Module 1 - Amazon S3 Coach Training... · Module 1: The Money Map The Money Map The five kinds of...

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Module 1


Tapping Into Wealth Coach Training Program Transcript

Module 1: The Money Map The Money Map

The five kinds of money: x Savings x Debt x Income x Income Goal x Toxic Money


With the Money Map, we lookat the five kinds of money and explain to people:

“What if I told you that you’re carrying hidden programming that is specifically blocking your money and your wealth, that is literally setting the level of your income, your savings, and the amount of debt you have in your life? Would you want us to uncover that? Would you want to see what’s in there? Would you want me prove to you that you’re carrying that hidden programming?”

“Ya, sounds kind of interesting!”

“I want to suggest to you that there is a mind, body and money connection involved, as well. And so what I want to do with you is create your Confidential Money Map. We are going to plot how your money is specifically mapped out, literally, in your nervous system. And I’m going to show you not only that there are five kinds of money,but how each of the five kinds of money has three distinct aspects to it that go on your Money Map. So to begin, here are the three distinct aspects.”

I want you to notice the way I’m speaking it right now is modeling how you would say it to a client:

“There are three distinct aspects of the five kinds of money on your Money Map.”

If I was doing this with a group, I’d be saying, “How does that sound everybody? Does that sound good?” This is exactly how I did it on a radio show. I said that these three distinct aspects of each type of money has a built-in programmed belief that becomes habitual self-talk that we repeat to ourselves each time we think about certain situation.

“Each type of money has its own programmed belief or habitual self-talk – the thing that you say over and over and over. It also has a particular emotion that runs through your nervous system.”

Note that I always use the phrase “runs through your nervous system” because it takes it from woo-woo in people’s brains to a more scientific perspective. I’m making people connect emotion to the fight-or-flight response.

What’s great about that is that everybody knows that the fight-or-flight response or the stress response is a scientifically proven phenomenon. They’ve all heard about it in the holistic health world or the medical world if your clients are nurses, doctors or chiropractors who understand clinically the fight-or-flight response.

“I want people to see that these emotions that are programmed to run through your nervous system and are attached to each of the five kinds of money and the three ‘traumas.’”

Note I say “traumas!” Yes, I said it, traumas! Actual traumas! I connect it to each of the five kinds of money. And depending on my audience, for example, if it’s a room full of your average guy in shirt and tie, who has never heard of The Secret or the Law of Attraction, I will add, “I know it sounds a little bit woo-woo, but as we get into this Money Map, you’re really going to see how quickly this becomes clear.”

Three Aspects of the Five Kinds of Money

These are the three aspects of the five kinds of money:

1) Programmed belief 2) Emotion that runs through the nervous system 3) Connected traumas

“Now to your Money Map, we’re going to work through this so you can create your own. So start writing it down right now.”

I often start with either savings or debt. Why do I do that? Because you get people’s full attention right away.


You say, “We start with the kind of money called savings account.”

“I want you to write down on a piece of paper in front of you.” Again, this can be in person or of the phone or in a whole room full of people! And by the way, they will all want to cover it with their hands because nobody (note that it’s all going through the nervous system) wants anyone to see what’s in their savings account. Forget about when we get to debt!

“Write down the amount of money in your savings account. And if you have a vacuum, a hole in your savings account,” which often makes people chuckle, “Then put down the exact amount, zero. I want you to take a look at that number and just sit with it, take a deep breath and notice:

What’s the feeling in your body right now? What are you feeling and what’s the thought that’s running through your head?”

Sometimes you have to sit there for a minute and if they’re not super forthcoming, especially in a group setting where people don’t want to be the first to say, “I want to cry!” or “I don’t really want to reveal information,” this is where I will pry them further.

I’ll say, “I’ve done this with thousands of people and the most common emotions that come up when people think about their savings account are, strangely, feelings of sadness, lossand disappointment. Of course there’s worry and fear about what might happen, but the common thought is, ‘I never feel safe, I never feel safe, I never feel taken care of.’”

You can make that suggestion. You can see if it resonates and say, “But this is your Money Map so what’s coming up for you?” Sometimes sharing some of that very openly sets the tone so people aren’t as embarrassed to say, “Oh, my God!” Whatever they say is what they put down on their Money Map.

If they say they look at their savings and say, “I’m such a loser because I don’t have any savings,” then you want to get specific and ask, “What’s the emotion?” If the answer is fear, you always want to push for one more emotion because worries, like the worry of what’s going to happen, really comes from more than the income. This is the way I get to it: “When you say, ‘I’m such a loser’ out loud – and I know it isn’t comfortable – but if you were to say it and it felt really true when you said it, what’s the feeling when you say it?”

Now you’re getting to the good stuff. They’re going to say, “I’m embarrassed.” I just want to suggest to you guys that nobody likes to say the word shame, but actually embarrassment means they’re ashamed. So if they use the word “embarrassed,” I want you to understand that shame is in there. I would tell them to write down embarrassment and ask, “Does it feel like, ‘Oh, my God, I’m embarrassed. I’m ashamed’?”

They may really mean the same thing, but embarrassed is more socially acceptable to say. Shame is one of the darkest emotions that there is to experience – shame and embarrassment – and it hammers the nervous system. It hammers the fight or flight.

Under savings, interestingly enough, I mention “traumas.” For some people when they look at their savings account, it reminds them of a past event that was full of great loss or sadness or disappointment that may even still feel unresolved. I can’t tell you guys how many people have had the death of a parent come up when they were young and since that day they’ve never felt safe, or their parents had a great job and then one got sick or one got fired. There was a business betrayal or something and ever since that day they feel unsafe. They feel not taken care of. They feel abandoned and all that emotional content is wired into the savings account. So what’s the point of all this?

This is where you want to go deep into the emotion and the woo-woo factor. And I always want to position it for you that you’ve got somebody who’s not at all into the woo-woo world, it will not be like shooting fish in the barrel, it won’t be someone who will immediately agree, “Oh my God, I totally got it.”

I want to position you to be able to do this with everyday business people who have never seen The Secret or heard of Tapping.

When you take it to that level, this is where the framing comes in.

“Do you see how anytime in your life when think about your savings account or lack of savings, your nervous system runs with the stress response of feeling shame and embarrassment and fear and the thing that runs through your head is exactly that statement that you wrote? For example, ‘I don’t feel safe, I’m a loser, what’s going to happen?’ Or ‘Something bad is going to happen,’ or whatever it is that comes when you think about your savings account. It may even trigger old memories of very sad, disappointing or unresolved past events. And I want you to get, right now, in this moment, that this is why your savings account is exactly where it is.”

Everybody, this is the framing part! At this critical point when you have helped people get to this information, you pause and say, “Let’s just really look at this.”

This is what I want you to understand. This is what I’m so passionate about: the middle class! This is me and my family and my people! Our middle class, people! They need to understand this information because until they get this, they will never shift from living hand to mouth!

I could literally cry just thinking about it, right now! Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. It’s so my mission to share this information.

I want you to be that strong about it and say, “Do you see and understand why in the past you have never put any time, focus or attention on your savings account?”

“And can you give yourself just the tiniest bit of compassion and understanding now that you see how all this stuff in your nervous system is mapped to your savings account?”

“One hundred percent like a stonewall working against anything, any action that you might take to change your savings account.”

This is where you really get people to take a breath and have an “aha”moment and to say, “Wow I get it! I really understand!”

It is critical to get people to pause and take in that point, instead of marching on to the next thing and capturing the next thing and jumping into Tapping. It is so important to get people to sit in that space and look at you and say “Yes, I totally get it.” When you can do this, what you see before you is a transformed person! That is a transformed person. And these transformed people

get the value of that “aha”moment, and they’re going to tell people about your work. They’re going to walk away from the session gushing, “Holy Mother of God! I learned so much! That was mind blowing, wow!”

They’re going to walk away with this piece of paper that’s filled with information that is very solid and very real and very personal to them. This is their Confidential Money Map. It’s confidential because nobody wants to share this stuff, but it is their“aha”moment.

Right now we’re still basically diagnosing the problem for the client, we’re just framing for them the impact and the power and the understanding and the consciousness at each step of the way. This could literally be a session, but do you see the difference between now and five minutes ago when the same person was probably thinking, “Aha moment? Mind-body connection? That sounds really woo-woo!”

And just outlining this with one type of money, savings, you’ve got them hooked, because nobody can deny their mind-body connection. Nobody can deny that they’re not feeling something in their system.

What happens if we get the person who says that he has tons of savings and feels fine about it? You say, “Great! You know what that means? We don’t have to worry about that one!” and you move on to the next thing. I always say, “Put your hands together, raise them to the sky and say, ‘Praise the Lord!’ That’s one less issue to deal with in my money.”

But in general, for people with middle-class wealth programming, no matter how much they earn, they do not create wealth and savings and they don’t create enough to make them feel safe and feel supported, whether it’s six months’ worth of living expenses in the bank or more. And so this is a huge problem even for people who are earning well.


Now you can move on, but only after you’ve really made them understand the power of what you’re doing.

You’re going to move on to debt and I like to say something like, “Well, if you thought that was uncomfortable this next one is going to get a little bit worse. But this is incredibly important to see. So now I want you to write down on the piece of paper in front of you the total amount of your debt.” What you need to say next is, “If you have no idea how much you’re under because you don’t open those letters and you don’t look at it,” I can’t tell you guys how many people fall in that boat – financial advisors, CPAs, people with high-level corporate jobs literally aren’t opening these letters, and we’re going to find out why.

Then what you want to say to them is, “I want you to make your best guess. If you don’t know or you’re not sure, make your best guess.” It is the hallmark of this type of work for people who have debt to have no idea how much it even is.

Now you’re looking at your debt, Mr. Client, and the same question: “What’s the first emotion that comes up?” Now again, sometimes people are going to say fear because their life experience is going to get worse. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.”

I want you to push one emotion past it and the way that I do it is I’ll say, “If you were to point to that number and finish this sentence, what would it be?” And I want you to say this, “Point at the debt and say ‘This means I’m _______’ and fill in the blank.” And what they’re going to give you there is the habitual way of thinking about it, which will lead most clearly to the emotion.

You’re going to say, “Well, when people think about their debt, there is a programmed belief that runs habitually. I know that this is going to sound crazy, but what it looks like is that you’re seeing that number on a piece of paper and you’re reacting to it. But what I want to show you is that this programmed belief and this emotion were there first. Then your debt followed as a result of having those emotions and programmed belief. At this point, people are like “Woo-hoo that just blew my mind, just like The Matrix.” But that’s the way it is.

Ask them that question. “This means I’m _______.” (fill in the blank)

I say, “It’s okay. What I hear from people all the time is some of the darkest things we say to ourselves. For example, it means I’m a loser. It means I’m an idiot. It means I’m a failure.”

“Ninety percent of the time the emotion associated with savings is shame – this is where we really see shame and embarrassment big time, and the habitual talk is always around worthlessness, or proof of our worthlessness, proof that everything I do is a failure, proof that I’ve made a ton of mistakes, which means I’m an idiot and I’m worthless. So it’s very negative and you can say when you look at your debt, the financial trauma that might be attached is something that when you look at your debt, you could point to an event in the past. So this isn’t true for everybody, but for a lot of people it is. You could point to an event in the past or time in the past and see there that there was battle, a betrayal or maybe something that you’ve never forgiven yourself for or forgiven someone else for.”

A light bulb will go off because a lot of people have debt as a result of something that turned into a traumatic situation that is still unresolved. This could be where people have debt from marriage or debt from a bad business deal or debt from college loans or medical problems or debt from a really stupid investment, and all they do is beat themselves up over it, or they’re still sort of emotionally and energetically in battle with people who ruined them and because of that they have this huge trigger of incredibly negative talk. This is a really powerful emotion of combined fear and shame running through the nervous system. And the memory of this trauma can come up in an instant.

“I really want you to hear this: the American Psychological Association says that 80% of our inner talk is negative and I really want you to hear how negative your inner talk is when you think about your debt which by the way many people can be triggered to think about their debt multiple times a day.”

“I want you to hear how powerful this negative habitual talk is which says, ‘I’m a loser. I’m an idiot.’ How many times a day and how it affects your nervous system, and how it is connected to something really painful and emotional from the past. And I just want you to again give yourself a pinky-toe-sized, tiniest bit of understanding and compassion about why you haven’t taken all of your brilliance, all of your brains, all of your skills and focused them on managing and getting rid of this stuff.”

“Does that make sense? That when you go to work you can be this brilliant and amazing, persistent person, getting all these projects done. You could even be a competent financial planner or CPA! But when it comes to your own debt, do you see how all of these running in your nervous system act like a wall. You could be handed the greatest strategy in the world to reduce that debt and you wouldn’t be able to do it. I really want you to get that because this is where the understanding and the compassion start to shift things.”

This is a good place to say, “By the way, I’m showing you all this mind-body stuff and I know it feels and sounds crappy, but until we start having this conversation and getting to what’s really going on, even with all the strategy books out there, you can’t move forward. And I promise you this technique, the mind-body technique that we’re going to be using to shift this, is going to make a huge difference for you.”

If it’s really kind of heavy at this point, even if it’s in the middle of a session, remember to take a breath yourself, and say, “I just want to remind you – this is where we’re going.”

If you noticed at the beginning of this call today, after all my announcements, I reminded you this is where we’re going. I said I’m going to be pushing you but this is where you’re going – being an expert and being able to frame it in a way that people get it and making money because you have the right marketing. So I reminded you this is where we’re going. And it’s okay to do that in the middle of a session, at the beginning of a session, and then at end of the session, especially when things are getting a little tough. And that’s also my way of taking your average person who’s not in the woo-woo world to a place that feels a little bit scary and emotional and uncomfortable, and then bring it up a level and say, “There’s a reason we’re doing this, there’s a reason we have to look at it. It’s a powerful process and I’m going to show you how to shift out of this really quickly.”

Then they can understand because this is a little bit out of the box and uncomfortable for the average business owner who is your best target for this kind of work. We’ll be talking about that in the marketing phase as well as what is the niche that you should be focusing on. Okay, we’ve gotten through two hard ones.


This next type of money is income. And this is really where you start to show people at a different level how valuable your work is going to be because they will understand pretty quickly how this can impact their income in a very big way.

Say, “I want you to write your income down on a paper. The income that you’re earning weekly or monthly whatever the best way for you to look at it is.” I often ask people to do it monthly because people kind of know what their expenses are monthly, like their mortgage or their rent or their car payment, and so when they look at their income monthly, it’s really easy for them to see where it’s falling short.

I ask them to put down their income and I’ll say to them, “Notice the feeling that you’re already having.” And this is really where we see that for the middle class, wealth programming for income literally comes from our parents being in the middle class or being in the working class, which is that money is always limited and always running out and there’s never enough. I often prompt people because this is going to be universally true for everyone. I’ll say, “A lot of people start to have a feeling in their body of anxiety or frustration or some type of stress. Are you noticing any feeling right now and I want you to notice if you’re hearing a little voice in your head saying, ‘Oh my, it’s not enough.’”

And 99.9% of the time people are going to say, “Ya, it’s not enough.” Then what I say to them is “I want you to actually say that out loud. I know it sounds kind of negative, but I want you to say that out loud: ‘It’s not enough!’” Then they say it out loud. “How true does that feel on a scale of 1 to 10?”

Let them write it down if it’s an 8 or a 9. “When it feels that true, what’s the feeling that it triggers in you when you say it?” And this gets to a deeper level, to a more clear level. “Ya, I feel anxiety.”Or they might say“Freaking anger, it’s so frustrating, I’m never going to get ahead.”

You want to get whatever their emotion is and anything else that they would say about it, “It’s not enough,” “It’s never been enough,” and really connect it. Say “When we look at income, it really is the basic nervous system wiring about money in general, and how much money there is for what we call‘people like us.’So your family and your family’s paradigm, and not only ‘people like us,’ but how hard you have to work for that money. And so in your income is actually this programming around the nature of money in the world and that it’s usually never enough. That money runs out – not for everybody – but for people like us.”

You’re usually going to get a lot of agreement and understanding around that and say, “Again, every time you think about the money coming in to your life, your nervous system is programmed to run with anxiety, with fear or frustration,” – whatever they came up with – “And there’s a habitual thought that says, ‘It’s not enough. It’s never been enough. I can never get ahead.’“

Traumas connected to income are usually around something that happened to our parents – how much they earned, how hard they had to work for their money, if they worked and worked and worked then got screwed, or if they lost their job. People will literally have traumas where their father finally asked for a raise and got fired. Oh my God, do you know what that does in our nervous system and our programming! Or they tried to leave corporate America and start their own business and it didn’t happen and then suddenly the family’s income was so negatively affected it. So the income traumas are always around, usually, the parents, the key breadwinner

and how their income was manage or affected. Or maybe a parent died and then there was no income. It can all somehow be connected there.

The emotions that often come up, in addition to fear and anxiety, really start to creep into the income goals, which start to seem impossible. So I like to bring people directly into the next type of money, which is an income goal because this is where we really see how we’re being limited. We think about and deal with our incomemultiple times a day. If it’s someone who’s self-employed, you can really make the point, particularly if they’re open at all to the Law of Attraction and you know that they’re a little more forward thinking, under income you can really make the point of saying, “Do you notice how everything we learn is that gratitude is the best feeling for attracting more yet when you think about all of the money flowing into your life, which really is your income, your nervous system runs this really negative pattern, and do you see the conflicts about that?” I do talk about that with somebody who’s open to the Law of Attraction. Otherwise, if somebody doesn’t know the Law of Attraction, that discussion can be lost on them. But you can bring that up, “Do you see the conflict in the fact that you unconsciously have fear and scarcity and anxiety every time you think about your income, and that’s not a gratitude “Yes” vibe.”

But in general I’d like to move people right over to income goals because it leads into it very, very quickly.

To go back again because I forgot a point: When you look at everything they put down for their income, you want to make the point again that all of the emotions that they’re having about their income and all those programmed beliefs have created the exact set point in their income.

The amount of income that they are currently earning is exactly, exactly, always exactly where their programming allows it to be. Again, sometimes they’ll say I know that sounds kind of crazy and woo-woo because you could tell me a million factors in the marketplace in your company that affects your income, but I’m telling you that people’s income are totally set by this programming. You and I both know people because everyone will agree to this that could be in the same job as someone else earning more and we both know people who might be working twice as hard in the job and for a variety of reasons are earning way less than other people. Even in a company where there is a standard for pay and wages, all of these beliefs make a set point in your income and you will not be able to go beyond it until you really clear this programming. Now let’s see what happens when we try to go beyond your current income.

Income Goal

Income goals are a totally different category – they’re the fourth kind of money because they trigger very specific limiting beliefs, and again this is where you can get people to really see the value of the coaching you’re going to do with them. That’s why I love the Money Map because they go from “aha” moments to: “Ohhhh, there’s actually an upside to this that I’m not getting.”

Now you’re going to challenge them because nobody wants to do this part – income goals, it sounds great!

No! It’s horrible. Nobody wants to do this part and people get really mad at me when I’ve done it in group and I’m like “Everybody’s mad at me, people!” I say,“Now I want you to write down on the page in front of you DOUBLE YOUR INCOME.” And everyone’s like, “Whaaaaat?!”

I can literally hear them saying to each other, “That’s crazy! That’s crazy! That would take a miracle!” Then you’ll get some people who will say, “Ya, that’s no big deal.”

I want to suggest to you that people like that are staying very dissociated from the number. Those are the people that have been writing a million dollar goal on their walls for 10 years and they’ve never earned more than $20,000 a year.

If you get somebody who looks at the income and says, “That’s great! That sounds fine,” then gently suggest that they search a little bit deeper. Because the reality is that if it’s really fine for them,then that’s what they would be earning! Their set point has not allowed them to go there. If it felt completely fine, then why aren’t they earning that? But most people get very triggered by it and will say so.

“I want you to write down the number and then double the income and I want you to imagine I just told you that for the next year, you and I are going to agree that that is your income goal and you’re going to try to make that happen.”

Now everybody gets even madder at me. “So what is the feeling and what is the thought coming up?” And sometimes, I’ll repeat that most of the people I work with will say to me, “It’s impossible” and then everybody’s like, “Ya, that’s how I see it.” And then I’ll say, “I really want you to say something negative. Look at the number and I know all about positive thinking and Law of Attraction, but I want you to say something really negative. I want you to look at that number and say, ‘It’s impossible.’”

“On a scale of 1 to 10, how true did that feel? Zero if it’s not true at all and 10 if it feels really true.”

People often say 6, 7 and 8. Even if they’re at 5 that means it’s 50% true that it’s really not that possible. If you say it’s 50% true then what you believe is possible is half of that number, that’s what they’re earning right now. I like to gently point out to people that if it’s 50% true then that means they believe about 50% of that as possible which is exactly what they’re currently earning. You see how you can get people with that?

Most people are 5 or above and I’m telling you that the people who say 5 are saying that to save face. They’re saying it’sa 5, but it’s probably more like a 9 and they don’t want to admit it. So once they say, “Yeah it feels true – 7 or 8 or whatever.” And I’ll say to them, “When you say that and it feels true, what’s the emotion that’s coming up in you?”

They’re often going to tell you that it’s fear, fear of failure.

When I do this by myself in my home because damn Jack Canfield in The Secret told me to write down a million dollar goal, I thought it was a good idea and it wasn’t, Jack Canfield!When I do this alone in my home I was overwhelmed and I didn’t do a million. I wrote $250,000 a year, which was way more than I ever made in corporate America. Pretty much double what I’d made in corporate America.

I was overwhelmed with the feeling of what I can only describe as failure. In every cell of my body, I felt the resonating screaming word and emotion and feeling of failure. I was like, “What the hell? I haven’t even left my house, I’m just writing down a number!” It was total failure. So when something feels impossible,setting it as a goal will trigger you to say “I will fail! I don’t want that goal.” It’s really about helping them to get clear what the limiting belief is and things like “It’s impossible.”

You can say to them, “Now you and I both know that’s the limiting belief, because there are people in your very industry that earn that day and night. So on one hand, we know it’s a limiting belief, we know it is possible, but when it feels true and your nervous system is running with that, then it’s really going to stop you. And I want to suggest to you that this is why 90% of business owners and professionals never set a goal for their income. And everybody knows that setting a goal is the most powerful thing you can do. There are a million books written on it. Nobody does it because when they do write it down, it’s going to trigger some really negative nervous-system, mind-body reactions.”

This is really where you want to frame and take a breath. I think of it like sitting back in your chair for a minute, and going up a level and saying, “I really want you to get clear about how much this is costing you. How much this mind-body connection is even in this one category of your income goals. This programmed belief.”

By the way, if you noticed, I keep saying “programmed belief” as opposed to “limiting belief” because I think those are little more general, I mean belief you have been programmed with.

“Programmed belief,” is this habitual way of talking to yourself about it and all of these emotions and this feeling of failure that is costing you lots of money in this exercise. Very specifically, it’s costing you from doubling your income. And this is a great point to come to at the end of a session with somebody or at the end of the talk. This is the perfect place for you to say “Oh my God! This is why I’m passionate about teaching this, because we shift what’s happening in your Money Map, literally what’s happening in your nervous system, and we can do that with the powerful mind-body tool,Tapping.”

“It’s a huge change, but in particular when I can get you to shift around your income goal, this is where the rubber meets the road and you will actually start creating and earning more money. I mean how does that happen? Well it’s not overnight, right?

What happens is that people start to have all of their brilliance, their inspirations, and their ideas line up with a new goal, whether it’s a goal in their savings, their debt, their income – all of that starts to line up and everything that they’re doing starts to create the goal.”

You’re going to transform somebody not by Tapping, that doesn’t make the number change overnight in their bank account, but it’s going to transform and that’s the way you want to position it. The energy, the focus, the ideas, the inspirations – every bit of your brilliance will start aligning for each goal that you set because now it’s on your radar and it’s something that you can achieve. The goal is no longer causing this massive negative hit to your nervous system. It’s something that you’re positively going after and that is a transformed person with transformed income.

It’s a really good place to handle that one, to take that breath and to talk about why you’re so passionate, because you can make a huge difference for them there. And remember, we want them to sign up for a lot of sessions with you. Believe me, they’re going to do better if they work with you six or nine times than if they work with you only once.

Everybody in a group talk with you is going to have a better experience if they work with you, just doing this process in an hour at the talk. Knowing that you can move them forward towards their income goal is a huge piece of what people will find after coaching with you.

Toxic Money

Lastly, the fifth kind of money is toxic money. I want you guys to understand that I don’t say that there is anything that is impossible, but it’s really hard for somebody who has toxic money. Toxic money is really hard to overcome. You know why? Because it’s like smoking, they don’t want to let it go. You want to talk about toxic money, give people an aha moment, and pray that the people who come to work with you do not have toxic money.

You may have read about it in the book or heard me talk about it five times in a money video, but basically when it’s there it overrides everything. It can eliminate people’s debt and eliminate their savings account. It will create all sorts of debt or eliminate their income and create debt when it’s there. It’s any situation where the client is owed money that they are in a battle over getting or never got, like an inheritance or child support or something. They’re literally still in that battle, whether it’s in their head or literally in the battle in court. Or they’re actually receiving money that comes with a really high price, so whether they are owed it or receiving it, there’s a high price. If there’s battle, there’s anger. Or you need to be stuck or disempowered, less powerful than you are to receive it or to literally keep making the case that you need it and deserve it and they should pay it to you.

This can be from somebody who got screwed out of an inheritance, in a divorce and alimony situation, or in a business betrayal. This aspect can show up in their savings or debt.

I’ve seen it to people who were injured by a hospital, for example, and the hospital will never admit that they did anything wrong. Never admit it. And so the person now needs to be running out of money, their life destroyed and their body in pain; otherwise they have no proof of injury and the hospital could say, “You don’t need our money.” Just like their ex-husband, if it’s a divorce situation, they can say, “You’re doing fine. You don’t need my money.” I’ve had people who’ve been screwed out of an inheritance and they go from being a huge earner to penniless because the family will say, “You’re doing fine. You don’t even need the money.” So they make themselves paupers.

If this is ringing bells for you, you got some serious Tapping to do on this, because it’s really hard to let go of the toxic money. It involves doing a massive amount of Tapping on the past trauma until you’re ready to let it go.

I’ve worked with people and done a massive amount of Tapping and I know we’ve done all the trauma Tapping, but in the present moment they say, “You know what, no, I’m not letting it go.”

The anger is gone, the sadness is processed – all those pieces of the trauma, but as a fully conscious adult they’re adamant, “NO, screw them! I’m not letting them off the hook.” And their choice is to say, “I’m going to stay fixed,” or “I’m not going to earn any money because I’ll lose my power in this situation as the victim. “

The other way it can happen is just as creepy and it happens so often. I say creepy because that’s so how it feels for the person in a situation when they’re stuck in a relationship that they don’t want to be in where the other person is paying for their lifestyle and it feels really yucky to be in that situation. It’s embarrassing because they have their degrees and credentials, but they literally stop themselves from earning money. And it’s crazy because they won’t tell me for months that they have this deep dark secret that this person is paying for their lifestyle and they can’t get out of their relationship or move on because they need that money.

If this comes up for somebody, they may not admit it at first. There is power in this kind of situation and I didn’t know it. It took me while before I could label it, and when I did it became more powerful. “You’ve got toxic money!” And this is what I say to them very straightforwardly, “You may need to get rid of it!” If they received money, and it came with a battle or the inheritance that they finally got and they’re still angry about it, they may need to get rid of all of that money first!

That’s pretty much what they’re doing. Or they’re going to need to let go of the situation before they’ll ever allow themselves to earn or have wealth. And that’s the decision that only they can make, and sometimes when you say it that way they go, “Yeah, No! I’m not letting this go.” And in that moment, they realize they’re willing to suffer to make their point.

So Lord help you if you get somebody with toxic money, but I think that the best chance that they have is you being incredibly forthcoming about what toxic money can do. And so when you’re doing this with somebody as a Money Map session, or if you’re doing it as a talk, you just touch on

toxic money and you say if this is an issue for you, if this is ringing bells for you, then I want you to draw a circle around it and know that there’s going to be a lot of work to do there, because this can take even a high earner and reduce them to penniless in months. And the number one thing that comes out of people’s mouth who have toxic money, the number one thing that they say is,(and it’s eerie because I also say the same thing) “Margaret, since that day or since that happened, I’ve never been able to earn again.” And that’s the hallmark of toxic money. It’s scary.

Walking Through the Money Map

What I want to do now isthe Money Map. Again, we’re going to give you a one page handout that will be branded “Tapping Into Wealth Expert Coaching” that you can put your name on and your brand on, that you can hand to a client or email to a client to fill out during a session.

This gives them something solid to walk away with and feel like, “Wow! This is my Money Map.” You’re going to frame it for them with a lot of fanfare in this way. I want you to say things like, “What you’re holding in your hands is one of the most powerful Money Maps you could ever have. This has a power to transform every aspect of your life, something that hardly anyone knows about and looks at, but as we went through it you saw, you felt, you experienced everything that’s in this Money Map. When it becomes a conscious awareness like this, when you see it, you have the ability to make a change and to really start shifting things so you operate totally differently. And when your inner world changes, your outer world will change. I know that sounds woo-woo.” I like to say it that way because it lets people stay with me when I say it.They relax and think, “Okay, she knows it’s little woo-woo.”

Even when it’s someone who’s a skeptic, when I say that I know it sounds crazy and woo-woo, you know what they do? They will actually say, “No, it doesn’t Margaret. It doesn’t sound woo-woo. You’re right!” That’s where I want them. Sometimes I say it first and sometimes people get upset with me who are in the Tapping world. They’re like, “Why are you calling it crazy and woo-woo?”

I say it because I am often speaking to people who are not in the personal development field and I want to break the moment. I want to make it light and I want to give them the opportunity to say, “Actually it’s not very woo-woo. This is really making sense to me.”

That’s what I’m looking for. I want them to agree with me, so I hand it to them with the gravity, the power, and the weight of what is in this document and how we’re going to use this Money Map to really start to shift their money situation.

We’re also going to give you a Tapping script that can be attached or can be at the back of it or can be on another page so that you can say, “This is your homework after doing this Money Map with me.”The Tapping script is going to be a script where you get to pick as the coach. Your job is now to pick the most dominant emotion and recurring thought, the habitual thought that came up in a programmed belief and you’re going to add that in or tell them you’re going to sprinkle that into this Tapping script, because the Tapping script is going to have some blanks in it for them to fill in. It’ll be scripted out, but there’ll be blanks where they get to fill in their emotion, their habitual way

of talking. And then there’s going to be a second round of totally positive Tapping that will work for everybody.

Here’s a reason we would want to do that for you and give you this Money Map and give you this Tapping script that you could hand out to somebody. This is really important. What I’m going to do is walk through this with someone so you can hear me doing it with somebody. We might go over it about by ten or fifteen minutes today.

Here’s the reason I want you to hand them this Tapping script. This is really important so I want youto really get this. As you come to the end of the session, as an Authorized Tapping Into Wealth Expert Coach, it’s now your job to transition this client from me, Margaret Lynch, and you may have given them the book and asked them to read the book, so me in any of my videos that they may have seen online, to transition the client from me to you. There are scripts in the book for them to use, but you want them to take the script that has your name on it. You’re their authorized Tapping Into Wealth Coach.

You’re going to hand them the script and say, “This is your homework.” Now they have something tangible in their hands and it came from you. So I would rather have you do that than say, “Go back and read the chapters of this book. And there’s a Tapping script there.” You could do that but NO. Why send them back to me? I want them to be transferred to you – you’re their person, right? And in this program we’re going to be giving you 12 videos that we suggest you go and make.

This is one of the first videos you should make. We’re not going to be teaching you the ins and outs of video production and all of that kind of stuff. We don’t have time for that in this course. I know a lot of you have made videos before, whether it’s just a webcam video like a lot of mine are, or professional videos like some of mine.

This is a video for which you’ll literally use a script that we’re going to give you. Make this video. Send the client to your video of you delivering it, right? They’ve got enough of me. They got me in the book. They could get me if they see the online videos. But think about transitioning them from me, Margaret Lynch, over to you. You want them to take your script that you’ve customized for them from their Money Map. You want them to watch the video of you teaching it.

I really want you guys to get that I’m doing my job, which is trying to get thousands and thousands of books out there. I’m going on small state TV shows. I’m trying to get on national TV shows. I’m going on radio shows left and right, and blog-talk shows and all sorts of things to get the word out for the book and to get as many people out there with the book as possible.

And the second you get somebody hooked and interested and they have this book as a guide, you have their soul, because the more they’re reading, the more they’re going to think, “Wow,what this coach is telling me is right on the money...”

The second they’re there, we want the process to start shifting from me, Margaret Lynch, over to you as their coach, where they get their coaching and they get their videos and they get their

Tapping scripts. I don’t know if other people and other training programs do that, but that’s how I feel about it and that’s what’s going to make you successful.

Margaret:I’m going to run through this with you, the Money Map that we just did. So people can hear me ask you the questions and get the responses. Will you be willing to share those things?

Deborah: If I can preface it. I have nothing to hide. I’m heavily into the toxic money issue for 20 years. I’m an EFT expert. I’ve helped a lot of people but not around their money. Listening to you talk about toxic money, I realized that that I have never made any money since “that happened.” I’m probably the hardest kind of client because I’m stuck in this trauma with PTSD. My money is humiliating because I’m stuck in this trauma. If this is too much to address now I understand.

Margaret: Thank you for saying that. This is the way the toxic money issue comes out, but just naming it shortens the process. As a Tapping person, you have the skills and you’re motivated. It’s difficult with a client who doesn’t know about the Law of Attraction and personal development work, and doesn’t understand why they should let it go. But, you know where you are with toxic money.

Deborah:It also involved illegal money.

Margaret: This is why we call it a Confidential Money Map. Remember, and I recommend that you remind clients, that you can’t keep illegal stuff hidden from authorities if they should ask. So make sure clients complete and sign your intake form. And make sure that they understand that if questioned by authorities, you have to report what you know about past illegal activities because you’re not a licensed therapist. So do not write down notes!! And make sure they complete your agreement form. Remember that these sort of issues come up when you work with people around money.

Putting the toxic money issue aside for now. Let’s go to savings, write the amount in your account. What’s the emotion as you look at that number? What does it say?

Deborah: I’m a total failure. How could I have been so stupid. I had tons of money and now I don’t.

Margaret:When you say that, what’s the feeling and where do you feel it?

Deborah: I usually feel it in my heart and it’s an incredible sadness and despair.

Margaret:Coaches, remember all your coaching skills. You want to be real and compassionate. This is why we do savings first. People go to an intense place really quickly. Obviously, there is a trauma involved. As soon as she said “How could I have been so stupid” you know there is a financial trauma attached, so go back and read that section in the book. There is unresolved trauma, emotion and energy, we may not say it to the client, but we know. Lack of savings is metaphor for secret sadness and despair. “No one would guess I have this problem. I’m an

abundance coach!” As soon as I hear the financial trauma, I know it will also show up in debt. How do you feel when we do the same process with debt?

Deborah: I feel like a piece of shit. Self-recrimination and self-directed anger.

Margaret:I move to debt quickly because I know it’s related. Before I move on, I want you to get how hard you are on yourself, and how strongly you feel you deserve to be hard on yourself. I want you to get how the energy runs in your nervous system about money and when you’re saying, all the time, internally, “I deserve what I’m getting.” See how the two are connected?

Deborah: Absolutely.

Margaret:When we see this, we can use Tapping, (most Tapping people don’t laser focus on their money), with laser focus and clear this because there’s a huge upside, if we can shift you in the mind-body system and programmed belief. Taking even one step up from this dark place of “I’m a piece of shit and I’m right about it,” changes everything. It changes your energy, your brilliance – you willingness to look at it changes. Having this “aha” moment, not the initial moment of “Yeah, I’m a piece of shit,” I just want to come up one level to see how negative you are on yourself when you agree that “Yeah, I deserve to hear every word of this.” And when I ask where in your body you feel it and someone says, “I feel it in my heart,” this is what I say, “I want to suggest to you that the reason you feel it in your heart is that you’re really feeling how every time this self-talk goes through your head, you literally break you own heart and that’s why you’re feeling it there.” Showing people the “aha” moment that the talk is negative seems like it’s obvious, but it’s not. Not Yet.

Another way to do this, and I just did it with a family member, because we’re stubborn about what a piece of shit we are. Even a big man in business suit will be stubborn about not letting in how negative he is about himself. So I use a baseball analogy, “Picture a young boy or girl, in little league, going up to bat and behind him is a coach yelling at him, ‘You’re a piece of shit.’ How much brilliance, clear thinking, excitement and energy is that child going to bring to the game? Just quickly on a scale of 1-10.” When I make people picture this, I say that is your inner voice screaming at you. At least the kid in the picture gets to go home to their parents. You, however, never get a break from that voice.

When I put it that way, how does that hit you, Deborah?

Deborah: I’m already aware of it. I’m aware of it 24/7. Even with my skills, I haven’t been able to change it. I feel now I have hope, coming to this program, money or no money. It has nothing to do with money, but it has everything to do with money.

Margaret:Because you have done so much work. The “aha” moment is more subtle because you’re still feeling right about deserving the problem. We, as Tapping people, don’t take it off the table. I know, I’ve done this too.

Let’s move to income, look at what you wrote on the paper. What are the words and emotions?

Deborah: It’s pathetic. I have a great amount of shame. I teach Levels of Consciousness so I know it doesn’t get worse than where I am. Still, how did I get here?

Margaret:As coaches, we are seeing that in all five types, money is a metaphor for same thing: Shame. I’m broken.I’m a failure. It’s a metaphor for safety and power, a battle over whether I’m good enough. You’re starting to see how this is connected. When I give a client the script, I pop in the key things to tap on, again, it’s about framing. You, the coach, are the person that’s going to say the hard things and lay on the “aha” moment. I like to talk to a client like this, “You need to commit that for the next 14 days, you will tap on this. Not 2 days. You need to make a short-term commitment to rewire this. Not for the rest of your life, but you have to commit for 2 weeks. You have to hammer this. It has hammered you long enough.”

All of you have to carry the energy to be incredibly directive. Ask, “Have you heard of neuro-programming? You can change your brain. Tapping is a tool that shifts this, over 14 days you can do this.” As a coach, you have to do some ass-kicking.

Hear how directive I am at the end of the session.

We didn’t get to income goal. But you’re always going to come to this strong place at the end of the session. Remind them of what they have to do with their Money Map. When people pay well, they expect you to speak with authority and kick their ass. They can walk away and not do the 14 days, but you have to give it the good old college try because you are saving their lives. I do not want there to be any doubt that you are saving their lives. Come to it with that kind of energy.

I say this to all my coaches for the Rockstar program, at times we need to model for our Rockstars what it looks like to be even more committed to their success than they are yet. I want you to model that. Stand in the energy and be more committed to their success than they are thus far, because they may not have hope yet. Show them that “I will be here for you, but this is the homework.” They will get their result. They will have no question in their mind of the value they are paying you for that session. They will know you are kick-ass and totally worth the value they are paying you.