Post on 07-Mar-2018

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Quadrant 2


1. Principles of management – Chinese Animated Movie


1. Management illustrations

2. Images for illustration of management

3. 3D illustrations of business management concepts

Video demonstrations:

1. Principles of Management Part-2 (Systems approach)

2. Principles of Management

3. Managers and Management

4. Peter Drucker – Father Modern Management

5. Peter Drucker: Collection of lectures

6. Innovating on a shoestring

7. Management Science

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8. Organizational Economics and Management Education

9. Evolution of Management Thought

10. Concepts in management

11. Management By Objectives

12. Stress Management


1. Documentary films focusing on business

2. 10 Must-See Documentaries for Entrepreneurs

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Quadrant 3

Questions: Answer the following Questions on your own (Indicative/brief answers are provided at the end of the module):

1. Define Management process. What is its significance in today’s business world

2. What are the skills needed of a manager? How do they vary at different levels of management?

3. What is Management by Objectives? What are its benefits and limitations?

4. Discuss the various schools of thought that marked the evolution of Management

5. What are the internal sources of stress in employment?

6. With examples, distinguish clearly between strategic planning and operational planning

7. What assumptions managers hold while using MBO approach?

8. Explain with a block diagram the Systems approach to management

9. What problems may be encountered while implementing MBO?

10. What do you understand by two-way communication? Give a few examples

11. How are Hygiene and Motivation factors believed to operate on employees?

12. Distinguish between job enlargement, job enrichment, and job rotation

13. What are the important common traits seen in effective leaders?

14. Discuss briefly the various functions of a Manager

15. List the 14 principles of business management propounded by Henri Fayol

16. What are the salient features of Dynamic engagement approach to management?

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Quizzes: (Solutions are provided at the end of the module):

A. Choose the Appropriate Answer: 1. Unity in direction implies:

a) A subordinate shall have only one superior b) There shall be one plan for achieving one objective c) All facilities shall be laid out in one direction d) None of the above

2. Conceptual skills refers to a) Skill to solve simple technical problems b) Skill to handle people c) Skill to handle unstructured complex problems d) Skill to handle routine problems

3. F.W.Taylor emphasized on a) Harmony and not discord b) Scientific approach and not rule of thumb c) Maximum output and not restricted d) All of the above

4. Indian economy in the first 3 decades after independence is characterized as: a) Regulated economy b) Free economy c) Uncontrolled economy d) Market economy

5. The managerial 10 roles as identified by Mintzberg are grouped into a) Interpersonal relations b) Information processing c) Decision making d) All the above

6. Controlling function does not involves a) Measurement of actual work b) Comparison of actual work with planned work c) Setting standards for work d) Initiating corrective actions

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7. Planning is essentially a a) Decision making activity b) Conducting SWOT analysis c) Mobilizing the resources d) Understanding the environment

8. Which of the following lead way for the first pioneering work on group behaviour a) Hawthorne Experiment b) Force field theory c) Skinner’s Operant conditioning theory d) Herzberg’s two-factor theory

9. Who of the following used scientific approach to Job design? a) Henry Fayol b) Edward Roberts c) F.W. Taylor d) Elton Mayo

10. Core function of a manager includes: a) Planning b) Controlling c) Leading d) All the above

11. Indian economy has witnessed unprecedented economic liberalization since: a) 1947 b) 2000 c) 1950 d) 1991

12. Management is: a) Science b) Art c) Both Science as well as Art d) Neither Science nor Art

13. Systems approach to Management implies: a) Addressing managerial problems holistically b) Application of management to technical systems c) Focusing only on a part of the problem d) None of the above

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14. Infosys Ltd is a: a) National company b) Multinational company c) Non-Indian company d) None of the above

15. Which of the following types of business is easiest to form? a) Public limited b) Partnership c) Cooperative d) Proprietary

16. The minimum number of share holders in a public limited company is: a) 7 b) 10 c) 2 d) 50

17. The approach to management which stressed the need to understand individual psychological needs? a) Contingency b) Scientific c) Interpersonal behaviour d) Classical

B. State Whether True or False: 1. Proprietorship and partnership are different forms of ownership of a firm

2. Non-managerial work increases as we move down the hierarchy of organization structure

3. Conceptual skills are not transferable from one industry to another

4. Organizational conflict does not necessarily result in losses to the firms’ business

5. Managerial functions, in practice, can be clearly split into Planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling functions

6. Only those plans beyond 3-5 years are called as Long-term plans

7. Planning premises are the assumptions about the future environment

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8. Theory X and Theory Y are propounded by Henry Fayol

9. Leaders are always born

10. A business firm is a closed system

11. A coach for a college basket ball team is a Front-line manager

12. Effectiveness can be achieved only if there is efficiency

13. Technical skills become more important as a manager moves up the organizational hierarchy

14. Conceptual skills are the skills to think abstract and handle unstructured problems

15. The different layers of management are called as echelons of management

16. Non managerial work doesn’t involve stress

17. Business firms work only with economic objectives

18. Managers have unlimited authority to motivate subordinates

19. Working conditions, job security are seen as motivating factors in Herzberg’s 2-factor theory

20. One of the objectives of Method study and Time study is to arrive at the most efficient way of doing a job

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C. Fill in the Blanks with Appropriate Words: 1. MBO stands for …………………………………………

2. The two factors in Herzberg’s Two factor theory are ……………… and …………………

3. Doing right things is ………………………… and doing things right is …………………………

4. According to Mintzberg, When a CEO presides over an employee orientation programme he is playing a role of ……………………..

5. People skills are ……………….. important at all levels of management

6. Skills to operate a machine or do accounting are ……………………. skills

7. ………………………. relieves managers of mechanical tasks so that they can devote their time to more intellectual tasks

8. Money is a very powerful motivator at the ………………… level of the organization

9. ………………………. Studies marked the beginning of research into human relations movement

10. ……………………. couple pioneered the study of fundamental motions of human body

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D. Cross-word:

1 Left to Right

1 5 1. Father of modern management – Peter …..

2. End points to be achieved

3. …… skills are more important for top mgmt.

3 4. Doing right things is to be ……………….

5. …………… your work, work your plan

2 3 4

Top to Bottom

1. Management is both ……. and art.

5 2. Plan, ……….., Staff, Lead and Control

3. Father of scientific management is F.W. ……

4. Holistic approach is also called as … approach

5. …… a person to do work through rewards


Assignment: (Answer the following questions with the help of web course material in Quadrant 1 and Supplementary reading material in Quadrant IV)

1. What are the various connotations of the term ‘Management’?

2. Give at least three definitions of ‘Management’

3. What are the typical characteristics of “management’? Explain

4. How do you think Management is different from Administration?

5. Trace the evolution of Management thought since 1800s with its major contributors

6. Highlight the specific contributions of Scientific school of thought to Management science

7. Briefly discuss the various approaches to Management. Highlight their key characteristics

8. Describe briefly the Indian business scenarios, (i) before 1990 and (ii) after 1990

9. Discuss the contributions of Henry Fayol to Management Science

10. Why managerial knowledge and skill have become very important in the globalized business?

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11. Define management. Explain briefly the nature and purpose of management

12. Explain the major social responsibilities of a business towards different claimants Explain the industrial scenario in India since 1991 in 10 sentences

13. Management is both a science and an art. Do you agree? If so, why?

14. Discuss the 10 roles a manager plays as identified by Mintzberg

15. Differentiate clearly between Public limited and Private limited companies

16. Why ‘Managing’ is considered as art?

17. Discuss the impact of globalization on Indian business enterprises

18. How have the science and art of Management enriched the Management profession?

19. What are the challenges of leading technical professionals in the globalised business environment? Explain

20. Why do business firms engage in economic activities?

On-line feedback through discussion forums:

1. Top 30 Management Forums & Message Boards

2. Workforce management

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Quadrant 4

Supplementary reading:

1. Harold Koontz, H. Weihrich, and A.R. Aryasri,

Principles of Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004.

2. Harold Koontz and H. Weihrich,

Essentials of Management, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, New Delhi, 2005

3. Hersy, Paul and Kenneth Blanchard,

Management of Organizational Behaviour, PHI, 2003

4. Globalization

5. Learning resources for management like lecture notes, videos, and also tests using multiple choice questions

6. Introduction to management

7. Management: An introduction by David Boddy

8. Management and Decision-Making in Organizations

9. Evolution of Management theories

10. Economic basics - Demand and Supply

11. Business Entity Types in India

12. Choosing a Form of Business Organization

13. Types of Business Entities in India

14. Functions of Management

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15. Systems approach to Management

16. Principles of Management

17. Management study guide

18. Negotiation and conflict management

19. Management principles

Wiki development on the course/Other resources:

1. Introduction to management

2. Outline of Business Management

3. Index of Management articles

4. Business process management

5. Philosophy of business

6. Corporate governance

7. Management Fad

8. MBO

9. Management Concepts and applications

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Open content in the internet:

1. Management science (A wide rage of courses)

2. All importance aspects of Management - CC

Case studies:

1. The importance of customer service at Enterprise Rent-A-Car: An Enterprise Rent-A-Car case study

2. Creating world class quality standards A BSI case study

3. Management by Objectives

4. Demand and Supply

Anecdotal information/Humour:

1. Coaching stories – Management anecdotes

2. Management anecdotes

3. Business and management anecdotes

4. Management jokes

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Answers to Questions and Quizzes of Quadrant 3

Answers to Questions: Answers are only brief and indicative. Expand on them as appropriate.

1. Management is the process of Designing & Mantaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups, accomplish their as well as the organisational objectives effectively and efficiently. Explanation shall be on:

° The general trends in business today

° Globalization vis-à-vis competition

° Stake holders’ interests

° Need for customer centric business

° Pressure to provide higher value for money

° Need to be the best on all critical factors of success

° Role of management in efficient and effective utilization of all resources and in innovating new products and services.

2. The three skills include: a) Conceptual skills b) Human skills c) Technical skills

The need for these skills vary as shown n the diagram below.

Top-level Mgmt.

Lower level Mgmt.

Middle-level Mgmt.

Conceptual skills

Human skills

Technical skills

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3. MBO is a comprehensive managerial system for the systematic integration of key activities directed towards effective and efficient achievement of organization and individuals’ objectives. Benefits:

° Planning for results become more systematic

° Role and structures get clarified

° Participative decision making encourages personal commitment

° With better plans, review of progress and control actions become better Limitations:

° Difficult for managers to understand and teach philosophy of MBO

° Failure to give guidelines to goal setters

° Difficulty in setting goals

° More emphasis on short-term

° Danger of inflexibility

° Certain goals are less quantifiable

4. Various schools of thought that marked the evolution of Management are:

° Scientific management school (Taylor, Gantt, Gilbreth)

° Classical organization theory school (Fayol)

° Behavioural science school (Mayo)

° Management science school (Simon, Drucker)

° The systems theory school (Pareto, Bernard)

° Contingency theory school

° Dynamic engagement school

5. Internal sources of stress in employment include:

° low self-esteem,

° low self-confidence,

° poor health,

° inferiority complex,

° inability to absorb unpleasant events,

° inability to unburden chest,

° low resilience, etc.

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6. Strategic planning:

° long-term plan guiding the organization towards distant objectives;

° deal with unstructured problems

° to be done in less- or uncertain business environment

° the purview of top management

° can make or break the organization

° non-programmed task

° basis for tactical and operational plans Eg. Development of a technology critical to business

Operational planning:

° to guide day-today activities of the organization

° deals with structured problems

° more certain decision environment

° programmed decisions

° quicker decision process

° short-term consequences

° affects the business in a smaller way. Eg. Allocation of jobs to machines

7. The assumptions managers hold while using MBO approach include:

° The subordinates work for satisfying higher-end needs

° They are creative and work with adequate skills and knowledge

° They can set realistic goals and are committed to attain them

° They are self-motivated, self-directed and self-controlled

° They can understand the MBO philosophy and can effectively communicate the same to their subordinates

8. Systems view of management: Explanation of the Schematic diagram, emphasizing on:

° The external inputs such as Goals of stake holders and Physical inputs being integrated with the help of managerial knowledge and skills.

° The major functions of Management with their interconnections through communication system

° The outputs delivered to the external world

° Communication channels, showing interaction of the organization with its external world

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° The channels of communication feedback, and

° Ploughing-back of elements from output towards input to reenergize the system

9. The problems that may be encountered while implementing MBO include:

° Subordinates may suspect that MBO is all for extracting more work from them

° Tendency to set lower-than-capability targets or to set highly ambitious and unrealistic targets

° Changing business environment makes MBO more stressful


EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT (Political, legal, social,

economic, envtl., technological, etc.


Human, Capital, Technology, Etc.













ed b

y Co












Goods/Services, profits, employee satisfaction,

stake holders satisfaction, tax,

improved environment,



Managerial knowledge with Goals of stake holders and Inputs

Goals inputs of stake holders

1) Employees 2) Customers 3) Suppliers 4) Government 5) Community 6) Stock holders 7) Oth

Sketch adapted from Essentials of Management By H.Koontz, et al.

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° Lot of paper work involved due to many revisions

° Difficulty in setting measurable goals in all areas of performance

° Difficulty to integrate goals of different individuals, different levels and different departments

10. Two-way communication occurs when the flow of information is bidirectional between superiors and subordinates. Stresses the importance of facilitating bubbling-up of information from the bottom-level of the organization for effective management. Eg. While plans move downward, feedback on the progress moves upward; Bottom-up communication encourages employees to vent their feelings, suggestions, etc.

11. Hygiene or maintenance factors are extrinsic to work, and are a part of the work environment. They include work conditions, pay, job security, relationships with supervisor and colleagues. Their inadequacy is likely to create dissatisfaction, but their presence does not act as motivators. On the other hand, motivational factors which are intrinsic to work (such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement) when present adequately can motivate employees to contribute better.

12. Job enlargement involves adding new and variety of tasks to the job to make it more interesting and challenging. Especially useful, where the division of work is too deep. Job enrichment is the process of redesigning the job to satisfy higher-level needs by giving workers more responsibility, authority and autonomy in planning and executing their work. Job rotation is a process of exposing a fresher to all the related jobs so as make them appreciate the interrelationships between them, and prepare them for taking greater responsibilities.

13. Some important traits commonly seen in effective leaders include: intelligence, dependability, empathy, high tolerance for frustration, persistence, vision, cooperation, selflessness, communication and motivation skills

14. Various typical functions of a manager are : a) Planning: This function involves deciding on the purpose of business, setting

objectives, and devising strategies to achieve them in the light of firm’s internal and external environments, establishing policies, programs, procedures, rules and budgets to implement the devised strategies. This involves deciding on what, how, where, when and who of all activities.

b) Organizing: This involves identifying the activities to be carried out to realize the firm’s strategies, logically grouping them, creating organization structure with various hierarchical positions, allocating them the responsibility for various tasks along with commensurate authority and resources, and establishing communication channels between positions.

c) Staffing: This function involves planning for the present and future requirement of human resources. It focuses on establishing job requirements, attracting

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potentially suitable candidates to apply for positions in the firm, selecting and placing them suitably, training them to contribute their best to the firm’s objectives. It also covers appraising, compensating, promoting, transferring, and separating activities.

d) Directing: This is a function to lead the employees through motivating them. This calls for the ability to understand, predict and direct the behaviour of employees.

e) Controlling: This function is to ensure that the actual work goes as per predetermined plans. It involves measuring the actual progress of the work, comparing it with the plans, determine the gap and the causes for the same, initiate corrective actions to bridge the gap and bring the work on track.

15. The 14 principles of business management propounded by Henri Fayol are: a) Division of Work b) Authority and Responsibility c) Discipline d) Unity of Command e) Unity of Direction f) Subordination of Individual Interest to Group Interest g) Remuneration h) Centralization i) Line of Authority (Scalar Chain) j) Order k) Equity l) Stability of tenure m) Initiative n) Espirit de Corps

16. The Dynamic engagement approach to management recognizes that:

° Organizational environment is a complex web of people and institutions interacting in a complex way

° Organizational culture built on shared values and social responsibility form the basis for excellence

° Globalization is here to stay and managers, as global citizens, need to be on their toes to meet customer needs.

° Managers are responsible for building continuously learning organizations with ever-increasing creativity

° Diverse cultural background of employees in an organization can serve s a source of wonderful contributions.

° Quality is every employees’ responsibility every time

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Answers to Quizzes:

A. Choose the Appropriate Answer:

1. b 9. c 17. c

2. c 10. d

3. d 11. d

4. a 12. c

5. d 13. a

6. c 14. b

7. a 15. d

8. a 16. a

B. State Whether True or False

1. True 9. False 17. False

2. True 10. False 18. False

3. False 11. True 19. False

4. True 12. False 20. True

5. False 13. False

6. False 14. True

7. True 15. True

8. False 16. False

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C. Fill in the Blanks

1. Management By Objectives 9. Hawthorne

2. Hygiene and Motivational 10. Gilbreth

3. Effectiveness, Efficiency

4. Figurehead

5. Equally

6. Technical

7. Automation

8. Lower

D. Cross-word

S Left to Right

D R U C K E R I 1. Father of modern management – Peter …..

I N 2. End points to be achieved

E D 3. …… skills are more important for top mgt.

C O N C E P T U A L 4. Doing right things is to be ……………….

C C 5. …………… your work, work your plan


R A Y Top to Bottom

G Y S 1. Management is both ……. and art.

A P L A N T 2. Plan, ……….., Staff, Lead and Control

N O E 3. Father of scientific management is F.W. ……

I R M 4. Holistic approach is also called as … approach

Z S 5. …… a person to do work through rewards


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