Mlm Business Start Up Power Point

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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How to succeed in Network Marketing



Start Your Own Business Today

Creating Business Models That Work For You

by: Rich Price Enterprise For personal coaching or mentoring contact Rich Price at 949-795-8020

Business Opportunity


The Game Plan

Business models that work for the masses

Systems that are duplicatable

Training and education

Team effort with experts in their field

Support that is unparalleled

Strategy that will last a lifetime

by: Rich Price Enterprise


The Business Models

Network Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Systems Business

by: Rich Price Enterprise


Why These Business Models

Low start up cost with little to no risk at all.

True residual income is made by having the leverage of multiple hundreds of thousands of people working under you.

You also need the ability to have your business work on auto pilot, meaning that while you are sleeping people are working or clicking to build your business.

by: Rich Price Enterprise


The Business Vehicle

Choosing the right vehicle that will get you to your financial independence is important, it will make or break the hard work you put into your business.

The company that you choose has to be stable, part of an expanding market and be a highly consumable product or service. Meaning that every day some one has to use the service or consume the product.

by: Rich Price Enterprise


What Is The Difference In Business Models?

The only real difference is that MLM pays ordinary people like you and me to promote and sell their products or service. It will reward the top producers with the

money they deserve and the average person, what they deserve.

by: Rich Price Enterprise


The Blue Print To Get Started In MLM

Chose A Five Pillar Company:

The Right Product or Service

The Right Management Team

The Right Compensation Plan

The Right Support System

The Right Cause


by: Rich Price Enterprise


The Next Step! Is To Learn About The Product or Service

Know The Benefits of The Product or Service:

What will the product do to help your customer or prospect?

Does the product have a unique or patented process?

Is the product or service highly consumable or used everyday?

Is the product a need product or a want product?

Can the consumer get involved in an Auto Ship program?

Does the consumer have to by from you or your web site?

Can you build or sell the product or service in other countries?


by: Rich Price Enterprise

9by: Rich Price Enterprise

Marketing To Your Business

Marketing To a Huge Expanding Market Will Create Wealth:

When your target market is every woman, man and child the possibilities are endless. Having a world wide business will allow you to have endless prospects to grow and expand your business.

Marketing allows you to reach to the masses through branding yourself and getting your prospects to believe in you.

When your prospects believe in you, the ability to sell them something becomes natural and they will buy from you for a life time.

Once you create that persona of a leader and you are knowledgeable in the industry, you will have a following of like minded individuals that will grow with you.


10by: Rich Price Enterprise

Where Do You Market Your BusinessHow do I get prospects that turn into customers?

Top Five Ways To Market Your Business:

Word of mouth is the most powerful way of marketing and you want to start by building a list of people you know but do not discriminate who you put on your list. You will market to this list and will add to it every day as you meet new people.

Go to Networking Events, mixers, parties, sporting events and any other place you can to meet new people. The more you are in front of people the better opportunity you have to meet new people to eventually join your business.

Join Social Networking Sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn and others but make sure you are educated on how to promote on Social Networking Sites.

Post adds on, write articles for press releases, post to blogs, join forums and post quality content that will add value to the reader.

Create Capture Pages and drive traffic to it through Google Ad Words, Yahoo Search, MSN, Etc. and all of the above. Marketing to your page will build your list!


11by: Rich Price Enterprise

Where Do You Start In Building Your New Business?

The Most Important Part Of Starting Your New Business Is To START RIGHT!

When it comes to contacting your list of people you know, make sure you are ready to answer their questions. Do your homework on the product or service and be ready with business cards, literature, CD’s and links to informational web sites. The First Impression Is Critical Especially With Your Warm List!

When you are building your list make sure you can manage it with notes of when and what was said to your prospect. You should have an List Builder that also has and Auto Responder function. I recommend AWeber to build your list!

Once you start building your list the communication will be the key in the success of your business. Remember the key is to add value and have that persona of a leader that knows what he or she is talking about. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!

Have a Plan, Set Some Goals, Always Be Positive and Live Your Dreams!


12by: Rich Price Enterprise

7 Major Problems Faced By Network Marketers!

The Reason Why 95% Of Network Marketers Fail in MLM.

No support system or leadership from sponsor.

Not able to duplicate what they learned.

Not enough money to grow their business.

Never wrote down their reason WHY they started the business.

Never set goals or wrote them down.

Did not know how to find new customers on an ongoing basis.

Network Marketing never got into them to believe in the business.

13by: Rich Price Enterprise

How To Succeed In Network Marketing!

Here Are The Top 3 Things You Can Do To Succeed In Network Marketing:

Learn as much as you can about the industry for the purpose of gaining credibility, knowledge and belief in the business.

Read BooksListen To Audio TapesGo To Training SeminarsGo to Company FunctionsCounsel Your Up line


2. Always stay positive! Never let people steal your hopes and dreams.

3. Dream a BIG dream and the worst that can happen is a small dream will come true.

"If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what

they want." - Zig Ziglar



Books You Should Read

Your First Year In Network Marketing

By: Mark Yarnell & Rene Reid Yarnell

How to Win Friends & Influence People

By: Dale Carnegie

Rich Dad Poor Dad &The Business School

By: Robert Kiyosaki

Think & Grow RichBy: Napoleon Hill

The Magic of Thinking Big

By: David Joseph Schwartz

Audio Tapes You Should Listen To

7 Habits of Highly Effective Network Marketers

By: Stephen Covey

Brilliant CompensationBy: Tim Sales

Building Your Network Marketing Business

By: Jim Rohn

Start Late Finish RichBy: David Bach

by: Rich Price Enterprise


Important Web Sites


by: Rich Price Enterprise For personal coaching or mentoring contact Rich Price at 949-795-8020