MLA/2013/00436/1 WarwickMLA/2013/00436/1 25th September 2015 Dear Mr Mark Pearce, Marine and Coastal...

Post on 22-Sep-2020

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Mark PearceNATIONAL GRID NSN LINK LIMITEDNational Grid HouseWarwick Technology ParkGallows HillWarwickCV34 6DARegistered No.: 08082344

Case reference:MLA/2013/00436/1

25th September 2015

Dear Mr Mark Pearce,

Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009Application for a Marine Licence (Ref: MLA/2013/00436)

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO), as the Licensing Authority, has nowcompleted its consideration of your variation request dated 20 July 2015 to vary thecable corridor coordinates listed in Marine Licence L/2014/00375 under Part 4 of theMarine and Coastal Access Act 2009 to undertake to install and operate a 1400megawatt submarine interconnector cable between mean high water springs(MHWS) at Cambois Beach North, close to Blyth in the UK and the English territorialwaters limit (12nm). The application also covered cable protection at a cable crossinglocation.

After careful consideration of all the evidence submitted to the MMO, a licenceauthorising the proposed marine activity is hereby attached with this letter.

Since this varied Licence constitutes a statutory consent, the terms and conditionsset out therein must be complied with in full and are also binding upon any agent orsub-contractor who undertakes any activity to which it refers on your behalf. You aretherefore advised to read the document carefully.

Appealing a decision

You may appeal within 6 months of the issue of this varied Licence against adecision made on your application. This can include an appeal against the inclusionof any provision within the varied licence or the length of licence granted. A notice ofappeal should be sent to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) who will then manage anddecide any appeal against our decision.

A copy of notes for the guidance of persons wishing to appeal a licensing decision isavailable on request.

Additional consents

I would further advise you that the issue of this varied Licence does not absolve youfrom seeking any other consents or approvals which may be required before you

Lancaster HouseHampshire CourtNewcastle upon TyneNE4 7YH

T 0300 123 1032F 0191 376

embark upon the works to which it refers. For example, Planning Consent is oftennecessary for works to be undertaken above the low water mark. In addition,agreement may be required from any land owner having proprietary rights over theseabed and foreshore; commonly the Crown Estate Commissioners. In some casesapproval of the Environment Agency may also be necessary (e.g. where the worksinvolve a discharge or have implications for flood defences).

Terms and Conditions

Where there are outstanding licence charges the Licence may be revoked orsuspended in the event that the Licence Holder fails to make full payment of the finallicence charge within 28 days of the date of issue.

Finally, if you have any queries or require clarification of any of the terms orconditions of the Licence, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Yours sincerely,

Abbey Pennington



Miss Abbey Pennington+44 (0)19 1376

Lancaster HouseHampshire CourtNewcastle upon TyneNE4 7YH

T 0300 123 1032F 0191 376