Mla 2010

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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  1. 1.
    Sonja Plummer-Morgan, MLIS
    Maine Library Association President & VP Pres Elect
    Association for Rural & Small Libraries
    Maine Library Association Conference 2010
    Social Media Trends & the Library Profession
  2. 2. Idea for Today
    The people in the world are acting
    globally and collaboratively.
    We as librarians or
    information specialists need to act
    with them.
  3. 3. What We Hope to Accomplish
    View online social networks as an extension of traditional library services.
    Place social networks in three categories: communicating, delivering information, and organizing information.
    Learn a few new tools that may be relevant to you.
  4. 4. We may sit in our library and yet be in all quarters of the earth.
  5. 5. John Lubbock 1834-1913
  6. 6. The idea of libraries reaching beyond the boundaries of our buildings or communities is expanded with online
    social networking and communication but it is not a new concept for librarians.
  7. 7. This isnt a direct marketing tool, this is human communication. -- Rob Key, CEO of Converseon
    • Connect with other professionals
    • 8. Share information, promote services, and assist local and distant readers.
    • 9. Librarians often underestimate the impact they can make in any online or local community
  8. A Lil Tired Here
  9. 10. What Happens Online that Saves Your Library Money??
    • Instant chat.fewer long distance phone calls
    • 11. Post events..reduce costs for paper ads
    • 12. Digitize photos..............archival & storage cost down
    • 13. Social sites..find solutions to problems
    • 14. costs
    • 15. Online flyers..postage costs
    • 16. Collections.grant access not acquisition
    • 17. Notices or signs..less paper and ink used
    • 18. Colleagues.reduce burnout with support
    • 19. Prof Dev.find grants & fundraising
  10. Online Social Networks Top Five?
  11. 20. According to
    (, here are
    the most used online social networks
    Estimated 550,000,000 unique users each month
    Estimated 90,500,000 unique users each month
    Estimated 89,800,000 unique users each month
    Estimated 50,000,000 unique users each month
    Estimated 42,000,000 unique users each month
  12. 21. What Are Librarians Doing Online?
    E-learning, attending conferences and workshops
    Storing photographs & other documents digitized
    Rural isolation partially mitigated
    Answering questions for our patrons
    Sharing news
    Recommending, downloading, discussing solutions
    Finding emerging trends
    Marketing and promoting
    Creating and expressing through art
  13. 22. Maine Library Association 2010Facebook
  14. 23. Twitter
  15. 24. Deep Thoughts
    According to the Inquisitr, there are
    4.1 BILLION
    text messages sent every day
    in the United States.
  16. 25. "Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers."
    Socrates, 470 BC-399 BC
  17. 26. This is Social Networking
  18. 27. Some Other Ways to Socially Network, Library Thing, a Nobii, and Shelfari
    (readers advisory) and
    TeacherTube and Youtube
    Slideshare and Prezzi
    Digg (newsy stuff)
    Photobucket and Flickr
    Skype (video conferencing)
    GoogleTalk (instant messenger)
    MyInfoQuest (texting reference)
    Second Life
  19. 28. Making it happen
    • Set aside time
    • 29. Utilize volunteers
  20. Social Networking Practices
    • Make your Mission the foundation
    • 30. Add disclaimers.Views expressed authors not librarys
    • 31. Honor confidentiality of patrons
    • 32. Show respect to everyone
    • 33. Remember your online presence reflects your library
    • 34. Carefully observe copyright laws
    • 35. Create or imagine no expectation of privacy
  21. 36. No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.We must learn to see the world anew. ~ Albert Einstein
    Appreciative Inquiry:Where AI, positive change research and organizational
    leadership connect for world benefit.
  22. 37. We Can Make Any Future That We Can Imagine. ~Jane McGonigal
    Jane McGonigal is a world-renowned game designer.She is also a researcher, a future
    Forecaster, and a very playful human being.Jane is the Director of Games Research &
    Development at the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, California.
  23. 38. Cut through the management speak, and the key to success is simple:Observe people going about their daily lives, identify unmet needs, and come up with a new product.
    ~Dr. Frank Luntz
  24. 39. This Book Is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All
    By Marilyn Johnson
    Coming to MLA May 10th, 2010 at 6pm
  25. 40. Other Links to Consider:
    • 85 Reasons to be Thankful for Librarians
    • 41. Ted:Ideas Worth Spreading
    Superstructing : The Next Decade
    • 42. ONET Online:
    • 43. Technology For Good
    • 44. TechCrunch
    • 45. Plurk