Module4 Feng Shui

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Feng shui course




The Practice Of Feng ShuiWorking With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope

Module 4 2010


1 The SouTh - RecogniTion Luck

noTe ThAT The SouTh SecToR oF YouR hoMe, oFFice, oR AnY PARTicuLAR RooM STAnDS FoR The Luck ThAT BRingS RecogniTion, FAMe, AnD A gooD nAMe. ThiS coRneR ALSo BRingS PRoMoTionS AnD uPWARD MoBiLiTY in cAReeRS. ThoSe in The enTeRTAinMenT inDuSTRY, PuBLic ReLATionS, WRiTing AnD PoLiTicS WiLL BeneFiT gReATLY FRoM enhAncing Feng Shui in The SouTh SecToRS.

The South sector belongs to the fire element, so anything symbolizing Fire, such as the color red, bright lights, and candles, placed here will be beneficial. The South is also an excellent location for two powerful symbols that bring victory, success, and opportunities: the horse and the phoenix.

Horses in the SouthThere are three types of horse you can place here – the tribute horse, the victory horse, and the celebration horse. The tribute horse brings elevation in society and attracts excellent luck for those in the political area. This horse is loaded with gold and jewels and is often white in color. The horse is usually depicted being led into the South corner of your horse by the Wealth God. Make sure that the horse is looking into the house. The living room area is an excellent place for the tribute house. The victory horse brings the luck that enables you to beat the competition. If you are in a competitive business or sport, or taking examinations and you want to succeed, activate the South sector of the room with a victory horse. The celebration horse is depicted rearing up in triumph and this brings

the luck of great success in all the things you do. Horses can be made of wood or ceramic. You can also acquire horses fashioned from cloisonné or metal.

Phoenixes in the SouthThe other excellent symbol of the South is the celestial phoenix. A pair of phoenixes here will attract amazing opportunities into your life. Phoenixes are the kings of birds and, since birds are already so powerful as feng shui enhancers, when you place even a single phoenix in the South corner, it activate supreme recognition luck.

You may also place images of other birds in the South since almost all birds are auspicious. Lovebirds such as parrots bring excellent relationships. owls are said to bring wisdom, while roosters help you overcome negative chi energy. Mandarin ducks and swans bring love and romance, while cranes bring longevity and good health. Bird images inside your home or office send out all your good intentions and aspirations.

caution! IT IS GENERALLY NOT A GOOD IDEA to place too many earth element decorations or the color yellow in the South because Earth exhausts Fire.

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope2

2 uSe WATeR To AcTiVATe The noRTh AnD You WiLL gAin Quick ReSuLTS in YouR cAReeR. uSe A coMPASS To DeTeRMine noRTh in YouR houSe oR FAVouRiTe RooM AnD AcTiVATe ThAT SecToR WiTh A WATeR FeATuRe, Such AS An AQuARiuM, An inDooR FounTAin, oR A SYMBoL oR PicTuRe oF A WATeR Scene.

If you choose to place a landscaped water feature outside in the garden, there must be a door, or at least some windows, from the house into the landscape area. Only by having an opening can the water-drenched chi enter the home and bring luck to the household. Sinces water stands for wealth, its strategic placement around the home or office is always important.

Place smaller water features to energize the North sectors of individual rooms. The dining and living rooms can be activated with paintings depicting water or with an aquarium of live fish.

If you decide to keep goldfish, which are considered lucky, place nine of them in an aquarium. Of the nine, eight should be gold and one black. The black fish will absorb any bad luck that inadvertently enters the home or office. Please note that aquariums must never be kept in the bedroom.

Alternatively, paint the North wall blue (or deep purple) to signify water. Do not use black, as it is too yin. You can also use metal energy in the North, so the North wall of the room can be painted in white, silver, or gold, or decorated with curtains and carpets in these colors. Metallic stereo systems work well here.

Be as creative as you wish, and remember that in order to benefit from your efforts you must use the rooms that you energize.When using feng shui to activate luck at work, bear in mind that advancement my bring with it a larger workload, although it will also protect you against being betrayed at work and getting fired. Activating career luck ensures that you gain at work; it is about gaining power and influence, rather than money, though prosperity is implicit.

The noRTh - cAReeR Luck

caution!IT IS NOT GOOD to have too many plants in the North, as they will exhaust the chi of the corner.

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope 3

3 The eLeMenT oF The eAST iS WooD AnD The TRigRAM iS CHEN, Which RePReSenTS The eLDeST Son. eAST ALSo DenoTeS The SecToR oF heALTh AnD WeALTh. ThiS DiRecTion iS FiLLeD WiTh The MoST Sheng chi, oR gRoWTh chi, AnD So iS The DeAL PART oF The hoMe FoR The chiLDRen oF The FAMiLY.

Since East is the place of the celestial dragon, always activate this sector with the image of the dragon. One of the best images is one that shows the dragon holding rotating pearl and spouting water. To generate maximum luck for the family, you may have as many dragons as you wish, but make sure you have the karma to carry the number of dragons you display.

Not everyone can sustain the powerful yang energy of nine dragons. Even though dragons bring a great deal of good fortune and excellent health, it is better not to be too greedy. A single celestial creature – one that is neither too large nor too small – is usually sufficient.

If you were born in the year of the dragon, or already hold a high position such as a minister or company president, you may wish to place as many as five dragons. Be sure to place your dragon image near or inside water.

Activating the East brings good health, longevity and descendants’ luck. It also creates the luck for accumulation of wealth assets. Wood element energy grows upward and outward, sending many branches into the sky to symbolize amazing good fortune, as long as you place the symbols correctly. Make free use of plants. Live young plants with broad leaves are excellent for accumulating wealth chi.

Wealth trees made of semiprecious stones such as citrine and aventurines are also auspicious in the East. Choose trees with a solid trunk to ensure a firm foundation. Tie special coins with red or gold ribbon to simulate the money tree. Placed in the East of your living room, these crystal trees bring excellent feng shui energy into the home. Ensure that the citrines are genuine and not made of plastic. You can energize such trees with empowering mantras if you wish.

The eAST - heALTh AnD WeALTh Luck

caution!IT IS NOT GOOD to have too many lights in the East, as they exhaust the chi of the corner.

A money tree is excellent for activating wealth in the Southeast.

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope4

4in TRADiTionAL Feng Shui LoRe, The WeST hAS ALWAYS Been iDenTiFieD AS The PLAce oF The WhiTe TigeR, Which iS ALSo The SYMBoL oF PRoTecTion. in The LATeR heAVen ARRAngMenT oF The TRigRAMS, The WeST iS hoMe To The TRigRAM oF JoYouSneSS – Tui – ALSo knoWn AS The RiVeR oR LAke TRigRAM.

The West is the sector where happiness arises as a result of a happy family. When the Chi in the West part of the home is protected and energized, the family stays together and is both healthy and strong. All the older members of the family will live a long life. Both the patriarch and the matriarch whose luck theoretically reside on both sides of the West direction (the Northwest and Southwest, respectively) will enjoy increasing happiness and good fortune as the years pass. Always keep the West chi smooth and harmonious.

The West represents children luck. If you are unable to conceive and there is no physical cause, activating the West is a powerful feng shui tool that may help. To enhance child-bearing luck, place any of the following images in the West part of the home. Remember to shine a bright light on the auspicious object, as light is one of the most powerful energizers.

A screen, • wealth jar, painting, or crystal sphere depicting one hundred children. A crystal sphere with a colourful image of the one hundred children hand-painted inside, placed in the West beneath a bright light will activate the yang chi perfectly.Images of the • fertility fruit, pomegranates. Beautiful pomegranates made of crystal or wood, when activated with a bright or red light will facilitate the conception of children.An • elephant image in the bedroom symbolizes successful conception, provided that the elephant’s trunk is benevolently down. Elephants with the trunk raised represent victory and celebration.

The element of the West sector is metal. The colour is white. The best activators of chi for the West are a variety of gold coins. China and Taiwan now manufacture copies of many of the ancient coins of the golden ages of past dynasties.

The WeST - DeScenDAnTS’ Luck

caution!IT IS NOT GOOD to have water in the West, as this exhausts the chi of the corner.

Pomegranates are for fertility.

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope 5

5The SouThWeST iS The PLAce oF kun, The MATRiARchAL TRigRAM ThAT enhAnceS The Luck oF ReLATionShiPS AnD BRingS RoMAnce, LoVe, AnD The START ioF A neW PhASe in The LiVeS oF SingLe PeoPLe.

The Chinese celebrate three “happy occasions” in life, referred to as “hei see”. Of these three (a birth, a marriage, and a longevity birthday) marriage is regarded as the most significant. The Chinese word for “double happiness” has come to symbolize the marriage union. Placing this symbol in the Southwest is a powerful talisman for creating marriage luck. If there are children of marriageable age in the household, there should not be too many plants in the Southwest since the wood element destroys the earth element. It is particularly bad if the

Southwest corner is missing, for then the nurturing auspiciousness of maternal energy is lacking. This can cause a complete absence of marriage prospects for the daughters and sons of the home.

The best way to activate Southwest is with bright lights. Keep lights turned on for three hours each night. A bright red light burning continuously in the Southwest corner of your bedroom brings romance into your life. You can also place any of the love symbols here so they will also be activated by the light.

Another excellent energizer for the Southwest is an image of a matriarch. The Chinese have always had high respect for the matriarchs, and an image of the matriarch enhances the trigram, and thus the luck, of this area. Mandarin ducks made from rose quartz are also excellent for inviting evelasting love.

The SouThWeST - LoVe AnD MARRiAge

caution!IT IS NOT GOOD to have metallic objects in the Southwest, as they exhaust the chi of the corner.

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope6

6The noRThWeST iS The PLAce oF The PATRiARch. heRe The TRigRAM iS CHIEN, Which SigniFieS The Luck oF inFLuenTiAL BeneFAcToRS AnD PATRonS. iF You WAnT heLP FRoM YouR BoSS, YouR FATheR, oR An uncLe, AcTiVATe ThiS coRneR.

If you want your patriarch to become prosperous (this can be your husband or your father) then this is the corner in which to focus your Feng Shui. Hang a portrait of a smiling patriarch here.

The element of this corner is metal, which signifies gold. The Northwest is the source of a family’s wealth – the kind that lasts many generations. If you make a wealth vase, keep it hidden in the Northwest corner to benefit the patriarch. If you bury a symbolic wealth box in the Northwest of your garden, this too will benefit the patriarch. Ingots and coins are perennial favourites and cloisonné objects d’art, such as the nine-dragon screen, is also potent. Anything made of gold or plated in gold will activate this corner. golden winchimes are especially auspicious, since the sound of gold is beneficial. Bells and singing bowls made from seven types of metal – including gold and silver – symbolize the energy of the sun and the moon.

The noRThWeST - PATRonAge Luck

caution!IT IS NOT GOOD to have water in the Northwest, as this exhausts the chi of the corner.

Wealth Vases can be filled with semi-precious stones.

Metallic Windchimes activates the Northwest sector to enhance patronage luck.

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope 7

7The SouTheAST iS The PLAce oF The SUN TRigRAM, WhoSe eLeMenT iS WooD. The SouTheAST SigniFieS incoMe LeVeLS. The Luck oF The SouTheAST inDicATeS AcTiViTY, Which geneRATeS incoMe. iF You WiSh To ATTRAcT incReASeD eARningS, eneRgiZe ThiS coRneR.

Plants and an indoor garden in the Southweast will magnify growth chi for the home. Beautiful flowering plants amidst plenty of greens grass suggest the blossoming of good fortune. When flowers stop blooming, you must get a fresh supply. In these days of instant gardens, you do not need a green thumb to harness the blossoming Sheng Chi of plants that will help all your plans come to fruition quickly.

The best way to activate money luck is to construct a small waterfall and keep its waters moving with fish, tortoises and water pumps to simulate activity. You should landscape it with healthy plants and flowers. Waterfalls, especially if they have six levels of falls, are powerful in attracting prosperity. Water features need not be elaborate, nor be stocked with expensive fish. In feng shui, distinction is made only between yin water, which is still, and yang water, which is moving and filled with life chi.

The SouTheAST - PRoSPeRiTY Luck

caution!IT IS NOT GOOD to have bright lights in the Southeast as they will exhaust the chi of the corner.

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope8

The noRTheAST - eDucATion Luck8The noRTheAST iS An eARTh eLeMenT coRneR. The RuLing TRigRAM iS The MounTAin TRigRAM, ken, Which SuggeSTS A TiMe oF TRAining AnD PRePARATion FoR The gooD ThingS To coMe. AcTiVATe ThiS coRneR FoR eDucATion Luck.

The powerful chi of the Northeast can be activated to bring excellent examination results, scholastic luck. Energizing this corner with earth energy can be extremely potent. Crystals are the most powerful manifestation of earth energy and can be natural or synthetic, although natural crystals are better. The crystal sphere etched with a globe, however, is the most effective for harnessing education luck. Place a crystal globe on a table in the Northeast corner of your child’s bedroom to activate education luck and you should see improvements right away.

It is also good idea to invest in a single-ended natural crystal for your child. The crystal is a very efficient store of energy and knowledge. Let the crystal become a personal study companion amulet for your child. When you select one, first cleanse it of other people’s energy by soaking it in a sea or rock salt solution for seven days and seven nights. Place it on a table in the Northeast when your child is studying and underneath the pillow when your child is sleeping. It can be taken into the classroom to bring the luck of examinations. Keep the crystal wrapped in silk or velvet when not in use.

caution!IT IS NOT GOOD to have plants or metallic objects in the Northeast, as they will exhaust the chi of the corner.

Crystal Globe Natural Quartz Crystal

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope 9


A very easy method of practicing instant feng shui astrology is to study the astrology wheel, which shows the direction of each of the 12 Chinese animal signs has its direction. In the Chinese calendar, the animal signs are known as the earthly branches of the year, and they each have a matching compass direction. Thus, depending on your animal sign, you will have a direction location in the house that corresponds to you and your luck.

Finding your direction

Once you find the direction that applies to you personally, you must then ensure that neither a toilet nor a storeroom is located there. Otherwise your personal luck will be afflicted. The easiest way to find your direction is to determine your animal sign based on your year of birth then check the astrology wheel shown here. Note that each animal sign is allotted a 15° segment of the compass direction The four cardinal directions, South, north, east and West. Are represented by one animal sign each - the horse, rat, Rabbit and rooster respectively. The secondary directions, Southwest, Northwest, Southeast, and Northeast, have two animal signs each. To make the most of this method of optimizing the feng shui of everybody in your home, you should go on to identify the personalized astrological direction of all residents and then neutralize all negative afflictions in those directions while enhancing the relevant corners with the correct energizing symbols.

There are twelve animal signs in the Chinese zodiac: the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar. Each occupies 150 of the compass. It is good feng shui to ensure that the direction that corresponds to your sign is neither missing nor afflicted. Instead, energize these sectors with auspicious objects.























1 3 2 1 32










Feng Shui ASTRoLogY - DiRecTionS AnD AniMAL SignS

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope10


Once you find the location that corresponds to your animal sign, maximize your luck by strengthening the chi of that area. If there is a toilet or a storeroom occupying this direction, however, do not activate inside a toilet or storeroom, the chi is afflicted or locked up and is doing you no good at all.

Activating your luck

The best way to activate for good things to come into your life is to use energizing images of your own astrological animal sign surrounded by wish-fulfilling jewels, which are cut crystals. It is best to use animal images made from natural crystal, such as quartz, Agates, tourmaline, jade, and so forth. These natural treasures from deep within the earth contain very concentrated chi. When surrounded by wish-fulfilling jewels and positioned in your office or on your desk in the direction of your astrology sign, the chi becomes very engaged with your personal energy. Choose crystal colors as follows:


Rat 337.5°-352.5°























North 1

Northeast 1

Northeast 2

East 2

Southeast 1

Southeast 3

South 2

Southwest 1

Southwest 3

West 2

Northwest 1

Northwest 3



AcTiVATe YouR AniMAL Sign DiRecTion To iMPRoVe PeRSonAL Luck

Yellow• cut crystals. cush as citrine. for wealth wishes Pink• cut crystals, such as ruby or rose quartz. for love-related wishes Blue• cut crystals, such as blue chalcedony. for healing wishes green• cut crystals. such as peridot or emerald for expansion and growth Lavender• cut crystals, such as amethyst, for personal growth and development.

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope 11

11 You can also empower your relationships chi by placing images of your astrology allies and secret friends in your space. This brings the luck of good friends, of mentors, and of helpful people into your life. The identification of you r astrology friends and allies is very much part of astrological feng shui. The idea is symbolic, and symbolism is an extremely large part of feng shui practice. All over China, the moment you step foot onto that great country you wiII see an incredible number of guardian and auspicious symbols. The 12 animal signs are an integral part of the symbolism of astrological feng shui, so familiarize yourself with your affinity triangle of allies and with your secret friend.

The affinity triangles of allies These groupings of animals get along well:

Snake, Rooster, and Ox •Dragon, Monkey, and Rat •Horse, Tiger, and Dog •Boar, Sheep, and Rabbit•

Secret friends

Your secret friends are even more amazingly important to you, so also take note of who they are. The chart shown above indicates the kind of chi luck that is created when the pairings of secret friends are displayed according to your signs. You will see that the sheep and horse together indicate the luck of finding a helpful patron. A snake and monkey together bring gambling and speculative luck. A rooster and dragon together bring friends and allies into your life, while a dog and a rabbit attract unexpected windfalls. A tiger and a boar bring a secret friend and, finally, a rat and an ox together bring the luck of harmony.

When you pay attention to energizing your animal signs and your friends and allies, you will discover that:

Your social life is enhanced in a very positive way. •You will feel happier and have a wider circle of contacts. •You life will be full and will not have the usual aggravations. You will find it much easier to •interact with other people, and you will also discover allies when you least expect them.

ASTRoLogY ALLieS enhAnce YouR SociAL LiFe

Sheep & Horse Snake & Monkey Rooster & Dragon Dog & Rabbit Tiger & Boar Rat & Ox

Patrons Gambling Allies Windfalls Friend Harmony

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope12

12 You must be very mindful that the astrological wheel also alerts you to your natural astrological foes, and it is imperative you do not display their image in your direction. Thus, for example, the dog and dragon are natural enemies, so it is important not to display the dragon image in the direction that corresponds to that of the dog - in other words, do not place the dragon in the Northwest 1 direction. However, it would be excellent to draw in the energy of the dragon, which is one of the most auspicious of symbols, into your house. To do this, place the dragon in his own direction of the Southeast - or you can also have the dragon in the East or in the North. In any case, the dragon is a special circumstance as he is so powerful.

Those born in the dog year should also be aware that it is perfectly acceptable to wear a dragon image and. in fact, that it is advisable to do so. By doing this, the dragon image takes on the energy of a talisman, bringing protection and luck.

Clashing imagery

The clash of the • dog and the dragon image - known as the clash of yang earth energy - causes a depression. So avoid placing a dog image in the dragon direction of Southeast 1 and a dragon image in the dog direction of Northwest 1 The clash of the • rat and the horse indicates a clash of yang fire with yang water, and is a cause of mental disability. Avoid this by ensuring rat images are not in the South and horse images are not in the North. The clash of the • ox with the sheep is a clash of yin earth. Here, the sheep must not be placed in the ox direction of Northeast 1, and the ox should not be placed in the sheep direction of Southwest 1. The clash of the • tiger with the monkey indicates wood clashing with metal. Here. the energies are both yang so it is an active clash - any battles between these two are usually fought out in the open and are fierce. It is better that the tiger should not be in the Southwest 3 direction and that the monkey should not be in the Northeast 3 direction. The clash of the • rabbit with the rooster is also wood clashing with metal. but here the energies are yin so any opposition between these two will be silent. covert. and underhand. It is absolutely vital that the rabbit must not be in the West and that the rooster must not be in the East. Otherwise, there will be aggravation for the animal sign afflicted by the presence of the enemy in its own home camp.The clash of the • boar and the snake is a clash of fire with water. but this clash is a yin chi clash so animosities here are undercurrents. The hostility between the two will never break out into the open, so it is all the more dangerous. The clash here can cause problems with accidents related to water, so make certain that the boar is not placed in the Southeast 3 direction and the Snake is never placed in the Northwest 3 direction. In this case, the presence of a hidden enemy in your home direction will bring financial loss.

AVoiD YouR nATuRAL ZoDiAc eneMieS

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope 13

13 It is beneficial to use the astrological wheel to clear your home systematically of astrological afflictions. This means investigating the spaces that represent the personal astrology spaces of every single member of the family living there. Look out for physical afflictions, such as beams and sharp edges pointing to identified corners, and make a special effort to neutralize them. For example, if the patriarch of the family is a horse person then you must make sure that the South (which is the horse direction) is not hurt by anything sharp or pointed. The South should also not be locked up, nor should there be a toilet or a kitchen in the South as these press down on the horse person's good fortune.

Avoiding your enemies In the same way, also ensure that the directions of all family members are not inadvertently made dangerous by having images of their astrological enemies placed in them. The remedy here is simply to place these symbols elsewhere. Please do understand that astrological enemies are dangerous only when they are placed in the home direction of a resident. Placed anywhere else, and they are perfectly safe. As an example of this, although the rat and horse are enemies, as long as the horse image is not placed in the North (the Rat's direction), and it is placed in its own direction of the South, the horse can bring enormous good fortune to the rat-born resident.

The Southwest 3 direction is the animal-sign direction of the Monkey. Don't place a Tiger in this location, as the Monkey and Tiger are astrological enemies. Place the Tiger in his natural sector, which is Northeast 3.

WATching ouT FoR ASTRoLogicAL AFFLicTionS in The hoMe

Do Not Place A In The














Southwest - 1

Southwest - 3


Northwest - 1

Northwest - 3


Northeast - 1

Northeast -3


Southeast - 1

Southeast - 3

Natural enemies

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope14

14 One of the easiest and most effective way of ensuring good personalized feng shui based on your astrology chart is simply to carry images of your allies and secret friends. This is something known to the Chinese since forever, and it is the reason why there are always so many images of the 12 astrological animal signs.

The best way to wear them is close to you, as key chains or amulets that carry their images. Each person should wear a minimum of three - although four are best - animal signs, made up of the three animals that represent your affinity animals as well as your secret friend.

Know your affinity animals and friends

A • Dragon will benefit from a charms with the Monkey, Rat, Dragon, and Rooster. A • Monkey will benefit from a charms with the Monkey, Rat, Dragon, and Snake. A • Rat will benefit from a charms with the Monkey, Rat, Dragon, and Ox. A • Snake will benefit from a charms with the Rooster, Snake, Ox, and Monkey. A • Rooster will benefit from a charms with the Rooster, Snake, Ox, and Dragon. An • ox will benefit from a charms with the Rooster, Snake, Ox, and Rat. A • Boar will benefit from a charms with the Boar, Sheep, Rabbit, and Tiger. A • Sheep will benefit from a charms with the Boar, Sheep, Rabbit, and Horse. A • Rabbit will benefit from a charms with the Boar, Sheep, Rabbit, and Dog. A • Dog will benefit from a charms with the Dog, Horse, Tiger, and Rabbit. A • horse will benefit from a charms with the Dog, Horse, Tiger, and Sheep. A • Tiger will benefit from a charms with the Dog, Horse, Tiger, and Boar.

cARRY iMAgeS oF YouR SecReT FRienD To inVoke SinceRe FRienDShiP

Allies and secret friend amulet

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope 15

15 The final activity related to astrological feng shui is to take note of the element of your animal sign and to strengthen its home location by placing something of the producing element there. For example, the dragon, sheep, ox, and dog are described as having the earth element.

Animal elements The • sheep and the ox are already residing in earth locations; the dragon, however, resides in a wood location, which makes it weak. It is a good idea to strengthen the dragon location of Southeast 1 with fire energy. This will enhance the chi essence of the dragon. The • dog is located in the Northwest 1 location, which is metal. This exhausts the dog so the Northwest 1 dog direction should also be enhanced with fire energy. The• rooster and monkey are both intrinsically metal. The rooster is in the West so it is strong enough and the monkey is in the Southwest, which makes it even stronger. For these two animal signs, there is no need to do anything more. The • snake and the horse are both fire elements. The horse is located in the South, whose element is also fire, so the horse is fine. But the snake is even better, because it is located in the Southeast, which is wood. So for these two animal signs, there is no need to do anything more. The • tiger and the rabbit are both wood elements. Note that the tiger is located in the Northeast, which is earth. Wood overcomes earth, but it is distracted. It is necessary to strengthen the tiger with water energy. So placing water here would benefit anyone who is born in the year of the tiger. The rabbit meanwhile is in the East, which is also wood, so the rabbit is fine. There is no need to do anything more. The • rat and the pig - or boar - are both water elements. The rat is in the North, which is also water, so there is no need to do anything more. The pig is in the Northwest 3 direction, which is metal, where it is being enhanced, so again there is no need to do anything.

STRengThen The eLeMenT oF YouR AniMAL Sign

Light and plants can be used to strengthen elements in various sectors.

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope16

Dog, Tiger & Horse

16 Creating peach blossom luck is an effective way to bring in marriage opportunities. Placing one or more of the traditional symbols of love - a pair of birds, the double happiness sign, the dragon and the phoenix - in the southwest corner of your home is all you need to do to activate peach blossom luck.

Finding a suitable mate

Peach blossom luck can work for or against you. However, at best, the person you attract will be someone good natured and dependable who will make you happy throughout your life. You need to beware, though, of attracting the opposite - a person who is not suitable for you. And who will cause you heartache and problems. It is not enough to create the energy of marriage. You need to take steps to attract a good mate. For this, you must add peach blossom luck.

Activating peach blossom luck

For peach blossom luck, first identify your personal peach blossom animal. This will be either the Horse, the Rooster, the Rabbit or the Rat. In feng shui, only these four animals of the cardinal signs are counted as peach blossom animals. Place a symbol of your peach blossom animal in a prominent place in its corresponding part of your home - the Rat is located in the north, the Horse in the south, the Rabbit in the east and the Rooster in the west.

Secondly, identify the peach blossom location for this year or the coming one. In 2010 it is in the north, in the southwest in 2011 and in the east in 2012. Activate the sector with a symbol of your peach blossom animal. Unless yours is the Rooster, this will necessitate finding more than one peach blossom animal symbol for both auspicious locations in your home.

Your peach blossom animal

Your peach blossom animal is govemed by your Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born in the year of the Rooster, the Snake or the Ox, your peach blossom animal is the horse: for the Dragon, the Rat or the Monkey, it is the Rooster: for the Rabbit, the Sheep or the Boar, it is the Rat; and for the Tiger, the Horse or the Dog, it is the Rabbit. Peach blossom luck energizes your love life with new possibilities. Beware, Though, that the potential mates it attracts may be good or bad for you.

FiRing uP YouR LoVe LiFe WiTh PeAch BLoSSoM Luck

Boar, Sheep & Rabbit Dragon, Monkey & RatRooster, Snake & Ox

Rat Rabbit Horse Rooster

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope 17

17The twelve animal signs of the zodiac comprise also six pairs of two animal signs each with one being a yin sign and the other a yang sign. Each pair is described as living together in a Zodiac House. This proximity to each other creates a powerful bonding on a cosmic level so that a marriage or business union between any two people belonging to animal signs that make up a Zodiac House will probably have had instantly rapport.

When people talk about 'falling in love at first sight' it is likely that they belong to the same House, and should they marry, they will very likely build a reasonably good and happy life together. But this pairing also works professionally and certain pairings make better business partners than marriage partners. Much depends on the synergy created for each of the six Houses and the talents that get unleashed when a pairing takes place.

Zodiac Houses

The twelve animal signs of the Zodiac comprise also six pairs of two animals signs each with one being a yin.



House of Creativity & Cleverness

House of Growth &


House of Magic &


House of Passion & Sexuality

House of Career &


House of Domesticity


The Rat initiates

The Ox completes

The Tiger employs force

The Rabbit uses diplomacy

The Dragon creates Magic

The Snake creates mystery

The Horse embodies male energy

The Sheep is the female energy

The Monkey creates strategy

The Rooster gets things moving

The Dog works to provide

The Boar enjoys what is created

























Extracted from Energize Your Life, Calm and Happy Life by Lillian Too

FinD YouR BuSineSS PARTneR

Module 4 - Working With The Pa Kua And The Chinese Horoscope18