be no harmful losses from the tigroid fundus (Nissl’s

bodies) needed for the mental processes. The sympathetic

nervous system – in particular the autonomous area of the

heart – received energy support and the central nervous

system was appropriately assisted so that the health of

our well-intentioned worker would not be compromised.

Under our influence, the vagus was fortified against any

shock from the viscera. The suprarenal glands received

additional energies in order to accelerate the production of

adrenaline, which is needed to help with the eventual loss

of neural reserves.”

At that moment, I noticed that the medium seemed

almost discarnate. His dense, corporeal expressions

MissionAries of the Light


seemed to have disappeared, so intense was the light that

surrounded him originating from his perispiritual


After a long pause, Alexandre continued:

“From our perspective, he is not a calcium framework

covered in carbohydrates and proteins, but instead, he

represents the more significant expression of the immortal

being, the child of the Eternal God. According to this new

way of looking at his anatomy, observe the glory of each

miniscule unit of the body. Each cell is an electric motor

that needs fuel to work, live and serve.”

Unconcerned with my astonishment, the instructor

changed his attitude and stated:

“Let’s put our observations on hold for now; we

need to take action.”

He waved to one of the six communicants, who

happily came over to us.

“Calixto,” Alexandre said seriously, “there are six

friends available for the communication, but the

possibilities are not great. You will be the only one to write.

Take your position. Remember your mission of consolation

and avoid anything of a personal tone. The opportunity at

hand is very limited and we need to bear in mind the overall


After quickly acknowledging us, Calixto stood

beside the medium, who received him with obvious signs

of joy. Calixto embraced him with his left arm, and raising

his hand to the young man’s brain, he touched his memory

Andre Luiz


center with the tips of his fingers, as if collecting materials

from the medium’s memories. Little by little, I could see

that the communicator’s mental light started to mingle

with the medium’s radiations. His motor area took on a

different color and luminosity. Alexandre drew closer to

the pair and placed his right hand on the medium’s frontal

lobe as if controlling the inhibiting fibers and trying to

avoid any interference with the mediumistic apparatus as

much as possible.

Calixto expressed great joy on his face, like a happy

servant who rejoices in the blessings of service. Showing

signs of profound gratitude to the Lord, he started to write,

assuming control of his companion’s arm and beginning

the task with these beautiful words:

“May the peace of Jesus be with you!”