Mod 6 presentation

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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  • 1. How to Improve Your Presentation Presented by: Sarah Smith Source: Google Images

2. Overview Proper Text Backgrounds and Fonts Images to Improve Communication Hyperlinks Audience Interaction Internet Summary 3. Proper Text Clear, Concise, and Easy to Read Text Capitalize Text Color Example: Changing text can make more important points Stick Out Source: Google Images (Splane, 2006) 4. Backgrounds and Fonts Backgrounds Complements Text Fonts: Utilize Texts that do not have tails, i.e. Arial or Calibri Text with tails tends to become unclear the farther the viewer sits away from the presentation Example: Times New Roman Text with tails tends to become unclear the farther the viewer sits away from the presentation (Jacobs, n.d.) 5. Improving Communication Graphics Special Effects Source: Google Images 6. Hyperlinks Helps convey your message to the audience. Click Here Source: Google Images Source: Google Images (Forbes, 2010) 7. Audience Interaction Graphs Source: Google Images Source: Google Images Source: Google Images Polls Charts 8. Internet Public Use Company Use Source: Google Images Source: Google Images Source: Google Images 9. Summary Proper Text Backgrounds and Fonts Images to Improve Communication Hyperlinks Audience Interaction Internet 10. References Forbes. (2010). The best presentation of the year. Retrieved from presentation-of-the-year/ Jacobs, K. (n.d.). Which fonts look good in presentations. Retrieved from look-good-in-presentations-HA001124394.aspx Splane, M. (2006). PowerPoint presentation advice. Retrieved from