MOF, As.,Sidorov

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  • 8/2/2019 MOF, As.,Sidorov


    Assignment Cover Sheet

    Student: Sidorov Nikita

    Class: Managing Operations and Finance



    Financial Ratio Analysis of the

    Sony Corporation

    Lecturer : Bruce Gahir

    Semester: 1st Semester 2011 Program: MSc International


    Due Date: 19.01.2012 Actual




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  • 8/2/2019 MOF, As.,Sidorov


    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation


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  • 8/2/2019 MOF, As.,Sidorov


    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Sidorov Nikita

    Msc International Management,

    Managing Operations and Finance

    Prague College

  • 8/2/2019 MOF, As.,Sidorov


    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation


    The intention of this paper is to make an analysis of the financial ratios of the Sony

    Corporation. The company operates in the field of producing consumer electronics,

    computers and high-tech devices. This field is familiar to the author and it was interesting to

    find out the financial situation of the companies which was among the leaders of the market

    for the last several years before the financial crisis in 2008 and after the crisis faced

    difficulties due to the decreased demand on the production. To evaluate the current situation

    of the Sony Corp. the financial ratios will be analyzed and compared with the industrys

    average and with one of the key competitorPanasonic Corporation.

    The first company to analyze is Sony Corporation. The company is one of the biggest on the

    market of consumer electronics, communications and information, music recording,

    computers. It operates worldwide since 1946 and has 168000 employees. The information for

    the research was downloaded from the official web-site of the Sony Corporation. The

    numbers of the financial statements were converted from Japanese Jen to American Dollars.

    The second company to analyze is the Panasonic Corporation. This company is one of the

    major competitors to the Sony Corporation. Panasonic was founded in Japan in 1918.

    Corporation produces consumer electronics, television products, telecommunication devices

    and computers. Panasonic Corporation is represented worldwide and has approximately

    330000 employees. The information for the financial analysis was downloaded by the author

    from the official web-site of the Panasonic Corporation. The numbers of the financial

    statements were converted from Japanese Jen to American Dollars.

    Both companies are UK quoted, which means that their shares are traded on the UK stock


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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Financial analysis

    Most common definition of the financial analysis is that it is the process of evaluating

    companies, budgets and finance-related entities to determine their suitability for investment.

    In most cases, financial analysis is used to analyze whether an entity is stable, solvent, liquid,

    or profitable enough to be invested in. When looking at a specific company, the financial

    analyst will often focus on the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. In

    addition, one key area of financial analysis involves extrapolating the company's past

    performance into an estimate of the company's future performance (Friedlob, 2003). The role

    of the financial analysis in the company could hardly be overestimated. This type of

    monitoring the financial health of the company helps to predict furure problems, find out

    unprofitable parts of the business and could be the base to the future financial and strategic


    Starting to analyse the companies mentioned above the entire logics and plan of the research

    will be determined. Each company within this research will be analized by profitability,

    liquidity ratios, investing prospects, etc. This will bring the whole picture of the companys

    finances and we can easily compare the company with the key competitor and the entire

    industry to determine its strengths and weaknesses. In other words, the aim of this paper is to

    evaluate the company from the view point of its finances and discover their advantages and


  • 8/2/2019 MOF, As.,Sidorov


    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Sony Corporation Financial Analysis

    1. Profitability

    1.1Gross Profit Margin

    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011

    Gross Profit 20202 20594

    Sales and

    Oper. Rav.

    88331 88341

    Year 2010 2011

    Gross Profit 25431 28337

    Net Sales 90829 106934





    This ratio indicates the level of the mark up and can be used to evaluate companys pricing

    policy. However, it becomes less relevant when the variety of goods sold by the company

    increases. In our case we have this type of situation, since the price mark-up is dependent on

    the type of the device produced. But still we can estimate the financial health of the company

    the stability and smooth growth of this ratio can be positively evaluated.

    We see that either Sony or Panasonic have stable ratios, although Sony showed a growth and

    Panasonic a bit decrease in its ratios. In comparison with industry average of 28% this ratio

    could be concluded that companies have rather healthy finances. But the ratio of GPM can

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    help us in deducting the cost associated with its production and sales activities, not

    concerning other costs of the company.

    1.2Net Profit Margin


    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011

    Net income


    (500) (3193)

    Sales and

    Oper. Rev.

    88331 88341

    Year 2010 2011

    Net Income


    (1267) 911

    Net Sales 90829 106934

    NPM(2010)= -3.61%

    NPM(2011)= -0.57%

    NPM(2010)= -1.39

    NPM(2011)= 0.85

    Net Profit Margin shows in percentage how much of every dollar of sold goods/services

    company goes to companys earnings. This ratio is often used to compare the profitability of

    the two companies operating in the similar field. How much money the company earns per

    one dollar is easy-comparable and rather crucial thing, but from my point of view to see the

    whole picture it is not enough to compare the static values of the ratio, but to monitor the

    dynamics of the NPM.

    It turns out that Sony in comparison with its competitor was less successful in finances in

    2010 and 2011. But both companies faced losses, and comparing the ratio values with the

    average industry value of 6.66% (consumer goods) in 2010 it could be seen that the

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    production of electronics recovered from the 2008 crisis slower than the entire industry. This

    can be explained by the unwillingness and inability of people to spend money on electronics.

    Graphic analysis can show the differentiation between the GPM and NPM. The explanation

    of this situation was mentioned above and will be proved when analyzing other ratios.








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  • 8/2/2019 MOF, As.,Sidorov


    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    2. Rate of Return

    2.1Return of Equity


    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011

    Net Income (500) (3193)



    36313 31344

    Year 2010 2011

    Net Income (1267) 911



    31480 34192

    ROE(2010)= -10.19%

    ROE(2011)= -1.38%

    ROE (2010)= -3.71

    ROE (2011)= 2.89

    Being the one of the main ratios, used to evaluate financial performance of the company,

    ROE shows how effective the capital of the company is being used. The interest rate of the

    borrowed money have to be lower than the ROE rate if the company pretends to earn

    something of the money it borrowed. At a glance could be seen, than Sony has negative

    numbers so they might be deeply in lossesfor every dollar they have of they own they have

    loss and for every dollar they borrow they have loss + pay interest rates. The comparison with

    an industry (the average ROE within the entire consumer-goods industry was 14.04%) shows

    more than Sonys ratios are about 2 times lower than average, but taking a glance on the key

    competitor could make the situation clearer. ROE ratio can be the second proof to the Net

    Profit Margin when saying that condition of these values are among normal when we talk

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    about electronics producers. The key competitorPanasonic has better values, company

    shows that it recovers more rapidly and brings positive values in 2011.

    2.2Return on Assets (ROA)


    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011

    Total Assets 157539 158998

    Net Income (500) (3193)

    Year 2010 2011

    Total Assets 102339 96234

    Net Income (1267) 911

    ROA(2010)= -0.32%

    ROA(2011)= -2.01%

    ROA(2010)= -1.24

    ROA(2011)= 0.95

    ROA shows how the assets are used to generate profits, in other words how much money

    company gets for every dollar of the assets it has. The ratio can be used in aggregate with

    ROE and profit ratios. Negative trend could be noticed in SonyROA decreased from

    2010 to 2011, while the key competitor show positive processesincreasing the ROA

    from 2010 to 2011 year. While comparing with average industry values could be noticed

    that unlike the situation with ROE the gap is not very big-0.32 to 4.72 (2010 average).

    Taking in consideration the condition of the entire industry and comparing Sonys

    profitability with key competitors the negative gap in ROE value could be mentioned.

    Then comparing the ROA and ROE we conclude that Sonys losses could be caused by

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    increased long-time debts. In this case could be suggested that Sony borrowed money but

    with the ineffective asset-management the situation of the increased liabilities and

    decreased return on the assets played their role, worsening companys ratios.

    3. Liquidity

    3.1The Current Ratio (Working Capital Ratio)

    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011

    Cur. Assets 50605 47288

    Cur. Liab-s 50769 49711

    Year 2010 2011

    Cur. Assets 46603 42931

    Cur. Liab-s 34479 35023

    Cur. Ratio(2010)=1.02

    Cur. Ratio(2011)=0.93

    Cur. Ratio (2010)=1.35

    Cur. Ratio (2011)=1.23

    This shows us the ratio of current assets to current liabilities, that means if its value is bigger

    than 1 than it means that assets are bigger than liabilities in the short run. We see that Sony

    shows decrease from 2010 to 2011. The same thing shows Panasonic, but the values are

    bigger then 1, which is obviously better. In comparison with average industry ratio of 1.17,

    Sonys values seemed not to be that bad in 2010, but it can be the sign that the problems of

    the company is in the long term liabilities as we began to notice this trend before, while

    discovering the profitability ratios.

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    3.2. The Acid Test Ratio (Quick Ratio)



    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011



    32603 29576

    Cur. Liab-s 49711 50769

    Year 2010 2011



    29227 25880

    Cur. Liab-s 34479 35023

    Acid Test Ratio(2010)=0.66

    Acid Test Ratio(2011)=0.58

    Acid Test Ratio (2010)=0.85

    Acid Test Ratio (2011)=0.74

    Quick ratio or Acid test ratio shows how fast could company sell their stocks in case of

    emergency. The negative trend in both of the companies is the bad sign and means the

    decrease in liquidity of the corporations. Comparing the quick and the current ratio we

    find out that the difference between them is not that high, which means that Sony have

    the adequate stock size. Panasonics the size of the stocks are bigger but they are more

    liquid too, however Panasonic shows negative tendency too. The average ratio of 0.79

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    stands between the two companies and says that Sony is a bit under the average values

    and the Panasonic is the bit higher. The increased long-term liabilities of the Sony

    Corporation could be the reason of decreasing the liquidity ratio.

    3.3.Total Asset Turnover

    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011

    Revenue 88331 88341

    Total Assets 157539 158998

    Year 2010 2011

    Net Sales 90829 106934

    Total Assets 102339 96234

    Total Asset Turnover(2010)=0.56

    Total Asset Turnover(2011)=0.55

    Total Asset Turnover(2010)=0.88

    Total Asset Turnover(2011)=1.11

    Ratio compares the entire turnover with the assets used to generate this turnover. If the value

    is bigger than 1 it means that the turnover is bigger than total assets, so extra money are

    generated within this process. In the case of Sony in 2010 it meant that on every dollar of

    assets they have they generated sales of 0.56 dollars. And the situation in 2011 became a

    bit worse. The ratio didnt change much in these two years so we cant properly define any

    trend. Lets than take a glance on Panasonic assets turnover increased from 2010 to 2011.

    The amount of the total assets decreased but net sales gone upwards. This means that the

    assets are good managed and we can expect this ratio to grow in next year with the growth of

    the total assets of the Panasonic. This trend goes up together with an average industry ratio,

    which means that Sonys competitor is doing well managing its assets.

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    4. Working Capital Management.

    4.1Stock Turnover

    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011

    Stocks(Inventory) 7903 8661

    Sales and

    Operating Rev.

    88331 88341

    Year 2010 2011

    Stocks(Inventory) 11187 11027

    Net sales 90829 106934

    Stock Turnover(2010)=11.18

    Stock Turnover(2011)=10.20

    Stock Turnover(2010)=8.12

    Stock Turnover(2011)=9.7

    This ratio shows how many times the companies inventories are sold and replaced over the

    year. The higher the better as money are blocked in stocks for the less time. This ratio almost

    always evaluated in comparison with the average industrys ratio, which is in our case 10.28.

    Then we have that both companies have positive values but Sonys trend to decrease is not

    the positive sign. That means that more money is stuck in stocks what could be caused by the

    decreasing of the demand on production.

    5. Gearing

    5.1. Gearing Ratio

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011

    Long Term Liab. 11316 9992

    Sharehold. Funds 40231 36362

    Year 2010 2011

    Long Term Liab. 12599 14298

    Sharehold. Funds 45056 36245

    Gearing Ratio(2010)=0.28

    Gearing Ratio(2011)= 0.274

    Gearing Ratio(2010)=0.27

    Gearing Ratio(2011)=0.39

    The ratio compares the long term liabilities to equity shareholders fund, in other words the

    ratio of funding the companys funds by the borrowed money. In general it concerned

    liabilities to be significantly lower than the funds. In comparison with the industrys average

    of 0.47, Sonys ratios show good values, but they are still decreasing, which is obviously the

    problem, especially in comparison with the key competitor which shows significant increase

    in its ratios.

    6. Investor Ratios

    6.1. Earnings Per Share (EPS)


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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011

    Profit (loss)

    to Stockhlds.


    (500) (3193)



    1003531808 1004636664

    Year 2010 2011

    Profit (loss)

    to Stockhlds.


    (1297) 911



    2070605489 2070293396

    EPS(2010)= -0.50

    EPS (2011)= -3.

    EPS(2010)= -0.61

    EPS(2011)= 0.44

    As an indicator of the companys profitability, EPS shows the profit of the company allocated

    too each share of the common stock. The first thing to analyze here is the value of the ratio

    itself and we see that again Sony shows recession in its values. Being negative in 2010, EPS

    became even worse in 2011. Despite of the fact that Panasonic had lower EPS value in 2010

    it showed significant growth in 2011. In connection with EPS it is important to take a glance

    on the companys capital. The less investments company need to generate the EPS number

    the better it operates. Sonys values of investments were 64888 and 72489 respectively in

    2010 and 2011 when Panasonic had 7797 and 7008 respectively. That fact discovers that

    Sonys capital management in comparison with Panasonics is catastrophic and explains why

    the company is facing losses and showing negative trends.

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    6.3 Price/Earnings Ratio (P/E)

    Sony Panasonic

    Year 2010 2011

    Share Price 27.16 25.42

    EPS (0.5) (3)

    Year 2010 2011

    Share Price 12.53 12.24

    EPS (0.61) 0.44

    P/E(2010)= -54.32

    P/E (2011)= -8.5

    P/E (2010)= -20.54

    P/E (2011)=27.8

    Ratio between the market share price compares share price with its per-share earnings. It can

    be interpreted how much the investor wants to pay per one dollar of earnings. Sony shows

    negative dynamics because EPS decreased three times within a period and market share price

    has fallen a bit. In comparison with the Panasonic which showed increasing values and

    positive numbers in 2011. The industrys average is 17.16 for the 2010.

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation


    The aim of the finance analysis was to evaluate the condition of the Sony Corporation.

    Obviously, the Japanese computer and consumer-electronics giant Sony is not in its best

    condition. Sony faced difficulties in 2008 when the worlds global financial crisis started and

    it was rather hard for the company to recover. The demand on the electronics significantly

    decreased within crisis period. To add more, Sony always positioned itself as a producer of

    the top-level computers and electronics, so the prices on its production were a bit higher than

    on competitors. The premium segment in electronics in a crisis time is from my point of

    view one of the worst thing to sell. Back in the 2008 Sony had very weak product line in a

    segment of the budget electronics, and they began to urgently develop the lower-price

    segment line right after financial crisis. The borrowed money together with the few failed

    products (like some Sony-Ericsson cell phones) lead to the situation we can see now.

    I suppose that Sony could be on the level of the Panasonic (which is rather stable, recovering

    from crisis step by step and showing the results of average or little bit higher) if avoided the

    situation mentioned above.

    From my point of view the good finance planning together with new competitive product line

    could help the Sony in generating profits and recovering its finances.

  • 8/2/2019 MOF, As.,Sidorov


    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation


    Appendix 1

    Sony Corp., Consolidated Statement of

    Financial Position, AssetsUSD $ in millions, translatedfrom JPY

    Mar 31,2011

    Mar 31,2010

    Mar 31,2009

    Mar 31,2008

    Mar 31,2007

    Mar 31,2006

    Cash and cash equivalents 12,479 14,591 7,099 11,966 7,160 5,907

    Marketable securities 7,949 7,096 5,016 4,711 4,416 4,512Notes and accounts receivable,trade, less allowance fordoubtful accounts and salesreturns 9,149 10,917 9,169 12,009 12,262 8,280

    Inventories 8,661 7,903 8,735 11,252 8,422 6,761

    Deferred income taxes 1,637 2,419 2,038 2,611 2,182 1,859Prepaid expenses and othercurrent assets 7,414 7,678 6,840 12,629 6,258 4,351

    Current assets 47,288 50,605 38,898 55,179 40,701 31,671

    Film costs 3,388 3,797 3,297 3,351 2,763 3,028

    Affiliated companies 2,731 2,805 2,544 4,199 4,012 2,402Securities investments andother 69,758 62,083 49,008 43,556 30,799 27,172

    Investments and advances 72,489 64,888 51,552 47,755 34,811 29,574Property, plant and equipment,net 11,377 12,342 12,633 13,695 12,725 11,667

    Intangibles, net 4,811 4,640 4,258 2,902 2,088 1,739

    Goodwill 5,770 5,374 4,770 3,353 2,727 2,512Deferred insurance acquisitioncosts 5,268 5,125 4,302 4,371 3,528 3,219

    Deferred income taxes 2,947 4,941 3,857 2,188 1,943 1,502

    Other 5,659 5,828 5,500 5,468 3,595 4,213

    Other assets 24,456 25,907 22,687 18,282 13,881 13,186

    Noncurrent assets 111,710 106,933 90,168 83,083 64,181 57,454

    Total assets 158,998 157,538 129,067 138,261 104,882 89,126Source: Sony Corp., Annual


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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Appendix 2

    Sony Corp., ConsolidatedIncome StatementUSD $ in millions, translatedfrom JPY

    12 months endedMar 31,

    2011Mar 31,

    2010Mar 31,

    2009Mar 31,

    2008Mar 31,

    2007Mar 31,


    Net sales 77,554 77,054 76,386 90,339 67,741 56,232

    Financial services revenue 9,823 10,264 5,622 6,093 5,588 6,054

    Other operating revenue 964 1,013 1,038 1,282 931 817

    Sales and operatingrevenue 88,341 88,331 83,047 97,714 74,261 63,104

    Cost of sales -59,434 -59,906 -60,813 -69,281 -52,722 -43,282

    Financial services expenses -8,313 -8,223 -5,886 -5,841 -4,835 -4,468

    Gross profit 20,594 20,202 16,348 22,592 16,704 15,354Selling, general andadministrative -18,475 -18,916 -18,114 -18,884 -16,010 -12,830Gain (loss) on sale, disposalor impairment of assets andother, net 165 -526 -412 417 -52 -621Equity in net income (loss)of affiliated companies 173 -370 -270 1,110 704 111

    Operating income (loss) 2,458 389 -2,447 5,235 1,346 2,013

    Interest and dividends 145 162 240 377 253 210Gain on sale of securitiesinvestments, net 176 122 14 61 132 81

    Foreign exchange gain, net 114 522 61

    Gain on initial public offeringof Sony Financial Holdings 893

    Other 118 253 286 254 468 705

    Other income 553 537 1,062 1,646 852 995

    Interest expense -294 -276 -262 -253 -244 -244

    Loss on devaluation ofsecurities investments -94 -36 -48 -144 -12 -33

    Foreign exchange loss, net -133 -169 -26

    Other -101 -151 -185 -238 -156 -190

    Other expenses -489 -596 -494 -635 -581 -492Income (loss) beforeincome taxes 2,522 330 -1,880 6,247 1,618 2,516

    Income taxes -5,232 -171 781 -2,241 -482 -1,483

    Net income (loss) -2,710 159 -1,098 4,005 1,135 1,033Net (income) lossattributable to noncontrolling

    interests -483 -658 35 64 -4 5

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Net loss attributable toSony Corporationsstockholders -3,193 -500 -1,063 4,069 1,131 1,039

    Source: Sony Corp., Annual Reports

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Appendix 3

    Sony Corp., Consolidated Statement of Financial Position,Liabilities and Stockholders' EquityUSD $ in millions, translatedfrom JPY

    Mar 31,2011

    Mar 31,2010

    Mar 31,2009

    Mar 31,2008

    Mar 31,2007

    Mar 31,2006

    Short-term borrowings 661 597 3,262 696 468 1,200Current portion of long-termdebt 1,348 2,887 1,585 3,215 386 1,626Notes and accounts payable,

    trade 9,759 10,005 6,025 10,143 10,560 6,834Accounts payable, other andaccrued expenses 12,462 12,284 11,139 9,876 8,672 7,183

    Accrued income and other taxes 973 847 502 2,212 629 733Deposits from customers in thebanking business 20,270 18,483 14,250 12,605 6,735 5,041

    Other 5,296 4,608 4,180 5,568 4,344 4,272

    Current liabilities 50,769 49,711 40,942 44,315 31,795 26,888

    Long-term debt 9,992 11,316 7,092 8,030 8,961 6,427Accrued pension and severancecosts 3,338 3,619 3,929 2,547 1,553 1,531

    Deferred income taxes 3,767 2,896 2,024 2,958 2,337 1,819Future insurance policy benefitsand other 51,979 47,463 37,828 36,331 27,192 23,058

    Other 2,792 2,303 2,694 2,864 2,521 2,173

    Noncurrent liabilities 71,867 67,597 53,567 52,731 42,564 35,007

    Total liabilities 122,636 117,308 94,509 97,046 74,359 61,895Redeemable noncontrollinginterest 238

    Common stock, no par value 7,761 7,724 6,777 6,945 5,612 5,244

    Additional paid-in capital 14,266 14,177 12,409 12,683 10,236 9,550

    Retained earnings 19,268 22,664 20,595 22,683 15,393 13,465Accumulated othercomprehensive income (loss) -9,893 -8,192 -7,880 -4,092 -1,034 -1,314

    Treasury stock, at cost -57 -57 -50 -53 -33 -26Sony Corporationsstockholders equity 31,344 36,316 31,851 38,166 30,174 26,919

    Noncontrolling interests 4,780 3,914 2,707 3,049 349 312

    Total equity 36,125 40,230 34,557 41,215 30,523 27,230

    Total liabilities and equity 158,998 157,538 129,067 138,261 104,882 89,126

    Source: Sony Corp., Annual Reports

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Appendix 4

    Sony Corp., ConsolidatedStatement of Cash FlowsUSD $ in millions, translatedfrom JPY

    12 months endedMar 31,

    2011Mar 31,

    2010Mar 31,

    2009Mar 31,

    2008Mar 31,

    2007Mar 31,


    Net income (loss) -2,710 159 -1,098 4,005 1,135 1,033Depreciation and amortization,including amortization ofdeferred insurance acquisition

    costs 4,003 4,543 4,356 4,714 3,581 3,208Amortization of film costs 3,078 3,400 2,747 3,365 3,298 2,408Stock-based compensationexpense 24 27 37 45 34 1Accrual for pension andseverance costs, lesspayments -187 -120 179 -194 -204 -64Gain on the transfer to theJapanese Government of thesubstitutional portion ofemployee pension fund, net -617

    (Gain) loss on sale, disposalor impairment of assets andother, net -165 526 412 -417 52 621(Gain) loss on sale ordevaluation of securitiesinvestments, net -82 -86 34 84 -120 -48(Gain) loss on revaluation ofmarketable securities held inthe financial service businessfor trading purpose, net 135 -610 837 623 -106 -378(Gain) loss on revaluation orimpairment of securities

    investments held in thefinancial service business, net 62 -661 1,086 662 2

    Gain on initial public offeringof Sony Financial Holdings -893

    Deferred income taxes 3,782 -425 -1,647 221 -118 673Equity in net (income) lossesof affiliated companies, net ofdividends -141 443 703 -149 -610 82

    (Increase) decrease in notesand accounts receivable, trade 1,286 -653 2,344 2,045 -3,204 147(Increase) decrease in

    inventories -1,379 1,819 1,724 -1,550 -1,067 -1,384(Increase) decrease in film -3,002 -3,634 -2,841 -3,892 -2,865 -2,854

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation


    Increase (decrease) in notes

    and accounts payable, trade -223 3,208 -4,038 -2,593 3,241 -76Increase (decrease) inaccrued income and othertaxes -99 779 -1,753 1,530 -129 244Increase (decrease) in futureinsurance policy benefits andother 3,431 3,489 1,875 1,832 1,544 1,203(Increase) decrease indeferred insurance acquisitioncosts -851 -882 -738 -693 -551 -433(Increase) decrease inmarketable securities held in

    the financial service businessfor trading purpose -370 -102 -280 -631 284 -297(Increase) decrease in othercurrent assets -1,101 -397 1,442 -268 -315 -74Increase (decrease) in othercurrent liabilities 690 65 -1,130 571 655 889Changes in assets andliabilities -1,619 3,694 -3,395 -3,650 -2,406 -2,636

    Other 1,402 289 123 -72 484 -925Adjustments to reconcilenet income (loss) to netcash provided by operatingactivities 10,291 11,019 5,472 4,340 3,887 2,326Net cash provided byoperating activities 7,581 11,178 4,374 8,345 5,022 3,360Payments for purchases offixed assets -3,121 -4,139 -5,330 -5,227 -4,722 -3,886Proceeds from sales of fixedassets 231 192 1,648 1,594 782 321Payments for investments andadvances by financial servicebusiness -17,947 -19,369 -26,824 -25,151 -8,189 -11,495Payments for investments and

    advances (other than financialservice business) -188 -512 -1,916 -1,135 -897 -310Proceeds from maturities ofmarketable securities, sales ofsecurities investments andcollections of advances byfinancial service business 10,752 13,818 20,662 15,877 6,085 7,204Proceeds from maturities ofmarketable securities, sales ofsecurities investments andcollections of advances (otherthan financial service

    business) 373 665 124 572 204 206

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Proceeds from sales of sharesof Sony Financial Holdings 3,362

    Proceeds from sales ofbusinesses 1,222 270

    Other -110 -59 18 80 332 641Net cash used in investingactivities -8,789 -9,134 -11,617 -10,028 -6,404 -7,320Proceeds from issuance oflong-term debt 18 6,246 776 342 2,424 2,070

    Payments of long-term debt -2,660 -1,764 -2,841 -382 -1,633 -1,166Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings, net 75 -3,064 2,628 174 55 -93Increase in deposits fromcustomers in the financial

    service business, net 2,821 3,385 2,811 5,353 2,448 1,599Increase (decrease) in callmoney and bills sold in thebanking business, net -901 723

    Dividends paid -309 -307 -458 -276 -224 -208Proceeds from the issuance ofshares under stock-basedcompensation plans 1 4 82 50 39Proceeds from the issuance ofshares of Sony FinancialHoldings 317

    Other -71 -27 -46 -43 1 59Net cash provided byfinancing activities -124 4,469 2,873 5,568 2,219 3,024Effect of exchange ratechanges on cash and cashequivalents -847 -13 -203 -729 30 299

    Net increase (decrease) incash and cash equivalents -2,180 6,500 -4,573 3,156 867 -639

    Cash and cash equivalents atbeginning of the fiscal year 14,659 8,091 11,672 8,810 6,294 6,546

    Cash and cash equivalents

    at end of the fiscal year 12,479 14,591 7,099 11,966 7,160 5,907Source: Sony Corp., Annual


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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Appendix 5

    Sony Corp., Consolidated Statement ofComprehensive IncomeUSD $ in millions, translatedfrom JPY

    12 months endedMar 31,

    2011Mar 31,

    2010Mar 31,

    2009Mar 31,

    2008Mar 31,

    2007Mar 31,


    Net income (loss) -2,710 159 -1,098 4,005 1,135 1,033

    Cumulative effect of anaccounting change, net of tax -49 -34

    Unrealized gains (losses) onsecurities -191 597 -611 -247 -132 320Unrealized gains (losses) onderivative instruments -19 19 19 -25 9 4

    Pension liability adjustment -41 290 -806 -281 Minimum pension liabilityadjustment -25 422Foreign currency translationadjustments -1,464 80 -2,653 -2,360 773 1,180Other comprehensiveincome (loss), net of tax -1,715 986 -4,051 -2,913 625 1,926Comprehensive income

    (loss) -4,425 1,145 -5,149 1,043 1,726 2,959Comprehensive (income) lossattributable to noncontrollinginterests -431 -856 204 157 -4 5Comprehensive income(loss) attributable to SonyCorporations stockholders -4,856 289 -4,944 1,200 1,722 2,965Source: Sony Corp., AnnualReports

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Appendix 6

    Panasonic Corp., Consolidated Statement ofFinancial Position, AssetsUSD $ in millions, translatedfrom JPY

    Mar 31,2011

    Mar 31,2010

    Mar 31,2009

    Mar 31,2008

    Mar 31,2007

    Mar 31,2006

    Cash and cash equivalents 11,992 13,590 10,463 13,381 11,070 14,009

    Time deposits 860 1,127 2,034 772 2,018 92

    Short-term investments 21 522 834 477

    Net trade receivables 13,029 14,510 8,220 11,953 10,214 9,635Inventories 11,027 11,187 8,285 9,519 8,499 7,690

    Other current assets 6,023 6,189 5,299 5,699 4,952 5,120

    Current assets 42,931 46,603 34,322 41,846 37,587 37,024

    Associated companies 1,929 2,169 1,332 1,693 1,282 1,123Other investments andadvances 5,078 5,628 4,596 7,583 9,515 8,120

    Investments and advances 7,008 7,797 5,928 9,276 10,797 9,242Net property, plant andequipment 23,168 23,950 16,919 19,356 14,701 13,715

    Goodwill 11,376 11,302 4,413 4,735 3,396 3,471

    Intangible assets 6,677 7,406 1,297 1,420 1,035 875Other assets 5,075 5,282 5,915 5,354 3,176 2,591

    Other assets 23,128 23,990 11,625 11,509 7,607 6,938

    Noncurrent assets 53,303 55,737 34,472 40,141 33,105 29,895

    Total assets 96,234 102,339 68,794 81,987 70,692 66,919Source: Panasonic Corp., Annual


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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Appendix 7

    Panasonic Corp., ConsolidatedIncome StatementUSD $ in millions, translatedfrom JPY

    12 months endedMar 31,

    2011Mar 31,

    2010Mar 31,

    2009Mar 31,

    2008Mar 31,

    2007Mar 31,


    Net sales 106,934 90,829 83,428 99,889 81,534 74,730

    Cost of sales -78,597 -65,398 -60,886 -70,242 -57,241 -51,716

    Gross profit 28,337 25,431 22,542 29,647 24,293 23,013

    Selling, general andadministrative expenses -24,582 -23,099 -21,759 -23,926 -20,179 -19,533

    Dividends received 78 83 123 114 68 55

    Other income 726 586 566 776 1,025 1,238

    Goodwill impairment -273 -421

    Other deductions -2,164 -3,196 -5,627 -1,975 -1,089 -1,289Income (loss) beforeinterest and income taxes 2,396 -195 -4,155 4,637 3,845 3,065

    Interest income 143 151 252 379 274 237

    Interest expense -339 -315 -208 -224 -187 -182Income (loss) before

    income taxes 2,200 -359 -4,111 4,791 3,931 3,120Provision for income taxes -1,267 -1,737 -401 -1,262 -1,718 -1,404Equity in earnings ofassociated companies 121 6 173 -109 9 -427

    Net income (loss) 1,053 -2,090 -4,339 3,420 2,223 1,289

    Net (income) loss attributableto noncontrolling interests -142 823 267 -315 -279 8Net income (loss)attributable to PanasonicCorporation 911 -1,267 -4,071 3,105 1,944 1,297Source: Panasonic Corp., Annual


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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Appendix 8

    Panasonic Corp., Consolidated Statement of Financial Position,Liabilities and Stockholders' EquityUSD $ in millions, translatedfrom JPY

    Mar 31,2011

    Mar 31,2010

    Mar 31,2009

    Mar 31,2008

    Mar 31,2007

    Mar 31,2006

    Short-term debt, includingcurrent portion of long-termdebt 5,326 3,662 1,014 1,721 1,998 2,855

    Trade payables 12,317 13,119 7,299 10,360 8,370 8,245

    Accrued income taxes 522 479 281 649 551 430

    Accrued payroll 2,365 1,827 1,245 1,479 1,251 1,198

    Other accrued expenses 9,192 10,114 7,229 8,641 7,729 7,078Deposits and advances fromcustomers 818 784 655 865 749 761

    Employees deposits 112 123 3 4 4 118

    Other current liabilities 4,371 4,370 3,768 4,489 3,894 3,555

    Current liabilities 35,023 34,479 21,491 28,208 24,545 24,240

    Long-term debt 14,298 12,599 6,997 2,559 2,030 2,219Retirement and severancebenefits 6,064 5,336 4,344 2,626 2,515 3,481

    Other liabilities 4,604 4,870 1,446 1,707 1,606 941

    Noncurrent liabilities 24,966 22,804 12,788 6,892 6,152 6,641

    Total liabilities 59,989 57,283 34,279 35,099 30,696 30,881

    Common stock 3,183 3,168 2,780 2,850 2,316 2,174

    Capital surplus 13,534 14,810 13,083 13,414 10,930 10,370

    Legal reserve 1,159 1,142 996 993 793 735

    Retained earnings 29,547 28,768 26,637 32,471 24,501 21,642Accumulated othercomprehensive income (loss) -7,692 -5,488 -6,386 -1,915 959 -219

    Treasury stock, at cost -8,251 -8,208 -7,201 -6,593 -4,437 -2,879

    Panasonic Corporationshareholders equity 31,480 34,192 29,910 41,220 35,062 31,823

    Noncontrolling interests 4,765 10,864 4,605 5,668 4,934 4,214

    Total equity 36,245 45,057 34,514 46,888 39,995 36,038

    Total liabilities and equity 96,234 102,339 68,794 81,987 70,692 66,919Source: Panasonic Corp., Annual


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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Appendix 9

    Panasonic Corp., ConsolidatedStatement of Cash FlowsUSD $ in millions, translatedfrom JPY

    12 months endedMar 31,

    2011Mar 31,

    2010Mar 31,

    2009Mar 31,

    2008Mar 31,

    2007Mar 31,


    Net income (loss) 1,053 -2,090 -4,339 3,420 2,223 1,289

    Depreciation and amortization 4,518 3,652 3,919 3,530 2,844 2,600

    Net gain on sale of investments -139 -63 -145 -159 -359 -399

    Provision for doubtfulreceivables 54 133 113 66 29 71

    Deferred income taxes 173 1,025 -263 -150 648 594Write-down of investmentsecurities 339 85 989 351 28 297Impairment loss on long-livedassets 427 1,016 3,368 492 440 558

    Trade receivables 1,025 -1,469 2,676 -624 448 -261

    Inventories -672 1,231 226 -412 4 307

    Other current assets -2 296 325 436 574 -487

    Trade payables -158 1,025 -2,140 -458 -552 944

    Accrued income taxes 160 82 -358 63 87 33Accrued expenses and othercurrent liabilities -300 1,258 -1,694 110 -356 312Retirement and severancebenefits -472 -106 -1,152 -1,420 -972 -615Deposits and advances fromcustomers 7 -90 -228 -175 -109 -112Cash effects of changes inoperating capital, excludingacquisition -412 2,227 -2,344 -2,480 -876 120

    Other, net -241 410 -45 62 -209 -295Adjustments to reconcile net

    income (loss) to net cashprovided by operatingactivities 4,719 8,485 5,592 1,713 2,544 3,546Net cash provided byoperating activities 5,772 6,396 1,253 5,133 4,767 4,835Proceeds from sale of short-term investments 79 8 278 352Purchase of short-terminvestments -78 -40 -462

    Proceeds from disposition ofinvestments and advances 1,073 751 2,376 3,458 1,272 7,137

    Increase in investments andadvances -109 -108 -373 -1,767 -2,596 -3,242

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Capital expenditures -5,178 -4,600 -5,604 -4,612 -3,682 -2,997

    Proceeds from disposals of

    property, plant and equipment 1,878 1,443 435 1,666 1,637 1,417(Increase) decrease in timedeposits, net 234 1,216 -1,464 1,837 -2,003 1,187Purchase of shares of newlyconsolidated subsidiaries, net ofacquired companies cash andcash equivalents -2,140 -752 Proceeds from sale of shares ofsubsidiaries and dividendsreceived 363 530

    Other, net -394 -525 -414 -513 -310 -501Net cash used in investing

    activities -2,497 -3,963 -5,044 -676 -5,083 3,420Increase (decrease) in short-term debt, net -419 -41 -370 -64 -52 126

    Proceeds from long-term debt 6,214 651 4,754 15 301 258

    Repayments of long-term debt -2,484 -671 -894 -515 -1,946 -2,758

    Dividends paid to PanasonicCorporation shareholders -255 -317 -896 -763 -492 -329Dividends paid to noncontrollinginterests -155 -179 -223 -218 -146 -137

    Repurchase of common stock -5 -1 -778 -1,136 -1,371 -732

    Sale of treasury stock 0 0 6 3 3 2

    Purchase of noncontrollinginterests -7,257 -136 Proceeds from issuance ofshares by subsidiaries 439

    Other, net -2 -4 -1 -3 -125 -838

    Net cash provided by (usedin) financing activities -4,362 -698 1,598 -2,242 -3,829 -4,407

    Effect of exchange rate changeson cash and cash equivalents -575 -69 -396 -1,427 288 334Effect of changes inconsolidated subsidiaries -1,029

    Net increase (decrease) incash and cash equivalents -1,662 1,666 -2,589 -240 -3,856 4,181Cash and cash equivalents atbeginning of year 13,654 11,924 13,051 13,621 14,926 9,828Cash and cash equivalents atend of year 11,992 13,590 10,463 13,381 11,070 14,009Source: Panasonic Corp., Annual


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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation

    Appendix 10

    Panasonic Corp., Consolidated Statementof Comprehensive IncomeUSD $ in millions, translated fromJPY

    12 months endedMar 31,

    2011Mar 31,

    2010Mar 31,

    2009Mar 31,

    2008Mar 31,

    2007Mar 31,


    Net income (loss) 1,053 -2,090 -4,339 3,420 2,223 1,289

    Translation adjustments -1,326 -120 -1,406 -1,515 562 700

    Unrealized holding gains (losses)

    of available-for-sale securities -300 657 -619 -1,313 139 611Unrealized gains (losses) ofderivative instruments 12 76 -99 42 -4 -43Minimum pension liabilityadjustment -52 515

    Pension liability adjustments -789 1,306 -2,021 -536 Other comprehensive income(loss), net of tax -2,403 1,919 -4,145 -3,322 645 1,783

    Comprehensive income (loss) -1,350 -171 -8,484 98 2,868 3,072Comprehensive (income) lossattributable to noncontrollinginterests 155 694 685 -88 -279 8Comprehensive income (loss)attributable to PanasonicCorporation -1,195 523 -7,798 10 2,589 3,081Source: Panasonic Corp., AnnualReports

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    Financial Ratio Analysis of the Sony Corporation


    1. Davies, T. , 2002.Business Accounting and finance. 3rd ed. London: Financial

    Times Publishing.

    2. Holmes, G. , 2002.Interpreting Company Report and Accounts. 5th ed. Pearson:

    Pearson Higher Education.

    3. Roberts, c, 1998.International Financial Accounting. 1st ed. London: Financial

    Times Pitman Publishing.

    4. Sony Corporation. 2011. Sony Corporation Annual Report. [ONLINE] Available

    at: [Accessed 02 January 12].

    5. Panasonic Corporation. 2011. Panasonic Corporation Annual Report. [ONLINE]

    Available at: [Accessed 02 January 12].