Mobile Marketing Plan for The Paleontological Research Institution

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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I. Executive Summary....................................................................1-2

a. Objectives

b. Explanations of recommendations

II. Background and Situation Analysis..........................................3-4

a. Methods

b. SWOT analysis

III. Data Analysis...........................................................................5-7

a. Use of site: mobile vs. otherwise

b. Use of site geographically

c. Time spent on site

d. Search Engine Optimization

IV. Recommendations...................................................................8-14

a. Website Layout

b. Promotion to kids

c. Social Media

V. Appendix...................................................................................15-16

VI. Bio’s..........................................................................................17

Table of Contents

The Paleontological

Research Institution

(PRI) approached

SCNO with the in-

tention of increasing

UIF�BNPVOU�PG�USBGmD�and the appeal of its Museum of the Earth and Cayuga Nature Center

NPCJMF�XFCTJUFT �XIJMF�BMTP�mOEJOH�B�QSBDUJDBM�XBZ�UP�DPNCJOF�UIF�UXP��Our primary objective for this assignment was to perform an analysis of

FYJTUJOH�XFCTJUF�USBGmD�EBUB��5IJT�EBUB�QSPWJEFE�VT�XJUI�JOTJHIU�JOUP�UIF�technologies used by visitors of the Paleontological Research Institution


TJUF��0VS�UFBN�UPPL�GVSUIFS�TUFQT�UP�DPOEVDU�UIF�OFDFTTBSZ�SFTFBSDI�UP�provide executable recommendations for mobile enhancements to the


Executive Summary















PRI seeks to take advantage of the increasing prevalence of smartphones among Internet users. PRI hopes to examine the use of smartphones among vis-itors to their website, and to enhance the potential for the engagement and inter-activity of their web resources.

*O�PSEFS�UP�HBJO�B�CFUUFS�VOEFSTUBOEJOH�PG�XFCTJUF�USBGmD �XF�VTFE�(PPHMF�"OB-MZUJDT�UP�USBDL�UIF�USBGmD�QBUUFSOT�BNPOH�WJTJUPST�PO�CPUI�XFCTJUFT��(JWFO�UIF�JO-GPSNBUJPO�HBUIFSFE�JO�(PPHMF�"OBMZUJDT�XF�EJTDPWFSFE�UIBU�NVTFVN�QSPTQFDUT�were spending little time on the websites. Other insights that we gained from the information was that the social media platforms could be utilized in a more effec-tive way, in order to get more people interacting with the company. We ultimately asked ourselves “Why are people only spending less than a minute on the web-site?” and “How can we make it more engaging so that they spend more time on it?”

Background & Situatinal Analysis









�� 6FLHQFH�&HQWHUThreats:





Based off of the information given by Google Analytics, the ratio between the number of visits of and is 2:5. 5ISPVHI�TUBUJTUJDBM�BOBMZTJT �XF�BSF�����DPOmEFOU�UIBU�UIF�BWFSBHF�QFSDFOUBHF�of new visits between the is greater than cayuganatu-SFDFOUFS�PSH�CFUXFFO������XIJMF�UIF�QFSDFOUBHF�PG�SFUVSOJOH�WJTJUT�JT�CFUXFFO�2-4%.


Data Analysis


Hypothesis Testing 1:

2 proportion test between numbers of new visits:


pnc = Percentage of new visits through

pnm = Percentage of new visits through

Ho pnc = pnm

Ha pnc pnm

= .05

p-value = 5.84 * 10-61

Reject Ho

����$POmEFODF�*OUFSWBM��������� ���������Hypothesis Testing 2:

2 proportion test between numbers of returning visits:


Prc = Percentage of returning visits through in New York

prm = Percentage of returning visits through

Ho prc = prm

Ha prc not equals prm

= .05

Q�WBMVF��������������������������������������������������������$POmEFODF�*OUFSWBM��������� ���������


Search Engine Optimization:



We feel that it makes sense to keep the Museum of the Earth and the Ca-

yuga Nature Center as separate Websites. Because the two have different

locations, phone numbers, and activites, we believe viewers of the site may

become confused if the information were to be compiled into one Website.

To ensure people are clear that the Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga

Nature Center are merged under the PRI, we came up with a website that

included all three logos onto a single homepage. In addition to give view-

ers the chance to learn about the PRI, we suggest an additional page.

On the homepage the PRI’S shell is utilized a homepage button and a

headline (located in the upper-left hand corner). This offers the site’s visi-

tors to either click on the enlarged icon “Museum of the Earth” (located on

the left) or the “Cayuga Nature Center” (located on the right). This will then

lead to a separate page. In addition, the logo (located in the upper-right

hand corner) will allow a viewer to navigate to the various separte pages.

The three will have separate URLs and the site, shown to the right, will only

come up if one searches “Paleontological Research Institution.” The sep-

arate mobile sites will still have direct links to each other’s sites, ensuring

that site visitors still realize the connection between them. This will maxi-

mize the likelihood that visitors will view both sites.

RecommendationsGeneral Layout


We believe the Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature Center’s mobile websites’ strongest suit is their basic lay-out. The simplicity of the list of general headlines is easily maneuvered on smart phones, something that is key to a mobile site’s success. We believe that a more vi-sually appealing header should be includ-FE�JOUP�UIF�TJUF�T�QSPQPTFE�NPEJmDBUJPOT��To match the visual awe of the museum and the nature center, we recommend the site use picture icons adjacent to the headlines that can be clicked on, as seen to the right. Also seen to the right is the NPEJmFE�DPMPS�TDIFNF �XIJDI�JODPSQP-rates the appropriate brand logo colors.


In order to keep visitors of the mobile sites interested, we recommend condensing the written information into more readable text. Because most people visiting sites on their cell phones are on-the-go and pressed for time, it is important for viewers to be able to read all the important information and process it quickly.

While most of the information on both sites are concise and visually appealing, we rec-ommend changing the text in the “About Us” sections. A simple re-wording of the sen-tences such as saying, “Established in 2003, the Museum of the Earth’s 8000 square-foot exhibition takes visitors on a journey through 4.5 billion years of history, from Earth’s origin to the present day.” Additionally a simple “Check out our exhibits!” at the end of the section with a direct link to the “Exhibits” page would be an appropriate call to action. After learning what the museum is about a person can easily see what there is to offer.

As far as the “About Us” on the Cayuga Nature Center’s mobile site, we recommend the opposite: include more text. The current description is vague and leaves the reader with an unclear understanding of what the center has to offer. Men-tioning the greatest aspects, such as the learning camps and hiking trails, would be CFOFmDJBM�JO�QJRVJOH�UIF�JOUFSFTU�PG�UIF�TJUF�T�WJTJUPST�

Text Layout


Cayuga Nature Center Mobilet� In order to allow potential visitors the opportunity to plan their visit, we recommend adding a trail map.t� To appeal to parents with younger children looking for something fun to do in the summer, we also recom-

mend adding an events page that features the camps and activities available to the public. In addition, we also recommend adding a page for special occasions that features the wedding venue with information on pricing, “planning your special day”, and location.

t� Lastly to add to the interactivity with the visitors of the Cayuga Center, we recommend creating an Insta-gram account that allows visitors to post pictures using hashtags that will automatically sync with their ac-count. They can post photos of the the beautiful scenery surrounding them.

Museum of the Earth Mobilet� To give potential visitors a chance to look at the merchandise available in the gift shop we recommend add-

ing a store page.t� Community outreach is a unique aspect of the Ithaca community and we believe that adding a page that

displays different volunteer opportunities at the museum and Cayuga Nature Center would allow people the chance to give back.

Paleontological Research Institutiont� To help viewers understand what kind of an organization PRI is, we recommend adding an about us sec-

tiont� To inform viewers what PRI is currently working we recommend adding a current and past research section

What to Add


One important aspect we believe is missing from the mobile sites is a social media presence.

We recommend including a direct link to PRI’s Twitter and Facebook pages. We also

recommend the creation of an Instagram account for the Cayuga Nature Center in order to

highlight it’s natural beauty.


Currently, PRI has one Twitter account which includes updates for both the

Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Center. We believe this cohesion is

CFOFmDJBM�BT�JU�NBLFT�UIF�DPOOFDUJPO�CFUXFFO�13* �UIF�.VTFVN�PG�UIF�&BSUI �and the Cayuga Nature Center, extremely clear. The condensed Twitter icon

should be included on all three organization’s sites. This will enable anyone who visits the Mu-

seum of the Earth site, for example, to click on the Twitter link and learn about the Cayuga Na-

ture Center as well. The nature of Twitter gives each organization a chance to be differentiated

through the use of “hashtags.” For example, if @PRI1932 is tweeting about the Cayuga Nature

Center, the end of the tweet could feature the text, “#CayugaNatureCenter.” This is an easy way

to use minimal text to highlight which institution is being spoken of. An additional recommenda-

tion is to change the Twitter name from “PRI1932” to something that will be more likely to come

up in a search such as “IthacaPRI.”

Social Media



Currently, the Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature Center Facebook

pages are two separate entities. We believe consolidating the information into one

homepage would strengthen both organization’s social media presence. Just as PRI’s

Twitter now does, one Facebook page would advertise all organizations through a sin-

gle outlet. A direct link to the page should be included on the PRI homepage, the Museum of the Earth

mobile site, and the Cayuga Nature mobile site.


Instagram is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the Cayuga Nature Center’s natural beauty.

The nature center can upload pictures of itself daily to share with its viewers. Additionally,

people who visit can “Instagram” photos of their experiences and tag Cayuga Nature

Center in the pictures. This will spread awareness of the nature center and is essentially

free publicity. The Instagram account could be featured as an icon on the PRI homep-

age. On the Cayuga Nature Center’s mobile site, a direct link to Instagram could be con-

nected to the “Gallery” icon. Anyone who clicks “Gallery” would be directed to the Instagram account.

The simple addition to include social media icons on the mobile sites will create more traffic to PRI’s so-

cial media sites, making it vital to update these sites frequently. With a strong social media presence,

awareness and interest of PRI and it’s various organizations is likely to increase.


Lastly, we recommend a “For Kids” section on the mobile websites. Due to the growing amount of children engaging in learning and gaming activities on their parents smart phones and tablets, the “For Kids” section would be included in both the Museum of the Earth mobile site and the Cayuga Nature Center mobile site, but would be altered to fit each organization appropriately. The general idea is an online storybook. For the museum, the book could be a story about the evolution of dinosaurs. Each page would have a picture with one or two sentences under it, for kids to read. Maybe if a kid clicks on the dinosaur, it could make a noise. At the end of the short story there would be a call to action, perhaps something as simple as “Tell your parents to take you to the Museum of the Earth!” in order to get the children to be excited to go. For the Cayuga Nature Center’s site, there could be a storybook about the changing seasons, or something that can be very visuall as well as informative. The storybook could be updated as new exhibits are added, in or-der to keep the information in the storybooks relevant. Essentially, we hope the child becomes excited about the story and wishes to explore the ex-hibit. The idea is to position both places as a exciting place where children and parents alike want to explore.

Promotion to Kids




Bio’sJordana Filippi is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major and French and Sociology minor. She is an environmentally-friendly individual and hopes to work in the marketing field doing non-profit work. She is especially interested in the emerging green marketing field. In her free time, Jordana enjoys listening to and discov-ering new music and learning about French culture.

Gabby Badowski is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major. In addition to mar-keting, she also has a passion for healthy living and an active lifestyle. She aspires to one day become a brand developer for Lululemon Athletica, Reebok, Nike, or Brooks. In her free time she enjoys running, playing guitar, and searching for the best coffee Ithaca has to offer.

William Catalutch is a sophomore Television-Radio major with a Business minor. After spending the last three years working in commercial radio, he hopes to work at a media research and analytics firm. In his free time, Bill enjoys absorbing hip hop culture, catch-ing a Phillies game, and writing screenplays.

Julia Kohn is a freshman Integrated Marketing Communications major. She has a passion for design and wishes to change the advertising industry in way that is more postive for women’s body image. She hopes to work as a brand developer for comapnies like Dove and Special K. In her free time she dances and listens to alternative rock.