Modelling of a lens antenna receiver system for NASA · PDF fileModelling of a lens antenna...

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Ricardo de Araújo Farinha

Bachelor in Micro and Nanotechnologies

Modelling of a lens antenna receiver system forNASA GUSTO

Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillmentof the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science inMicro and Nanotechnologies Engineering

Adviser: Dr. J. R. Gao, Senior Instrument Scientist,Department of Quantum NanoScienceDelft University of Technology

Co-adviser: Dr. Luís Pereira, AssociateProfessor, Faculty of Sciences and TechnologyNew University of Lisbon

Examination Committee

Chairperson: Dr. Rodrigo MartinsRaporteurs: Dr. João Goes

Dr. J. R. Gao

Setember, 2016

Modelling of a lens antenna receiver system for NASA GUSTO

Copyright © Ricardo de Araújo Farinha, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, NOVA Uni-

versity of Lisbon.

The Faculty of Sciences and Technology and the NOVA University of Lisbon have the

right, perpetual and without geographical boundaries, to file and publish this disserta-

tion through printed copies reproduced on paper or on digital form, or by any other

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À minha família e à pinguim


Every person here mentioned contributed in some way to make this moment happen.

I would like to first tank to my supervisor Dr. J.R. Gao of TUDelft from TUDelft/S-

RON, for making it possible for me to research in his field and welcoming me in open

arms in a foreign country. He has always inspiring, supportive, dedicated, and even tough

always busy with some project, he always made time for me. Thank you for everything.

To my co-supervisor Prof. Dr. Luís Pereira from FCT/UNL, for his knowledge and help

over the years.

To Darren Hayton from SRON, thanks you for your help during my measurements

and by showing how to deal with problems. To Benham Mirzaei from TUDelft, for his

help during the meetings and for teaching me to ask everything. To Geert Keizer from

SRON for using his time helping in my measurements. Ao Zé Rui, por me oferecer o chão

da casa quando precisei e por ser como um irmão na Holanda.

To Erasmus plus for supporting me financially.

Ao Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Martins e à Prof. Dra. Elvira Fortunato pela criação e promoção

do curso de Engenharia Micro e Nanotechnologias.

Aos meus pais por me criarem e por estarem presentes sempre que precisei. À minha

mãe por me por juízo na cabeça e ao meu pai por toda a magia.

Ao meu irmão por me fazer me rasteiras, bater me e quase cegar me em lutas de areia.

Mas também, por me ter sempre apoiado em projetos malucos.

À minah avó poque para além de ser chata, me deixava comer colheres gigantes de

maionese no bacalhau à braz.

A toda a minha família por todos os jantares de Natal.

À Sofia aos momentos que passamos, sejam festas, a ressacas, viajens pela europa,

a dormir um dia inteiro, pelos drifts às comidas que engordam 1 kilo por garfada, dos

jantares, às séries e filmes, estejamos longe ou perto, mudaste a minha vida. A faculdade

nao teria sido a mesma coisa sem ti. Obrigado!

Ao Migas pela formiga Tobias, aos jogos de FIFA, às lans parties e ao bulling.

Ao Ribas e ao Gonçalo por todas as viagens, pelas festas, pelos jogos e pela amizade.

Já com 50 anos ainda vamos estar a tentar chegar a global.

Ao mágico por todas as broculices e fadas.

Ao Ramos e ao Minhoca por serem os meus padrinhos não oficiais e me ajudarem

sempre que precisei.

À noiva dourada que um dia vou casar realmente depois de uma bebedeira, só porque

podemos. Pelo riso de ganso, pelo oásis no deserto e pelos anos de parvoíces que temos

pela frente.

À Filipa e à Andreia por mostrarem o lado wild da vida.

Ao Ismael pela nação CROISSANT e pelo nosso momento romântico na lagoa de


À Erica, à Inês e à Trapula pelas saídas, pelos minions, pelas férias e pela amizade.


À Inês por me alimentares e me arrancares pêlos.

Ao Jaime, ao Almeida e ao Gabriel pelos fritanços na 202.

To Giordano and Guilhem for the barbecues, drinks and friendship.

To all the people from the MIEMN course and to many other people that I surely

forgot to mention, but that helped me be who I’m today. Thank You, Obrigado.



The radiation at terahertz (THz) frequency range (1 THz = 300 µm in wavelength)

provides us a powerful window into cosmic evolution, from the birth and explosion of

stars to the evolution of galaxies and the universe itself. The THz is a largely unexplored

region in the electro-magnetic spectrum, partly owing to technological constraints and

partly due to atmospheric absorption on the Earth. Consequently, THz astronomy ob-

servations are best performed from space-based or balloon-borne telescopes, like the

proposed NASA balloon GUSTO mission. The observations will be complementary to

other space missions like Hershel’s HIFI instrument.

In this work, a model of GUSTO’s optical system was proposed and analysed in order

to improve its efficiency in detecting three of the most important terahertz lines, [NII],

[CII] and [OI], with multi-pixel heterodyne cameras. Moreover, simulations were per-

formed with PILRAP, a antenna simulation software, to study the parameters that affect

the optical f# number and radiation pattern of a 5 mm diameter lens system, and to

explain the heterodyne sensitivity differences between a 10 mm lens and 3.1 mm lenses.

Outcome of my thesis work concludes the feasibility to use smaller lens for GUSTO’s

heterodyne arrays.

Keywords: GUSTO, THz, HEB, Optic Design, Lens Design, PILRAP



A radiação com frequência na faixa dos terahertz (1 THz = 300 µm de comprimento

de onda) proporciona-nos uma poderosa janela para a evolução cósmica, desde o nasci-

mento à explosão de estrelas, até à evolução de galáxias e do próprio universo. O THz

é uma região inexplorada do espectro electromagnético, em parte devido a restrições

tecnológicas e em parte devido à absorção atmosférica na Terra. Consequentemente, a

melhor forma de realizar as observações astronómicas em THz é a partir de telescópios,

espaciais ou a bordo de balões, como a missão GUSTO proposta à NASA. As observações

serão complementares de outras missões espaciais como o instrumento HIFI do Hershel.

Neste trabalho, foi proposto e analisado um modelo do sistema ótico do GUSTO, a fim

de melhorar a sua eficiência na detecção de três das linhas terahertz mais importantes,

[NII], [CII] e [OI], com câmaras heteródinas multi-pixel. Além disso, foram feitas simu-

lações com o PILRAP, um software de simulação de antenas, para estudar os parâmetros

que afectam o número f# óptico e o padrão de radiação de um sistema de lentes com 5

mm de diâmetro, e explicar as diferenças de sensibilidade heteródino entre uma lente de

10 mm e lentes de 3.1 mm. O resultado da minha tese conclui a viabilidade de usar lente

mais pequena para as matrizes heteródinas do GUSTO.

Palavras-chave: GUSTO, THz, HEB, Design Ótico, Design de Lentes, PILRAP



List of Figures xv

List of Tables xvii

Glossary xix

Acronyms xxi

Symbols xxiii

Motivation xxv

Objectives xxvii

Work structure xxvii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Terahertz Astronomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Direct and heterodyne terahertz detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3 Superconducting Hot Electron Bolometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.4 Terahertz Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.5 Balloon GUSTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.6 State-of-the-art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 The principle and simulation tool 7

2.1 Principle of a lens and antenna coupled mixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 PILRAP - Program for Integrated Lens and Reflector Antenna Properties 8

3 Results and Discussion 9

3.1 GUSTO optic system design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.1.1 Proposed optic system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.1.2 Most favourable design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.1.3 Optical loss calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.1.4 Heat load to liquid helium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.1.5 Most favourable design 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.1.6 Optical loss calculations 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.2 Lens design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2.1 Beam shape of a lens-antenna with a 5 mm diameter lens . . . . . 17

3.2.2 Optimising the f# by changing the lens shape and extension length 18

3.2.3 Beam’s response to changing extension length and dielectric con-

stant of the lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20



3.2.4 Measurement of lens dimensions to explain noise temperature re-

sults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.2.5 Optimum extension length of the lens with changing relative di-

electric constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4 Conclusions and future perspectives 29

Bibliography 31

A Dichronic filter 35

A.1 Calculations for the simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

B All optical designs tested 37

C All optical designs for new design 39


List of Figures

1.1 Life cycle of the Interstellar Medium (ISM), from warm neutral clouds cooling

down and assembling together forming giant molecular clouds, to the forma-

tion of stars destroying the molecular clouds. The ions marked in yellow, allow

for the full probe of the ISM, becoming the main focus of this thesis. Adapted

from [6]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Heterodyne receiver system. The two signals are merged and coupled into the

mixer, and the output, the Intermediate Frequency (IF) signal is then ampli-

fied, filtered and recorded. Adapted from [20]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 a) Hotspot model of HEB mixing. The Astronomical Signal (AS) + Local Os-

cillator (LO) power is conveyed to the resistance modulation of the HEB at IF

frequency. b) HEB I–V curve. Incident RF (i.e., LO) power will acelerate the

transition, reducing the amount of current that can flow through the device at

a given bias voltage[21]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.4 3D model of Galactic/Xgalactic Ultra long duration balloon Spectroscopic

Stratospheric THz Observatory (GUSTO) telescope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1 Lens with superconductor Hot Electron Bolometer (HEB) chip showing the

dimension related parameters. The extension of the lens plus the HEB chip

thickness defines the extension length used in Program for Integrated Lens

and Reflector Antenna Properties (PILRAP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.1 Original GUSTO Instrument Block Diagram proposed to NASA, with 3x8

cooled HEB receivers. The colors show the organization responsible for the

component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.2 New proposed design for the GUSTO balloon with outside cryostat optics and

dichroic filters working as beamsplitters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.3 Christopher Walker’s new design, with outside optics and the Quantum Cas-

cade Laser (QCL) inside the cryostat. A QCL frequency lock loop is introduced

to stabilise the QCL frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.4 Most favourable design, with telescope beam directly to [OI] channel detectors

and with less optical components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.5 Power beam pattern of 5 mm lens and antennas at 1.4 THz, 1.9 THz and 4.7THz. 18

3.6 Contour of the efficiency and the optical f# of a lens-antenna systemas a func-

tion of the lens extension length and ellipticity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.7 Optical f# of the lens-antenna as a function of the efficiency . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.8 Receiver noise temperature measurement in the vacuum setup for one 10

mm diameter lens and three 3.1 mm diameter lenses. L1 was measured with

a ticker beamsplitter (BS), so based on the results of of L2 and L3, L1 was

corrected to allow comparisons. [39] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20


List of Figures

3.9 Comparison between noise temperature measurements in air setup vs vacuum

setup in both 10 mm diameter lens and one 3.1 mm lens (L1) [39]. . . . . . . 21

3.10 Total lens efficiency as a function of the extension length and the relative

dielectric constant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.11 Efficiency as a function of extension length, assuming a relative dielectric

constant of 11.4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.12 Efficiency as a function of the dielectric constant for 0.514 mm extension

length and 0.482 mm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.13 a) Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) used to measure the lens dimen-

sions. b) 3.1 mm lens strapped between two clamps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.14 Efficiency as a function of the variation from the optimum extension length for

each lens. Marked in circles is the difference between the optimum extension

and the optical extension measured for the four lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.15 Efficiency as a function of the relative dielectric constant, using the simulation

results with the optical measured dimensions of the lenses. . . . . . . . . . . 27

A.1 Simulation of a dichroic filter that can be used as a beamsplitter for 1.46 THz,

while transmitting at 1.9 THz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

B.1 All optical designs tested, with f) being the preferred one. . . . . . . . . . . . 37

C.1 All optical designs tested, with a) being the preferred one. . . . . . . . . . . . 39


List of Tables

1.1 State-of-the-art of GUSTO complementary missions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.1 Optical losses associated with all optic components of GUSTO . . . . . . . . 12

3.2 Optical losses calculation results and their differences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.3 LO power required for normal HEB operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.4 Optical losses calculation results for the two new designs and their differences. 16

3.5 LO power required for the two new designs for normal HEB operation. Both

designs have the same LO signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.6 Parameters used for the 5 mm lens simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.7 Simulation results of the 5 mm lens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.8 Simulation parameters for the optimisation of the f#. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.9 Values used for each parameter in the simulation program PILRAP. . . . . . 21

3.10 Results of the lens height measurements compared to the expected design

dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.11 Extension length without the substrate thickness for the optical measurement.

It also shows the distance from optimum extension, simulated in PILRAP. . 25



Cooper pairs is a pair of electrons (or other fermions) bound together at low tempera-

tures, responsible for the peculiar properties of superconductivity .

Noise temperature is the equivalent temperature to the noise power introduced by a

component or source, that ultimately determines the sensitivity of the receiver sys-

tem .



AS Astronomical Signal.

BICE Balloon-borne Infrared Carbon Explorer.

CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine.

COBE Cosmic Background Explorer.

FIR Far-infrared.

FIRAS Far InfraRed Absolute Spectrophotometer.

FWHM Full Width at Half Maximum.

GREAT/SOFIA German REceiver for Astronomy at Terahertz / Stratospheric Observa-

tory for Infrared Astronomy.

GUSTO Galactic/Xgalactic Ultra long duration balloon Spectroscopic Stratospheric THz


HEB superconductor Hot Electron Bolometer.

HIFI Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared.

IF Intermediate Frequency.

ISM Interstellar Medium.

KID Kinetic Inductance Detector.

LMC Large Magellanic Cloud.

LO Local Oscillator.

PILRAP Program for Integrated Lens and Reflector Antenna Properties.

QCL Quantum Cascade Laser.

SIS Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor tunnel junction.

STO Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory.

TES Transition Edge Sensor.

THz Terahertz.



Bν Intensity of ligth emitted from the blackbody

dΩ Solid angle

f# f-number

LB Bridge length

LH Hotspot length

IC Critical current

NbN Niobium Nitrade

PLO LO power

TB Bath temperature

TC Critical temperature

VB Bias Voltage

[CII] Ionized carbon C+

[NII] Ionized nitrogen N+

[OI] Neutral Oxygen

εr relative dielectric constant

ν Frequency

θ Azimuth angle

φ Zenith angle

ηtotal Total efficiency

ηs Spillover efficiency

ηtr Transmission efficiency

ηa Aperture efficiency

ηp Polarisation efficiency



The first stars were created about 13.7 billion years ago from light elements such as

hydrogen, helium and lithium. By nuclear fusion, heavier elements are created like

carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, forged in the interior of stars. Billions of years later, these

stars turn unstable, collapsing and exploding, scattering all these elements as floating


The atoms that comprise life on Earth, the atoms that make up the human body, all

come from exploding stars. We are made from stardust, and probably the atoms from

our right hand came from a different star than the ones from our left hand. (Lawrence M.

Krauss and Neil deGrasse Tyson)

At some point in life, every person probably wonders about two fundamental ques-


• Are we alone in the Universe?

• Where we all came from?

This work may not contribute to the first question, but by studying the birth and

death of stars to the evolution of galaxies, maybe, we will be a tiny fraction closer to a

solution to the second question, and that is worth pursuing.

It costs around 9000 euros per kilo to launch cargo to the space station. Making

things smaller and lighter is, therefore, a natural route to reducing the cost of launching

a spacecraft. Nanotechnology can bring a multi-planetary future to reality, but there is

long journey ahead. This thesis work allows me to conciliate my deep interest for space

and nanotechnology, and be part of the exploration of the cosmos.



Heterodyne receiver technology is the key technology to observe astronomic fine struc-

ture lines, crucial to understand the life-cycle of starts and planets. To map the line

in our galaxy or nearby galaxies, an array receiver with a high spectral resolution, is

required. Such an array receiver is demanded for a planned NASA suborbital balloon

telescope GUSTO. However, it only became possible to build through recent technologi-

cal advances. Although this increases scientific throughput and reduces the cost, it adds

complexity to the optical system. Efficiently capturing, conveying, and analysing this

light is the purpose of all astronomical instrumentation.

This project aims to:

1. Understand the astronomic requirements and instrument concept of GUSTO;

2. Study and improve GUSTO optical system;

3. Simulate lens to optimise its optical f# number;

4. Simulate lens characteristics to explain experimental noise temperature data.

Work structure

The work is organised as following:

Chapter 1 will introduce to the concept of THz astronomy, describing the importance

of heterodyne systems, while explaining HEB’s theory of operation, the optical system

and coupling of THz signals. It ends with a brief description of the GUSTO balloon and

a state-of-the-art based on previous and current space missions.

Chapter 2 will describe all the fundamental proprieties to explain the principle of

coupling mixers and the parameters necessary to simulate a lens/antenna system with


Chapter 3 is divided in four main parts: two regarding GUSTO’s optical system design

and the other two for lenses simulation. The first part of optical design tries to improve

a design from the original proposal. At the same time, Christopher Walker, Principal

Investigator of the GUSTO project, designed a new optical system. Hence, the second

part tries to improve this new design. The first part of the lenses simulations are focused

in decreasing the optical f# number of a 5 mm lens, while the second part focus in

explaining the noise temperature measured by a master thesis student José Silva.

Chapter 4 will summarise the results and describe the next steps for the project.

This will be followed by the Appendix and Annex sections for additional information.


Chapter 1


1.1 Terahertz Astronomy

The Terahertz (THz) frequency range, also known as the sub-millimeter and Far-infrared

(FIR) range, is loosely defined as the frequencies between 0.3 THz to 10 THz, or the wave-

length from 30 µm to 1 mm [1, 2]. In the last decade, an advance in THz technologies

raised the potential for new applications in astronomy, medicine, security, communica-

tions, and material identification [1].

This frequency range is perhaps the final largely-unexplored spectrum region and the

least developed, partially owing to the difficulty in constructing THz sources, detectors

and transmission devices, and due to the radiation absorption of Earth atmosphere [3].

H2O, O2, and O3 are highly efficient absorbers of photons at this frequency [4, 5]. The

higher the altitude, the lower is the density of these elements. Therefore, THz astronomy

observations are best performed from space-based telescopes, balloon-borne telescopes,

airborne observatories or at high, dry, and cold sites on Earth, like Antarctica [4].

Figure 1.1: Life cycle of the ISM, from warm neutral clouds cooling down and assemblingtogether forming giant molecular clouds, to the formation of stars destroying the molecu-lar clouds. The ions marked in yellow, allow for the full probe of the ISM, becoming themain focus of this thesis. Adapted from [6].

In astronomy, THz radiation is important to probe the Interstellar Medium (ISM),

composed of gas and dust between the stars, yielding valuable insights into star formation

and the life cycle of interstellar clouds, seen in Figure 1.1. Photons being emitted by



clouds have relatively larger wavelengths (~100-1000 µm) compared to interstellar dust

grains (~0.1 µm), and consequently, are less affected than UV, visible and even IR light


The ISM is composed by multiple phases, distinguished whether matter is ionic,

atomic, or molecular and by the temperature and pressure of the clouds [8]. At each

phase of the ISM cycle, different ions will emit at different frequencies in the THz range.

The three most important emission lines studied in this project are the nitrogen [NII] at

1.46 THz, carbon, [CII] at 1.90 THz, and oxygen, [OI] at 4.75 THz. [CII] line is associated

with all phases of the ISM, [NII] arises from the ionised regions, allowing to distinguish

neutral from ionised gas clouds, and [OI] emission is linked to the formation of stars [7].

After half a century of study, key questions about the ISM remain: where and how are

interstellar clouds made? Under what conditions and at what rate do clouds form star?

And how do these processes sculpt the evolution of galaxies? [9]

1.2 Direct and heterodyne terahertz detectors

THz detection technology can be divided in two main groups: heterodyne (coherent)

detection systems, which allows detection of amplitude and phase of a signal, and di-

rect (incoherent) detection, which only allows amplitude detection of the signal. The

most common direct sensors are the Transition Edge Sensor (TES) [10] and the Kinetic

Inductance Detector (KID) [11], while for the heterodyne sensors it’s the Superconductor-

Insulator-Superconductor tunnel junction (SIS) [12, 13] and the superconductor Hot Elec-

tron Bolometer (HEB) [14–16].

At the centre of the galaxy, rotational velocity of the stars is much higher, and due

to the Doppler effect, the detected signal’s frequency shifts (e.g. an ambulance siren

sounds higher in pitch when it is approaching than when it is receding). Only the hetero-

dyne detectors can offer high spectral resolution and sensitivity capable of resolving THz

emission and/or absorption lines to distinguish the emitting clouds [17].

The HEBs become the heterodyne detector of choice for frequencies above 1.5 THz

since SIS mixers work only up to this frequency, due to their mixing principle and to the

superconducting gap of available materials [2, 3, 18].

1.3 Superconducting Hot Electron Bolometer

A heterodyne receiver converts an Astronomical Signal (AS) of high frequency into a

signal with lower frequency (several GHz), where it can be amplified and processed.

The down conversion is achieved by multiplying the incoming astronomical light with a

locally produced signal, called Local Oscillator (LO), a continuous wave with extremely

stable frequency or phase. This multiplication occurs in a device called mixer, as seen in

Figure 1.2. The output signal it’s called Intermediate Frequency (IF), and it’s a copy of

the astrophysical spectrum, but converted to the GHz frequency range [19].



Figure 1.2: Heterodyne receiver system. The two signals are merged and coupled intothe mixer, and the output, the IF signal is then amplified, filtered and recorded. Adaptedfrom [20].

For this project, HEBs are the mixer of choice, thermal devices in which the resistance

depends on the temperature [18]. They are formed by a short (∼200 nm), thin (∼5 nm),

superconducting niobium nitride (NbN) bridge between two normal (e.g. gold) electrodes


For the LO, there are two types used for this project: frequency multiplier LO and

QCL. The multiplier works from 0.1 to 2.7 THz and is based on the multiplication of

a GHz signal, however, their output power decreases exponentially with frequency [22].

The QCL has been demonstrated at 4.7 THz, important for the [OI] line, and it’s based on

the ‘intersubband’ transitions in a repeated stack of semiconductor quantum wells [23].

Figure 1.3(a) shows the theory of operation. The input and LO signals are conveyed

to an HEB, either quasi-optically or via waveguide, and enter the bridge through contact

pads. At zero bias voltage (VB = 0 V) the HEB behaves as a short circuit, seen in Figure

1.3(b). As VB increases (either in the positive or negative direction), Cooper pairs within

the bridge begin to break and the device no longer behaves as a pure superconductor.

The HEB current, IB, initially remains constant and then begins to increase as the bridge

transitions to being a normal resistor. The HEB is biased so that the combination of

DC bias, LO power, and bath temperature (TB = 4 K) place it on a nonlinear transition

between a normal and superconducting state. In this transition region, the central part of

the bridge is heated to its critical temperature, Tc, and driven normal, while adjacent ends

of the bridge remain superconducting. The region of the bridge that is driven normal is

referred to as the “hotspot", with length LH [21].

The LO and the AS will modulate the length of the "hotspot". It is this modulation

that yields the downconverted signal that is passed into a low-noise IF amplifier. The

maximum IF frequency supported by the HEB is determined by how fast heat can be

transferred out of the bridge, either by electron diffusion through the contact pads at

the ends or by electron-phonon coupling to the crystal lattice in the substrate material.

GUSTO will choose the latter. [21].



(a) (b)

Figure 1.3: a) Hotspot model of HEB mixing. The AS + LO power is conveyed to theresistance modulation of the HEB at IF frequency. b) HEB I–V curve. Incident RF (i.e.,LO) power will acelerate the transition, reducing the amount of current that can flowthrough the device at a given bias voltage[21].

1.4 Terahertz Optics

To efficiently capture, convey and analyse the terahertz light, the astronomical instrument

guides the light to a detection system [24]. Lenses and/or mirrors are used to accomplish

this, with each of these having their advantages and disadvantages. The lenses are more

lossy than the mirrors, due to absorption and reflection of the dielectric material, but

they are more compact. Often the best solution is a hybrid approach [24].

A common component is the dielectric beamsplitter. Instead of trying to achieve

100% reflectivity or transmissivity, it has a ratio of transmitted and reflected power, for

example a 90/10 ratio is usually used to combine the LO laser and the incoming beam

from space. For polarised light, a wire grid polariser splits the incoming light into two,

depending on its polarisation. The vertically polarised photons go in one direction while

horizontally polarised photons go to another [24].

To separate or merge the incoming beam of light into different frequencies, a dichroic

filter is used. These are periodically perforated components, where the shape and ar-

rangements of the apertures is determined by the filter characteristics [25]. These filters

have a different transmission and reflection coefficients for different frequency ranges


When designing a heterodyne array, while for a multiple-LO, the baseline source

is the same for all the pixels, meaning they emit the same frequency, having multiple

sources would mean a different frequency for different pixels.The Fourier Phase Grating

is a reflective grating that splits a beam into a given number of equally beams, being an

efficient way to distribute the power of a QCL. This is possible due to the use of periodic

structures (cells) on its surface based on the Fourier series expansion theory. This way



each pixel will be operated at the same LO frequency [27].

To intercept the Gaussian beam an open structure (quasi-optical) detection system is

preferred, e.g. is shown in Fig 2.1. A lens focus the incoming light into an absorbing layer,

on which is mounted one or more broadband detectors. The THz detector is much smaller

than the wavelength being received. Therefore, a planar antenna structure, typically a

twin-slot or a spiral, and associated coupling circuitry are needed to bring the radiation

to the detector [3]. Spiral antennas operate with circular polarised ligth and a broad

RF bandwidth, while twin-slot antennas operate linear polarised ligth, with acceptable

beam pattern [18]. For practical reasons, the spiral antenna is preferred, since there are no

problems with aligning the polarisation and with the broad RF bandwidth,the instrument

is similar and cheaper [24].

An alternative coupling scheme is the waveguide, which generally has a better beam

pattern than that of a coupling scheme based on planar antennas. However, due to

difficulties machining the waveguide mounts, it’s usually only applied at frequencies

around 1 THz or below [24].

1.5 Balloon GUSTO

Galactic/Xgalactic Ultra long duration balloon Spectroscopic Stratospheric THz Obser-

vatory (GUSTO), seen in Figure 1.4, is a candidate balloon mission from NASA which

aims to untangle the complexities of the ISM, see Section 1.1, probing all phases of the

cycle. It will measure the far-infrared [NII], [CII] and [OI] lines (1.4, 1.9, and 4.7 THz,

respectively) from the Milky Way and a nearby satellite galaxy, the Large Magellanic

Cloud (LMC).

GUSTO will have a 0.85 m telescope with 8-pixel cryogenic heterodyne receiver

arrays for each frequency. Arrays increase the scientific throughput of a telescope and,

in the process, significantly reduce the manpower and operating costs associated with

large-scale survey projects [28].

Figure 1.4: 3D model of GUSTO telescope



The balloon will be launched from Antarctica, in December of 2020, if the project is

selected by NASA. During its 100 day flight (up to 169 days, limited by the cryogenic

capabilities) it will spiral out from the Antarctic circling the Earth. At its flight altitude

of ∼36 km there is only a trace amount of water vapour, the primary source of absorption

at THz frequencies. Therefore, observing conditions are nearly the same as in space.

1.6 State-of-the-art

Observations by GUSTO will be complementary to many other space missions. The next

table summarises the operation, under development terahertz observatories, and current

detector technologies:

Table 1.1: State-of-the-art of GUSTO complementary missions.

Instrument Frequency Technology Launch date

FIRAS on COBE [29]0.15 - 2.4 THz [CII]

(1.4 THz) and[NII] (1.9THz)

4 semiconductorbolometers

Nov 18, 1989

BICE [30] [CII] (1.4 THz) GE:Ga photoconductors May 1991

Herschel’s HIFI [31]480-1250GHz,[CII] (1.4 THz)

and [NII] (1.9 THz)

14 (2x7) mixers, SIS upto 1250 GHz, HEBs

for [CII] and [NII]May 14, 2009

GREAT/SOFIA [32]1.5-5 THz CO,HD,[CII],[NII],

OH and [OI]

2x7 Heband 2x14 Heb

Apr 1, 2011

STO [33][CII] (1.4 THz)

and [NII] (1.9THz)two 1x4 HEB

mixer arrayJan 2012

STO-2 [34][CII] (1.4 THz),[NII] (1.9THz)

and [OI] (4.7 THz)

1 pixel HEBfor [OI] line and

two 1x4 HEBDec 2016

STO and Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory (STO)-2 were developed by the same

team as GUSTO and will serve as an effective demonstrators for the larger GUSTO focal

plane unit. Although GREAT/SOFIA can observe all three GUSTO target lines, it cannot

devote the thousands of observing hours, since it’s an aeroplane and has a limited flight



Chapter 2

The principle and simulation tool

2.1 Principle of a lens and antenna coupled mixer

To evaluate the coupling of the beam to an antenna lens system, the following proprieties

are necessary to understand:

• Directivity [dB];

• Sidelobe level [dB];

• Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) or 3-dB beamwidth angle [deg];

• f# or f-number;

• Total efficiency [%] (ηtotal):

– Spillover efficiency [%] (ηs);

– Dielectric efficiency [%] (ηd);

– Transmission efficiency [%] (ηtr );

– Aperture efficiency [%] (ηa);

– Polarisation efficiency [%] (ηp).

The directivity is a function of the angle that measure how ’directional’ an antenna’s

radiation pattern is. An antenna that irradiates in all directions equally would have 1 (or

0 dB) directivity. Normally the directivity is represented by its peak value, which defines

the main lobe.

The sidelobes are smaller beams that are separated from the main beam. They have

undesired directions, but they can’t be eliminated. The sidelobe levels are the maximum

value of the sidelobe and an acceptable level is below -15 dB.

The FWHM is the angle range where the magnitude of the pattern goes below 50% of

the main lobe peak (-3 dB). It is important for the calculation of the f#.

f# is the effective f/D ratio of the telescope being used, with f being the focal length

and D the diameter of the telescope. The detector lens needs to match the one from the

telescope, and to calculate it, the FWHM angle is necessary.

f # =1

2tan(θFWHM2 )


To calculate the total efficiency of the antenna/lens system, five efficiencies are mul-

tiplied: the spillover efficiency, containing information about the percentage of the

total radiated power that is actually illuminating the lens surface; the dielectric effi-

ciency,referring to losses due to conductivity of a dielectric material near the antenna;

the transmission efficiency, the total transmitted power through the lens-air interface

divided by the total power illuminating the lens surface; the aperture efficiency, describ-

ing the coupling of the antenna to an uniform plane wave, area that would intercept the



same power as if it was producing the wave; and the polarisation efficiency, specifying

losses associated with the polarisation of the field not being align with the antenna [35].

ηtotal = ηs × ηd × ηtr × ηa × ηp (2.2)

2.2 PILRAP - Program for Integrated Lens and Reflector

Antenna Properties

The radiation pattern needed to obtain the antenna/lens proprieties refereed in the pre-

vious section, was simulated with PILRAP (Program for Integrated Lens and Reflector

Antenna Properties) [35]. Several parameters are necessary to start the simulation:

• Relative dielectric constant, εr . Ratio of the permittivity with the permittivity of

vacuum, resistance when forming an electric field;

• Loss tangent. Losses associated with the electric field. On this case, it’s assumed to

be always zero with silicon lens;

• Planar Feed type, type of antenna. For simulation, double slot (twin slot) was used,

despite spiral antenna being used experimentally. In previous research, it was found

that both spiral and twin slot result in similar beam shape;[36]

• Lens diameter [mm];

• Lens shape; Elliptical - (x/a)2 + (y/b)2 = 1, where "a" is the radius of the lens and "b"

is the lens height not including the extension;

• Extension length [mm];

• L - Length of feed. Length of the slots of the antenna;

• S - Element distance. Separation of the slots;

• W - Width of element. Width of each slot.

Figure 2.1 shows the slot and lens dimension parameters.

Figure 2.1: Lens with HEB chip showing the dimension related parameters. The extensionof the lens plus the HEB chip thickness defines the extension length used in PILRAP.


Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

3.1 GUSTO optic system design

3.1.1 Proposed optic system

The GUSTO design, seen in Figure 3.1, was proposed to NASA in 2014.

Figure 3.1: Original GUSTO Instrument Block Diagram proposed to NASA, with 3x8cooled HEB receivers. The colors show the organization responsible for the component.

The optical system consists of a telescope, a flip mirror for calibration, an LO box, and

a cryostat with a dichroic, beamsplitter, lenses and a wiregrid inside.

Considering this is a heterodyne system, see Section 1.3, the design requires LOs

signals and mixers for each frequency. The LOs signals are located in a LO box attached to

the side of the cryostat. The [NII] and [CII] beams are produced by frequency multipliers,

while the [OI] is generated by a QCL. A single QCL beam passes through phase grating

(not shown in the design) to produce the eight beams required by the [OI] array. Although

the multipliers work at room temperature, the QCL requires a 40 K cooler. The [NII] LO

and the [CII] LO signals are merged by a wiregrid, since both [NII] and [CII] LOs have a



specific polarisation. By emitting in opposing polarisations they can be combined with

minimal loss. While a dichroic filter with high transmittance for the [OI] frequency and

high reflectivity for [CII] and [NII] is used to join the [OI] LO line.

The three LO signals travelling from the LO box enter the cryostat through a vacuum

window and are combined with a focused sky beam in a 90% transmissivity and 10%

reflectivity beam-splitter. Before reaching the arrays, the AS+LO beams encounter a

frequency-selective surface, working as a dichroic filter, but this time, it reflects the high

frequency [OI] signal to his respective HEB array, while allowing the lower frequencies to

pass. A wiregrid is then used to separate the [NII] and [CII] signals, since the LO signals

are polarised there will be minimal loss. On the other hand, the AS photons are linear

polarised, in random directions, and at least 50% of the signal is lost in this stage. The

mixer arrays consist of 8 pixels, in 4 x 2 format, strapped to the 4 K helium tank.

HEB mixer arrays down-converted signal is then filtered and amplified in a series of

low-noise cryogenic microwave amplifiers.

3.1.2 Most favourable design

Since the mission selection will take place in the beginning of 2017, a new layout was

designed to improve its optical efficiency for the (phase-A) study design. To do this,

several goals were taken in mind:

• Increase the efficiency of the AS;

• Reduce the LO signal loss;

• Decrease the mirrors and lenses losses;

• Make the alignment of the optics easier.

From several designs seen in Appendix B, the most promising one is the design shown

in figure 3.2.

This design uses two dichroic filters as beam-splitters and one beam-splitter. Instead

of having a dichroic filter with high transmittance region and a high reflectance region,

it would have a high transmittance region, but by approximating the target frequency to

the critical frequency, 90% reflectance and 10% transmittance could be achieved. This

way it is beam splitting the target frequency while transmitting the others. A simulated

dichroic filter to show how it would work can be seen in Appendix A.

This design would achieve:

• Easier to align optics;

• Optics outside cryostat;

• Increase efficiency of the signals.

This way, there is no need to waste efficiency combining the LO signals. Being outside

the cryostate allows, the optical components to be aligned without opening the cryostate.

On the other hand, with the components inside, with could take up to a week in Antar-

tica’s weather conditions. Another advantage is the optimisation of beamsplitters and

dichroics filters for each frequency.



Figure 3.2: New proposed design for the GUSTO balloon with outside cryostat optics anddichroic filters working as beamsplitters.

By increasing the temperature of the silicon lens, the conductivity becomes higher

(more carriers), increasing the losses, so a different material may be required or a way

to lower the temperature of the lens. The design of the dichroic beamsplitters, could

also reveal to be a challenge. Other important problem is the increase from two cryostat

window to three windows. This may increase the heat load, decreasing the maximum

flight time. The heat load was calculated in Section 3.1.4.

3.1.3 Optical loss calculation

Based on the optical characteristics represented in Table 3.1. The AS and LO signal losses

were calculated and compared for the three frequencies for both the original design and

the new design. It can be noted that all optical losses are conservative estimates.

Calculation example for the [OI] astronomical line in the original design:

100%×W 3 ×F ×FL×B6AS ×D2 ×C ×L× P (3.1)

The cryostat contains three windows due to multiple shields. For this case a 6 µm

beamsplitter was used:

100%× 0.83 × 0.91× 0.80× 0.75× 0.982 × 0.87× 0.5 = 12%

Only 26% of the AS reaches the oxygen array. For the LO signal, a similar equation

was made. It includes the focusing on a grating that it is not represented in Figure 3.1.



Table 3.1: Optical losses associated with all optic components of GUSTO

Parameters 1.46 THz [%] 1.9 THz [%] 4.7 THz [%]

W - Window UHMW-PE [2] 80 80 80L - Lens HEB (AR coat) 10mm [37] 98 98 98C - Coupling (Simulated) 98 97 87F - Filter W907 84 85 91FL - Focusing lens [2] 80 80 80B3A - Beamsplitter for AS 3 µm [38] 98 97 88B3LO - Beamsplitter for LO 3 µm [38] 98 95 83B6AS - Beamsplitter for AS 6 µm [38] 95 92 75B6LO - Beamsplitter for LO 6 µm [38] 92 87 62D - Dichroic 98 98 98M - Mirror 98 98 98G - Fourier Phase Grating [2] Not used Not used 70WG - Wire grid polariser [24] 96 96 96P - Polarisation losses 50 50 50

A multiplier can emit a signal with 50 µW for each pixel, on the other hand, a QCL will

emit with 500 µW, but the signal will be divided by 8 after hitting the grating.

(500 µW/8)×F ×FL2 ×G ×D2 ×W 3 ×B6LO ×C ×L× P (3.2)

The signal is reflected by the beam splitter, and not transmitted, so the signal is

100%− 62% = 38%, since it’s the calculation for the LO.

(500 µW/8)× 0.91× 0.82 × 0.7× 0.982 × 0.83 × 0.38× 0.87× 0.98× 0.5 = 2.03 µW

Table 3.2 shows the results of all the optical loss calculations in the old and new


Table 3.2: Optical losses calculation results and their differences.

2014 design New design Difference

Frequency LO signal AS signal LO signal AS signal LO signal AS signal

1.4 THz 0.59 µW 7% 0.52 µW 15% -0.07 µW +8%1.9 THz 0.95 µW 7% 0.52 µW 16% -0.43 µW +9%4.7 THz 2.03 µW 12% 0.278 µW 15% -1.75 µW +3%

A 6 µm beamsplitter was used for the 2014 proposed design, since, at 1.4 THz, the

LO signal reaching the HEB is below the required 0.25 µW, with only 0.15 µW. The 6

µm beamsplitter wastes signal power for the other frequencies, like the 4.7 THz detector

getting 8x the LO power needed while losing 25% of the AS signal just with the beam-

splitter. However, the new design can have a beamsplitter optimized for each frequency.



In this case, it was calculated with three dichroic/beamsplitters with 95/5 ratio of re-

flectance vs transmission. Some questions may exist about the possibility of creating such

beamsplitter/dichroics, they were only simulated and not tested experimentally, although

calculations show some potential.

There is a big difference in the signals between the lower frequencies and higher

frequencies in the AS, because the first design was designed with twin-slot antennas in

mind. Since twin-slot only capture linear polarisation light, the wire grid would not make

a difference. However, spiral antennas receive half the power of both polarisations, as

such, a wire-grid reduces half the power.

With Each HEB requiring 250 nW, a reversed test was also conducted. The minimum

LO power for the system to work. Table 3.3 shows the results for this test.

Table 3.3: LO power required for normal HEB operation.

Frequency 2014 design New design

1.4 THz 21.37 µW 24.21 µW1.9 THz 13.13 µW 24.18 µW4.7 THz 61.59 µW 449.53 µW

The new design has less power to spare, but still far from the LO designed power,

while doubling the AS signal at lower frequencies and increasing by 3% the 4.7 THz


3.1.4 Heat load to liquid helium

To calculate the heat load to the liquid helium due to the thermal radiation through

the windows, it was assumed that the window would behave like a blackbody, so the

Stefan-Boltzmann’s law was used.



∫νBν(ν,T )dνdΩ (3.3)

With P as the power radiated by a surface of area A through a solid angle dΩ in the

frequency range between ν and ν + dν, at temperature T. Bν(ν,T ) is the intensity of the

light emitted from the blackbody surface, given by Planck’s law. It was assumed that

photons from any direction would eventually heat the hellium, so the solid angle is an



=∫νBν(ν,T )dν

∫ 2π


∫ π2


Where θ is the azimuth angle and φ is the zenith angle of the half-sphere.

P = A×π∫νBν(ν,T )dν



With windows of 10 cm of diameter (A = 79 cm2) and window temperature of 58 K

the power was calculated for different ranges of frequency.

P0−4.9THz = 3 mW

It’s assumed that the windows will include heat filters that block any radiation above

4.9THz. However, in the second design from Figure 3.2, there is a specific frequency from

each LO. Hence, it is assumed that it’s also filtered in lower frequencies.

P0−1.7THz = 0.4 mW

P1.7−2.1THz = 0.3 mW

P4.5−4.9THz = 0.3 mW

In the default design there are two 0-4.9 THz windows, meaning a 6 mW loss. The

second design despite having one more window, since they are frequency specific, the

heat load to the helium is only 1 mW. These calculations don’t take into account that

there are multiple shields, and take into account that every photon will reach the helium.

Hence, the real values, will be lower. Since the heat load to the helium is 22 mW, from

calculations in the proposal, the windows don’t represent a meaningful source of loss.

3.1.5 Most favourable design 2

Professor Christopher Walker from the University of Arizona, principal investigator and

responsible for the optics of the GUSTO project, has updated the design for GUSTO. The

new design can be seen in Figure 3.3.

Several similar conclusions were made:

• Optics outside cryostat;

• Beam splitter optimised for the frequency;

• Increase number of cryostat windows to three.

Also, new restrictions were introduced, like the telescope must be in the same axis

as the detectors. The design also combines 1.4 THz and 1.9 THz lines, since they are

very similar frequencies, the optical components losses are also very similar, and it’s not

necessary a trade-off between the LO and AS signal power. Another distinction, is the

integration of the QCL in the cryostat, helping it keep the 40 K temperature.

With this new design, instead of having two 4x2 arrays, one for the [NII] and other for

[CII], there is a detector box with 4x4 array, where half will detect one frequency and the

other half the other frequency, removing the need to separate both frequencies. The AS

will be direct for the [NII] and [CII] detectors, while the [OI] is separated with a dichroic.

Again, the design was studied to find any problems and to improve its efficiency. From

several designs seen in Appendix C.1, the most promising one is shown in Figure 3.4.



Figure 3.3: Christopher Walker’s new design, with outside optics and the QCL inside thecryostat. A QCL frequency lock loop is introduced to stabilise the QCL frequency.

Figure 3.4: Most favourable design, with telescope beam directly to [OI] channel detectorsand with less optical components.



This design, instead of having the AS directly to the [CII] and [NII] lines, it is direct

to the [OI] line. It will keep the same efficiency for the two lower frequencies, but it will

bring some improvement for the [OI] line:

• One or two less optical components;

• Small improvement in efficiency.

The beam splitter used, can have a dichroic on top of it, reflecting the [OI] line, or it

can use one of the simulated dichroic/beam splitters, from Appendix A, reducing one

more component.

3.1.6 Optical loss calculations 2

The optical losses of each design were again compared:

Table 3.4: Optical losses calculation results for the two new designs and their differences.

V.2 Proposed design New design Difference

Frequency LO signal AS signal LO signal AS signal LO signal AS signal

1.4 THz 0.79 µW 19.2% 0.79 µW 19.2% 0 µW 01.9 THz 1.34 µW 18.6% 1.34 µW 18.6% 0 µW 04.7 THz 0.74 µW 16.8% 0.74 µW 17.1% 0 µW +0.3%

The new design has minimal optical impact, only improving by +0.3% on the [OI].

Since the [OI] is the least measured line by the scientific community, it is the most im-

portant frequency. For that reason, AS is directly pointed to the [OI] detectors, which

should help improve the signal. It’s also important to notice the reduction of the optical

components by two, helping the alignment.

The reversed study was also repeated:

Table 3.5: LO power required for the two new designs for normal HEB operation. Bothdesigns have the same LO signal.

Frequency V.2 Proposed design and New design

1.4 THz 15.75 µW1.9 THz 9.29 µW4.7 THz 84.28 µW

Both the new design and the proposed have the same LO power. The [NII] line is the

only one with less power to spare.



3.2 Lens design

3.2.1 Beam shape of a lens-antenna with a 5 mm diameter lens

The 10 mm lens, experimentally, shows the best results in terms of Noise temperature,

but for the GUSTO, it has a f# too large. Previously simulations show that the 10 mm has

a f#136 at 4.7 THz, while it’s necessary to match a f#19.6 telescope.

The 3.1 mm lens can lower the f# to f#41, but the Noise temperature, experimentally,

increases. To achieve f#19.6, it is necessary to choose a diameter of 1.5 mm, which is not

realistic for a practical mixer. To solve this problem, additionally optics will be necessary

between the telescope and the mixer to match the beams. However, the difference for the

10 mm lens is substantial, so a 5 mm one was tested. It is expected to have better Noise

temperature than the 3.1 mm lens and a better f# than the 10 mm lens, we will have the

best of two worlds. Parameters used for the simulation can be seen in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6: Parameters used for the 5 mm lens simulation.

Parameters 1.4 THz 1.9 THz 4.7 THz

Dielectric constant 11.4 11.4 11.4Loss tangent 0 0 0Diameter 5 mm 5 mm 5 mmShape of lens Elliptical Elliptical EllipticalPlanar Feed Type Double Slot Double Slot Double SlotL - Length of feed 0.2847 0.3 0.3S - Element distance 0.1633 0.17 0.17W - Width of Element 5% 5% 5%

Table 3.7 and Figure 3.5 show the results from the simulation.

Table 3.7: Simulation results of the 5 mm lens.

Parameters 1.4 THz 1.9 THz 4.7 THz

3-dB beamwidth 2.8 2.0 0.810-dB beamwidth 4.6 3.5 1.4Sidelobe level -20.0 dB -20.3 dB -20.3Directivity 34.9 dBi 37.4 dBi 45.2Total efficiency 60.0% 55.4% 56.2%f# 21 28 68

At 1.4 THz and 1.9 THz, with f#21 and f#28 respectively, the f# isn’t very different

from the target f#19.6, however, 4.7 THz has a f#68.

Decreasing the lens dimensions, decreases the f#, but since there is a limit, maybe

other parameters will affect the f#. All the antenna parameters can’t be changed due

to matching impedance between the antenna and the HEB, and the relative dielectric

constant is a constant of the material. So the lens shape and extension length are the only

ones that may affect it.



Figure 3.5: Power beam pattern of 5 mm lens and antennas at 1.4 THz, 1.9 THz and4.7THz.

3.2.2 Optimising the f# by changing the lens shape and extension length

The lens shape ellipticity is defined by the ratio of "b" by "a", seen in Section 2.1. Small

changes in the extension length and in the ellipticity have huge effects in efficiency and

the f#, so the extension length ranges only from 0.7 to 0.82 with a 0.02 step and the

ellipticity ranges from 1.03 to 1.08 with a step of 0.005.

Table 3.8: Simulation parameters for the optimisation of the f#.

Parameters Value Parameters Value

Frequency 4.7 THz Planar feed type Double slotLoss tangent 0 Length of feed 0.3Dielectric constant 11.4 Element distance 0.17Diameter 5 mm Width of element 5%Extension length 0.7-0.82 µm Ellipticity 1.03-1.08

The matching patterns between the two plots infers that to achieve f#10 there will be

a major loss of efficiency. To further confirm the relation between efficiency and the f#,

the plot of the Figure 3.7 shows the f# as a function of the efficiency.

The results show that to lower the f#, the efficiency has drop by 25%. This outcome

proves that it isn’t reliable to change the extension or the lens dielectric constant, and it

will be necessary additional optics to match the f# numbers.



Figure 3.6: Contour of the efficiency and the optical f# of a lens-antenna systemas afunction of the lens extension length and ellipticity.

Figure 3.7: Optical f# of the lens-antenna as a function of the efficiency



3.2.3 Beam’s response to changing extension length and dielectric constantof the lens

A lens with 10 mm and three lenses with 3.1 mm, each designed for a different relative

dielectric constant (11.7 - L1, 11.4 - L2 and 11.2 - L3), had the Noise temperature tested

with spiral HEBs in the work of the master thesis student José Rui Silva [39]. The results

can be seen in Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.8: Receiver noise temperature measurement in the vacuum setup for one 10mm diameter lens and three 3.1 mm diameter lenses. L1 was measured with a tickerbeamsplitter (BS), so based on the results of of L2 and L3, L1 was corrected to allowcomparisons. [39]

Lens 3 shows an increase of 14% in Noise temperature, while lenses 1 and 2 are

considered equal due to errors associated with the experimental setup. However, the 10

mm lens shows a 32% decrease in noise temperature in relation to lenses 2 and 1. This is

not expected since, based on simulation, the efficiency on both lenses should be similar.

One way to explain is that it is due to the measuring method, as there are two methods:

with a blackbody inside the cryostat (vacuum setup) and with a blackbody outside (air

setup). The blackbody in the vacuum setup is smaller in size, so there may be a problem

in centralising the radiation on the 3.1 mm lens. The air setup, on the other hand, has a

blackbody that cover the entire area. To test this theory lens 1 and the 10 mm lens were

tested in the air setup. The results can be seen in Figure 3.9.

The air setup is expected to have increased noise, due to the effective noise introduced

by the air and the cryostat window losses. However, the difference in noise reduces to



Figure 3.9: Comparison between noise temperature measurements in air setup vs vacuumsetup in both 10 mm diameter lens and one 3.1 mm lens (L1) [39].

16% in the air setup. Part of the problem was solved, but it still doesn’t fully explain the

results. It was speculated that the extension length of the lens could be wrongly measured

or the relative dielectric constant to be different than expected, considering that it’s hard

to measure at 4 K. To prove this hypothesis, the influence of the dielectric constant and

the extension length of the antenna on the efficiency of the antenna-lens system, was


Table 3.9: Values used for each parameter in the simulation program PILRAP.

Parameters Value Parameters Value

Frequency 2.5 THz Planar feed type Double slotDesign frequency 2.5 THz Length of feed 0.3Diameter 3.1 mm Element distance 0.17Loss tangent 0 Width of element 5%

The results of this simulation can be seen in Figure 3.10. Throughout the dielectric

values and throughout the extension length values, the efficiency drop is similar. So for

further analysis, the efficiency drop was plotted for the expected εr of 11.4, Figure 3.11,

and for the 0.474 mm and 0.514 mm, Figure 3.12. The 3.1 mm lens was designed with

an extension length of 0.474 mm, but a 0.04 mm offset was found to improve coupling




Figure 3.10: Total lens efficiency as a function of the extension length and the relativedielectric constant.

Figure 3.11: Efficiency as a function of extension length, assuming a relative dielectricconstant of 11.4.



Figure 3.12: Efficiency as a function of the dielectric constant for 0.514 mm extensionlength and 0.482 mm.

A 0.514 mm extension would mean a low efficiency of 34.9% at a εr of 11.4. The lens

with 0.474 mm was optimised for a εr of 11.7, but even at 11.4, the efficiency is still high,

54.9%. This further proves that the measured extension length may be wrongly mea-

sured. Analysing Figure 3.11, and assuming that the value 11.4 is correct, the measured

extension length, 0.514 mm, may be wrong for at least 28 µm.

The 10mm lens used has an extension of 1.569 mm, which gives an efficiency of 52.9%.

Assuming that the 3.1mm lens has an efficiency of 34.9%, it means that the extension

length was measured right, and there is a 34% relative drop in efficiency. This 34% is

similar to noise temperature difference at vacuum, but it would not explain the air setup


The difference between air setup noise temperature measurements is 16% and the

vacuum setup noise temperature is 32%. In the vacuum setup, the radiation may not be

centralised in the lens, while in the air setup, covers the entire area so the 3.1 mm lens is

covered. Meaning that the 16% should be a problem with the lens optimisation.

This difference, assuming a 11.4 dielectric constant is correct, and knowing that at

0.492 mm extension length, the efficiency is 52.9% (the same as the 10 mm lens), a 16%

loss in efficiency occurs at an extension length of 0.503 mm. This corresponds to a 11 µm

difference to achieve the same optimisation state.



3.2.4 Measurement of lens dimensions to explain noise temperature results

To prove that the lens may have the wrong dimensions, it was measured with two different

methods, with an optical microscope connected to a micrometre, so the dimension is

based on the difference in focus, and with a Mitutoyo Coordinate Measuring Machine

(CMM) Crysta-Apex C. The CMM and a zoom in of the lens can be seen in Figure 3.13.

As seen in Section 2.1, the lens shape is characterised by the lens height without the

extension (b), half the lens diameter (a), and the extension length, but since the lens

height goes inside the extension, it’s impossible to measure both the "b" value and the

extension, so only the total lens height is measured.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.13: a) CMM used to measure the lens dimensions. b) 3.1 mm lens strappedbetween two clamps.

The design dimensions for each lens can be seen in Table 3.10, which shows the

measurements of the lens height. Since, the dielectric constant of silicon at 4 K was

not known accurately, three 3.1 mm lens were optimised for three different dielectric

constants, 11.7, 11.4 and 11.2.

Every optical measurement portrayed is the average of 10 measures, by defocusing

and refocusing. On the other hand, the CMM is the average of 3 measures due to the time

it takes per measure. The variation between the 10 optical measures was ±2 µm, while

the variation in the CMM, even though the resolution is about 0.1 µm, was ±5 µm. These

results can be explained by the measurement method. While the optical measurement is

a non-contact method, the CMM, being a contact method, may be susceptible to any dust

or particle in the lens or in the surface, despite the surfaces being cleaned with a nitrogen

gas blow.

Hence the optical measurement is precise, but it may have an offset, consequently,

being not very accurate. However, since it only matters the relative difference between



the lenses to explain the noise differences, the optical measurement is used for conclusion


Table 3.10: Results of the lens height measurements compared to the expected designdimensions.


height [mm]Optical

measure [mm]Difference

[µm]CMM mea-sure [mm]


10 mm 6.457 6.460 +3 6.465 +83.1 mm lens 1 1.755 1.773 +18 1.766 +113.1 mm lens 2 1.764 1.771 +7 1.764 +03.1 mm lens 3 1.769 1.780 +11 1.776 +7

To calculate the extension length, we measured the entire lens height including the

extension length and subtracted the "b" expected value. The "b" value is assumed to be

correct, considering the lens shape was measured previously and it had an error in the

range of nanometres.

Table 3.11: Extension length without the substrate thickness for the optical measurement.It also shows the distance from optimum extension, simulated in PILRAP.


extension [mm]Optical

measure [mm]Variation

[µm]∆ optimum

extension [µm]

10 mm 1.229 1.232 +3 +273.1 mm lens 1 0.134 0.152 +18 +233.1 mm lens 2 0.141 0.148 +7 +223.1 mm lens 3 0.145 0.156 +11 +32

This extension does not include the substrate thickness of the detector, which will be

glued to the lens. This way, the total extension will be the substrate thickness plus the

values of extension obtained in the previous calculation. All noise measurements were

done with the same detector chip, i.e. the same substrate. The substrate thickness is

designed to have 340 µm, but both the optical and the CMM measured 350 µm.

The three 3.1 mm lens and the 10 mm lens were simulated for ±50 µm from the ideal

extension with maximum efficiency, seen in Figure 3.14. This way we can compare real

dimensions, including a substrate thickness of 350 µm versus the ideal.

The simulation shows that the decreasing ratio is similar no matter the lens dimen-

sions. By decreasing the lens diameter, the focal length decreases by the same ratio, so

the angle of incidence in the detector is the same. With the same angle, the same antenna

size, and being the same chip, the decrease in efficiency is the same.

Even though the 3.1 mm lens 1 was supposed to have a smaller extension than lens 2,

the length is bigger than expected, making them very similar. Explaining the similar noise

temperature results seen in the Figure 3.8. Like lens 1, lens 3 extension also increased in

relation with lens 2, increasing the difference in efficiencies. This also reflects in the noise



Figure 3.14: Efficiency as a function of the variation from the optimum extension lengthfor each lens. Marked in circles is the difference between the optimum extension and theoptical extension measured for the four lens.

temperature value, lens 3, with just 10 µm in difference in extension, has an increase of

14% in noise temperature.

Data explains the difference in the 3.1 mm lens, but it doesn’t explain for the 10 mm.

The simulations show similar efficiency, when the noise difference in the vacuum setup

is 32% and 16% in the air setup.

3.2.5 Optimum extension length of the lens with changing relativedielectric constant

To explain the difference between the 10 mm lens and the 3.1 mm lenses, the optimum

extension needs to change more in the 10 mm than in the 3.1 mm. This was tested

by changing the lens shape, the frequency and the antenna shape, but with no success.

However, changing the relative dielectric constant has a bigger impact in the 10 mm lens

than in the 3.1 mm. A plot of the efficiency of the four lenses as a function of the relative

dielectric can be seen in Figure 3.15. The lens dimensions used for the simulation where

based on the optical measurements from Section 3.2.4.

Lens 1 and Lens 3 have a 23% noise difference, and lens 1 and the 10 mm lens have

a 26% difference in the vacuum setup, as seen in Figure 3.8, and at a relative dielectric

of 11.2, they have a difference of efficiency of 6.4% and 5.5%, respectively. This could

explain the difference in the receiver noise temperature between the 10 mm lens and the

3.1 mm lenses.



Figure 3.15: Efficiency as a function of the relative dielectric constant, using the simula-tion results with the optical measured dimensions of the lenses.

It’s very difficult to measure the dielectric constant of silicon at 4 K, that’s the whole

reason why three 3.1 mm lenses were made, one for each dielectric constant, to try to

find the one with best results. Having that in consideration, the literature value is 11.4

[40]. There are too many factors that could cause errors related with the measure of the

noise temperature and lens dimensions. Also, there isn’t enough repetition, to claim that

the relative dielectric is 11.2. Nonetheless, it opens interesting issue and asks for further

experimental verification.


Chapter 4

Conclusions and future perspectives

This thesis optimises the optical system of the balloon GUSTO and explores lens design

characteristics of the detection.

For the optical design a new concept was introduced, a cryostat with windows for

each frequency. This allows the placement of optical components outside the cryostat, for

easy alignment, making unnecessary to merge LO signals, thus reducing losses. Since the

cryostat reaches a temperature of 4 K, due to thermal radiation through the windows, this

could increase the heat load. However, it was calculated that as a results of the windows

being more frequency specific, filters can block most of the radiation and actually de-

crease the heat load. With LO beams separated, the beamsplitters can also be optimised

for each frequency, and by using a new approach, with dichroic filters as beamsplitters,

the number of optical components can be reduced even further. By reducing the optical

components, an increase in optical signal was achieved. This concept was presented to

a group of astronomers that found the frequency specific windows concept innovative.

Hence, the concept is a candidate design for GUSTO and it may be applied for future

space missions.

Professor Christopher Walker principal investigator of the GUSTO project, updated

the optical design, reaching similar conclusions. His design also placed the optics outside

the cryostat, increased the cryostat windows to three and allowed beamsplitters specific

for the frequency. The main differences are the QCL being placed inside the cryostat,

helping it to refrigerate, and combining the [NII] and [CII] pixels. [NII] and [CII] have

similar frequencies, so the beamsplitter and the window can still be optimised without

having losses separating both astronomical lines. The design was again optimised, in-

creasing slightly the [OI] astronomical line, while potentially reducing the number of

optical components by two.

One of the main challenges of the GUSTO optical system is the coupling of the tele-

scope beam to an antenna lens system. A 10 mm diameter lens offers a good sensitivity

of the detection (low noise temperature), however, the f# number is too large comparing

with the f# number of the telescope, f#136 compared to f#19.6 respectively. On the other

hand, a 3.1 mm diameter lens shows a better coupling (similar f# number), but the noise

temperature increases. A 5 mm diameter lens was then simulated, showing results that

have the best of the two worlds. At 1.46 THz and 1.9 THz the f# number was similar to

the telescope, demonstrating the feasibility to use smaller lens for GUSTO’s heterodyne

arrays at these frequencies. However at 4.7 THz the f# number was still too big. To solve

this, it was simulated lenses with different ellipticities and extension length, concluding

that reducing f# is impossible and that additional optics will be necessary to match the

telescope with the receivers.



The master thesis student José Silva measured the noise temperature for a 10 mm

diameter lens and three 3.1 mm lenses [39].The 10 mm lens showed the best noise tem-

perature, while two 3.1 mm lenses showed an increase in 32% in noise temperature and

one an increase of 56%. To explain this results, the efficiency was plotted as a function

of the extension length and the dielectric constant, based on simulations. This showed

that a difference as small as 10 µm can mean a loss of 8% of efficiency. To demonstrate

this hypothesis the lens dimensions were measured. The results showed a significant

difference between the designed lens and the real values, explaining the 3.1 mm lens

being with worst noise temperature. Still, the other two 3.1 mm lenses and the 10 mm,

in simulation, showed similar efficiencies.

To explain this difference, the lenses with the measured dimensions were simulated for

different relative dielectric constants and, at 11.2, the 10 mm lens had the best efficiency,

while the two 3.1 mm lens had a drop of 6% efficiency and the worst 3.1 mm lens had

a drop of 12%. With similar differences in efficiency and noise temperature, this would

explain the different noise temperature results. However, the literature value for the

relative dielectric constant of the silicon at 4 K is 11.4 [40]. There are too many factors

that can cause errors to claim that the dielectric constant is 11.2. In the noise temperature,

there is not enough repetition, since it is only one measurement, and even a slightly dis-

alignment could change its value. Regarding the measurement of the lens dimensions, a

more reliable method is necessary. Nonetheless, it opens interesting issue and asks for

further experimental verification.

In future perspective, there is a lot that can be done to accurately predict the relative

dielectric constant of the silicon at 4 K. The GUSTO balloon will use the 5 mm lens, but

the noise temperature still needs to be measured. Again, like for the 3.1 mm lenses, there

should be a lens designed for different dielectric constants. Even though, the 3.1 mm lens

was designed for 11.2, it showed the worst noise temperature results, the dimensions were

so inaccurate that the other lens were better at 11.2. Thus, a better method to measure

the lens dimensions needs to be found. By accurately measuring the dielectric constant,

future lens designs can be optimised by increasing efficiency, not just for GUSTO but for

future space missions.



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Appendix A

Dichronic filter

To prove that a dichroic filter is possible to use as a beamsplitter a MATLAB simulation

of the Chen’s theoretical analysis of the transmission characteristics of dichroic filters in

the microwave range was used [25]. It was proven that the same theory also worked in

the terahertz range. For this example, the dichroic filter would have circular openings

with equilateral triangular lattice.

The design should have a high transmittance for 1.9 THz and a low transmittance,

with high reflectivity for 1.46 THz, but the transmittance of 1.46 THz should be enough

to work as a beamsplitter. The dichroic filter was calculated as circular openings with

equilateral triangular lattice. With a plate thickness of l = 100 µm, a circular aperture

radius of d = 113 µm and a spacing between two apertures of s = 163 µm. The resulted

design is presented in Figure A.1.

Figure A.1: Simulation of a dichroic filter that can be used as a beamsplitter for 1.46 THz,while transmitting at 1.9 THz.

This way at 1.46 THz the mirror works as a beamsplitter, and at 1.9 THz it transmits

with minimal loss. This specif type of design will have significant decrease of signal with

the increase of angle of incidence. However, dichroic filters with a high angle of inci-

dence has been achieved near the critical frequency desired. The idea for this theoretical

approach for the dichroic filter was to better explain the idea behind the design.



A.1 Calculations for the simulation


T = exp(


1− j[A+B tanh(βl)]− 1

1− j[A+Bcoth(βl)]



R = exp(


1− j[A+B tanh(βl)]+

11− j[A+Bcoth(βl)]


The power transmittance is then defined by,

Tp = T T ∗ (A.3)

With α being the attenuation factor and A, B, and β functions of the size and fre-


A = 12(



)2− 1

) 12

J ′1









− 12(43


)2− 1

) 12








B = 0.33(da



− 1) 1



β =2πλ



− 1) 1



Where a is the radius of circular apertures and d is the spacing between any two

apertures. J1 is the Bessel function of the first kind.


Appendix B

All optical designs tested

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure B.1: All optical designs tested, with f) being the preferred one.


Appendix C

All optical designs for new design

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure C.1: All optical designs tested, with a) being the preferred one.