Mobile phone marketing advantages

Post on 09-May-2015

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Mobile Phone Marketing Advantages

Currently, we are seeing another large communication shift similar to the social media movement in 2005.In

terms of size, it's already bigger than the dot com boom.

At the moment, it's still in the early adopter phase. When mobile text message marketing originated a

couple years back it was extremely expensive.

Of course, I'm referring to mobile text message marketing.

The playing field has been leveled, though. It no longer costs an arm and a leg.

That's the big reason only companies with large budgets could

use it.

Mobile marketing is the MOST effective way to get new customers, retain current ones, and prevent no-shows.The

bottom line is that mobile helps businesses make more income and the conversion is better than anything online or offline.

Check out these incredible mobile marketing statistics you should know:

- The response rate (on average) is around 10 - 30% consistently.In short, it means if you send a text to 200 people,

20-60 of them are sure to take the action you tell them to.

- The final mobile text message open rate averages between 95 - 97%.To give you an idea, the average open rate of emails are a low 15%.

- Text messages typically are responded to within 60 minutes.

- There are over 5 times the quantity of mobile phones in use as there are


Since mobile text marketing is in its early stages, here are some ideas and ways to make money and get new

customers from this virtually untapped marketing platform.

Keywords and Mobile Short-Codes. You'll definitely want to acquire a short-code with

two mobile-based keywords.

It's a good idea to have one keyword for current customers and one keyword for potential

ones.Here's how short-codes work.

They allow a customer to text a keyword (PIZZA, for instance) to a particular number to get a deal or hook-up.The benefit of using

short-codes and keywords is that it helps you build a text database that you can send a text to anytime!

You're practically guaranteed a great response rate.

Include your short-codes in advertising online and offline in as

many places as possible.

Customer Appointment Reminders. You'll definitely want to use text marketing for appointment reminders.This has

been proven to reduce no shows by in excess of 50%.

This helps you generate more income, as more people are coming through your doors.

One of the best practices is to send a text reminder 45-60 minutes before their appointment.This will

help you get the most out of it.Create Mobile E-cards.

Make sure to utilize mobile E-cards.Use them on special event days like anniversaries or birthdays.This is a simple, sincere

gesture to let customers know you're thinking of them.

Build Mobile Coupons.Coupons are a must nowadays and you'll want to incorporate them in your mobile text marketing.Who doesn't

enjoy savings, really?Everyone does.Give a strong incentive to others to join your list and offer them specials to make them feel like a VIP.

Facebook and Internet Sign-up Boxes. On your website or Facebook fan page, you'll want to create internet sign-up

forms so customers can see your mobile offers all over the web.

This is a simple way to profit and integrate social media into text message marketing platforms.Since we know this is the

biggest communication revolution that's ever occurred, positioning is crucial.

Getting on board today will help you take advantage of this amazing business building tactic.If you think about

it, cell phones are like a third hand for people these days.

No one leaves their home without them. You can reach your customers on the go anytime

with text marketing.

Putting to use these strategies outlined above can completely transform your business, allow you to get a slew of extra customers per month, and help your make more money.