Models of Teaching

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Summary of the Models of Teaching as presented in EDT 500 at the University of Dayton


Team A: Generalizations of Inventories

Rosie Amstutz* Christina Stacy* Gina Craun Chad Trudo Jessica Fentress Tonya Frost Nathan Gilford

Jean Doe** Angela Gibson** Michelle

Hammock** Kolleen Hryb**

* Indicates Team Leader** Indicates team member whose data is not included in

team Models of Teaching data

Model Knowledge



Concept Attainment

5 3 6

Inquiry 6 4 6

Concept Formation 5 3 8

Synectics 4 3 7

Mnemonics 7 5 6

Direct Instruction 8 7 8

Cooperative Learning

8 6 8

Oral Discussion 8 6 7Knowledge: How knowledgeable are you of this model?   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10No or little knowledge Some limited knowledge Good basic knowledge Advanced Knowledge Experience: How experienced are you with this model?   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10No or little experience Some limited experience Considerable experience In-depth experience Interest: How interested are you with this model?   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10No or little interest Some modest interest Considerable interest High level interest

Direct instruction, cooperative learning and oral discussion are models we seem to be most knowledgeable and most experienced with.

We have the highest interest in the areas which we are already knowledgeable. Additionally, we are interested in concept formation which is one of the models with which we have the least experience.

For all models we have a considerable interest in each of the models outlined in the text

The model which we are most experienced with is that of direct instruction.

Lastly our knowledge of each model is higher than our experience in each model.

“Intellectually we all know that Direct Instruction is not the most effective way to teach a given individual, but I believe it is the method that has been favored by the educational institutions during our learning careers so far.  Because of our familiarity with it I believe we feel we have a fair amount of knowledge about it too..” –Nathan Gilford

“I think that cooperative learning is utilized because it does have "real world" applications.  Out of school, no matter what we do, we have to learn and know how to work with people--even those who do not have a mutual level of integrity (meeting the group expectations, doing what you say you are going to do by a deadline).  It not only contributes to the students knowledge of content, but also teaches them real life skills of how to work with one another.” –Rosie Amstutz

“For me direct instruction was what I am most familiar with because that is what my teachers used to teach me!” – Gina Craun

“As far as oral discussions--using this model, we give our students the opportunity to add to the lesson and by doing so, we may add to the lesson, pull in an unengaged student, and add a new dimension to the lesson.  Through this model, I think a lot of exciting things can happen.” –Rosie Amstutz

“I notice, thus far, that Concept Formation and Concept Attainment get rated fairly high with regards to the Interest index.  Again, this indicates to me a new wave on interest in learning techniques in teaching higher level of thinking.” —Rosie Amstutz

“One thing I would like to add input on is that I find it sad with the increased amount of testing that a lot of school systems have adapted their curriculum to basically "teaching to the test."  I find this so sad.  I believe this has impacted our teaching and as some of you have said, no we don't necessarily have time to challenge our students to a higher level of thinking because of this increased amount of pressure.  I believe it is necessary to go back and see what truly the goal should be in educating our youth?  We want our youth to be well educated, knowledgeable members of the community, and productive citizens in society.” --Tonya Frost

“In my opinion, the four teaching categories and models (reasoning skills, reorganizing skills, remembering skills, relating skills) would be very effective in the learning environment.  In order for a student to be successful in school today, I think it is necessary to deal with a range of intellectual skills that will help them fully understand different topics.” -- Chad Trudo

“These types of instruction are really beneficial to all levels and I believe they can be implemented at any age with alterations to examples, demonstrations, and how in depth the lesson gets.” –Gina Craun

“I do feel that what I have been exposed to mostly while in school is direct instruction and I too feel that not all models are beneficial to all grades. I do feel however from my experience that even elementary school teachers (or many of them I should say) are now steering more towards an inquiry based and cooperative approach to teaching and learning and away from the direct approach as much.” –Christina Stacy

“. . . I also believe that every situation and person is different.  So I think that mixing up the different methods and types of learning is good to keep students solving problems various ways.  This approach will challenge and hopefully prevent monotony.” --Chad Trudo

“I think that direct instruction has a definite place in education and always has.  I think that we rated it so highly not only because that is how most of us have grown up, but that with content that is particularly fact based, it is a great tool for getting the information across. ” --Rosie Amstutz

“This seems to be the pedagogic form that students are most comfortable with ... although also invariably talk about how boring the classes that use it are.” --Nathan Gilford

“I definitely agree that direct instruction seems to be a connection we all have.  I believe it is the way many teachers teach and seem to be stuck in a pattern of "sticking with it" because it has worked rather than deciding to branch out and change our ways. ” -- Tonya Frost

“I do feel that what I have been exposed to mostly while in school is direct instruction.” -- Christina Stacy

“I find myself to be in the middle of not knowing too little or too much. I am excited in beginning my masters so early in my career and learning more in order to help impact my teaching and make myself be the best teacher I can be!! ” –Tonya Frost

“Regarding interest, I rated myself a 10 on all of them because that is what I am here for.  I have a love/passion of teaching and a strong desire not just be a teacher but an educator.  For me it is a vocation not a job. I am extraordinarily interested in learning anything I can that may be beneficial to my students and myself.” --Rosie Amstutz

“So does our education system foster higher levels of thinking?  Both of my experiences lead me to believe no . . . we did cover some higher level thinking questions, but only with the advanced classes, and now the teachers at my school are stretched so thin that it is hard to get to those higher levels.  We have been doing a better job of it lately, but  it takes a lot of training for the students and not all of the teachers are trying. ” --Jessica Fentress