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BMW GroupMobile Tradition | Mobile Tradition | Volume 01 | Issue 02 | July 2003History moves with us

Mobile Tradition liveFacts and background

BMW 303: the start of a long tradition. Page 08

PartsSpare parts are crucial for cars, but oftendifficult to track down for classic models.BMW offers assistance.

BMW 303The first six-cylinder car in BMW historyalso launched BMW’s “kidney grille”.

Anniversaries in the year 2003

Founding of the RappMotorenwerke GmbH

FactsThe most important events, dates andanniversaries in the coming months.

Page 12-15

Page 08-11

Page 03-06

90 years

80 years

75 years

30 years

25 years

BMW’s first motorcycle isunveiled in Berlin

Takeover of the Eisenach car factory

New BMW plant opens in Dingolfing

BMW M1 production launch

1956: to Tehran with 12 horsepower

In the 1950s, a journey from Germany to Iran was tantamountto a world trip – especially when you consider the engine ofthe R25/2 that propelled the two student companions on theirway. 12 bhp had to carry them both all the way to Persia.But their confidence in the machine was such that they didn’teven take a spare spark plug along. The family and friends ofHans Winter and Koorosh Eghbal could only shake theirheads at such a bold enterprise. The destination wasEghbal’s family in Meshed, Iran. It was a formidable challengefor both men and machine. But barring a few minor problemsthat were solved on the spot – often thanks to a great deal ofimprovisation – this two-wheeler proved remarkably resilient.Winter’s return journey, during which he visited the sights ofsouthern Europe, covered 9,000 kilometres – half as longagain as the outbound trip. He managed it in three weeks. Bythe time he got back the odometer had clocked up 15,500kilometres more than at the outset of this epic journey.

Stages of the trip toIran in 1956.

To Tehran with 12 bhpBMW motorcycles have traditionally beenrobust. Two students proved this in 1956by riding to Iran on two wheels.

Page 20-23

Paul RoscheThe “engine guru” is one of the legendsof racing engine design.A profile. Page 16-18

20 years Victory in the Formula OneWorld Championship


Page 02

Dear Readers,

When the first edition of Mobile Tradition live landed on our desks hot offthe press, we were admittedly a tiny bit proud. We had hoped for a littlepraise from you, but would never have dreamed of such a positiveresponse. It has reinforced our commitment towards the continuingadvancement of Mobile Tradition live.The last three months have been a very eventful time. Techno Classica,Europe’s premier classic car show, notably set the pulses of aficionados

racing once again. On display at the BMW Group Mobile Tradition stand was a great deal of whatmakes up the fascination which this subject exerts on friends of the BMW brand. From our point ofview, the primary aim was being able to communicate with you. Thus several discussion roundsprovided an opportunity to talk about the key issues revolving around heritage cultivation. Particularattention was devoted to parts supply, which is, after all, one of the crucial components of classicmodel upkeep today and an area to which BMW Group Mobile Tradition is strongly committed.From our own experience of looking after our vehicle collection, we know only too well the indis-pensable role played by expertise and the availability of spare parts in safeguarding the enjoymentof historical models – reason enough to present this theme, starting on page 12, as the main focusof the current edition of Mobile Tradition live. We also have a special contribution lined up for our motorcycle devotees: a report on an adventur-ous trip from Germany to Iran on a 1950s BMW R 25/2. Get geared up for plenty of excitement alongthe way!Here’s wishing you a pleasant journey into the living past.

Read and enjoy!

Holger LappHolger Lapp, Director of BMW Group Mobile Tradition

Responsible: Holger Lapp(see below for address)

BMW Group Mobile TraditionSchleißheimer Straße 416 / BMW Allee


Publication details

BMW 303: The first six-cylinder car from BMW Page 08

From the Isetta to the Z1: Parts sale and service by BMW Group Mobile Tradition Page 12

Paul Rosche: Engine guru and down-to-earth Bavarian Page 16

To Tehran with 12 horsepower: Two Germans ride to Persia in 1956 on a BMW R25/2 Page 20

Contents Issue 02.2003

The Rail Zeppelin: Record ride with aero-engine technology by BMW Page 07

Dates, facts, anniversaries: News and events not to be missed Page 03 BMW’s first six-cylinder for a car was mounted in

the BMW 303.

11 to 13 July 2003 /Goodwood (GB)Goodwood Festival ofSpeedExhibition and races on thesite of famous historicevents and the new Rolls-Royce plant.�

19 to 27 July 2003 /Germany (D)2,000 km throughGermanyTraditional classic car rally.

13 to 17 August 2003 /Zwickau-Dresden (D)1st Saxony ClassicVintage rally throughSaxony with an anticipated150 classic cars participat-ing.

July 2003 August 2003

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Dates & Facts

Dates and events

Brescia. Series winner BMW rolled up forthis year’s edition of the Mille Miglia withroyal support: King Carl Gustav of Swedenwas at the wheel of a BMW 328 Mille MigliaTouring contesting this classic rally thatleads from Brescia via Ferrara to Rome andback to Brescia. The highly traditionalevent, first staged 76 years ago, runsthrough the marvellous landscapes ofnorthern and central Italy, drawing hun-dreds of thousands of spectators to theroadside. Eligible for participation are mod-els which have competed in the classicMille Miglia at least once between 1927and 1957. This year’s event took placefrom 22nd to 25th May. Last year the MilleMiglia counted 370 entrants.

Apart from King Carl Gustav ofSweden with his co-driver Prince Leopoldof Bavaria, there were a further 21 BMWteams lining up for the race with a total ofnine cars from BMW Group MobileTradition and 13 private BMWs. Themajority of these participants were inBMW 328s, including historically signifi-cant models such as the BMW 328 Mille

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 03

Miglia Roadster. The absolute highlightwas the triumphant car of the 1940 MilleMiglia, a BMW 328 Mille Miglia Coupéwith bodywork by Touring. In 1940,Huschke von Hanstein with co-driverWalter Bäumer had steered this aerody-namic racer along the 1,503-kilometrecourse in a record time of eight hours, 54minutes and 46 seconds to cross the fin-ishing line in Brescia as winners. Apartfrom the contingent of BMW 328s, therewas also a BMW 507, a Veritas, and even aBMW Isetta participating in the race. Rockstar Gianna Nannini drove a BMW 327Cabriolet. For the spectators, it offeredanother exciting cross-section of BMW’ssporting past in action on the road.

Overall victory went to the Sielecki –Hervas team of Argentina in a Bugatti T23 Brescia. The women’s category waswon by the BMW team of Boni – Barzizadriving a BMW 328, while the construc-tors’ trophy was taken by Fiat, with BMWin ninth place. Further information at

Facts Fakten Faits Fatti

Mille Miglia 2003

September 2003

4 to 7 September 2003 /La Roche (B)41st annual meeting ofBMW Club Europa

3 to 6 July 2003 /Montafon (A)Silvretta ClassicHistoric Alpine rallythrough the Austrian massif.

4 to 6 July 2003 /Garmisch-Partenkirchen (D)3rd International Bikers´MeetingExhibition and rally – amust for fans of historictwo-wheelers.

BMW Group Mobile Tradition launched itsnew internet presence in April 2003. All keyinformation relating to the theme of “BMWMobile Tradition” can be accessed here.Each area of competence of the heritagedivision is introduced, along with its partic-ular tasks. The Historical Archives, forexample, not only allow internet usersaccess to the archives´ search machine,but also enable them to download theorder form to apply for an official certificatefor a historical model.

Further highlights are the HistoricalCollection and the self-drive car hire pro-gramme. Anyone interested in hiring a carcan obtain all the information necessaryto get behind the steering wheel of one ofour historical models.

For owners of classic models, theonline parts catalogue is an indispensa-ble and convenient aid to tracking downspare parts.

Why not click by some time!

New internet presence

parts for historical models. Both discus-sions were transmitted live into the exhi-bition hall. They are also being streamedon the internet for several months at thefollowing address:

Facts Fakten Faits Fatti

Page 04

Montafon. Few regions of Europe offersuch a stunning panorama for a classiccar event as the Montafon valley inAustria. The Silvretta Alpine road takesyou up to a grand altitude of more than2,000 metres above sea level. Twisty,stunning mountain roads alternate withpicturesque Alpine valleys to make up thespectacular scenery for an exceptionalclassic rally.

From 3rd to 6th July 2003, owners ofsome 150 cherished four-wheeled clas-sics will be able to savour this wonderfullandscape and the welcoming Montafonregion.

The course covers around 450 kilo-metres divided into three daily stages.During these, participants have to com-plete a total of 16 classification trials, 18time checks and four transit controls.BMW Group Mobile Tradition will onceagain be involved in the Silvretta Classicwith a wide range of historical cars,including, for example, a BMW 507Roadster taken from its collection ofsome 400 classic four-wheelers.

Munich/Essen. Techno Classica, held inEssen and for years the most importantgathering place for fans of classic vehi-cles at the start of the season, was anoth-er resounding success this year.Notwithstanding the general economicdownturn and the war in Iraq, the showproved an even bigger draw than before,having rarely seen so many visitors overits four-day duration. In all, 109,000experts and aficionados turned up.BMW Group Mobile Tradition again playeda key role in the success of the event. Hall12, arranged in conjunction with the BMW,MINI, Rolls-Royce and Glas brand clubs,as well as the Veritas register and theEisenach car museum, even drew wordsof praise from the competition. The BMWGroup Mobile Tradition stand was dedicat-ed primarily to the theme of convertiblesagainst a delightful mountain backdrop, aswell as placing special emphasis onBMW’s anniversaries “80 Years of BMWMotorcycles”, “25 Years of the BMW M1”and “20 Years of the Formula OneChampionship”.

Review Techno Classica 2003

As always, thetheme of “Partsand Service” withhighly informativeexhibits attractedkeen interest.

BMW GroupMobile Tradition’spresence was com-plemented by apress conference inthe form of a dis-cussion round, aswell as two furtherrounds of talks. Inthe first, the headsof the heritage divi-sions of DaimlerChrysler, Audi,Porsche and BMWdiscussed the significance of heritage cul-tivation for their respective companies andcustomers.

In the second discussion round, rep-resentatives of supplier companiestalked about the problems of supplying

Goodwood. Next to the Mille Miglia andthe Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este, theFestival of Speed held in Goodwood insouthern England ranks among the topevents in the 2003 classic calendar forBMW Group Mobile Tradition. To markthe Festival’s tenth anniversary, the her-itage department of the BMW Group willbe present again with an array of treas-ures from its Historical Collection. From11th to 13th July 2003, BMW motorcy-cles as well as sports and racing cars willbe out on the race track of the historicgrounds of Goodwood House, driven bybig names from the world of motorsport.

The Goodwood Festival of Speedenjoys an outstanding reputation amongmotor racing fans. This is the only venuewhere spectators can experience 100years of racing history in action. Afterdrawing crowds of 25,000 in 1993, itsinaugural year, 2002 saw more than130,000 visitors flocking to witnessmotorcycles and sports cars of all classesand ages battling for the best times onthe 1.2-mile circuit.

Three anniversaries form the core ofBMW Group Mobile Tradition’s activitiesin 2003. The Festival of Speed providesthe perfect setting for celebrating “20years of the Formula One Championship“,exemplified by the Brabham BT 52 –BMW F1 in which Nelson Piquet won thechampionship in 1983 and the latestWilliamsF1 BMW FW25, driven by JuanPablo Montoya.

The appearance of a BMW M1 Procarrepresents the racing history of this out-standing BMW sports car launched 25years ago. In addition, numerous BMWmotorcycles will be in action, bearing wit-ness to the Munich company’s 80-yeartradition of two-wheeled production.

Apart from the cars and motorcyclesout on the race track in 2003, a broadselection of models will also be on displayin the BMW Group Mobile Tradition pavil-ion. A range of accessories for sale willround off the attractions laid on for visitorsto the Goodwood Festival of Speed.Further information about the event canbe found at

Goodwood Festival of Speed 2003 Silvretta Classic 2003

BMW Group Mobile Tradition’s stand at Techno Classica in Essen:Bavarian flair in Germany’s former industrial heartland.

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Anniversaries

Anniversaries in BMW´s corporate history

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 05

Founding of the Rapp MotorenwerkeOn the northern edge of the Oberwiesenfeld, Munich’s first air-field, Karl Rapp and Julius Auspitzer founded the Karl RappMotorenwerke GmbH on 28th October 1913. Located on thesite of the recently liquidated Flugwerke Deutschland GmbH,the new company was designed to manufacture and distribute“engines of all kinds, in particular internal combustion enginesfor aircraft and motor vehicles”. The sole shareholder of theengine construction company was Consul General Auspitzer.Karl Rapp ran the business operation.

Several aero-engine prototypes were designed at the Rappworks, none of which, however, made it into production due tostructural weaknesses. In July 1917, the facilities, patents andcompany site were incorporated into the Bayerische MotorenWerke GmbH, and the Rapp Motorenwerke were subsequentlyclosed.

90 years

Takeover of the Eisenach car factoryThe “new” BMW AG had been established in 1922 by Austrianfinancier Camillo Castiglioni to include the “manufacture of auto-mobiles” as well. Attempts to develop and build cars, however,were not systematically carried out in the years that followed andultimately remained uncompleted.

In 1928, BMW had a surprising and excellent opportunity togain a foothold in the flourishing car market through the purchaseof the Eisenach car factory, also known as the DIXI-Werke. Onlythe previous year, the factory had concluded a licensing contractwith the Austin Motor Company allowing them to manufacturethe successful small Austin Seven for the German market.

For this purpose, the factory facilities were adapted to“assembly-line production” – a revolutionary method for thetime. Thus on 28th October 1928, at a cost of 1 million reichs-marks, the greater part payable in shares, BMW acquired a mod-ernized automobile factory which was turning out an attractiveand affordable small car. It was the perfect entry into the world ofcar manufacturing.

75 years

BMW’s first motorcycle unveiled in BerlinBMW first presented its R 32 at the Berlin Motor Show held from28th September to 3rd October 1923. This is not exactly a newdiscovery, yet there is ongoing confusion regarding this eventsince the majority of sources cite Paris as the birthplace ofBMW’s motorcycle heritage. Just how this Parisian myth wasdebunked reads a bit like a detective story.

The fact is that, for decades, the Paris Motor Show whichtook place at the beginning of October was named as the launchvenue. The first source in question is an unpublished text mark-ing the 20th anniversary of BMW motorcycles.

In an interview with Rudolf Schleicher, who in 1923 wasworking out plans for the production launch of the R 32, he men-tioned that the R 32 had been unveiled in Paris. That seemed toindicate beyond doubt that the debut of the R 32 must havetaken place in Paris, and that assertion was subsequently notcalled into question.

In the run-up to the 75th anniversary of BMW motorcycles,extensive research was carried out in the archives and library ofthe Deutsches Museum in Munich. The first surprise was thatthere were numerous mentions of the R 32 being presented inBerlin, and of this motor show having already opened its doorson 28th September. A glance at the list of exhibitors and reviewsof the event in the motoring press definitively supported this.

It was thus clear that BMW had first presented the R 32 inBerlin, yet it was still possible that the motorcycle had alsoappeared at the Paris show.

The delivery book records that two motorcycles had initiallybeen sent to the Berlin Motor Show before being passed on toa Berlin dealer for sale. No mention was made of Paris, however.Research undertaken by colleagues at BMW France similarlyfailed to unearth any mention of Paris. Unfortunately no extantcatalogue of exhibitors at the Paris Motor Show could be found,not even in the National Library of Paris. That would have pro-

80 years

vided the crucial missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle that couldhave shed light on the matter. The search for it had virtuallybeen abandoned when the archivists at DaimlerChrysler Classicmentioned that they had a copy of the very catalogue. A subse-quent search showed that BMW had not been registered as anexhibitor.

This provided the ultimate proof that the debut of the R 32had, for decades, been erroneously attributed to Paris ratherthan Berlin.

New BMW plant opens in DingolfingFollowing the takeover of Hans Glas GmbH in Dingolfing in 1967,BMW AG transferred some of its car manufacturing facilities fromMunich to its Lower Bavarian subsidiary in 1968. It soon becameclear, however, that the capacities there would not be adequate forthe planned expansion of car production.

Over a period of three years, therefore, a second BMW plantwas erected on a site of some 600,000 square metres in the directvicinity of the first Dingolfing factory. The official opening of theproduction facilities took place on 22nd November 1973 in thepresence of numerous guests of honour. By this time, the newPlant 2.4 had already proved its efficiency: just two months previ-ously, BMW’s production director Hans Koch had taken delivery ofthe first car to emerge from the new factory – a red BMW 520.

Chronology of the Dingolfing plant:02 Jan 1967: Takeover of Hans Glas GmbH01 Jan 1968: Component production for cars and motorcycles09 Nov 1970: Cornerstone ceremony with Alfons Goppel27 Sep 1973: First car comes off the production line22 Nov 1973: Official opening of Plant 2.4

30 years

Anniversaries / BMW Group Mobile Tradition overview

Page 06

BMW M1 production launchBMW unveiled its new high-performance BMW M1 sports car atthe Paris Motor Show on 5th October 1978. Under the directionof racing driver Jochen Neerpasch, the newly-fledged BMWMotorsport GmbH, in collaboration with several external partnersincluding Lamborghini, had produced a racer which has lost noneof its fascination to this day.

Though it was conceived as a base vehicle for motor rac-ing, this objective was only met to a limited extent since set-backs in its development delayed production readiness andwith it the hoped-for homologation. But the Procar race series,specially launched for the BMW M1 and involving the bestFormula One drivers in identical M1s battling for victory, willremain unforgotten.

Even 25 years after its debut, the street version of the BMWM1 with 277 bhp and weighing just 1,300 kg, of which only 401units were built up to 1981, still ranks among the most dynamicsports cars of all time. Long since established as a classic ofrecent motoring history, most of the BMW M1 mid-enginesports cars have survived to the present under the solicitouscare of devotees of extraordinary automobiles.

Victory in the Formula One World Championship“A sensational triumph for BMW and Brabham at the WorldChampionship final in South Africa on 15th October 1983” ranthe exultant banner headline that marked the beginning ofBMW’s very own chapter in the history of Formula One.

The success of the team, which was made up of British andBavarian members, was the crowning endorsement of the com-mitment with which BMW had entered the top echelon of motorracing.

Behind this triumph were a raft of famous names including,for example, Bernie Ecclestone, Gordon Murray, Paul Roscheand, of course, Nelson Piquet, the man behind the wheel of thevictorious car.

The first Formula One World Championship title in the his-tory of the Bavarian company was made possible by a vehicledriven by a powerful BMW turbo engine which was outstandingfor the time. Thanks to superior powertrain technology, theprized crown of motorsport thus went to a German car manu-facturer again – the Bayerische Motoren Werke of Munich – forthe first time since the championship victories claimed by thelegendary Silver Arrows of Mercedes-Benz.

25 years 20 years

BMW Group Mobile Tradition areas of competence

This is where all information relating tothe history of the company, its brands andits products is gathered and stored. TheArchives are the main port of call for allBMW departments requiring historicalinformation of any kind.

The same goes for journalists, writ-ers, historians and all those interested inthe heritage of the BMW Group and itsproducts. Research can be carried outfrom home via the internet by loggingonto:

The BMW Museum presents the past,present and future of the BMW brandwithin the context of the relevant socialand historical era. It was inaugurated in1973 as the first museum of its kind.Today, hundreds of thousands of visitorsevery year come to the museum’s chang-ing exhibitions to learn about the BMWcompany and experience the fascinationof the BMW brand.

This department guarantees a compre-hensive supply of parts for the faithfulrestoration of BMW classics. 15 yearsafter production has been phased out,owners of historical models are suppliedwith all the necessary spare parts, nownumbering several tens of thousands intotal. Repair guidelines are also providedfor the models.

Around the globe, BMW Group MobileTradition takes part in events and exhibi-tions in the classic car and motorcyclescene, particularly those relating to theBMW Group’s past, such as TechnoClassica in Essen, the Concorsod’Eleganza Villa d’Este or the GoodwoodFestival of Speed. To this end, the divisionsupports some 180 BMW clubs, stagesnumerous events of its own, and issuespublications on BMW’s motoring heritage.

At the heart of BMW Group MobileTradition is the Historic Collection. It con-tains more than 400 cars and 170 motor-cycles, as well as numerous aircraft,motorcycle and car engines, all the way tothe latest Formula One power units. Theinvolvement of these vehicles in numer-ous national and international events isoverseen by the operations managementdepartment. Maintenance and restora-tion work on these classics is undertakenin the workshop of BMW Group MobileTradition.

Archives Parts and Accessories Vehicle collection

BMW Museum Clubs, events, communications

Restoration job in the workshop of BMWGroup Mobile Tradition.

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Aircraft Engines

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 07

The Rail Zeppelin – record trip withBMW aero-engine technologyIt’s a highlight of any model railway set, and many regard it as the precursor of the Transrapid high-speed train. The enduring popularity of the RailZeppelin is remarkable considering that, after just a few hundred test kilometres, the world’s fastest track vehicle of the time was jettisoned for rea-sons of transport policy.

Engineers had long pondered the possibility of high-speedtrains. As early as 1903, a three phase powered railcar devel-oped by AEG and Siemens recorded a speed of 210 km/h.However, as this vehicle’s output of 3,000 bhp required a dis-proportionately high amount of energy, the project was not pur-sued any further.

Almost three decades later, engineer Franz Kruckenbergstruck out on a different path. He floated the idea of a propeller-driven railcar – float being the operative word, as initial plansenvisaged a suspension railway. But the project did not material-ize as the costs of laying down new routes for it would have gonebeyond any reasonable scope. And so Kruckenberg decided todemonstrate the advantages of sophisticated aerodynamics andsystematic lightweight construction on conventional tracks tobegin with.

The first test vehicle was ready in 1929. Its purpose was to ver-ify once again that the propeller-drive concept was workable. As atest track, a virtually straight, unused, eight-kilometre stretch oftrack between Hanover and Burgwedel was selected. In April 1929,the first test rides were launched with twin 230 bhp BMW IV aircraftengines driving the train. When the far from aerodynamically per-fect vehicle logged a speed of 175km/h, Kruckenberg saw his con-cept endorsed and started work on the construction of a produc-tion version in collaboration with the Aerodynamic ResearchInstitute in Göttingen.

In 1930 the train was assembled in Hanover-Leinhausen andchristened “Rail Zeppelin” by the workforce. Its framework com-prised a skeleton of tubular steel covered with fireproof-impregnat-

ed canvas. Driving it was now a 600 horsepowerBMW VI aero-engine which, like the propeller, wastilted slightly upward to increase pressure on the rails.

On 25th September 1930, the “Rail Zepp” setout on its maiden journey. On the short length oftrack, the 180 km/h mark was exceeded before thecontinuously accelerating train had to be sloweddown and brought to a halt. In May 1931, the RailZeppelin then made its first journey on Germany’sregular rail network. Along a stretch of some 20 kilo-metres, it achieved a speed of 205 km/h, just belowthe record established in 1903, which continued tostand. It was nevertheless an encouraging result, andKruckenberg was keen to test his invention overlonger distances.

On 21st June 1931, the Rail Zeppelin embarkedon its legendary ride from the Hamburg district ofBergedorf to Berlin. The 257-kilometre distance was

completed in a mere 98 minutes. Along a 12-kilometre section itreached 230 km/h to set up a new world record which endured foralmost 25 years. The train subsequently travelled around Germany,attracting thousands of curious onlookers.

Although the Rail Zeppelin had passed the acid test,Germany’s national railway remained sceptical. For one thing, apropeller drive was deemed too dangerous. For another, such afast train would, with existing braking technology, be difficult tointegrate into a railway network geared to a top speed of 120 km/hand into the established railway timetable. It was for these reasonsthat the concept was turned down and the project scotched. Therecord-breaking train itself was sent to the scrappers’ yard in1939, leaving the scale model versions as the only means of see-ing the Rail Zeppelin travelling at full tilt today.

The Rail Zeppelin on a test ride: “Like a vision from the distant future” was theheadline in BMW’s in-house newsletter.

Year of construction 1931Unladen weight 18,600 kgLength 25.3 mNo. of axles 2Wheelbase 19.6 mNo. of passengers up to 40Engine BMW VIDisplacement 46.9 lOutput 580 bhp Consumption 71.5 l / 100 km Parked at Berlin’s Grunewald station

following its record attempts.

The Rail Zeppelin

by Fred Jakobs

With its first cars of the 3/15 PS und 3/20PS model range, BMW had bucked thetrend of the economically straitenedperiod of 1929 to 1933 and, unlike manyother car manufacturers, launched a suc-cessful start to its automotive history.

The tried and tested small cars builtunder licence from Austin, along with the

extensively redesigned 3/20 PS, cameoff the Eisenach production lines in morethan 23,000 copies by the time theywere phased out in March 1933.

However, by 1931 the decision hadalready been made not to limit produc-tion to the small car category but todevelop a technically more sophisticated

Launch of a long tradition

70 years ago – BMW 303, the first six-cylinder modelFor the Bayerische Motoren Werke the BMW 303 was a revolutionary vehicle, not merely because it was powered by the first automobile six-cylin-der engine in BMW history. It also featured several other important technical innovations, as well as sporting the very first BMW “kidney grille”.

Page 08

model powered by a small six-cylinderengine. This was part of a cooperativeagreement between BMW and Daimler-Benz, which gave BMW the market seg-ment below the 1.3-litre displacementcapacity and Daimler the category abovethis class. Originally there were two pro-posals put forward for the engine of this

by Walter Zeichner

new model. BMW engine constructor Max Friz had designed astate-of-the-art unit in which he aimed to apply numerousinsights from his longstanding experience of aero-engine con-struction. Details such as an aluminium crankcase or overheadvalves in the detachable cylinder head were only used inextremely high-performance engines at the time, and wereaccordingly costly to produce.

At the other extreme Martin Duckstein, a former colleagueof Max Friz who had in the interim moved from Munich toEisenach as head of construction, designed a very simple six-cylinder unit that was cheap to produce. However, designdetails such as vertical valves, an engine block and cylinderhead cover of grey-cast iron and a crankshaft with triple bear-ings were too reminiscent of the Opel 1.8-litre engine with amodest 32 bhp launched just a few months earlier.

The route to the right engine

By now it was the summer of 1932, and General ManagerPopp wasn’t happy with either of the designs. He sought theopinion of his test director in Munich, Rudolf Schleicher. MaxFriz’s design was naturally far too expensive and Duckstein’sengine, despite its lower manufacturing costs, was on thesimple side – not exactly BMW-worthy. However, Schleicherwas impressed with such basic concepts as uniting thecrankcase and the cylinder block into a highly rigid grey-castiron component.

A design by Rudolf Schleicher and his colleague KarlRech accordingly envisaged just such an engine block basedon “the American design principle”, though even more rigidand featuring four crankshaft bearings. The valves, as in theBMW 3/20 PS, were naturally in overhead arrangement in thegrey-cast iron cylinder head, and the air/fuel mixture prepara-tion – unusually for a touring engine – was handled by twinSolex carburettors using the updraft principle.

Fundamental principles of the building-block system – inthis case, the possibility of using shared components andmachine tools from the existing 3/20 PS four-cylinder – wereapplied, along with modern assembly methods using pre-assembled units, such as the crankshaft with its six connect-ing rods and pistons.

Hans Nibel, head of development at Daimler-Benz and agood friend of BMW’s managing director Popp, was ultimate-ly consulted as an impartial expert and invited to make thefinal decision. He unhesitatingly opted for the design by Rechand Schleicher, and with the help of this “midwifery” it subse-quently went into series production as the precursor of allfuture six-cylinder car engines made by BMW.

The chassis design for the car was completely new, and byvirtue of its lightweight construction would point the way aheadfor subsequent BMW models. Chief constructor Fritz Fiedler,who had joined BMW from Horch as recently as 1932, found anew chassis frame at BMW which had been developed inEisenach but, with its complex design based on U-sections, didnot meet his expectations in terms of the “lightweight con-struction principle”. Using only the basic design of this frame,

he succeeded within a short space of time in developing out ofit a chassis frame for BMW’s first six-cylinder model.

It consisted of two A-shaped tubular side members with acircular section that converged towards the width of the engineand two box-shaped crossbeams in similarly hollow design,with the tubular side members producing a moment of resist-ance 10 times higher. At the front end of the frame, the sidemembers were taken through a further crossbeam which also

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Automobiles

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 09

Cover picture from a BMW 303 brochure of 1933.

Historical BMW advertisements

served as a bracket for thefront transverse leaf spring.

The sections of the sidemembers, moreover, taperedtowards the rear since lowerbending moments came intoplay here. Such a lightweight,low-slung frame, boastingexceptional torsional rigidityinto the bargain, naturallyoffered considerable advan-tages compared with theheavy U-profile frame in com-mon use at the time, and BMWMunich filed for a patent onthis design on 28th January1933. Particular attention wasalso devoted to the wheel suspensions inthe design of this new car following opencriticism of this crucial aspect in connec-

tion with the previous 3/20 PS and 3/15PS models.

At the front, a new swing axle withlow wishbones and hydraulic dampersensured precise control and stability ofthe steered wheels, while the rear fea-tured the tried and tested principle of arigid axle with quarter-elliptic leaf springsand lever-type shock absorbers. Initial

drive tests in 1932 confirmed that thenew car bearing the development code303 and with a weight-output ratio of 27

kg per brake horsepower was not justlively but also boasted positively safe andfar from uncomfortable ride characteris-tics.

The first “BMW kidney grille”

The 30 bhp 1.2-litre engine with twincarburettors – the smallest six-cylinder inGermany at the time – was as powerful

The first BMW six-cylinder model

as it was flexible and smooth-running. In its bodyworkdesign, too, BMW struck out onnew paths, and this modelcame to define the BMW lookfor cars of that decade – andbeyond to the present in oneparticular detail.

The body stylists designeda significantly more spacioussuperstructure for the new car,which claimed an overallincrease in length of 70 cm. Inits advertisements BMW stilldescribed the model 303 as asmall car, but they were clearlywell on the way to leaving this

humble category behind.The bodywork designers at BMW

had lent the radiator cowling on the newmodel a particularlystriking design. Thelarge air intake on thefront of the car wasdivided into two areasclearly separated by abar and at an angle to

one another. They were faintly reminis-cent of two adjacent kidneys familiarfrom schematic illustrations of the innerorgans of the human body. No otherleading car manufacturer employed sucha radiator design at the time, and the“kidney grille” became a distinctive iden-tifying feature of BMW cars, remainingso to this day with very few exceptions.

It was only later that the storyevolved of the Bruchsal-based manufac-turers of small roadster bodies, GebrüderIhle, having developed and “invented”this design for their sports car bodies fit-ted onto the Dixi and BMW 3/15 PSchassis. Evidence shows, however, thatIhle only began offering bodywork with“kidney grilles” from 1935, having previ-ously used the unitary flat radiators incommon use. Ihle had adopted this strik-ing design from BMW rather than theother way around.

Phaeton by special order

In February 1933, BMW was able topresent the first examples of the new303 model at the Berlin Motor Show. Thesuperstructures for the saloon had beenbuilt at the Sindelfingen workshops ofDaimler-Benz, who had already signed acooperative deal with BMW for the con-

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The latest BMW models at the 1933 Berlin Motor Show.

The first radiator to feature the “BMW kidney grille”, and a raft of technicalinnovations which inspired numerous future developments.

A front end that defines BMW cars to this day: the “kidney grille”.

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Automobiles

mentally redesigned air intakes on thebonnet, as its successor model BMW315, which was already waiting in thewings.

Up until the production launch of this34 bhp, 1.5-litre model, a further 809BMW 303 units with this body were builtover a two-month period. BMW had notonly marketed the 303 model as a smallcar, but in advertising was keen todescribe it as a high-performance model.

When one considers its lightweightdesign and its engine, which providedthe basic design for the subsequent, typ-ical BMW six-cylinder engines, thisassessment would appear by no meansan overstatement.

It was with this model that BMWmade the leap into the circle of manufac-turers of high-quality, sporty, compactautomobiles. Anyone who has the goodfortune today, 70 years on, of owning anddriving a BMW 303 can vouch for theease and safety with which BMW’s firstsix-cylinder model can be guided eventhrough today’s traffic.

such as Gläser in Dresden, usually intwo-seater sports car design.

When it came to the colour schemeof these simply but fully equipped mod-els, the saloon purchaser had a choiceof blue, reddish-brown and grey, eachwith black mudguards. The more expen-sive sports cabriolet was only availablein ivory with light brown mudguards, asilver-grey bonnet and light red or lightblue leather upholstery, while the four-

seater cabriolet came in black, green,grey and beige with darker-toned mud-guards and upholstery and a bonnet tomatch the basic colour. Clearly great

efforts were already beingmade to offer a wide range ofindividual choices, and one caneasily imagine that road traffic inthe 1930s was not dominatedby monochrome bodywork.

The bodies for the saloonand roller roof saloon continuedto be supplied by Daimler-Benzin Sindelfingen, and this collab-oration would be maintaineduntil the phase-out of the suc-cessor models BMW 315 and319, which were only distin-guishable from the 303 indetails.

It wasn’t until the new 326and 329 models were launchedthat the saloon bodies began tobe supplied by Ambi-Budd inBerlin once more. In March1934, the BMW 303 underwentits final revision and was giventhe same body style, with funda-

struction of bodies for the previous 3/20PS model. But this first design wasregarded by many as still too angular and“old-fashioned”, as a result of which cer-tain modifications were carried outbefore series production was launchedin May. At the same time, further body-work designs were prepared for a two-seater and four-seater cabriolet.

Eventually these three variants weredelivered to the first customers inApril/May 1933, starting with chassisnumber 45001. The saloons with theirprice tag of 3,600 reichsmarks made upthe majority of sales. Anyone wishing tobuy the four-window cabriolet or thetwo-seater sports cabriolet had to pay anextra 800 and 1,000 reichsmarksrespectively. Shortly after productionlaunch, there was also the option of aroller roof saloon in which the entire cen-tral part of the fabric roof could be rolledback to open up.

Bodywork by Daimler-Benz

The tourer (phaeton) bodywork variantavailable for the earlier models was onlybuilt twice by special commission for the303, since it was now no longer really inkeeping with the times. For the sum of3,080 reichsmarks, 74 customersordered a BMW 303 chassis with all thedrive units and then had special body-work built by independent coachbuilders

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 11

The driving seat of the BMW 303.

“A small quality car with powerful performance”

Test report on the 1.2-litre six-cylinder BMW by R. Otte“We left Berlin in the morning and after four hours we had reachedSchierke at the Brocken mountain. That’s a distance of 240 km. In normaltraffic one can comfortably average 70 km in the new 1.2-litre BMW. Thiskind of performance will undoubtedly satisfy above-average demands.This small six-cylinder is simply outstanding – smooth, flexible and power-ful – a real little luxury machine. And the transmission! The way the gearschange, so lightly and gently as if the cogs were made of rubber. The six-cylinder BMW is well above average in the so-called small car category.”

Top: the first test chassis frame for the BMW 303.Bottom: the new lightweight tubular frame design forthe series.

Foundation of success: the 1.2-litre six-cylin-der engine with 30 bhp.

Of course, it’s great when you can cruisealong country lanes in your classic carenjoying the feeling of driving as it usedto be. You don’t just need good mainte-nance to keep the wheels turning. Theodd repair is also necessary. And that’swhere spare parts come in handy.

This is an important topic for driversand for BMW. More than 60 percent ofclassic car owners service their own clas-sic vehicles. They also do the occasionalrepair. This was revealed by the survey“Classics of the Future 2003” carried outby motor magazine Motor Klassik. That’s

when the mechanically minded enthusi-ast needs spare parts. They’re certainlynot easy to find. Car owners generallylook to dealers or specialists for spareparts (80.9 percent) and recently theInternet has become an important source(42.4 percent).

Order from ...

Overall, more than 80 percent of ownersof classic cars are satisfied with the sup-ply of spare parts. Automobile manufac-turers have also played a key role here. Inorder to keep the history of the company

From Isetta to Z1 – parts sale and serviceat BMW Mobile TraditionIs pushing your car a sign of true love? Are you sufficiently devoted to your historic car not to mind being stranded at the roadside? Having to searchfor the nearest bus or train can be a turn-off for the most avid aficionado. A reliable supply of spare parts is one of the most important issues for loversof historic vehicles.

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and its vehicles alive and make that histo-ry accessible to the community of BMWenthusiasts, the BMW Group foundedBMW Group Mobile Tradition in 1994. Aspecialist team is dedicated to parts sup-ply and particularly to the manufacture ofreplica parts for historic BMW vehicles.

Generally speaking, parts are sup-plied there for historic vehicles 15 yearsafter the end of volume production in thecase of automobiles and 20 years afterproduction ceases in the case ofmotorcycles. It doesn’t matter whetheryou’re looking for a sealing ring, a wing,

by Sandra Bieberstein

door, windscreen wiper, gear lever, saddle cover, cable harnessor speedo – you can get virtually anything. If an owner of a histo-ric BMW vehicle needs a spare part, they should seek advicefrom their dealer in the first instance. Dealers have access to alarge online parts catalogue managed by BMW Group MobileTradition. The appropriate part can then be found quickly andordered. The spare part arrives within the space of a few daysand it can then be installed in the vehicle. You can then get backon the road.

But what happens when the purchase order is sent off andthere are no more parts in stock? That’s when the team at partssupply and replica manufacture come into their own – althoughthey’ve often taken action much sooner. They sit down togeth-er with mechanics, experts from purchasing and materials man-agement specialists, and come up with a solution to the prob-lem.

The search for information on spare parts

The first step is to get all the necessary information about theproduction method in order to manufacture the missing part.The search includes drawings, any samples available and tech-nical specifications. It’s essential to find out what material therelevant part was made of and the various processes that werecarried out on it. One of the most important resources in thissearch is BMW’s Technical Archive. This includes drawings anddocuments with technical specifications.

Once all the information has been collected, a supplier hasto be found. Manufacturing a part like this on the basis of thedocuments is sometimes extremely straightforward, but it canbe very tricky. An order for manufacturing a part presents a con-siderable challenge to the supplier because it is necessary tomeet the quality requirements of BMW – and today some pro-duction methods are completely obsolete. But that’s not theend of the story. The supplier also has to be prepared to pro-duce a relatively low batch volume and costs should not beexcessive.

Manufacture and pricing

Unfortunately, the tools for manufacturing the original partshave often been scrapped long since and they then have to beremade by a toolmaker. If all the tools are available, an initialsample needs to be produced. This sample is tested and modi-fied until it meets the quality standard of BMW. Only then is itpossible to commence actual production. Here there is also anongoing process of quality control and sampling.

After all, any customer has the right to receive perfectgoods in return for their money. Sufficient parts are then pro-duced to ensure supply for the long term. This might involvecontinuous production of replica parts over a number of years or

one-off production tocreate a “Stock for Eter-nity”. In order to estimatehow many parts are nec-essary, research is car-ried out on the market

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Production of replica parts

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 13

Inspecting and procuring techni-cal documentation at BMW.

Technical consultation with sup-pliers.

Laser machining after the firstpressing.

The part is pressed out. The part is produced from a num-ber of individual components.

The part ist tested by the in-spection machine.

Fitting a sample in the workshopat BMW Group Mobile Tradition.

Front trim grilles are taken intostock at BMW spare parts store.

Procedure for manufacture of a replica part

A complex and often tedious process takes place before a new “old” spare partbecomes available. This is shown here with reference to manufacturing a repli-ca front trim grille in the 02 Series.

Writing a milling program for toolproduction.

Quality control and acceptanceof the initial sample by BMW.

BMW 02 Series: front trimgrille is a typical spare part

quality requirements and are also pre-pared to produce a low batch volume ofthis nature. Materials and machiningspare parts may also be problematic.Processing methods are often no longerused – in the worst case scenario, thematerial no longer exists. The only optionthen is to look for production methodsthat meet the same or higher standards.When the production process presentsparticular technical difficulties, it is gen-erally necessary to produce a large num-ber of initial samples before quality meetsthe high requirements necessary.

Spare parts catalogue and replica parts list

BMW Mobile Tradition publishes all theavailable parts in an online parts cata-logue which is updated on an ongoingbasis. The same applies to replica parts.BMW dealers are now able to order thereplica part again. A monthly list of replicaparts is also published. Moreover, auto-mobile and club magazines receive infor-mation about “old” parts that have beenmanufactured again.

More than 20,000 parts for classicvehicles are kept in stock and almost

half of them have beenmanufactured by BMWGroup Mobile Tradition inthis way. In the year 2002alone, around 1,000 differ-ent replica parts were pro-duced.

However, problemsdon’t always keep to reg-ular opening times.Classic-car aficionadoscan undertake researchthemselves using theparts catalogue on CD-ROM. Enthusiasts will findall the available parts inthe historic parts cata-

and any possible competitors in anattempt to estimate the demand for thisparticular spare part so that replica parts“never” have to be manufactured again.

The comparatively high productioncosts – costs for tools, manufacture, stor-age and sales define the pricing structure– mean that price increases for replicaparts often cannot be avoided. However,the aim is always to match the price ofcomparable or similar parts. BMWregards this as part of the service provid-ed by an automobile manufacturer who isparticularly concerned to meet the needsof aficionados driving classic vehicles.

Once the replica of the spare parthas been manufactured in the quantityordered or calculated, further qualitycontrol measures are undertaken andthe entire production batch is then takeninto stock.

There is an average lead time of sixmonths from ordering the part, throughreplica production to placing the part instock. However, sometimes it takes evenlonger to manufacture a replica part. Thisis generally due to the difficulty of findingsuppliers who have the appropriate pro-duction methods available, meet the

logue. There is an exploded view ofeach part, parts are coded by type andgiven their designated part number.

Car owners have also been able toaccess the parts catalogue and themonthly lists of replica-part productiononline since May 2003. Anyone interest-ed can go to the internet and clickon the field “Parts supply”, select“Historic parts catalogue” and then regis-ter. Registration is simple and free ofcharge. Access to the catalogue is grant-ed within two working days.

Anyone interested in additional infor-mation on this subject is recommendedto go to the home page of BMW GroupMobile Tradition. There is a link under“Tradition Aktuell/News” to a talkshowheld in German on the stand of BMWGroup Mobile Tradition at the TechnoClassica 2003 exhibition. Representa-tives of supply companies discuss thesituation and the problems associatedwith supplying parts for classic cars.

Supplied with all the data

Parts supply organized like this enablesthe owners of historic BMW vehicles tomaintain their “darlings” to an extremelyhigh standard. They can enjoy the feel-ing of driving as it used to be to the full,with a minimum of unscheduled inter-ruptions.

The historic parts catalogue can beordered as a CD-ROM from any BMWdealer. The “Parts Catalogue for HistoricAutomobiles and Motorcycles 2003” hasorder number 70 00 0 301 255. This in-cludes all the data for classic BMW auto-mobiles and motorcycles. There is also aprinted parts catalogue with part number01 20 5 590 032 for classic BMW motorcy-cles. The “Parts Catalogue for HistoricMotorcycles 2003” on CD-ROM can be or-dered citing part number 72 00 0 154 486.

Page 14

Supply cycle

current up to 15 years


Parts supply by BMW

Specialist produc-tion of replica parts

up to 50 years

Parts requirement


Age of car

Mobile Tradition live: Mr Breuckmann, as President of the BMW Z1 Club with more than 250 members you are not just the owner of thisclassic car from BMW. In collaboration with Maik Hirschfeld, engineeringdirector of the association, you also represent the interests of the members when it comes to technical issues relating to this vehicle. BMW Group Mobile Tradition has been responsible for supplying partsfor the Z1 Roadster since 1997. How important is the procurement ofspare parts?

Horst W. Breukmann: Procurement of spare parts is a top priority forthe very existence of a classic car and essential for keeping it on theroad. A large number of classic car enthusiasts spend a great deal oftime and effort in exploring all the possibilities for acquiring a keyspare part that they urgently require in order to breathe new life intotheir stranded classic car. The slogan of our brand The Ultimate Driving Machine highlightsthe fact that a BMW Z1 is not an exhibition object, but the mobileexpression of a development epoch at BMW. Guaranteed production of replica parts and supply of spare parts is absolutely essential ifwe are to continue to enjoy this Ultimate Driving Machine in the years and decades to come. It’s vital for us to address spare parts supply for the future at a very early stage.

How do you rate the service provided by BMW Group Mobile Tradition in maintaining parts supply for the Z1 over the long term?

We are in the fortunate situation that long before the deadline forguaranteeing supply of spare parts expired, BMW AG decided in conjunction with our club to keep the classic Z1 Roadster on ourroads for as long as possible. Undoubtedly it’s an innovation that already six years after production of our Z1 came to an end, spare parts supply was started up in the classic section of BMW. This underlines very clearly that the car hassucceeded in becoming established in the family of BMW classic cars – no mean feat given the relative youth of this car. This service provided by BMW AG reassures all drivers of the Z1 thatthey don’t have to lay in a stock of parts as a reserve, which is often not terribly effective in the case of many parts. As long as there is commitment to supplying spare parts that are in demand over the long term – sometimes possibly within a reasonable timeframe – werate the service provided by BMW Group Mobile Tradition very highly

and trust that the current system will remain in place for manyyears to come.

To what extent do you use other options for obtaining spare parts, for example as used parts?

The number of models manufactured amounts to just 8,000 and the fact that the Z1 has been moving towards classic status for a number of years now means that this car is generally extremely welllooked after. The option of cannibalizing a Z1 hardly ever arises, not even with a firm specializing in culling parts from old cars. Thatmeans that this source of parts is simply not available.If the part you happen to be looking for is one of the standard E30 parts built into the Z1 (for example in the engine), it’s definitely possible to make use of this option. But even if you’re dealing with what are supposed to be standard parts, you sometimes still need the instinct of a mechanic in order to make minor adjustments.Otherwise, there are virtually no other options for getting hold of the majority of parts specific to the Z1, such as the window-liftmechanism, headlamps, the outer panels with their thermoplastic elements, the seat elements and similar items through any sources other than those referred to.Incidentally, one objective of our club is to maintain the Z1 Roadsteras closely as possible to its original status on the road to becoming aclassic. This inevitably means that original manufacturer’s parts should always be used.

How satisfied are you with the service you receive when ordering spare parts? Are there any suggestions for improvement that you would like to make?

Basically, we’re very satisfied with this service. But as in all otherareas of life, there’s always room for improvement. We’re in close contact with those responsible at BMW Group Mobile Tradition in order to solve any problems that crop up. We are extremelygratified that they are always ready to discuss any concerns and problems we may have.More attention needs to be paid to “quality assurance”. This is particularly important when suppliers of replica parts change, and it is crucial especially in the case of thermoplastic panelling orother sensitive elements. The importance of this aspect should not be underestimated.At this point, I should like to mention that the possibility of accessing the current status of replica parts production on the home page of BMWGroup Mobile Tradition is a very welcome and indeed exemplary servicefor the Z1 and for other cars.

We should like to thank you for your interview and wish you and allthe other members of the BMW Z1 Club a good journey in the future.

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Production of replica parts

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 15

“We rate the service provided by BMW Group Mobile Tradition very highly.”

Mobile Tradition live spoke to Horst W. Breukmann, President ofthe BMW Z1 Club, about the nuts and bolts relating to the key issueof parts supply for collectors of historic vehicles.

When Bernie Ecclestone was askedabout Paul Rosche, he once said: “PaulRosche? He’s a great bloke. Like me, he’sone of the old guard. And I mean thatboth in terms of his character and his abil-ities as a designer. There’s a simple for-mula for both: you can rely on him.” Theworld of motorsport calls him “CamshaftPaul” and the stories about him are

legion. Colleagues, friends and acquain-tances are full of admiration for theBavarian engine designer, whose legacyhas lasted way beyond his retirement. Wewant to tell you a bit about him.

From Kaiserstrasse to BMW

Paul Rosche was born on 1st April 1934 inMunich’s Kaiserstrasse. That makes him

a genuine Bavarian. Paul startedschool in 1940, right in themidst of the Second World War.Later his parents sent him to aJesuit school.

When he finished at univer-sity, his mother insisted that heshould start at BMW. “Lookhere, son, if BMW takes you,you’ll have a steady job for life,”was her opinion. And so whenPaul Rosche graduated from thepolytechnic on 1st November1957, he started work at BMW.At that time, there were all of sixpeople working in engine designat BMW.

Those six people did every-thing – the engine block, pis-tons, timing chain, oil pump,camshaft and valve springs. Andthey did it well. But it was virtu-ally impossible to get to bedbefore two o’clock atnight in those early days.There simply weren’tenough trained people.

Alexander Freiherrvon Falkenhausen, bossand friend of PaulRosche, discovered veryquickly what a talentedengineer he had amongthe people under hiswing. Paul developedthe first camshaft for hisboss. Even if, as healways emphasized, “he

Paul Rosche: engine guru and down-to-earth Bavarian20 years ago BMW won the Formula One World Championship with Brabham and Nelson Piquet and a BMW turbocharged engine. The engine wasdesigned by Paul Rosche. He is one of the icons of motorsport, even though he has never projected a big profile as a person.

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didn’t have a clue about the geometricalform of an operational cam”.

The first engines that Paul Roschecut his teeth on were the V8 engines inthe 502/507 Series. The first “real” chal-lenges came in 1963: the legendary four-cylinder designated as Type 115. Thiswas used not only in the BMW 1500, butshortly afterwards also generated 130bhp as the 118 (fitted with twin Solex car-burettors) in the 1800 tisa. This soundedthe starting pistol for a BMW successstory in motorsport that continues upuntil the present day.

At the end of 1968, Alexander vonFalkenhausen decreed that a turbocharg-er should be used. He hoped that thiswould enable BMW to beat Porsche inthe European Touring Championship.

The “unloved” turbocharger

At this time, no one really knew what theywere letting themselves in for. There wasvirtually no information available then onexhaust turbochargers. The turbochargerhad its debut at Snetterton in Englandand it was a disaster: the BMW 2002Turbo could be identified for miles aroundthe racing circuit by a big cloud of blacksmoke.

It was clear that things couldn’t staylike that. Paul Rosche and his team there-

BMW leaves Formula Two: the black armbands were asilent protest by the BMW racing team in Neubiberg,1970.

“Not only did Rosche have brilliant ideas, you could also havea glass of beer with him.” Niki Lauda

“His great achievement is his vision, which he brings to fruitionwith his own inimitable discipline. His most outstanding fea-ture is that he never gives up unless there’s a good reason.” Karl-Heinz Kalbfell

“We go down on bended knees to have the privilege of drivingone of his engines.”Keke Rosberg

“One of Paul Rosche’s greatest strengths was improvisation.He had the unique talent of being able to set things in motionthat appeared hopeless.”Dieter Quester

“Quite simply, he’s a full-blooded engineer who possessesuniversal knowledge. There’s also something else that setshim apart: he always says ‘We’.”Joachim Winkelhock

“For me, Einstein was a genius. I can’t be a genius becausethere’s no photograph of me sticking my tongue out.”Paul Rosche


Paul Rosche of BMW Motorsport talking to Niki Lauda(McLaren).

fore developed the supercharged engineuntil it was ready for volume production(BMW 2002 Turbo, 1972) – and as anengine that won races. Although he hadnever really liked turbocharged engines –he preferred four-cylinder aspiratedengines – the BMW Turbo made his rep-utation as one of the world’s great enginedesigners

Formula One – to be or not to be?

Even when the turbocharger was on thetest stand, Paul Rosche was wonderingwhether this didn’t offer potential forFormula One. The neat thing about it wasthat there seemed to be infinite potentialfor power.

The idea that you could get intoFormula One with a 1.5-litre four-cylinderstraight engine (the cast-iron engineblock came from volume production) was

finally rejected by the BMW Board ofManagement after a lot of debating. Butdespite the thumbs down, Paul Roscheand his team continued.

There was a sound tradition of dis-obeying orders like that at BMW when itcame to motorsport construction. At thestart of the 1970s, Rosche had success-fully continued to work on racing enginesin secret after the BMW Board ofManagement had announced they werequitting Formula 2.

At that time, Paul Rosche and agroup of like-minded colleagues, includ-ing Formula 2 star Dieter Quester, renteda dark garage in Hufelandstrasse. Theyput the racing car together outside regu-lar working hours..

And that’s how six F2 EuropeanChampionship titles came to Munich inthe 1970s and more than 550 BMW

Paul Rosche having a serious discussion with Hans-Joachim Stuck. For him, this is all about the Formula 2 World Championship.

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Portraits

Formula One engines were sold to inter-ested teams. This success came with theblessing of a BMW Board of Manage-ment that was now sympathetic, andproud of the achievement. At the same

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 17

Alexander von Falkenhausen talking to DieterBasche, at that time racing director at BMW.On the right, Paul Rosche and Dieter Quester.

twelve-cylinder was modified further(BMW V 12 LMR) and in 1999 BMW land-ed the “victory of the millennium” againstthe strongest field that had ever compet-ed in the Le Mans 24-hour race.

Drivers Winkelhock, Dalmas andMartini drove the record distance of4,967.99 km at a record average speedof 207 km/h. Department E90 alsodeveloped the basis of the 3-litre V10engine with which BMW celebrated asuccessful comeback to Formula One in

2000. When the BMWBoard of Managementdecided on 11th March1997 to develop anengine to go back intoFormula One, PaulRosche was given thebrief to establish thelogistics, infrastructureand personnel that sucha venture required.

A race engine de-partment was set up onthe old site of the BMWmarine engine facility inthe north of Munich, witharound 200 jobs for high-ly qualified specialists.The Formula One enginewas developed “along-side” and the idea of theM Roadster took shape in

parallel. The third project involved the M 3being fitted with the 3-litre six-cylinder,internationally acclaimed as a “miracleengine” with more than 100 bhp per litreand a dream torque.

A world first for electronic, variablecamshaft control timing delivered explod-ing performance data and standard con-sumption of less than ten litres for 100kilometres.

Rosche continues as a consultant

When BMW finally restarted activities inFormula One, Paul Rosche was alreadywell on the way to retiring officially. Buteverything that Paul Rosche had achievedin his life had been achieved with his team.They were real buddies who would go tothe ends of the earth for him, and he couldrely on them all his life.

Today, he still has a well-equippedoffice in Munich’s Hanauer Strasse, wherehe continues to dream up engines as aconsultant for BMW.

Formula 1 for BMW and Rosche was thenbrought to an interim conclusion threeyears later in 1986, when BMW officiallywithdrew from Formula 1.

From then on, Paul Rosche was headof Department E90, and he and his teamdeveloped racing engines for tourers thatenjoyed success the world over, high-performance engines for BMW M vehi-cles and the twelve-cylinder “S70/3-GTR” for McLaren-F1. This was theexclusive super sports car for the road,

which was destined to win the first overallvictory for BMW with a private team at LeMans in June 1995. The world of motor-sport was not just impressed with thefantastic 633 bhp and the even more fan-tastic 727 newton metres of torque. Theincomparable resilience of this enginewas truly remarkable.

It allowed the teams to drive for a fullracing season with a single engine,including the Le Mans 24-hour race. This

Paul Rosche: down-to-earth engine guru

Page 18

time, BMW Motorsport GmbH wasfounded. Paul Rosche was the hero of themoment.

Back to the turbocharged engine.The 1.4-litre turbocharged engine wasbased on the 4-cylinder volume-production engine internally designatedM12. This engine raced very successfully in the 3 Series BMW Tourer, finallypacking a powerful 570 bhp, and PaulRosche reckoned the time was ripe to getinto Formula One. But the BMW Board ofManagement refusedto sanction this after alot of toing and froing,although BMW racingdirector Jochen Neer-pasch had alreadyestablished a verypromising base withNiki Lauda as driverand McLaren as ateam.

Moreover, the F1engine M12/13 wasvirtually ready and tocap it all this was tobe sold to France,with all rights, toTalbot which was stillin existence as a man-ufacturer back then.

In concert withnew racing directorDieter Stappert, Paul Rosche finally per-suaded the Board of Management tothink things through again.

After F1 is before F1

The result was that BMW becameFormula One World Champion withBrabham and Nelson Piquet in 1983. Butthere was more to it than that: they wentdown in the annals of Formula One as thefirst “Turbocharged World Champions”.

Nelson Piquet never lost patience and always provided motivation for the BMW turbocharger project.

Anyone who wants to know more about how the M1 nearly took PaulRosche to his grave or how telemetry was invented needs to read thebook entitled “Paul Rosche. Ein genialer Motorenkonstrukteur” by Karl-Heinz Hufstadt (currently available in German). A wealth of pictures andcontributions by Bernie Ecclestone, Niki Lauda, Norbert Haug and otherbig names in racing make this book an informative portrait of the famousBavarian engine designer.Available from July 2003 onwards through your BMW dealer:VGS Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, PO box 101251, D-50 452 Cologne,Tel.: +49 (0) 2 21 2 08 11 31

“Paul Rosche. A brilliant engine designer”

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Book launch

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 19

Alongside the series of books BMW Dimensions and BMWPortraits, BMW Group Mobile Tradition has also been publishingbooks on the history of mobility since 1996, in the form of BMWProfiles.

The fifth volume in this series was published in 1999: BMWCoupés, A Tradition of Elegance. The volume was written byWalter Zeichner, responsible for automobile history in the HistoricArchives of BMW Group Mobile Tradition. This book focuses onone of the most sophisticated challenges in automotive design:the coupé.

The book is in German and English and a new, considerablyexpanded edition is being published in September 2003. Apartfrom numerous new pictures, the content has been comprehen-sively updated and revised to present all the BMW SeriesCoupés that have been launched in recent years.

The term coupé originally referred to a light, enclosed car-riage in which two people sat facing in the direction of motion.This designation was already being used to describe a two-seater, enclosed motor vehicle in the second decade of the 20thcentury.

Since the 1930s, the term “coupé” has been synonymous withelegant, sporty automobiles. During that period, BMW createdthe 327 model, a coupé that aficionados described as one of themost beautiful automobiles in Germany during the 1930s.

The book BMW Coupés, A Tradition of Elegance charts thepath of all BMW coupés, starting with the BMW 3/15 ps DA 4Coupé from the 1930s, through the BMW 327 to the BMW 503designed by Graf Goertz. The 700 Coupé from the 1960s alsohad a big following among a wide range of buyers, as did thecoupés from the New Class during the 1970s, the first 6 SeriesBMW during the 1980s and then the BMW 850i and the BMW 3Series Coupés during the 1990s.

The last chapter is dedicated to the coupés in the newBMW 6 Series, which will be presented for the first time at theIAA Frankfurt Motor Show in September 2003 – automobilesthat bear impressive testimony to the long tradition of the BMWCoupé.

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From the BMW 3/15 PS in 1931 to the new 6 series Coupé – the fascination of the BMW Coupé in a book.

Design drawings for the BMW 700 Coupé. It played an important role in the BMW story from 1959.

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The epitome of a perfectly styled coupé: BMW 327/28.

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The journey takes its toll: Hans Winter in Syrian Desert.

The 12th of April 1956 is the big day. Asthe two intrepid travellers set off fromHomburg in the Saarland, it is bucketingdown. But anyone setting out for Persiaisn’t going to be deterred by a shower.Indeed, the weather soon begins tosteadily improve. By evening they havecrossed Germany from west to south-east: 525 kilometres on, they are inTraunstein, Bavaria, where they spendthe night in a youth hostel. The nextmorning they have to replace the Hardydisc. This rubber doughnut on the

Cardan shaft is causing a few problemsand Hans Winter doesn’t want to take anyrisks. In Austria the R 25/2 faces its firstacid test, but the fully loaded bike withjust 12 brake horsepower masters the 9percent gradient of the 21-kilometrePötschen Pass without any hitches. Byevening they have reached Graz in east-ern Austria.

On day three they cross the borderinto Yugoslavia. Temperatures are gradu-ally rising, and they make good progresson the motorway-like road. The locals are

To Tehran with 12 bhpIn 1956, 22-year-old agricultural student Hans Winter and his Persian friend Koorosh Eghbal decide to visit the latter’s family in Meshed, Iran.There’s just one little problem: the direct flight from Frankfurt to Tehran costs a hefty 2,013 marks. That is approximately the price of a BMW motor-cycle, and Hans Winter happens to be the proud owner of just such a means of transport. So the two companions resolve to tackle the journey withHans Winter’s R 25/2: a formidable challenge for man and machine.

Page 20

astonished at the two bikers, and for thefirst time on this journey they experiencegenerous hospitality. As the youth hostelis full up, some students organize twobeds for them in their hall of residence.

The travellers are also given theaddress of a friend in Istanbul where theycan stay once they get there. BeyondBelgrade, the road conditions steadilyworsen. There’s also a bit of trouble withthe police after Hans Winter photographsa factory complex. They are detained at apolice station for three hours before the

by Fred Jakobs, based on notes by Hans Winter


BaghdadAleppo TehranBelgrade Skopie Istanbul Ankara

Outbound journey: Homburg/Saar – Tehran, 6,200 km

film is developed and the corpus delictiedited out. This delay and road condi-tions that sometimes allow speeds of nomore than 20 km/h mean that by eveningthey have clocked up a mere 183 kilome-tres. But there’s consolation in store. Thefamily they stay with feed them well, andthe youngsters in the village gatheraround their western portable radio.

On the way to Skopje the next day,the road is flooded and the single-cylin-der engine has a hard time coping withthe masses of water. Towards eveningthey pitch their tent for the first time onthis journey. The next day, having crossedMacedonia and reached Greek territory,they also spend the night in their tent.Now there are comfortable roads tosavour: “They are flat and smooth as mar-ble,” notes Hans Winter – a welcomeimprovement on the rough conditions inYugoslavia. They take the coastal roadand enjoy the views of the Mediterranean.In the evening they camp with a shep-herd, who donates an extra four eggs totheir evening meal.

Improvised rubber component

Day eight takes them back onto difficultroads and they encounter their first prob-lems with the luggage rack, but these arerectifiable. During a brief stop along thecoast, Hans Winter and Koorosh Eghbalmanage to recharge their batteries, andby evening they have reached Turkey,where they camp near Edirne. The nextday they head off in the direction ofIstanbul, and it is on this leg that theyhave their first serious technical problemsto contend with.

Hans Winter notes in his diary: “Dueto some fairly dusty roads, the rubberbuffer of the Cardan shaft has worndown. We first search for the BMW rep-resentative in Istanbul, to which somehelpful policemen direct us. To our dis-may we discover that there’s no sparepart available and that any imports arebanned. In my mind’s eye I can see ourtrip ending right here. We’re in the mid-dle of Istanbul and don’t know what’sgoing to happen next.”

Koorosh Eghbal’s diary jottings aremore radical: “Two idiots go on a journeyto Persia. They make it to Istanbul, but

how they are meant to carry on from herenobody knows.” As the German con-sulate cannot help either, the two of themstart making plans to continue by train orboat. But chance comes to their rescue:as they are asking their way through tothe address they were given in Belgrade,they meet the German manager ofIstanbul’s Deutz agency at the harbour.After they have described their problemto him, he immediately offers to help out.They accompany him to his repair shop,where he takes a vehicle piston andshapes it into a mould that will later befilled with rubber. This is also an opportu-nity to do some welding work on the lug-gage rack and the exhaust. The workersput in extra time, and when the studentsdiscover they will not accept any paymentfor it, it gives them renewed confidencefor the continuation of their journey.

The next day the Deutz agent takesthem to a rubberfactory. The ownerof the plant evenspeaks a littleGerman and, aftera brief consulta-tion, he requisi-tions one of thep r o d u c t i o nmachines. By 5p.m. Hans Winterhas a new rubbercomponent in hishand. He asks for

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Motorcycles

a second buffer as a reserve, but theTurk is so convinced of the quality of thepart that he gives Hans Winter a verbalguarantee for several tens of thousandsof kilometres. The German doesn’t wantto offend the businessman – who simi-larly refuses to accept any money for hisefforts – and, with a heavy heart, desistsfrom pressing him for a spare. Itemerges in due course that the manu-facturer was not exaggerating – the rub-ber disc will survive even the most rigor-ous conditions over a distance of morethan 20,000 kilometres.

Once the two companions havecrossed into the Asian part of Turkey, thenext bad tidings await them: the bordercrossing to Persia is closed. They decideto drive through Syria and Iraq, whichinvolves a major detour that will alsotakes them through the desert. Theypitch their tent on the land of a family in

BMW motorcycles for long-distance travel

First stage completed: Koorosh Eghbal on theautobahn near Munich.

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 21

Whereas globetrotters of the 1950s had to make do with ordinary road models, BMW today has dedicated enduro bikes in its range. The flagship isthe R 1150 GS Adventure. A comparison with Hans Winter’s R 25/2:

DisplacementOutputTransmissionTank capacityGround clearanceKerb weightPrice

BMW R 25/2 BMW R 1150 GS Adventure (1951) (2003)

247 cc 1,130 cc12 bhp at 5,800 rpm 62,5 kW (85 bhp) at 6,750 rpm4-speed 6-speed12 l 30 l (special option)92 mm 200 mm142 kg 232 kg1,990 marks 11,500 euros

Bike wash: flooded roads in Yugoslavia.

Athens Brindisi


GenoaTabris SivasErzurumTehran IstanbulAnkara Napels Grenoble


Return journey: Tehran – Homburg/Saar, 9,264 km

invited is a welcome balm for body andsoul. The next day they plan to cross theSyrian Desert, even though they do nothave a geographical map, never mind aroad map, for this region. The locals try totalk them out of this plan, urging theminstead to take a roundabout route viaDamascus and Jordan. But they stick totheir resolve, not wanting to add another1,000-kilometre detour to their journey.

It turns out to be the worst day’s jour-ney so far. Apart from the heat, they havethe sand to contend with, which getsabsolutely everywhere. The last 100 kilo-metres are sheer hell. There’s no markedroute, and only the telegraph poles serveas a guide. It takes them six hours to cover

the distance across gravel, sand anddried-out river beds. They overnight at acustoms house on the Iraqi border, 4,630kilometres from home. The next day, too,the telegraph poles are their only means oforientation as they ride through more grav-el and dust. When they come to an oasison the Euphrates towards evening and for-tify themselves with tea, dates, figs, breadand milk, it feels like being on a South Seaisland in the middle of the desert.

The journey then continues ontowards Baghdad. Floods force them toavoid the main road, so they hit the desertonce more and have to unload the bikeseveral times again and carry it acrossditches and through deep mud. Whenthey reach Baghdad at day’s end, it is sohot that the tar is sticking to the tyres.They camp in a nearby village and one ofthe locals sleeps on the roof of the houseto keep guard over them. On 29th Aprilthey embark on the last stage of their jour-

ney to Tehran. They quickly reach theIraqi-Persian border, and up in the moun-tains the two friends encounter the firstrainfall since they left Germany. Then theroads deteriorate again, and oil tanker lor-ries thundering past add a further hazardto the journey. When locals tell themTehran isn’t far off, they decide to ridethrough the night once more.

But they have underestimated thedistance, and by the next morning thecapital is still not in sight. The luggagerack is now falling apart, and a lorry driveroffers to take their gear to Tehran forthem. The final kilometres take an eterni-ty, with the traffic steadily building up anda strong wind demanding a herculeaneffort to keep the motorcycle on the road.On 30th April, at almost 10 o’clock atnight, they finally get to Tehran. The 6,200kilometres have left their mark: both areutterly exhausted, and Hans Winter iscoming down with a fever.

The trip count: 15,500 kilometres

After spending a few days in the Persiancapital, they take the bus to Meshed nearthe border with Afghanistan. The motor-cycle stays in Tehran with the BMW agent,who will give it a thorough servicing. Forthe two students, their arduous journey isfollowed by a two-month holiday beforethey return to Tehran and embark on theirhomeward trip. Koorosh Eghbal choosesto fly back, while Hans Winter puts hisfaith firmly in his overhauled BMW again.

His return journey, on which he visitsthe sights of southern Europe, covers9,000 kilometres – half as much again asthe outbound trip. He manages it in justthree weeks. Back in Germany,the odometer reading shows15,500 kilometres more thanat the start of this adventur-ous odyssey.

Page 22

Tuzla, where they are plied with milk,cheese and meat stew. As the daughterspeaks a little English, some conversa-tion is possible. Although the family urgethem to stay on for a few days, the twostudents say farewell the next day and bynightfall are 50 kilometres outsideAnkara. Here, too, they are given food bythe local villagers. As it is a public holi-day, the consulates in Ankara are closed,so they have to wait an extra day to gettheir visas for Syria and Iraq. During thenight an armed policeman insists onkeeping guard over their tent. In order togain time, the two bikers decide to travelthrough the night. The radio, which theynow use for the first time while on the

move, helps pass the long, dark hours. They reach the coast at dawn, and an

extensive swimming break soon helpsthem forget the rigours of the night. In theafternoon they continue on towards Syria,and then things start to get painful forHans Winter. He got badly sunburnt in themorning, and the next few days turn intoan ordeal for him. In the Syrian city ofAleppo they set up camp for the night. Bythis time Hans Winter can hardly walk.The lavish meal to which they have been

Sand, gravel and dust: in the Iraqi desert, telegraph poles are the only means of orientation.

To Tehran with 12 bhp

Homeward bound through Greece: campingon a deserted beach.

Hans Winter had a map of the MiddleEast for his return trip.

BMW Group Mobile Tradition: Motorcycles

Mobile Tradition live / Issue 02.2003 Page 23

Professor Koorosh Eghbal and Hans Winteron their Persian journey

Mobile Tradition live: When you began planningyour journey to Iran, what was the reaction ofyour family?Winter: Negative all round. They all thought itwas far too dangerous.

Eghbal: My entire family warned me againstgoing on this journey, my father thought I’dtaken leave of my senses, and my mother criedthe whole time until she knew I had reached Tehran.

Winter: But I have to say that we were very starry-eyed aboutundertaking such a trip at the time, and our families’ scepticism was partly justified.

In what way?Winter: For example, we didn’t have any spare parts with us, not even a spark plug or a spare tyre. And we only had a road map for Europe thatstopped just beyond Istanbul. We planned to buy a map of the Middle East in Turkey, because we thought they would have better ones therethan in Germany. As it turned out, we couldn’t find a single one anywhere in Turkey, which meant we more or less had to rely on the road signs and directions from locals. For the return journey, my fathersent a map to Persia for me.

Luckily you didn’t have any major breakdowns.Winter: First of all, I have to say that I had total confidence in my bike. I had stinted myself for years in order to realize my dream of having myvery own motorcycle. Every month I would put aside my apprentice’searnings of around 25 to 30 marks, and I saved all the money gifts I got on my birthday and other occasions. My father gave me a mark foreach one that I saved. When I had got all the money together and finally went to the BMW dealer to pick up my motorcycle, you can imagineI took the greatest possible care of it. In my tremendous pride – and for all our naïvety about the trip – I simply couldn’t imagine the BMWnot lasting the course.

Eghbal: This machine was unique, very robust and reliable. You justcan’t imagine what we put that motorcycle through. There were two ofus, after all, and we had a lot of luggage as well – not just our tent, but all the rest of our gear, including a gas cooker and a battery-poweredradio-cum-record player. The bike really stood up to an awful lot,especially on the dirt tracks in Turkey, Iraq and Iran.

Coming back to your preparations once more, what did your planning looklike?Eghbal: We didn’t really have much of a plan. We just rode when we feltlike it and then stopped and rested when we didn’t want to go any further,or couldn’t go on.

Did you take it in turns to ride the bike?Eghbal: Not at all. Hans rode the whole distance and I was the pillion passenger. I have every admiration for the way he got through thatjourney.

What were your most touching experiences?Eghbal: The friendliness of the people ...

Winter:... and their unstinting helpfulness

– what hospitality means to these people.Virtually everywhere we went, we were invitedto meals, and often people would also give us petrol as well. If we asked permission topitch our tent somewhere, we were neverturned down. On the contrary, several timeswe were invited to spend the night inside thehouse.

What was the greatest challenge during the journey? Winter: Above all the condition of the roads. In Syria and Iraq especially, we were travellingon terrain without the remotest sign of a marked

route. Often we had to carry the motorcycle across ditches – after unloadingall our luggage, of course. Once we covered just 100 kilometres in sixhours. On top of it all there was the heat, which I just wasn’t used to. Then Igot myself badlysunburnt while swimming in the sea off Turkey. It was incredibly painful during the desert stretches we subsequently covered in Syria and Iraq.

Do you have any regrets?Eghbal: I don’t regret anything. It was wonderful.

Winter: If there’s anything I regret, it’s that we didn’t savour the journeyenough. Our aim was to get to our destination as quickly as possible, and we didn’t take enough time out to enjoy the surroundings or to takepart in the daily life of the people along the way.

Almost 50 years have passed since that trip. Did the two of you stay intouch over that period?Eghbal: Once we got back to Germany, Hans went to Bonn and I began my degree in agricultural science at Giessen in 1957. I also did my doc-torate there before returning home to Iran. After the revolution there, I left the country illegally and, until my retirement two years ago, I was professor and coordinator of ecological farming at the University ofHohenheim. It was only when I came back to Germany that we trackedeach other down again.

If a young person today was planning a similar journey and asked you for your advice, what would you recommend them or warn themagainst?Eghbal: In principle, I would always support such a trip. However, manycountries aren’t so safe to travel in any more, as recent events in Algeriahave shown.

Winter: I would also encourage young people to travel, but I agree thatthe dangers in our day are different. Modern motorcycles definitely havebetter running gear and far more powerful engines. Plus you’ve gotbetter maps, satellite navigation and communications equipment thatcan help in the event of a breakdown. On the other hand, we experiencedreal hospitality back then, whereas today you’re likely to encounteraggressive begging all the way to extortion or even ambushes. But yougather experiences on such a journey which can have an effect on the rest of your life and which you wouldn’t want to have missed.

Talking about the rest of your life, Mr Winter, the trip did indeed have along-term effect, did it not?Winter:That’s right. There was one family we stayed with in Turkey andwith whom I corresponded after the trip. I subsequently visited the family several times and by chance met a woman there on one of thetrips. In 1962 I married that woman in Turkey and we went back to live in Germany. We’re happily married to this day.

“My father thought I’d taken leave of my senses.”

Hans Winter Prof. Dr. Koorosh Eghbal