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Post on 17-Apr-2018

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P E N F l M P E 1 & 6 N A L £ A N D IJFWS I T E M S oriNtEREST

Penfield; t3ept 22.—Ernest' Butler of Syracuse, waB the guest of his Vontr,' l i r a Oharies M. Rioh, last

= ^ w e e k ^ ^ - ^ . - _ - * - • * * = ? > . — - — ^ ^ = ^ t *"joseph Sohriitzer is one of a olass of and evening^ The first session will

/ _ _ - — 1. . »-W k ML. — Z r* «. 4- i *-fc« rf"* *-\ W» %-*"! H4-t-\£\a XXf i l l


East Rochester, - Sept; 28.—The autumn meeting o f ' . the Roohester Presbytery wil l he held at t h e . Fi re

University, tbiB week Thursday. He was successful in passing the entrance examinations and wil l enter the Boientiflo course, specializing in

Several members of the l o o a r W r t ^ r ^ e ^ e g s t o o ^ i l l ^ p e n - ^ i t h ^ e v o t i o n a T

T. U. are at tending the county con­vention which is being held at the Second BaptiBt church at Roohester, th is week.

Clarence Baker has entered upon a course at SyraouBe University.

Mr. Whaley of East Penfield, has moved: his family into Frank Burns ' tenant house.

Fred Lookner went to Elmira, Sun-day,—where—Mrs Loakner_Jias staying during her mother 's illness.

Forty hours ' devotion is being ob­served at St. Joseph's church, this week.

Miss Lil l ian Weatherlow, who has

After organization, committees wil l be named and reports from the various departmental heads given. Dinner will be served by the women of the ohuroh at-6:30-c^elook.-~At 7 o'clock



Wal worthy; Sept. 22.—The, Pahnyra fair will -draw the usual crowd this plabeV: * >'

Several frOm^hereva


in^ andaigua fair, Saturday.

Xh^lBeeveB.. iughter):and

service followed by eleotion of dele­gates to the Synod, which will meet October 20th, in Webb-Horton Memo­rial ohuroh, Middletown. An open conference on evangelistio work in the Presbytery wil l be Rev. Robert Wells Veach, retiring modera-t o r r w h o will speak-on--UTh.e-Gaxe.-jQi All Churches ." Rev. William R. Taylor, D. D., will speak on the 'Evangelization of the City, ita

Difficulties and its Possibilities,.'^ and Theodore M. Carlisle on " T h e Evan­gelization of the Count ry . " A dis-oussion from the floor wil l be led by Rev. W. S. Stone and Rev. Charles 0. Frosfcr- z——

MraTX^ - I ^w r lmTe^ lm^ r ide to Lima, Saturday . The Baptist Aid Sooiecy meets With Mrs. J. S. Tobey, Wednesday af ter-noon of this week. - l u , '

been visiting at H. O. Weatheriew-^ returned to her home at Lyons, Mon­day.

Joseph Sohnitzer visited friends at Charlotte, from Friday unt i l Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hil l enter­tained William Heffer and wife, Sun­day.

Mrs. H. Vanlngen and daughter, ^Viary.-of W^Q^r , vJRiteri at William | the home of the president, MrB

Heffer's, recently. Mrs. Cora Willetts and Miss Georgia-

ette Willetts of Roohester, were guests of Winfleld H. Furman and wife, the "past^weekT

^Tfa-TTn^y'HnfhhinBOU1 Of FOKfof ville, has been a guest at the M. E. parsonage, recently. f

Rev. and Mrs. Brusie and Mr.jand Mrs. W. H. Clark attended the revival meetings at East Roohester, Sunday evening. * I

Mr. and Mrs. Agne of Rome, are guests a t the. Frowley homestead. I

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Clark of Oris-kany Falls , are guests of their- qous-ins, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, j ' TTMis.._MaggieTHTruax has returned home from a stay of several w^eSks with her daughter at West Walworth.

Born, on Sunday, a son to Mr.) and Mrs. Oharies. Clark of Lincoln, nimed Kenneth Edward; ; - H -

- - • • _ Mrs. John Ford, J r . , spent two days

recently at Buffalo. , 'jiy'r^y&Ji: ^ MiBs^laribei Newoomb is at tending ^W1jie^^fcBlaBinB^35llrMiB^

Mrs. Belle Gordon of Poritiac, Mioh.v is visit ing at-B.-A—Oanflold's.-

Mrs. F . . H. Drake has gone to Medina, to" .visit relatives a short time. _ * / ' : •

Miss Annie Bishop has moved to the Hetzer bouse ana. wi l l opon ; a kinder-garten. ;

r ' . ^ *V , Rev. David Bovington preaohed at

the Baptist \ oUuroh, Oanandaigua, Sunday.

John Ford, J r . , and Mrs. Ford are spending t lmweek wi th relatives a t Syracuse. " " " •*•"——»_.

MrsT Delia Greene o fSyraduse , - is a guest of O. S. Hi l l and wife of Long Meadow. .

Miss. Ethel Roaohe_haa returned to Meadville, Pa. , to resume her study at college. . Mrs. W. H. Carter of Long Meadow, spent the week-end wi th friends at nnrtRRus lake. — • ' • •. : ^

Mra, vJohn Scribner, "SrT, is qu i te i l l ; ; ^ ; • , ; ' • • ' ' - , , - v.-;•>. ::&y:-v<:/'3

• y\--^-

5^;Mrs.? John- Newell is the guest of

Mrs. Looke of Roohestei'j was the gueBtj5t."JMf&7David~"Soribner.'a "few days last week. '--.'•.. ";•;. - - •

Mrs. Fredrick Raines of Roohester, spent Friday wi th her aunt, Mrs. Jamea Albright. - - - - - r -

loepiithat;^ ^oliobl building;in\ybi8trio):No;;4 -ha» two-roornH.4-.Inlori&^£eIfrnit_andjj_eg;

* • * / « ' • >

etahles-were diflplayed.^on long tables arid'in tne}other room was the djaplay of flowers, Syhioh was a beautiful dne. ^everal^xhihitR^^flrft^rftoeived^froift^

'Mra. 'Duaiey ing her brother, of Omaha, Neb.

Mrs. J . D. Mart in was $hQ guest of her niece, Mrs. Wallace Olark, in Rochester, Monday. '

Ora PhillipB'of New York city, was the guest of hiB sister, Miss May Phi l l ips , : last weekr * — r.-*- -r^ - .

iMrp. Clark of Greece; was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J . B/Buokman, Saturday and-Sunday.

Mrs. Mathew Sohroder of White Plains, N. Y., has been visit ing rel­atives andjadends-in town. /'.

Several from this plaoe motored to Qgden. Sunday, to see the .seventy

"g rown up\8yV; as;it"?was fearedTthaiT~ t h e ohildren would: ,not ma,ke a_ very largo showing on t h i s the i r firs* at-.-, t empt . ' Bu t : i t was th e general senjbi-mont tha t the children had made an excellent showing and i t . is expected l,hat another-year-none—bu£~ children-— wil l e x b i b i t . 7 ^ ^ ^ - v i . ^ - n ^ . , , ^ -

The sohoOl building was beaut iful ly ' decorated, the predominat ing; color being yellow, the oqlor ohosen by the-Association. The building has beea -recently painted inBido and out. and presented a fine appearance* .•;•:,•

Mrs. Holt and ; Mrs." George" Pr ime served-coffee and friedt.ookes oiifeteria ^ style and a nice l i t t le sum was "added to the. treasury of the association:


BUSHNELL'S BASIN. Bushnell ' s Basin, Sept.-21.—Frank

Ketoham and party, owing to ohange-of p lans rd id not go to Old—Forge, Adirondack mountains, aB anticipated. •Mr.̂ B:etohampwife~and—son, Georger attended the Roohester exposition, Thursday; ; j Mr.^ iand _Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. William Case and daughter of Newark, visited at Charles King's, a few days last week. ^ M r s T ^ l i z a b e t h l n g a l l S - l e f t ^ T h u r s -day for an extended visit with friends at Buffalo.

The Martha Greenaway Missionary Sooiety met Wednesday afternoon, at


TJlmrTelTValiAlBte andlvi te ot Union Hil l , were guests of Winfleld H.

-Furman and-wife.-Snnday.

EAST PENFIELD. East Penfield, Sept. 22.—Miss Alice

Clarke entertained twenty-two of the Fairpor t school teachers, at her hdme here, Fr iday evening, at a corn, sau-

Miss Grace Lolley leaves Thursday for a two weeks' vacation wi th "her sister, Mrs. Theron Hack of New-burgh. Mrr-Haok wil l spend-his-va-oatfon here at the same time. ' I

Monroe Carman and wife of Ma'ce-don Center, spent Sunday wi th F . W. Carman and wife.

Truman Yuker and family spent

M. E. Newton of guest Fr iday of Mrs. S. A. Oanfield. ._ 1

Akron, was a Bushman and

aores of asters grown by Viok.

*A clam bake was held at L. J . Bon-en Must 's cottage at the lake, Satcirday

Robinson. An interesting meeting was held and plans made for the work for the coming year. Refreshments were served. -^Mrs.: Clara -Smithr-who—has—been^ spending several months here, left last week for her home at Ottawa, .Canada —. , /

Bage and marshmallow roast. Fred Butler and family of Fairport,

visited at Fred Denny's, Sunday. Misses Bessie Newton, Hazel Mayer

and Delia May were home from Brbckport, over Sunday. ' M r . and Mrs. John Good recently entertained twenty friends from Ropliester, at a olam hake. -

Charles Hil l and wife of Fairport, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Walter Jacobs and family.

Guests at the home of David George, the past week, were Allen Spink, wife and son, Ellis, of War-

saw. _ _ _ _ _ W f _ _ „ _ Messrfi^-Eayette-^Newton.-LeeClouBe

James Doland and wile ^have com-menced housekeeping on West Chest", nut street.

Mrs. Edgar Oongdon of Boonville, spent a short time here with her niece, Mrs. James Boyce, while on lie_r way to "Canada", "the^firsr Of the

Saturday at Port Gibson: =-*-Ross Fredenburg and Miss Margret-

ta Duesing and Mr. and Mrs. Duesing of Rochester, were guests at the |Fre-d e n b u r g h - h o m e ^ S u n d a y . - ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ i - ^

Invitations have been reoeiyed to the marriage of Ross Fredenburgh and Miss Margretta L. Duesing, at) the bride's home in RuuliestBr, Qotulier 1st, at 7:30 o'olook.

Mrs. Jennie Franks is

G. H. Brennan and wife of Roch­ester, were guests of W. H. Supner and wife, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Canfield, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst motored to the ^B^av4ar-ftwrT-J£r-iday.

Mrs. A. D. Smith spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Spring of Roohester. —Sam-Grump-left-Monday evening-for Ann Arbor, Mich., where he will en­ter the University of-Michigan.

Miss Elizabeth Sterling * of Lima.

Mrs. Gene visiting' her

Ohilson, at New-

week. -The tabernacle where the Burgess-

Butts evangelistic meetings are held, was filled to its utmost capacity, Sun­day evening. Thursday afternoon Will be Bunset service. All elderly people and those not able to go to the meetings, will be called for and taken to the tabernacle in automobiles, if their names are handed to the local pastors. Thursday night will be Fairport night and Friday night, con­verts ' night . The meetings will close, Sunday evening.

The Klopp Klass team carried away t.ho hnsphnll honors of the season, by

cousin, ark.

Mr. and Mrs. David Bueg were in Rochester, Sunday, and her sister re-turned wi th them to spend a • few days. . • ! (

James Lolley has returned from his tr ip to New York city. \

evening, ten couples attending.

Mrs. Thomas Dorsey and Mrs. Cora Smith Marr iot t of Rochester, were guests of friends in town last week.

Russel Mason attended the Batavia fair, Friday, and viBited his father,

•William Freer _o_f

who is spending the week at Aldenv

N . Y . Mrs. FellowB of Fa i rpor t , and sis-

•ter.^Mrs. Lawson^WMlnigJ)f.Penfi_eldt were guests of Mrs. George Witmer, Tuesday.s

Miss Cynthia O'Dell, who has been spen t l a s t iweeka t^ . i l Barnard^-anSI -the-guestLor_trienda_ in__Meridian,^foiL is a guest now of Miss Ada Barnard

J. H. Price arid wife, Mrs. - Henry Price of Akron, were gueBts of Mrs. C. H. Bushman, Friday, enroute to Newark. , •

A number of guests were entertain-

_and.Misses Lillian. Bauer and Bessie Newton autoed to Ontario, Sunday and visited at the home of Miss Evelyn

-Gage, Harrison Trimble of Pittsford, was

the guest of Clyde Huber, Sunday. Miss Reta Milieu Of Conquest, is

spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Howard Silver.

Eugene O'Leary and family spent Snndny with hjfl parents at Egypt.

winning eight out of eleven games in theSunday-SchooLLeagne^wit l tCorn Hill at close second and Salem of Rochester, third.

WALWORTH CENTER.^ Walworth Center, Sept. 22.—John

Edward and Mary Buys of Pultney-ville, were guests of Susie MoGilson, recently. • - • I.­

Joe* Phi l l ips spent Saturday visiting friends in Roohester. \

Mr. and Mrs. M. K u h n m u n c h ^ f Penfield Center, were guests of W. ,M.

Brighton, called on friends in town, Saturday.,! v '

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerlaoh, Ohar ies KdssOw and wife, and the i r children, went in Mr. Kossow's auto to t h e Oanandaigua fair, Saturday.

Many from thia vioinfty-visHed—the-exposition at Roohester.

William WoolBton returned to h i s school'work for the year, at Cornell: Univ^efsityrStirTdayr - ~ "" """^" ~—

Miss Emma Bortle^)f Fairport , vis­ited our cemetery here,' Saturday. -She-intend8-toerect—a-tombstone—for^

Steubing and family, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lewis, Alfred

Lewis and Mrs. Raymond . Lewis

ROSELAND. Roseland, Sept. 22.—Richard Leis-

ton, formerly of this place, now in the Rochester police force, underwent a serious operation for appendicitis, Sunday, at midnight at the Hahne-

Inotored to CTTarTotteT^unday. ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Buys and cliil-

drfln nf Ont.nrio, were guests of Mrs.

Reubin Finley and wife of Pitts-ford, spent Sunday at Irving Wil­l iams' .

"Miss Ida~Denny~is spending~some" t ime at the home of Frank Hil l at Penfield.

John Wahl and wife and Lewis Mahns and wife spent Sunday with the la t ter ' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wickman at Brighton.

John Drake and wife of West Web­ster, and Merrill Watson of Fairport, were visitors at Eugene Ful ler ' s , Sunday.

— B y r o n ~ Gift*ord-and-Lewis Braman left Sunday for Marietta, to dry apples.

Mrs. Perry Howe, who fractured her knee oap four weeks ago, is doing nicely. Her mother, Mrs. Elnora Lippincott of Miohigan, is here, car­ing for her.

Mrs. Ellen Conklin and grand­daughter , Ruth Williams of William­son, were guests at Oharies Huber's,* over Sunday.

RQV. Oharies Clarke was called to Ellicottvillo, last week, to attend a funeral.

His many know he is

friends doing

mann Hospital, will be glad to nicely. —Mrs—Earnest—Stone- and—daughter-Ethel, visited Fred Shoemaker and wife at Sterling, from Saturday unti l Monday.

Henry Luke and family of this place, spent Sunday with Henry Luke and wife at Lincoln.

Fred Enter and wife of Webster, were guests of John Luke and wife, Sunday.

Emil Leiston, wife and son, William of Roohester, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Neubauer. . .

F. H. Bush and wife of Rochester, visited his mother, Mrs. F. Bush, Saturday.

Mrs. Oharies Wagner is entertaining her sister, Miss Elsie Sanders of Buf­falo.

Henry Frost and wife spent Sunday with Nathan Oonrow and wife,- in Ontario.

Eugene Whitney and wife of Lin­coln, spent Saturday with Arthur Brush and wife.

MoGilson, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snyder and

family r and Mr. Synder, Sr., of Roch­ester, were guests of Claud Snyder and family, and all went to the funeral of their grandmother, Mrs. Snyder at Marion. Sunday.

ed at S. A. Wilson's, Thursday, in celebration of the seventy-eighth birthday of Mrs. Wilson.

R. : "M. Newcomb, G. G. Smith and L. M. Whiting and families attended their annual olam bake at Mrs. Dan-cey's, Penfieldr Sunday.

C. L. Pearson and W. O. Williams and wife visited at Prat tsburg and vicinity, Sunday, and motored home via Seneca lake and Geneva.

A corn and sausage roast will be. held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Osoar Bodder, for the Long'Meadow Club of Pittsford.

: ThprnnVrtmTT-GIov^~Sunghlne^Cirole-inet with Mrs. Whaley^t^Wobster r aboUPittsford was-represented by Mrs. Frank Barker and Mrs; R. M. New-comb.


the past two weeks, returned home Saturday. . '

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fuerness of Roch­ester, were guests of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Fuerness, Satur--day^and-Sunday. . 1_

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Olark of

her7relativeff=buried=lrereF=^ —-Mrs. Ella Burleigh and daughter

Bessie, spent a most enjoyable evening-Monday, at Convention hall , Roches­ter, at the centennial exercises he ld there in honor of Francis Scott Key, -the—author-—of—our—national—hymn,-

Rochester, are spending two weeks wi th their unole, W. H. Stokes and wife at Union Hil l .

The ladies of the Lutheran ohuroh, are making preparations-for-their-an-nual supper and sale, which wil l take place_ in Grange hall, Ootober 3rd.

M r ' and Mrs. Walter Wright, Ed­ward Hallauer, Miss Catherine Seelos and Miss Anna Hall, are visiting Miss Dora Qdle, at her home in Osceola, Pa. .

Mrs. Emma Roberts^ who has been the guest of her cousins, Mr. .and:


Thursday, in honor of the fifth bir th­day of her daughter, Marion. The guests will number eighteen l i t t le girls.

Miss Margaret Martin entertained a number of friends at a corn roast at her home, Friday evening; Guests

MTS.- James^Albright for-^nearly three weeks,-returned_to_Jier_home_Wedr nesday.

" S t a r Spangled B a n n e r , " whioh waB-wri t ten just one hundred years ago.

The work of oleaning out and im­proving our village cemetery forv t h i s year was completed Saturday, and i t ^adds much to its appearance and is a great oredit and honor to those who contributed money, work and time. Special thanks and appreciation a ro given to our neighbors, Frank Ketch-am and son, George, Joseph Schell and son, William, and Frank Dickens, who kindly donated thei r time, t eams and labor several days. I t certainly was timet something. ;vvas done When the- remainsand -parts-of-caaketgT-liftOi-


Mr. and Mrs. Orange, N. J.,



H. Hendee of East spending—a few

PENFIELD CENTER. Penfield Center, Sept. 21.—Mr. and

Mrs. Byron Graves and daughter, Elenor, and Mr. and Mrs! A. Walker of Ogdori, were guests of Mrs. Ruth Northrop, Sunday.

Mrs. Loren Bonenblust and daugh­ter, Elizabeth of Wobster, spent sov-oral dayB with her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Albort Eoklor.

Mr. and Mrs. Robort Tucker of Wobster, are visiting thoir daughter, Mrs. Raymond NorthrOp.

> - : .

lifts • •

UNION HILL Union Hil l , So'pt. -21.—Waltor Wins-

low had tho ihisfortmio to break his arm, Thursday, whilo oranking his automobile.

Mrs. J . Oolvin is Suffering with

WEST WEBSTER. West Webster, Sept. 22.—Tho Sep­

tember Standard Bearers' meeting will take , tho form of a progressive party, to bo held Saturday evening, at 7:80, at the homes of Miss Ruth Bailoy and Miss Ethel Waltors. Tlie annual eleotion of officers will take place. A play entitled, "Ti red of Missions" will be presented by tho Booioty.. ., .

A Junior Loaguo was . reoontly or­ganized with Mrs. Wonzol aa loader. Thoy havo now a membership of th i r ty and moot at tho ohuroh parlors at 4:15 on every Wednesday.

Miss Anna Moore and Dennis Do-laney of Momflhis, N. Y., woro gnosta at J.. E. Worthing's, Saturday nnd Sunday. Thoy niado tho t r ip in their auto. " . "•:

Dyapopsia ia Amorica'a ourso. To

•Vat \ - ' . *•

blood poisoning in her hand. -• <.Tho •Ladioa , Aid l of tho Boston*^oatori^KOjMpnr^^QrmaL_J£Oigll tu

per th is weok, Thursday, from 0 unti l ( l r t ) g 8 C o r 0 9 f p r i c 0 | $1.00.—Advortiso 9 p. rh., a t tho homo of Fred Woostcr.

-^Mr-ohdjMrU^Aldhzo-Tha'yer-mOtored . to Fairpor t^ Sunday. ; - -

ALLEN'S CREEK. —Allen's—Greek,—Sept.--22.-=Iutense heat is restricting labor.

The improvement on the road from the crqek to the oity l ine is a fiue one and the road is liberally patrouized. Auto truck tonnage on the roadway is increasing rapidly.

The teachers in the school for the current year a r e : The senior depart­ment, Miss Burlingame from Roches­ter ; in the , junior department, Miss Slooum, formerly of ^airport .

Mr. Fry", as; an ornament to h l i lawn, has ereoted an "o ld oaken buck­et ' ' construction, ourb, posts and cover of handsome mason work, with pul­ley, two buckets.and.rope adjusted.

Maplewood has had a liberal pat­ronage this season;r Two picnics an,d speoial table service ^wero features, Saturday last.

The trustees for the Home for the Friendless, (Old Ladies ' Home), have purohased about fourteen acres just east ot the Greek,, opening out on to Eas t avenue, on whioh ample build­ings are to be erected, aftor_which the" Oity Home will be vaoated.

The Country Club continues expen­sive permanent improvements on thoir golf grouudB.

T. F . Adkin ia building a new barn and garago to replaoo tho oho burned in July.

Tho newv residences of Benjamin and Olaudo' Luddington aro Hearing oomplction and wil l ho occupied in Ootobor. ; ; v.'- '.;

Mr. and Mr8. Hirain RTWood with their two oidor ohlldron, niado their return t r ip from Europe by Quobeo and Montreal^ wi thout embarrassing conditions Thoy apent .most of tli6 season in Paris, to whioh city thoy journeyed whoii married. Thoy. loft Franco before it.waa invaded by tho Gorman army. They givo interesting accounts of tho dpmestio, sooial and educational lifo of tho Frenoh pooplo."

Mrs. _M. J . P i tk in of Borkshiro-

were present from Rochester, Penfield and Fairport.

Mrs. Oharies Sidman and daughter, Elizabeth, have returned ^to"~their home in Brooklyn, after spending two mouths with Prof, and Mre. Carter of Long Meadow.

Members of Northfield Lodge F. A. M. are arranging to hold their first annual olam bake on the Masonio Temple grounds, Thursday afternoon, Ootober 1st. - The pit will be opened at 4 p. m. and the bake is under the direotion of Frank Ketoham. Masons an6HEastern-Star8-and their families are invited. In case of. the 'weather being inolement, the bake will be served in the Temple. Covers will be laid for the number of persons who seoure tiokets in advance and it is hoped there will be a large attend­ance. I t is an innovation and it ia hoped it wil l be a sooial success at least.

mont. Bop

It paya'to advortiso in the Mail.

Mass., Charles, Frank and William Shophard, wi th thoir wives and W o danghtora of Buffalo, were gnoets.of,lA.-S.„Light.^ovorrSun4. d a y . '"•;•• - / V - ; ";.•;. '%*

Death o f Mrs. Emily Gaskin. Mrs. Emily Gaskin, widow of Ed­

ward W. Gaskin, died Monday morn­ing at tho family home in this vil­lage. She suffered a 8troke of paraly-als a week ago and a second One was the oauso of her death. Her bir th-plaoe was in tho town - of Pittsford, eeventy-ono years ago last November. Her parents were the late John S.. and Emily- Boora Agate. Hor grand­parents were William.and Mary Agate, natives of England, who left thore in 1794 and came to Amorica. Thoy re­mained in Now York 'several yeara, b u t in 1793 removed to Wostorn Now York to . the town of Northflold, now Pittsford. Thoy built a log cabin tho aanio year and endnrod ' tho hardships of plonoor lifo. whioh woro sovoro to thoso who had been accustomed to tho luxuries of .England. Notwithstand-'ing tho many hardships and privations of frontior lifo, thoy lived to bo noar-ly n'onogonariana.

: Mra. Emily Gaakin resided *at tho villago homestoad wi th h o t daughter, Miaa Emilv M. Gaakln. who aurvivoa

a -

dayYwith his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hendee, before going to their new home in Oklahoma.

MrJ and Mrs. George SteVens re­turned home from Atlanta, last week to stay for two weeks. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Oharies Collins, who remained \ few days with them.

The Ladies ' Literary Club met wi th Mrs. O. L. Shul t , Tuesday afternoon. Twenty-three ladies answered to roll call. Mrs. W. W. Rayfield then took charge of the lesson, after whioh Mrs. J. D. Martin read a very interesting paper on " O o r t e z . " The magazine study was then taken up after whioh Miss Ida Burnet t read a very interest­ing artiole taken from t h e Geograph­ical Magazine, " T h e Home of the Forgotten R a c e . "

The Alpha olass of the Presbyterian Sunday sohool held a birthday party in honor of its seventh anniversary, in the ohuroh parlors, Thursday evening. Eaoh member was dressed to represent the month in whioh they were born, Mra. William Fuerness winning tho prize. Tho olass history was given by Mra. Maurioo Middle-ton and a short program carried out, after whioh refreshments were served, and a very enjoyablo evening spent.

A number of people interested in muaio. m o t i n the villago hall , Mon'-day evening and organized, a society to be known as the "Communi ty C h o r u s " and eleoted the following officers: President, Henry Har tung ; vice presidents, Robert Ohuroh, Min­nie Harr is ; Beoretory, Ph i l l ip Smi th ; treasurer, William Larkor. Dr. 0 / R. Avorill, Mrs. J. R. Hawley and Mra. F . F . Jonoa were elected a com­mittee to BOO about a direotor and flnancea;'Madamoa Hawley; Joriea and Avorill woro eleoted a committee to aoo about tho music. I t ia hoped a largo number will bo prosont when thoy moot again, Monday ovoning, Ootobor 6th.

been disinterred by wbbdcTiucks. Let us hope^more'of the=7people^will-take-an interest in several other near by-cemeteries, whioh are neglected. Wort could not be expended in a b e t " ter cause. Le t us remember the dead as well as the living.

n i

MACEDON CENTER. Maoedon Center, Sept. 22.—F. B .

LigfcgJiuVrl wiffl motored to Holley, one day last week, on business.

A good number from here at tended the exposition at Rochester, las t week.- -~—. ' ._„ . .

David Barker and wife returned home last Wednesday after several months ' stay with Miohigan friends.

Jeanet te Blaker visited Roohester friends, last Wednesday and Thurs ­day.

Mrs. Steve Barnsdale entertained her mother, Mrs. Knight , last week. "

James Harbou and Cyrus Paokard went on a "fishing expedition to Sodus, last Tuesday and Wednesday. .__._:.

Mrs. Maria Billings ia visiting h e r daughter, Mrs. Jamea Eldiredge. ,

The Embroidery Club wil l be en­tertained Thursduy afternoon at t ho home of Mra. Frank Oouoh, in Pal­myra. ;. . Jame8 Eldredge haa purohased a new Ohevelette car. . '

Miss Anna Chapman is taking a two-weeks' vacation.


WEST WALWORTH. ' W e s t Walworth, Sept. 28,— Mis* Florenoe Jennings^ Harold Stafford and Harry ' Jennings of • Rochester, wore guests of Horriette, Jaoobs, Sun­day.

Miss Harriotto Jacobs ia spending tho week in Roohoater.

Elmer :Quirk Patr io will, preach a t tiio Baptist ohuroh, Sunday morning-and evening. '

Mrv and Mra. Frank Hutohinson of Roohoste'r, woro Sunday 0 . Potora'. and family,

Mr8. Mary D. Morad of Boston, who-gave tho enter tainment at %tho Baptist ohuroh, pleased al l who had ( t h o pleaauro of hearing hor, . [ ;'.•'.V

hor, aa do nlso ono son, Edward Gaa* kin, land^ a brother, Joh i r 8. Agaf o, all ot Pittsford. Tho funora l ' vjaa hold W(uln6adavt conducted by Rev. A. B. H e r r ; , : - - --. r • •':•-:.;•';.•>.•>••; -V^-

Exhibition of School Work. : Thobxhibi t ibn of ohildron'a work,

hold in the sohoolhonso in Distriot N a 4, Thursday ovoning under tho anapicea of tho Patrona' Aaabciatipn, waa a snecosa Milovofy way/ Tho ohildron brought . thoir Jiata of flowor and vogotablo aoodMo eohool and. the eoed8 woro purdliaawl ty -Ttlio v toaoher at tiio reduced prices g^von* lb sohool ohildron. All tho exhibits ontorod by tho children had reoolved no caro ox-

Summer Complaint. Mra. D. K ; Wilson, Port Byron, .N.

Y.j wr i tes : "Ohouiborloin'a Oolio, Cholera and JJiarrhooa Romody. was used in our family "last' aummor for aummer oomplaint'. I t • onred tho di8* brdor soquiokly tha t I fool i t m y duty to writo and oxprosa my, opinion of thiB-valuablo^^n^l iqino^-JKO-thin^^ ia / Bplondid, V, For aalo by^all doal -ora.—.AdvertiaVmbnt. : , ' : ; . :sop*

Advortising advertiser. ; '

in t i io . Mail pays t h o

' > ' . , -

,*:A . JA iA fc^j ^ - n »•»£•.• .- w . _•..- • - .̂ -• .• ^ J — . . -liLL* * i A J M . M A i . i i i . i l iHn.-in r i iiini i nit i»'iH.iV >n m—in Ml'riii|-|llliilllirlliill irlfli tmiirmnliliil H t m i ' i i l in i fiiini !•• w mi itunu»^i\MimMuimmm*mmmm%mmmm*mmintBto
